public function Adodb($clone = false) { static $mysql; if (is_object($mysql)) { return $clone ? clone $mysql : $mysql; } $cfg = parse_url(__CFG::MYSQL); if ($mdlClass = Import::M("mysql/{$cfg['scheme']}")) { list($cfg["dbname"], $cfg["tablepre"], $cfg["charset"]) = explode("/", trim($cfg["path"], "/")); $mysql = new $mdlClass($cfg["host"], $cfg["user"], $cfg["pass"], $cfg["dbname"], $cfg["port"]); $mysql->_tablepre = $this->_tablepre = $cfg["tablepre"]; $this->db = $mysql; return $mysql; } return false; }
<?php /** * Copy Right IJH.CC * Each engineer has a duty to keep the code elegant * Author @shzhrui<*****@*****.**> * $Id: view.mdl.php 3909 2014-03-17 03:08:57Z langzhong $ */ if (!defined('__CORE_DIR')) { exit("Access Denied"); } Import::M('member/base'); class Mdl_member_View extends Mdl_member_Base { public function member($u, $l = 'uid') { $l = strtolower($l); switch ($l) { case 'uid': $field = 'uid'; break; case 'name': case 'uname': $field = 'uname'; break; case 'mail': case 'email': $field = 'mail'; break; case 'mobile': $field = 'mobile';
<?php /** * Copy Right IJH.CC * Each engineer has a duty to keep the code elegant * Author @shzhrui<*****@*****.**> * $Id: image.mdl.php 2034 2013-12-07 03:08:33Z langzhong $ */ Import::M('image/gd'); class Mdl_Image_Image extends Model { protected static $_oimg = null; public function __construct(&$system) { parent::__construct($system); self::$_oimg = new Mdl_Image_Image(); self::$_oimg->params = $system->config->get('attach'); } public function thumb() { } }
<?php /** * Copy Right IJH.CC * Each engineer has a duty to keep the code elegant * Author @shzhrui<*****@*****.**> * $Id: config.mdl.php 2034 2013-12-07 03:08:33Z langzhong $ */ Import::M('developer/base'); class Mdl_Developer_Config extends Mdl_Developer_Base { public function create_cfg($cfg) { if (empty($cfg['k'])) { $this->err->add('没有填写配置标识', 201); } else { if (K::$system->config->add($cfg['k'], $cfg['title'])) { if ($cfg['module_id']) { //ctl,act,title,visible,parent_id,orderby $ctl = array('ctl' => 'system/config', 'act' => $cfg['k'], 'visible' => 1); $ctl['parent_id'] = $cfg['module_id']; $ctl['title'] = $cfg['title']; K::M('module/handler')->create($ctl); } return true; } } return false; } public function create_tmpl($cfg, $schema) {
<?php /** * Copy Right IJH.CC * Each engineer has a duty to keep the code elegant * Author @shzhrui<*****@*****.**> * $Id: view.mdl.php 2444 2013-12-23 07:23:01Z langzhong $ */ if (!defined('__CORE_DIR')) { exit("Access Denied"); } Import::M('article/base'); class Mdl_article_View extends Mdl_article_Base { public function detail($article_id, $closed = false) { if (!($article_id = intval($article_id))) { return false; } $where = "a.article_id='{$article_id}'"; if ($closed) { $where .= " AND a.closed=0"; } $sql = "SELECT c.*,a.* FROM " . $this->table($this->_table) . " a LEFT JOIN " . $this->table('article_content') . " c ON a.article_id=c.article_id WHERE {$where} LIMIT 1"; if ($detail = $this->db->GetRow($sql)) { $cate = K::M('article/cate')->cate($detail['cat_id']); $detail['cat_title'] = $cate['title']; } return $detail; } public function up_item($article_id)
<?php /** * Copy Right IJH.CC * Each engineer has a duty to keep the code elegant * Author shzhrui<*****@*****.**> * $Id: menu.mdl.php 2034 2013-12-07 03:08:33Z langzhong $ */ if (!defined('__CORE_DIR')) { exit("Access Denied"); } Import::M('module/base'); class Mdl_Module_Menu extends Mdl_Module_Base { public function create($data, $checked = false) { if (!$checked && !($data = $this->_check($data))) { return false; } $data['orderby'] = $data['orderby'] ? $data['orderby'] : 50; $data['dateline'] = __CFG::TIME; if ($ID = $this->db->insert($this->_table, $data, true)) { $this->flush(); } return $ID; } public function update($ID, $data, $checked = false) { if (!$checked && !($data = $this->_check($data, $ID))) { return false; }
<?php /** * Copy Right IJH.CC * Each engineer has a duty to keep the code elegant * Author @shzhrui<*****@*****.**> * $Id: mdl.handler.php 2034 2013-12-07 03:08:33Z langzhong $ */ Import::M('#base#/base'); class Mdl_ { }
<?php /** * Copy Right IJH.CC * Each engineer has a duty to keep the code elegant * Author @shzhrui<*****@*****.**> * $Id: handler.mdl.php 2034 2013-12-07 03:08:33Z langzhong $ */ if (!defined('__CORE_DIR')) { exit("Access Denied"); } Import::M('order/base'); class Mdl_order_Handler extends Mdl_order_Base { public function create($data, $checked = false) { if (!$checked && !($data = $this->_check_schema($data))) { return false; } $data['clientip'] = $data['clientip'] ? $data['clientip'] : __IP; $data['dateline'] = $data['dateline'] ? $data['dateline'] : __CFG::TIME; return $this->db->insert($this->_table, $data, true); } public function update($pk, $data, $checked = false) { $this->_checkpk(); if (!$checked && !($data = $this->_check_schema($data, $pk))) { return false; } return $this->db->update($this->_table, $data, $this->field($this->_pk, $pk)); }
<?php /** * Copy Right IJH.CC * Each engineer has a duty to keep the code elegant * Author shzhrui<*****@*****.**> * $Id: msgbox.mdl.php 2034 2013-12-07 03:08:33Z langzhong $ */ if (!defined('__CORE_DIR')) { exit("Access Denied"); } Import::M('helper/error'); class Mdl_Magic_Msgbox extends Mdl_Helper_Error { public function response() { $request = K::$system->request; $objctl =& K::$system->objctl; if (!($tmpl = $objctl->tmpl)) { $tmpl = $objctl->pagedata['_OO_']; } if ($request['MINI'] == 'load') { if ($tmpl) { $objctl->output(); } else { $this->show($request['referer'], 'HTML'); } } else { if ($request['XREQ']) { if ($tmpl) { $this->_data['html'] = $objctl->output(false);
<?php /** * Copy Right IJH.CC * Each engineer has a duty to keep the code elegant * Author shzhrui<*****@*****.**> * $Id: mysql.mdl.php 3237 2014-02-11 03:36:35Z langzhong $ */ if (!defined('__CORE_DIR')) { exit("Access Denied"); } Import::M('mysql/safecheck'); class Mdl_Mysql_Mysql { public $_QSQL = array(); public $_ERR = array(); public $cfg = array(); public $_tablepre = ''; public $link = null; public function __construct($host, $user, $passwd, $dbname = null, $port = 3306, $socket = null) { $this->cfg['host'] = $host; $this->cfg['user'] = $user; $this->cfg['passwd'] = $passwd; $this->cfg['dbname'] = $dbname; $this->cfg['port'] = $port; $this->cfg['socket'] = $socket; } public function connect() { if ($this->link === null) {
<?php /** * Copy Right IJH.CC * Each engineer has a duty to keep the code elegant * Author shzhrui<*****@*****.**> * $Id: view.mdl.php 2034 2013-12-07 03:08:33Z langzhong $ */ if (!defined('__CORE_DIR')) { exit("Access Denied"); } Import::M('admin/base'); class Mdl_Admin_View extends Mdl_Admin_Base { public function admin($id = 0, $name = '') { if ($id = intval($id)) { $where = "admin_id='{$id}'"; } else { if ($name = trim($name)) { $where = "admin_name='{$name}'"; } else { return false; } } return $this->db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM " . $this->table($this->_table) . " WHERE {$where}"); } protected function _format_row($row) { if ($row['last_login']) { $row['format_last_login'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $row['last_login']);
<?php /** * Copy Right IJH.CC * Each engineer has a duty to keep the code elegant * $Id: view.mdl.php 4407 2014-04-07 09:05:17Z youyi $ */ if (!defined('__CORE_DIR')) { exit("Access Denied"); } Import::M('home/main'); class Mdl_Home_View extends Mdl_Home_Main { public function items($filter = array(), $orderby = null, $p = 1, $l = 20, &$count = 0) { if ($attrs = $filter['attrs']) { $attr_ids = join(',', $attrs); $attr_count = array_sum($attrs); $attr_sql = "SELECT home_id FROM " . $this->table('home_attr') . " WHERE attr_value_id IN({$attr_ids}) GROUP BY home_id HAVING SUM(attr_value_id)={$attr_count}"; } unset($filter['attrs']); $where = $this->where($filter); if ($attr_sql) { $where .= " AND id IN({$attr_sql})"; } $orderby = $this->order($orderby, null); $limit = $this->limit($p, $l); $items = array(); $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM " . $this->table($this->_table) . " WHERE {$where} {$orderby} {$limit}"; if ($rs = $this->db->query($sql)) { while ($row = $rs->fetch()) {