getMatchingIdentity() public method

Returns the identity's id that matches the passed addresses.
public getMatchingIdentity ( mixed $addresses, boolean $search_own = true ) : integer
$addresses mixed Either an array or a single string or a comma-separated list of email addresses.
$search_own boolean Search for a matching identity in own addresses also?
return integer The id of the first identity that from or alias addresses match (one of) the passed addresses or null if none matches.
Example #1
  * Builds and sends a MIME message.
  * @param string $body                  The message body.
  * @param array $header                 List of message headers.
  * @param IMP_Prefs_Identity $identity  The Identity object for the sender
  *                                      of this message.
  * @param array $opts                   An array of options w/the
  *                                      following keys:
  *  - encrypt: (integer) A flag whether to encrypt or sign the message.
  *            One of:
  *    - IMP_Pgp::ENCRYPT</li>
  *    - IMP_Pgp::SIGNENC</li>
  *    - IMP_Smime::ENCRYPT</li>
  *    - IMP_Smime::SIGNENC</li>
  *  - html: (boolean) Whether this is an HTML message.
  *          DEFAULT: false
  *  - pgp_attach_pubkey: (boolean) Attach the user's PGP public key to the
  *                       message?
  *  - priority: (string) The message priority ('high', 'normal', 'low').
  *  - save_sent: (boolean) Save sent mail?
  *  - sent_mail: (IMP_Mailbox) The sent-mail mailbox (UTF-8).
  *  - strip_attachments: (bool) Strip attachments from the message?
  *  - signature: (string) The message signature.
  *  - readreceipt: (boolean) Add return receipt headers?
  *  - useragent: (string) The User-Agent string to use.
  *  - vcard_attach: (string) Attach the user's vCard (value is name to
  *                  display as vcard filename).
  * @throws Horde_Exception
  * @throws IMP_Compose_Exception
  * @throws IMP_Compose_Exception_Address
  * @throws IMP_Exception
 public function buildAndSendMessage($body, $header, IMP_Prefs_Identity $identity, array $opts = array())
     global $injector, $prefs, $registry, $session;
     /* Set up defaults. */
     $opts = array_merge(array('encrypt' => IMP::ENCRYPT_NONE), $opts);
     /* Check body size of message. */
     $imp_imap = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Factory_Imap')->create();
     if (!$imp_imap->accessCompose(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_COMPOSE_BODYSIZE, strlen($body))) {
         Horde::permissionDeniedError('imp', 'max_bodysize');
         throw new IMP_Compose_Exception(sprintf(_("Your message body has exceeded the limit by body size by %d characters."), strlen($body) - $imp_imap->max_compose_bodysize));
     /* We need at least one recipient. */
     $recip = $this->recipientList($header);
     if (!count($recip['list'])) {
         if ($recip['has_input']) {
             throw new IMP_Compose_Exception(_("Invalid e-mail address."));
         throw new IMP_Compose_Exception(_("Need at least one message recipient."));
     /* Recipient checks. */
     /* Check for correct identity usage. */
     if (!$this->getMetadata('identity_check') && count($recip['list']) === 1) {
         $identity_search = $identity->getMatchingIdentity($recip['list'], false);
         if (!is_null($identity_search) && $identity->getDefault() != $identity_search) {
             $this->_setMetadata('identity_check', true);
             $e = new IMP_Compose_Exception(_("Recipient address does not match the currently selected identity."));
             $e->tied_identity = $identity_search;
             throw $e;
     /* Initalize a header object for the outgoing message. */
     $headers = $this->_prepareHeaders($header, $opts);
     /* Add a Received header for the hop from browser to server. */
     /* Add the 'User-Agent' header. */
     $headers->addHeaderOb(new Horde_Mime_Headers_UserAgent(null, empty($opts['useragent']) ? 'Internet Messaging Program (IMP) ' . $registry->getVersion() : $opts['useragent']));
     /* Add preferred reply language(s). */
     if ($lang = @unserialize($prefs->getValue('reply_lang'))) {
         $headers->addHeader('Accept-Language', implode(',', $lang));
     $message = $this->_createMimeMessage($body, array('html' => !empty($opts['html']), 'identity' => $identity, 'pgp_attach_pubkey' => !empty($opts['pgp_attach_pubkey']) && $prefs->getValue('use_pgp') && $prefs->getValue('pgp_public_key'), 'recip' => $recip['list'], 'signature' => is_null($opts['signature']) ? $identity : $opts['signature'], 'vcard_attach' => !empty($opts['vcard_attach']) && $registry->hasMethod('contacts/ownVCard') ? (strlen($opts['vcard_attach']) ? $opts['vcard_attach'] : 'vcard') . '.vcf' : null));
     /* Pass to hook to allow alteration of message details. */
     try {
         $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Hooks')->callHook('pre_sent', 'imp', array($message, $headers, $this));
         /* Re-parse headers to determine up-to-date recipient list. */
         $tmp_recip = array();
         foreach (array('to', 'cc', 'bcc') as $val) {
             if ($tmp_hdr = $headers[$val]) {
                 $tmp_recip[$val] = $tmp_hdr->getAddressList(true);
         $recip = $this->recipientList($tmp_recip);
     } catch (Horde_Exception_HookNotSet $e) {
     /* Get from address. Done after pre_sent hook since from address could
      * be changed by hook. */
     $from = $headers['from']->getAddressList(true)->first();
     if (is_null($from->host)) {
         $from->host = $imp_imap->config->maildomain;
     /* Add Reply-To header. Done after pre_sent hook since from address
      * could be change by hook and/or Reply-To was set by hook. */
     if (!empty($header['replyto']) && $header['replyto'] != $from->bare_address && !isset($headers['reply-to'])) {
         $headers->addHeader('Reply-To', $header['replyto']);
     $message = $this->_encryptMessage($message, $opts['encrypt'], $recip['list'], $from);
     /* Send the messages out now. */
     try {
         $this->sendMessage($recip['list'], $headers, $message);
         /* Store history information. Even if history is inactive, this
          * will provide Message ID of message. */
         $msgid = $this->_logSentmail($headers, $recip['list'], true);
     } catch (IMP_Compose_Exception_Address $e) {
         throw $e;
     } catch (IMP_Compose_Exception $e) {
         /* Unsuccessful send. */
         if ($e->log()) {
             $this->_logSentmail($headers, $recip['list'], false);
         throw new IMP_Compose_Exception(sprintf(_("There was an error sending your message: %s"), $e->getMessage()));
     if ($this->_replytype) {
         /* Log the reply. */
         if ($indices = $this->getMetadata('indices')) {
             $log_data = array('msgid' => $msgid);
             switch ($this->_replytype) {
                 case self::FORWARD:
                 case self::FORWARD_ATTACH:
                 case self::FORWARD_BODY:
                 case self::FORWARD_BOTH:
                     $ob = 'IMP_Maillog_Log_Forward';
                     $log_data['recipients'] = strval($recip['list']);
                 case self::REPLY:
                 case self::REPLY_SENDER:
                     $ob = 'IMP_Maillog_Log_Reply';
                 case IMP_Compose::REPLY_ALL:
                     $ob = 'IMP_Maillog_Log_Replyall';
                 case IMP_Compose::REPLY_LIST:
                     $ob = 'IMP_Maillog_Log_Replylist';
             $log = new $ob($log_data);
             $log_msgs = array();
             foreach ($indices as $val) {
                 foreach ($val->uids as $val2) {
                     $log_msgs[] = new IMP_Maillog_Message(new IMP_Indices($val->mbox, $val2));
             $injector->getInstance('IMP_Maillog')->log($log_msgs, $log);
         $reply_uid = new IMP_Indices($this);
         switch ($this->replyType(true)) {
             case self::FORWARD:
                 /* Set the Forwarded flag, if possible, in the mailbox.
                  * See RFC 5550 [5.9] */
             case self::REPLY:
                 /* Make sure to set the IMAP reply flag and unset any
                  * 'flagged' flag. */
                 $reply_uid->flag(array(Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_ANSWERED), array(Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_FLAGGED));
     Horde::log(sprintf("Message sent to %s from %s (%s)", strval($recip['list']), $registry->getAuth(), $session->get('horde', 'auth/remoteAddr')), 'INFO');
     /* Save message to the sent mail mailbox. */
     $this->_saveToSentMail($headers, $message, $recip['list'], $opts);
     /* Delete the attachment data. */
     /* Save recipients to address book? */
     /* Call post-sent hook. */
     try {
         $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Hooks')->callHook('post_sent', 'imp', array($message, $headers));
     } catch (Horde_Exception_HookNotSet $e) {
Example #2
  * Builds and sends a MIME message.
  * @param string $body                  The message body.
  * @param array $header                 List of message headers.
  * @param IMP_Prefs_Identity $identity  The Identity object for the sender
  *                                      of this message.
  * @param array $opts                   An array of options w/the
  *                                      following keys:
  *  - encrypt: (integer) A flag whether to encrypt or sign the message.
  *            One of:
  *    - IMP_Crypt_Pgp::ENCRYPT</li>
  *    - IMP_Crypt_Pgp::SIGNENC</li>
  *    - IMP_Crypt_Smime::ENCRYPT</li>
  *    - IMP_Crypt_Smime::SIGNENC</li>
  *  - html: (boolean) Whether this is an HTML message.
  *          DEFAULT: false
  *  - pgp_attach_pubkey: (boolean) Attach the user's PGP public key to the
  *                       message?
  *  - priority: (string) The message priority ('high', 'normal', 'low').
  *  - save_sent: (boolean) Save sent mail?
  *  - sent_mail: (IMP_Mailbox) The sent-mail mailbox (UTF-8).
  *  - strip_attachments: (bool) Strip attachments from the message?
  *  - signature: (string) The message signature.
  *  - readreceipt: (boolean) Add return receipt headers?
  *  - useragent: (string) The User-Agent string to use.
  *  - vcard_attach: (string) Attach the user's vCard (value is name to
  *                  display as vcard filename).
  * @throws Horde_Exception
  * @throws IMP_Compose_Exception
  * @throws IMP_Compose_Exception_Address
  * @throws IMP_Exception
 public function buildAndSendMessage($body, $header, IMP_Prefs_Identity $identity, array $opts = array())
     global $conf, $injector, $notification, $prefs, $registry, $session;
     /* We need at least one recipient & RFC 2822 requires that no 8-bit
      * characters can be in the address fields. */
     $recip = $this->recipientList($header);
     if (!count($recip['list'])) {
         if ($recip['has_input']) {
             throw new IMP_Compose_Exception(_("Invalid e-mail address."));
         throw new IMP_Compose_Exception(_("Need at least one message recipient."));
     $header = array_merge($header, $recip['header']);
     /* Check for correct identity usage. */
     if (!$this->getMetadata('identity_check') && count($recip['list']) === 1) {
         $identity_search = $identity->getMatchingIdentity($recip['list'], false);
         if (!is_null($identity_search) && $identity->getDefault() != $identity_search) {
             $this->_setMetadata('identity_check', true);
             $e = new IMP_Compose_Exception(_("Recipient address does not match the currently selected identity."));
             $e->tied_identity = $identity_search;
             throw $e;
     /* Check body size of message. */
     $imp_imap = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Factory_Imap')->create();
     if (!$imp_imap->accessCompose(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_COMPOSE_BODYSIZE, strlen($body))) {
         Horde::permissionDeniedError('imp', 'max_bodysize');
         throw new IMP_Compose_Exception(sprintf(_("Your message body has exceeded the limit by body size by %d characters."), strlen($body) - $imp_imap->max_compose_bodysize));
     $from = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Address($header['from']);
     if (is_null($from->host)) {
         $from->host = $imp_imap->config->maildomain;
     /* Prepare the array of messages to send out.  May be more
      * than one if we are encrypting for multiple recipients or
      * are storing an encrypted message locally. */
     $encrypt = empty($opts['encrypt']) ? 0 : $opts['encrypt'];
     $send_msgs = array();
     $msg_options = array('encrypt' => $encrypt, 'html' => !empty($opts['html']), 'identity' => $identity, 'pgp_attach_pubkey' => !empty($opts['pgp_attach_pubkey']) && $prefs->getValue('use_pgp') && $prefs->getValue('pgp_public_key'), 'signature' => is_null($opts['signature']) ? $identity : $opts['signature'], 'vcard_attach' => !empty($opts['vcard_attach']) && $registry->hasMethod('contacts/ownVCard') ? (strlen($opts['vcard_attach']) ? $opts['vcard_attach'] : 'vcard') . '.vcf' : null);
     /* Must encrypt & send the message one recipient at a time. */
     if ($prefs->getValue('use_smime') && in_array($encrypt, array(IMP_Crypt_Smime::ENCRYPT, IMP_Crypt_Smime::SIGNENC))) {
         foreach ($recip['list'] as $val) {
             $list_ob = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List($val);
             $send_msgs[] = array('base' => $this->_createMimeMessage($list_ob, $body, $msg_options), 'recipients' => $list_ob);
         /* Must target the encryption for the sender before saving message
          * in sent-mail. */
         $save_msg = $this->_createMimeMessage(IMP::parseAddressList($header['from']), $body, $msg_options);
     } else {
         /* Can send in clear-text all at once, or PGP can encrypt
          * multiple addresses in the same message. */
         $msg_options['from'] = $from;
         $save_msg = $this->_createMimeMessage($recip['list'], $body, $msg_options);
         $send_msgs[] = array('base' => $save_msg, 'recipients' => $recip['list']);
     /* Initalize a header object for the outgoing message. */
     $headers = $this->_prepareHeaders($header, $opts);
     /* Add a Received header for the hop from browser to server. */
     $headers->addReceivedHeader(array('dns' => $injector->getInstance('Net_DNS2_Resolver'), 'server' => $conf['server']['name']));
     /* Add Reply-To header. */
     if (!empty($header['replyto']) && $header['replyto'] != $from->bare_address) {
         $headers->addHeader('Reply-to', $header['replyto']);
     /* Add the 'User-Agent' header. */
     if (empty($opts['useragent'])) {
         $headers->setUserAgent('Internet Messaging Program (IMP) ' . $registry->getVersion());
     } else {
     /* Add preferred reply language(s). */
     if ($lang = @unserialize($prefs->getValue('reply_lang'))) {
         $headers->addHeader('Accept-Language', implode(',', $lang));
     /* Send the messages out now. */
     $sentmail = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Sentmail');
     foreach ($send_msgs as $val) {
         switch (intval($this->replyType(true))) {
             case self::REPLY:
                 $senttype = IMP_Sentmail::REPLY;
             case self::FORWARD:
                 $senttype = IMP_Sentmail::FORWARD;
             case self::REDIRECT:
                 $senttype = IMP_Sentmail::REDIRECT;
                 $senttype = IMP_Sentmail::NEWMSG;
         try {
             $this->_prepSendMessageAssert($val['recipients'], $headers, $val['base']);
             $this->sendMessage($val['recipients'], $headers, $val['base']);
             /* Store history information. */
             $msg_id = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Identification($headers->getValue('message-id'));
             $sentmail->log($senttype, reset($msg_id->ids), $val['recipients'], true);
         } catch (IMP_Compose_Exception_Address $e) {
             throw $e;
         } catch (IMP_Compose_Exception $e) {
             /* Unsuccessful send. */
             if ($e->log()) {
                 $msg_id = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Identification($headers->getValue('message-id'));
                 $sentmail->log($senttype, reset($msg_id->ids), $val['recipients'], false);
             throw new IMP_Compose_Exception(sprintf(_("There was an error sending your message: %s"), $e->getMessage()));
     $recipients = strval($recip['list']);
     if ($this->_replytype) {
         /* Log the reply. */
         if ($indices = $this->getMetadata('indices')) {
             switch ($this->_replytype) {
                 case self::FORWARD:
                 case self::FORWARD_ATTACH:
                 case self::FORWARD_BODY:
                 case self::FORWARD_BOTH:
                     $log = new IMP_Maillog_Log_Forward($recipients);
                 case self::REPLY:
                 case self::REPLY_SENDER:
                     $log = new IMP_Maillog_Log_Reply();
                 case IMP_Compose::REPLY_ALL:
                     $log = new IMP_Maillog_Log_Replyall();
                 case IMP_Compose::REPLY_LIST:
                     $log = new IMP_Maillog_Log_Replylist();
             $log_msgs = array();
             foreach ($indices as $val) {
                 foreach ($val->uids as $val2) {
                     $log_msgs[] = new IMP_Maillog_Message(new IMP_Indices($val->mbox, $val2));
             $injector->getInstance('IMP_Maillog')->log($log_msgs, $log);
         $imp_message = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Message');
         $reply_uid = new IMP_Indices($this);
         switch ($this->replyType(true)) {
             case self::FORWARD:
                 /* Set the Forwarded flag, if possible, in the mailbox.
                  * See RFC 5550 [5.9] */
                 $imp_message->flag(array('add' => array(Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_FORWARDED)), $reply_uid);
             case self::REPLY:
                 /* Make sure to set the IMAP reply flag and unset any
                  * 'flagged' flag. */
                 $imp_message->flag(array('add' => array(Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_ANSWERED), 'remove' => array(Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_FLAGGED)), $reply_uid);
     Horde::log(sprintf("Message sent to %s from %s (%s)", $recipients, $registry->getAuth(), $session->get('horde', 'auth/remoteAddr')), 'INFO');
     /* Should we save this message in the sent mail mailbox? */
     if (!empty($opts['sent_mail']) && (!$prefs->isLocked('save_sent_mail') && !empty($opts['save_sent']) || $prefs->isLocked('save_sent_mail') && $prefs->getValue('save_sent_mail'))) {
         /* Keep Bcc: headers on saved messages. */
         if (count($header['bcc'])) {
             $headers->addHeader('Bcc', $header['bcc']);
         /* Strip attachments if requested. */
         if (!empty($opts['strip_attachments'])) {
             /* Don't strip any part if this is a text message with both
              * plaintext and HTML representation. */
             if ($save_msg->getType() != 'multipart/alternative') {
                 for ($i = 2;; ++$i) {
                     if (!($oldPart = $save_msg->getPart($i))) {
                     $replace_part = new Horde_Mime_Part();
                     $replace_part->setContents('[' . _("Attachment stripped: Original attachment type") . ': "' . $oldPart->getType() . '", ' . _("name") . ': "' . $oldPart->getName(true) . '"]');
                     $save_msg->alterPart($i, $replace_part);
         /* Generate the message string. */
         $fcc = $save_msg->toString(array('defserver' => $imp_imap->config->maildomain, 'headers' => $headers, 'stream' => true));
         /* Make sure sent mailbox is created. */
         $sent_mail = IMP_Mailbox::get($opts['sent_mail']);
         $flags = array(Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_SEEN, Horde_Imap_Client::FLAG_MDNSENT);
         try {
             $imp_imap->append($sent_mail, array(array('data' => $fcc, 'flags' => $flags)));
         } catch (IMP_Imap_Exception $e) {
             $notification->push(sprintf(_("Message sent successfully, but not saved to %s."), $sent_mail->display));
     /* Delete the attachment data. */
     /* Save recipients to address book? */
     /* Call post-sent hook. */
     try {
         $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Hooks')->callHook('post_sent', 'imp', array($save_msg['msg'], $headers));
     } catch (Horde_Exception_HookNotSet $e) {