function free_result() { if (is_resource($this->result_id) || get_resource_type($this->result_id) == "Unknown" && preg_match('/Resource id #/', strval($this->result_id))) { cubrid_close_request($this->result_id); $this->result_id = FALSE; } }
function check_table_existence($conn_handle, $table_name) { $sql_stmt = "SELECT class_name FROM db_class WHERE class_name = ?"; $cubrid_req = cubrid_prepare($conn_handle, $sql_stmt); if (!$cubrid_req) { return -1; } $cubrid_retval = cubrid_bind($cubrid_req, 1, $table_name); if (!$cubrid_req) { cubrid_close_request($cubrid_req); return -1; } $cubrid_retval = cubrid_execute($cubrid_req); if (!$cubrid_retval) { cubrid_close_request($cubrid_req); return -1; } $row_num = cubrid_num_rows($cubrid_req); if ($row_num < 0) { cubrid_close_request($cubrid_req); return -1; } cubrid_close_request($cubrid_req); if ($row_num > 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php $sql = "insert into foo1 values(1,1)"; for ($i = 0; $i < 1; $i++) { $con = @cubrid_connect("test-db-server", 33113, "testdb", "dba", ""); if ($con) { $req = cubrid_query($sql, $con); if ($req) { echo "cubrid_query error"; } while ($row = cubrid_fetch($req)) { echo "to: \$ row [0], b: \$ row [1] \\ n"; } if ($req) { cubrid_close_request($req); } cubrid_disconnect($con); } else { echo "failed cubrid_connect . \\ n "; sleep(1); } }
public static function free($handle = null) { cubrid_close_request($handle); }
/** * Free the result. * * @return null */ public function free_result() { if (is_resource($this->result_id) || get_resource_type($this->result_id) == 'Unknown' && preg_match('/Resource id #/', strval($this->result_id))) { cubrid_close_request($this->result_id); $this->result_id = false; } }
/** * Check column exist status of the table * @param string $table_name table name * @param string $column_name column name * @return boolean */ function isColumnExists($table_name, $column_name) { $query = sprintf("select \"attr_name\" from \"db_attribute\" where " . "\"attr_name\" ='%s' and \"class_name\" = '%s%s'", $column_name, $this->prefix, $table_name); $result = $this->_query($query); if (cubrid_num_rows($result) > 0) { $output = TRUE; } else { $output = FALSE; } if ($result) { cubrid_close_request($result); } return $output; }
<?php include_once ""; header('Content-type: text/html; charset=euc-kr'); //var_dump($connect_url); $conn = cubrid_connect_with_url($connect_url); $sql = "SELECT a from foo"; $result = cubrid_execute($conn, $sql); $pResult = cubrid_fetch($result); echo $pResult[0]; echo "<br/>"; cubrid_close_request($result); cubrid_rollback($conn); cubrid_disconnect($conn);
/** * Get multiple records * * @param string $query The sql query * @param string $type return data type option. the default is "object" */ public function results($query, $returnType = false) { $return = false; if ($returnType) { $this->returnType = $returnType; } if (is_null($query)) { $query = $this->command(); } $result = $this->query($query); if ($this->returnType == 'object') { while ($row = cubrid_fetch_object($result, $this->instantiateClass)) { $return[] = $row; } cubrid_close_request($result); return $return; } if ($this->returnType == 'iterator') { return $result; } if ($this->returnType == 'array') { while ($row = cubrid_fetch_assoc($result)) { $return[] = $row; } cubrid_close_request($result); return $return; } return $return; }
protected function tearDown() { if ($this->error_flag) { echo "Req:" . $this->req; echo "Error Code: ", cubrid_error_code(); echo "Error Facility: ", cubrid_error_code_facility(); echo "Error Message: ", cubrid_error_msg(); } if ($this->req) { cubrid_close_request($this->req); } if ($this->con) { cubrid_disconnect($this->con); } if (VERBOSE_OUTPUT == true) { echo "\r\nCleanup completed."; } }
/** * Get multiple records * * @param string $query The sql query * @param string $type return data type option. the default is "object" */ public function results($query, $type = 'object') { if (is_null($query)) { $query = $this->command(); } $result = $this->query($query); while ($row = cubrid_fetch_object($result, $this->instantiateClass)) { if ($type == 'array') { $return[] = (array) $row; } else { $return[] = $row; } } cubrid_close_request($result); if (!isset($return)) { return false; } return $return; }
function sql_free_result($result) { $fresult = cubrid_free_result($result); if ($fresult === false) { output_error("SQL Error: " . sql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } $fresult = cubrid_close_request($result); if ($fresult === false) { output_error("SQL Error: " . sql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } if ($fresult === true) { return true; } }
/** * @brief 특정 테이블의 column의 정보를 return **/ function isColumnExists($table_name, $column_name) { $query = sprintf("select * from db_attribute where attr_name ='%s' and class_name = '%s%s'", $column_name, $this->prefix, $table_name); $result = $this->_query($query); if (cubrid_num_rows($result) > 0) { $output = true; } else { $output = false; } if ($result) { cubrid_close_request($result); } return $output; }