stripAccessKey() public static method

For multibyte charset strings the access key gets removed completely, otherwise only the underscore gets removed.
public static stripAccessKey ( string $label ) : string
$label string The label containing an access key.
return string The label with the access key being stripped.
Example #1
 public function perms()
     $permissions = array('max_blocks' => array('title' => _("Maximum Number of Portal Blocks"), 'type' => 'int'), 'administration' => array('title' => _("Administration")));
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['conf']['activesync']['enabled'])) {
     try {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['registry']->callByPackage('horde', 'admin_list') as $perm_key => $perm_details) {
             $permissions['administration:' . $perm_key] = array('title' => Horde::stripAccessKey($perm_details['name']));
     } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
         /*what to do if this fails?*/
     return $permissions;
Example #2
  * Generates the topbar tree object.
  * @return Horde_Tree_Renderer_Base  The topbar tree object.
 public function getTree()
     if ($this->_generated) {
         return $this->_tree;
     global $injector, $prefs, $registry;
     $current = $registry->getApp();
     $isAdmin = $registry->isAdmin();
     $menu = array();
     foreach ($registry->listApps(array('active', 'admin', 'noadmin', 'heading', 'link', 'notoolbar', 'topbar'), true, null) as $app => $params) {
         /* Check if the current user has permisson to see this application,
          * and if the application is active. Headings are visible to
          * everyone (but get filtered out later if they have no
          * children). Administrators always see all applications except
          * those marked 'inactive'. */
         if ($app != 'horde' && (in_array($params['status'], array('heading', 'link')) || in_array($params['status'], array('active', 'admin', 'noadmin', 'topbar')) && !($isAdmin && $params['status'] == 'noadmin') && $registry->hasPermission(!empty($params['app']) ? $params['app'] : $app, Horde_Perms::SHOW))) {
             $menu[$app] = $params;
     do {
         $children = array();
         foreach ($menu as $params) {
             if (isset($params['menu_parent'])) {
                 $children[$params['menu_parent']] = true;
         $found = false;
         foreach (array_keys($menu) as $key) {
             if ($menu[$key]['status'] == 'heading' && empty($children[$key])) {
                 $found = true;
     } while ($found);
     /* Add the administration menu if the user is an admin or has any
      * admin permissions. */
     $perms = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Perms');
     $admin_item_count = 0;
     try {
         foreach ($registry->callByPackage('horde', 'admin_list') as $method => $val) {
             if ($isAdmin || $perms->hasPermission('horde:administration:' . $method, $registry->getAuth(), Horde_Perms::SHOW)) {
                 $menu['administration_' . $method] = array('icon' => $val['icon'], 'menu_parent' => 'administration', 'name' => Horde::stripAccessKey($val['name']), 'status' => 'active', 'url' => Horde::url($registry->applicationWebPath($val['link'], 'horde')));
     } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
     if ($admin_item_count) {
         $menu['administration'] = array('name' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Administration"), 'status' => 'heading', 'menu_parent' => 'settings');
     $menu['settings'] = array('class' => 'horde-settings horde-icon-settings', 'name' => '', 'noarrow' => true, 'status' => 'active');
     /* Add preferences. */
     if ($registry->showService('prefs') && !$prefs instanceof Horde_Prefs_Session) {
         $menu['prefs'] = array('icon' => Horde_Themes::img('prefs.png'), 'menu_parent' => 'settings', 'name' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Preferences"), 'status' => 'active', 'url' => $registry->getServiceLink('prefs', $current));
         /* Get a list of configurable applications. */
         $prefs_apps = $registry->listApps(array('active', 'admin'), true, Horde_Perms::READ);
         if (!empty($prefs_apps['horde'])) {
             $menu['prefs_' . 'horde'] = array('icon' => $registry->get('icon', 'horde'), 'menu_parent' => 'prefs', 'name' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Global Preferences"), 'status' => 'active', 'url' => $registry->getServiceLink('prefs', 'horde'));
         uasort($prefs_apps, array($this, '_sortByName'));
         foreach ($prefs_apps as $app => $params) {
             $menu['prefs_' . $app] = array('icon' => $registry->get('icon', $app), 'menu_parent' => 'prefs', 'name' => $params['name'], 'status' => 'active', 'url' => $registry->getServiceLink('prefs', $app));
     /* Add notification log. */
     $menu['growlerlog'] = array('icon' => 'info.png', 'menu_parent' => 'settings', 'name' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Toggle Alerts Log"), 'status' => 'active', 'url' => 'javascript:void(HordeCore.Growler.toggleLog());');
     /* Add problem link. */
     if ($registry->showService('problem') && ($problem_link = $registry->getServiceLink('problem', $current))) {
         $menu['problem_' . $current] = array('icon' => 'problem.png', 'menu_parent' => 'settings', 'name' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Problem"), 'status' => 'active', 'url' => $problem_link);
     /* Add help link. */
     if ($registry->showService('help') && ($help_link = $registry->getServiceLink('help', $current))) {
         $menu['help_' . $current] = array('icon' => 'help_index.png', 'menu_parent' => 'settings', 'name' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Help"), 'onclick' => Horde::popupJs($help_link, array('urlencode' => true)) . 'return false;', 'status' => 'active', 'target' => 'help', 'url' => $help_link);
     foreach ($menu as $app => $params) {
         switch ($params['status']) {
             case 'topbar':
                 try {
                     $registry->callAppMethod($params['app'], 'topbarCreate', array('args' => array($this->_tree, empty($params['menu_parent']) ? null : $params['menu_parent'], isset($params['topbar_params']) ? $params['topbar_params'] : array())));
                 } catch (Horde_Exception_PushApp $e) {
                     // Ignore
                 } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
                     Horde::log($e, 'ERR');
                 /* Need to run the name through Horde's gettext since the
                  * user's locale may not have been loaded when registry.php was
                  * parsed, and the translations of the application names are
                  * not in the Core package. */
                 $name = strlen($params['name']) ? _($params['name']) : '';
                 /* Headings have no webroot; they're just containers for other
                  * menu items. */
                 if (isset($params['url'])) {
                     $url = $params['url'];
                 } elseif ($params['status'] == 'heading' || !isset($params['webroot'])) {
                     $url = '';
                 } else {
                     $url = Horde::url($registry->getInitialPage($app), false, array('app' => $app));
                 $this->_tree->addNode(array('id' => $app, 'parent' => empty($params['menu_parent']) ? null : $params['menu_parent'], 'label' => $name, 'expanded' => false, 'params' => array('icon' => strval(isset($params['icon']) ? $params['icon'] : $registry->get('icon', $app)), 'class' => isset($params['class']) ? $params['class'] : ($app == $current ? 'horde-point-center-active' : 'horde-point-center'), 'noarrow' => !empty($params['noarrow']), 'onclick' => isset($params['onclick']) ? $params['onclick'] : null, 'target' => isset($params['target']) ? $params['target'] : null, 'url' => $url, 'active' => $app == $current)));
     $this->_generated = true;
     return $this->_tree;
Example #3
 protected function _init()
     global $injector, $notification, $page_output, $prefs, $registry, $session;
     $mailbox = $this->indices->mailbox;
     /* Call the mailbox redirection hook, if requested. */
     try {
         $redirect = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Hooks')->callHook('mbox_redirect', 'imp', array($mailbox));
         if (!empty($redirect)) {
             Horde::url($redirect, true)->redirect();
     } catch (Horde_Exception_HookNotSet $e) {
     $mailbox_url = Horde::url('basic.php')->add('page', 'mailbox');
     $mailbox_imp_url = $mailbox->url('mailbox')->add('newmail', 1);
     $imp_flags = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Flags');
     $imp_imap = $mailbox->imp_imap;
     $imp_search = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Search');
     /* Run through the action handlers */
     if (($actionID = $this->vars->actionID) && $actionID != 'message_missing') {
         try {
         } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
             $actionID = null;
     /* We know we are going to be exclusively dealing with this mailbox,
      * so select it on the IMAP server (saves some STATUS calls). Open
      * R/W to clear the RECENT flag. This call will catch invalid
      * mailboxes. */
     $imp_imap->openMailbox($mailbox, Horde_Imap_Client::OPEN_READWRITE);
     $imp_mailbox = $mailbox->list_ob;
     /* Determine if mailbox is readonly. */
     $readonly = $mailbox->readonly;
     switch ($actionID) {
         case 'change_sort':
             $mailbox->setSort($this->vars->sortby, $this->vars->sortdir);
         case 'blacklist':
         case 'whitelist':
         case 'spam_report':
         case 'innocent_report':
         case 'message_missing':
             $notification->push(_("Requested message not found."), 'horde.error');
         case 'fwd_digest':
         case 'redirect_messages':
         case 'template_edit':
             if (count($this->indices)) {
                 $compose_actions = array('fwd_digest' => 'fwd_digest', 'redirect_messages' => 'redirect_compose', 'template_edit' => 'template_edit');
                 $clink = new IMP_Compose_Link($this->vars);
                 $options = array_merge(array('actionID' => $compose_actions[$actionID], 'muid' => strval($this->indices)), $clink->args);
                 if ($prefs->getValue('compose_popup')) {
                     $page_output->addInlineScript(array(Horde::popupJs(IMP_Basic_Compose::url(), array('novoid' => true, 'params' => array_merge(array('popup' => 1), $options)))), true);
                 } else {
         case 'delete_messages':
             $injector->getInstance('IMP_Message')->delete($this->indices, array('mailboxob' => $imp_mailbox));
         case 'undelete_messages':
         case 'move_messages':
         case 'copy_messages':
             if (isset($this->vars->targetMbox) && count($this->indices) && (!$readonly || $actionID == 'copy_messages')) {
                 $targetMbox = IMP_Mailbox::formFrom($this->vars->targetMbox);
                 if (!empty($this->vars->newMbox) && $this->vars->newMbox == 1) {
                     $targetMbox = IMP_Mailbox::get($this->vars->targetMbox)->namespace_append;
                     $newMbox = true;
                 } else {
                     $targetMbox = IMP_Mailbox::formFrom($this->vars->targetMbox);
                     $newMbox = false;
                 $injector->getInstance('IMP_Message')->copy($targetMbox, $actionID == 'move_messages' ? 'move' : 'copy', $this->indices, array('create' => $newMbox, 'mailboxob' => $imp_mailbox));
         case 'flag_messages':
             if (!$readonly && $this->vars->flag && count($this->indices)) {
                 $flag = $imp_flags->parseFormId($this->vars->flag);
                 $injector->getInstance('IMP_Message')->flag(array($flag['set'] ? 'add' : 'remove' => array($flag['flag'])), $this->indices);
         case 'filter_messages':
             if (!$readonly) {
                 $filter = IMP_Mailbox::formFrom($this->vars->filter);
                 $q_ob = null;
                 if (strpos($filter, self::FLAG_FILTER_PREFIX) === 0) {
                     /* Flag filtering. */
                     $flag_filter = $imp_flags->parseFormId(substr($filter, strpos($filter, "") + 1));
                     try {
                         $q_ob = $imp_search->createQuery(array(new IMP_Search_Element_Flag($flag_filter['flag'], $flag_filter['set'])), array('mboxes' => array($mailbox), 'type' => IMP_Search::CREATE_QUERY));
                     } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                 } else {
                     /* Pre-defined filters. */
                     try {
                         $q_ob = $imp_search->applyFilter($filter, array($mailbox));
                     } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                 if ($q_ob) {
         case 'hide_deleted':
         case 'expunge_mailbox':
             $injector->getInstance('IMP_Message')->expungeMailbox(array(strval($mailbox) => 1), array('mailboxob' => $imp_mailbox));
         case 'filter':
         case 'empty_mailbox':
         case 'view_messages':
             $mailbox->url(IMP_Basic_Thread::url(), null, false)->add(array('mode' => 'msgview', 'muid' => strval($this->indices)))->redirect();
     /* Token to use in requests. */
     $token = $session->getToken();
     $search_mbox = $mailbox->search;
     /* Deal with filter options. */
     if (!$readonly && IMP_Filter::canApplyFilters() && !$mailbox->filterOnDisplay() && ($mailbox->inbox || $prefs->getValue('filter_any_mailbox') && !$search_mbox)) {
         $filter_url = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'filter', 'token' => $token));
     /* Generate folder options list. */
     if ($imp_imap->access(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_FOLDERS)) {
         $iterator = new IMP_Ftree_IteratorFilter($injector->getInstance('IMP_Ftree'));
         $folder_options = new IMP_Ftree_Select(array('heading' => _("Messages to"), 'inc_notepads' => true, 'inc_tasklists' => true, 'iterator' => $iterator, 'new_mbox' => true));
     /* Build the list of messages in the mailbox. */
     $pageOb = $imp_mailbox->buildMailboxPage($this->vars->mpage, $this->vars->start);
     $show_preview = $prefs->getValue('preview_enabled');
     $mbox_info = $imp_mailbox->getMailboxArray(range($pageOb['begin'], $pageOb['end']), array('headers' => true, 'preview' => (int) $show_preview, 'type' => $prefs->getValue('atc_flag')));
     /* Determine sorting preferences. */
     $sortpref = $mailbox->getSort();
     $thread_sort = $sortpref->sortby == Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_THREAD;
     /* Determine if we are going to show the Hide/Purge Deleted Message
      * links. */
     if (!($use_trash = $prefs->getValue('use_trash')) && !$mailbox->vinbox) {
         $showdelete = array('hide' => true, 'purge' => $mailbox->access_expunge);
     } else {
         $showdelete = array('hide' => false, 'purge' => false);
     if ($showdelete['hide'] && !$prefs->isLocked('delhide')) {
         if ($prefs->getValue('delhide')) {
             $deleted_prompt = _("Show Deleted");
         } else {
             $deleted_prompt = _("Hide Deleted");
     /* Generate paging links. */
     if ($pageOb['pagecount']) {
         if ($pageOb['page'] == 1) {
             $url_first = $url_prev = null;
             $pages_first = 'navfirstgreyImg';
             $pages_prev = 'navleftgreyImg';
         } else {
             $url_first = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add('mpage', 1);
             $pages_first = 'navfirstImg';
             $url_prev = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add('mpage', $pageOb['page'] - 1);
             $pages_prev = 'navleftImg';
         if ($pageOb['page'] == $pageOb['pagecount']) {
             $url_last = $url_next = null;
             $pages_last = 'navlastgreyImg';
             $pages_next = 'navrightgreyImg';
         } else {
             $url_next = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add('mpage', $pageOb['page'] + 1);
             $pages_next = 'navrightImg';
             $url_last = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add('mpage', $pageOb['pagecount']);
             $pages_last = 'navlastImg';
     /* Generate RSS link. */
     if ($mailbox->inbox) {
         $rss_box = '';
     } else {
         $ns_info = $mailbox->namespace_info;
         if (is_null($ns_info)) {
             $rss_box = null;
         } else {
             $rss_box = str_replace(rawurlencode($ns_info->delimiter), '/', rawurlencode($ns_info->delimiter . ($ns_info->type == $ns_info::NS_PERSONAL ? $ns_info->stripNamespace($mailbox) : $mailbox)));
     if (!is_null($rss_box)) {
         $page_output->addLinkTag(array('href' => Horde::url('rss.php', true, -1) . $rss_box));
     /* If user wants the mailbox to be refreshed, set time here. */
     $refresh_url = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add('mpage', $pageOb['page']);
     if (isset($filter_url)) {
         $filter_url->add('mpage', $pageOb['page']);
     /* Determine if we are showing previews. */
     $preview_tooltip = $show_preview ? $prefs->getValue('preview_show_tooltip') : false;
     if (!$preview_tooltip) {
         $strip_preview = $prefs->getValue('preview_strip_nl');
     $unread = $imp_mailbox->unseenMessages(Horde_Imap_Client::SEARCH_RESULTS_COUNT);
     $page_output->addInlineJsVars(array('ImpMailbox.pop3' => intval(!$mailbox->is_imap), 'ImpMailbox.text' => array('delete_messages' => _("Are you sure you wish to PERMANENTLY delete these messages?"), 'delete_all' => _("Are you sure you wish to delete all mail in this mailbox?"), 'delete_vfolder' => _("Are you sure you want to delete this Virtual Folder Definition?"), 'innocent_report' => _("Are you sure you wish to report this message as innocent?"), 'moveconfirm' => _("Are you sure you want to move the message(s)? (Some message information might get lost, like message headers, text formatting or attachments!)"), 'newmbox' => _("You are copying/moving to a new mailbox.") . "\n" . _("Please enter a name for the new mailbox:") . "\n", 'no' => _("No"), 'selectone' => _("You must select at least one message first."), 'selectonlyone' => _("You must select only one message for this action."), 'spam_report' => _("Are you sure you wish to report this message as spam?"), 'submit' => _("You must select at least one message first."), 'target_mbox' => _("You must select a target mailbox first.")), 'ImpMailbox.unread' => intval($unread)));
     $pagetitle = $this->title = $mailbox->label;
     if ($mailbox->editvfolder) {
         $query_text = wordwrap($imp_search[$mailbox]->querytext);
         $pagetitle .= ' [' . Horde::linkTooltip('#', $query_text, '', '', '', $query_text) . _("Virtual Folder") . '</a>]';
         $this->title .= ' [' . _("Virtual Folder") . ']';
     } elseif ($mailbox->editquery) {
         $query_text = wordwrap($imp_search[$mailbox]->querytext);
         $pagetitle = Horde::linkTooltip('#', $query_text, '', '', '', $query_text) . $pagetitle . '</a>';
     } else {
         $pagetitle = $this->title = htmlspecialchars($this->title);
     /* Generate mailbox summary string. */
     $subinfo = new IMP_View_Subinfo(array('mailbox' => $mailbox));
     $subinfo->value = $pagetitle . ' (';
     if (empty($pageOb['end'])) {
         $subinfo->value .= _("No Messages");
     } else {
         $subinfo->value .= $pageOb['pagecount'] > 1 ? sprintf(_("%d Messages"), $pageOb['msgcount']) . ' / ' . sprintf(_("Page %d of %d"), $pageOb['page'], $pageOb['pagecount']) : sprintf(_("%d Messages"), $pageOb['msgcount']);
     $subinfo->value .= ')';
     $injector->getInstance('Horde_View_Topbar')->subinfo = $subinfo->render();
     $page_output->addScriptFile('hordecore.js', 'horde');
     $page_output->metaRefresh($prefs->getValue('refresh_time'), $refresh_url);
     /* Prepare the header template. */
     $view = new Horde_View(array('templatePath' => IMP_TEMPLATES . '/basic/mailbox'));
     $hdr_view = clone $view;
     $hdr_view->readonly = $readonly;
     $hdr_view->refresh_url = $refresh_url;
     if (isset($filter_url)) {
         $hdr_view->filter_url = $filter_url;
     if ($mailbox->access_search) {
         if (!$search_mbox) {
             $hdr_view->search_url = $mailbox->url(IMP_Basic_Searchbasic::url());
         } else {
             if ($mailbox->editvfolder) {
                 $edit_search = _("Edit Virtual Folder");
             } elseif ($mailbox->query) {
                 if ($mailbox->editquery) {
                     $edit_search = _("Edit Search Query");
                 } else {
                     /* Basic search results. */
                     $search_mailbox = IMP_Mailbox::get($imp_search[$mailbox]->mboxes[0]);
                     $hdr_view->search_url = $search_mailbox->url(IMP_Basic_Searchbasic::url());
                     $hdr_view->searchclose = $search_mailbox->url('mailbox');
             if (isset($edit_search)) {
                 $hdr_view->edit_search_url = $imp_search->editUrl($mailbox);
                 $hdr_view->edit_search_title = $edit_search;
     if ($mailbox->access_empty) {
         $hdr_view->empty = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'empty_mailbox', 'token' => $token));
     $this->output = $hdr_view->render('header');
     /* If no messages, exit immediately. */
     if (empty($pageOb['end'])) {
         if ($pageOb['anymsg'] && isset($deleted_prompt)) {
             /* Show 'Show Deleted' prompt if mailbox has no viewable
              * message but has hidden, deleted messages. */
             $del_view = clone $view;
             $del_view->hide = Horde::widget(array('url' => $refresh_url->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'hide_deleted', 'token' => $token)), 'class' => 'hideAction', 'title' => $deleted_prompt));
             if ($mailbox->access_expunge) {
                 $del_view->purge = Horde::widget(array('url' => $refresh_url->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'expunge_mailbox', 'token' => $token)), 'class' => 'purgeAction', 'title' => _("Pur_ge Deleted")));
             $this->output .= $del_view->render('actions_deleted');
         $empty_view = clone $view;
         $empty_view->search_mbox = $search_mbox;
         $this->output .= $empty_view->render('empty_mailbox');
     $clink_ob = new IMP_Compose_Link();
     $clink = $clink_ob->link();
     /* Display the navbar and actions if there is at least 1 message in
      * mailbox. */
     if ($pageOb['msgcount']) {
         /* Prepare the navbar template. */
         $n_view = clone $view;
         $n_view->id = 1;
         $n_view->readonly = $readonly;
         $filtermsg = false;
         if ($mailbox->access_flags) {
             $args = array('imap' => true, 'mailbox' => $search_mbox ? null : $mailbox);
             $form_set = $form_unset = array();
             foreach ($imp_flags->getList($args) as $val) {
                 if ($val->canset) {
                     $form_set[] = array('f' => $val->form_set, 'l' => $val->label, 'v' => IMP_Mailbox::formTo(self::FLAG_FILTER_PREFIX . $val->form_set));
                     $form_unset[] = array('f' => $val->form_unset, 'l' => $val->label, 'v' => IMP_Mailbox::formTo(self::FLAG_FILTER_PREFIX . $val->form_unset));
             $n_view->flaglist_set = $form_set;
             $n_view->flaglist_unset = $form_unset;
             if (!$search_mbox && $mailbox->access_search) {
                 $filtermsg = $n_view->flag_filter = true;
         if (!$search_mbox && $mailbox->access_filters) {
             $filters = array();
             $iterator = IMP_Search_IteratorFilter::create(IMP_Search_IteratorFilter::FILTER);
             foreach ($iterator as $val) {
                 $filters[] = array('l' => $val->label, 'v' => IMP_Mailbox::formTo($val));
             if (!empty($filters)) {
                 $filtermsg = true;
                 $n_view->filters = $filters;
         $n_view->filtermsg = $filtermsg;
         if ($imp_imap->access(IMP_Imap::ACCESS_FOLDERS)) {
             $n_view->move = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'moveAction', 'title' => _("Move"), 'nocheck' => true));
             $n_view->copy = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'copyAction', 'title' => _("Copy"), 'nocheck' => true));
             $n_view->folder_options = $folder_options;
         $n_view->mailbox_url = $mailbox_url;
         $n_view->mailbox = $mailbox->form_to;
         if ($pageOb['pagecount'] > 1) {
             $n_view->multiple_page = true;
             $n_view->pages_first = $pages_first;
             $n_view->url_first = $url_first;
             $n_view->pages_prev = $pages_prev;
             $n_view->url_prev = $url_prev;
             $n_view->pages_next = $pages_next;
             $n_view->url_next = $url_next;
             $n_view->pages_last = $pages_last;
             $n_view->url_last = $url_last;
             $n_view->page_val = $pageOb['page'];
             $n_view->page_size = Horde_String::length($pageOb['pagecount']);
         $this->output .= $n_view->render('navbar');
         /* Prepare the actions template. */
         $a_view = clone $view;
         if ($mailbox->access_deletemsgs) {
             $del_class = $use_trash && $mailbox->trash ? 'permdeleteAction' : 'deleteAction';
             $a_view->delete = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => $del_class, 'title' => _("_Delete")));
         if ($showdelete['purge'] || $mailbox->vtrash) {
             $a_view->undelete = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'undeleteAction', 'title' => _("_Undelete")));
         $mboxactions = array();
         if ($showdelete['purge']) {
             $mailbox_link = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add('mpage', $pageOb['page']);
             if (isset($deleted_prompt)) {
                 $mboxactions[] = Horde::widget(array('url' => $mailbox_link->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'hide_deleted', 'token' => $token)), 'class' => 'hideAction', 'title' => $deleted_prompt));
             $mboxactions[] = Horde::widget(array('url' => $mailbox_link->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'expunge_mailbox', 'token' => $token)), 'class' => 'purgeAction', 'title' => _("Pur_ge Deleted")));
         if (!$sortpref->sortby_locked && $sortpref->sortby != Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SEQUENCE) {
             $mboxactions[] = Horde::widget(array('url' => $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add(array('sortby' => Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SEQUENCE, 'actionID' => 'change_sort', 'token' => $token)), 'title' => _("Clear Sort")));
         if ($mailbox->templates) {
             $a_view->templateedit = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'templateeditAction', 'title' => _("Edit Template")));
             $mboxactions[] = Horde::widget(array('url' => $clink->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'template_new')), 'title' => _("Create New Template")));
         $a_view->mboxactions = $mboxactions;
         if ($registry->hasMethod('mail/blacklistFrom')) {
             $a_view->blacklist = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'blacklistAction', 'title' => _("_Blacklist")));
         if ($registry->hasMethod('mail/whitelistFrom')) {
             $a_view->whitelist = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'whitelistAction', 'title' => _("_Whitelist")));
         if (IMP_Compose::canCompose()) {
             $a_view->forward = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'forwardAction', 'title' => _("Fo_rward")));
             $a_view->redirect = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'redirectAction', 'title' => _("Redirect")));
         if ($mailbox->spam_show) {
             $a_view->spam = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'spamAction', 'title' => _("Report as Spam")));
         if ($mailbox->innocent_show) {
             $a_view->innocent = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'innocentAction', 'title' => _("Report as Innocent")));
         $a_view->view_messages = Horde::widget(array('url' => '#', 'class' => 'viewAction', 'title' => _("View Messages")));
         $this->output .= $a_view->render('actions');
     /* Define some variables now so we don't have to keep redefining in
      * the foreach loop or the templates. */
     $lastMbox = '';
     $mh_count = 0;
     $sortImg = $sortpref->sortdir ? 'sortup' : 'sortdown';
     $headers = array(Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_TO => array('id' => 'mboxto', 'stext' => _("Sort by To Address"), 'text' => _("To")), Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_FROM => array('id' => 'mboxfrom', 'stext' => _("Sort by From Address"), 'text' => _("Fro_m")), Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_THREAD => array('id' => 'mboxthread', 'stext' => _("Sort by Thread"), 'text' => _("_Thread")), Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SUBJECT => array('id' => 'mboxsubject', 'stext' => _("Sort by Subject"), 'text' => _("Sub_ject")), IMP::IMAP_SORT_DATE => array('id' => 'mboxdate', 'stext' => _("Sort by Date"), 'text' => _("Dat_e")), Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SIZE => array('id' => 'mboxsize', 'stext' => _("Sort by Message Size"), 'text' => _("Si_ze")));
     /* If this is the Drafts or Sent-Mail mailbox, sort by To instead of
      * From. */
     if ($mailbox->special_outgoing) {
     } else {
     /* Determine which of Subject/Thread to emphasize. */
     if (!$mailbox->access_sortthread || $sortpref->sortby_locked) {
         if ($sortpref->sortby_locked && $thread_sort) {
             $sortpref->sortby = Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SUBJECT;
     } else {
         if ($thread_sort) {
             $extra = Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SUBJECT;
             $standard = Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_THREAD;
         } else {
             $extra = Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_THREAD;
             $standard = Horde_Imap_Client::SORT_SUBJECT;
         $headers[$standard]['altsort'] = Horde::widget(array('url' => $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'change_sort', 'token' => $token, 'sortby' => $extra)), 'title' => $headers[$extra]['text']));
     foreach ($headers as $key => $val) {
         $ptr =& $headers[$key];
         if ($sortpref->sortby == $key) {
             $csl_icon = '<span class="iconImg ' . $sortImg . '"></span>';
             if ($sortpref->sortdir_locked) {
                 $ptr['change_sort_link'] = $csl_icon;
                 $ptr['change_sort_widget'] = Horde::stripAccessKey($val['text']);
             } else {
                 $tmp = $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add(array('sortby' => $key, 'sortdir' => intval(!$sortpref->sortdir), 'actionID' => 'change_sort', 'token' => $token));
                 $ptr['change_sort_link'] = Horde::link($tmp, $val['stext'], null, null, null, $val['stext']) . $csl_icon . '</a>';
                 $ptr['change_sort_widget'] = Horde::widget(array('url' => $tmp, 'title' => $val['text']));
         } else {
             $ptr['change_sort_link'] = null;
             $ptr['change_sort_widget'] = $sortpref->sortby_locked ? Horde::stripAccessKey($val['text']) : Horde::widget(array('url' => $mailbox_imp_url->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'change_sort', 'token' => $token, 'sortby' => $key)), 'title' => $val['text']));
         $ptr['class'] = 'horde-split-left';
     /* Output the form start. */
     $f_view = clone $view;
     $f_view->mailbox = $mailbox->form_to;
     $f_view->mailbox_url = $mailbox_url;
     $f_view->page = $pageOb['page'];
     $f_view->token = $token;
     $this->output .= $f_view->render('form_start');
     /* Prepare the message headers template. */
     $mh_view = clone $view;
     $mh_view->headers = $headers;
     if (!$search_mbox) {
         $mh_view->show_checkbox = !$mh_count++;
         $this->output .= $mh_view->render('message_headers');
     /* Initialize repetitively used variables. */
     $fromlinkstyle = $prefs->getValue('from_link');
     $imp_ui = new IMP_Mailbox_Ui($mailbox);
     /* Display message information. */
     $msgs = array();
     $search_view = clone $view;
     $summary_view = clone $view;
     while (list(, $ob) = each($mbox_info['overview'])) {
         if ($search_mbox) {
             if (empty($lastMbox) || $ob['mailbox'] != $lastMbox) {
                 if (!empty($lastMbox)) {
                     $this->_outputSummaries($msgs, $summary_view);
                     $msgs = array();
                 $mbox = IMP_Mailbox::get($ob['mailbox']);
                 $search_view->mbox_link = Horde::link($mbox->url($mailbox_url), sprintf(_("View messages in %s"), $mbox->display), 'smallheader') . $mbox->display_html . '</a>';
                 $this->output .= $search_view->render('searchmbox');
                 $mh_view->show_checkbox = !$mh_count++;
                 $this->output .= $mh_view->render('message_headers');
         $lastMbox = $ob['mailbox'];
         /* Initialize the data fields. */
         $msg = array('bg' => '', 'buid' => $imp_mailbox->getBuid($ob['mailbox'], $ob['uid']), 'class' => '', 'date' => $imp_ui->getDate($ob['envelope']->date), 'preview' => '', 'status' => '', 'size' => IMP::sizeFormat($ob['size']));
         /* Generate the target link. */
         if ($mailbox->drafts || $mailbox->templates) {
             $clink_copy = clone $clink_ob;
             $clink_copy->args['buid'] = $msg['buid'];
             $clink_copy->args['mailbox'] = $mailbox;
             $target = $clink_copy->link()->add(array('actionID' => $mailbox->drafts ? 'draft' : 'template'));
         } else {
             $target = $mailbox->url('message', $msg['buid']);
         /* Get all the flag information. */
         $flag_parse = $imp_flags->parse(array('flags' => $ob['flags'], 'headers' => $ob['headers'], 'runhook' => $ob, 'personal' => $ob['envelope']->to));
         $css_class = $subject_flags = array();
         foreach ($flag_parse as $val) {
             if ($val instanceof IMP_Flag_User) {
                 $subject_flags[] = $val;
             } else {
                 if (!$val->bgdefault) {
                     $msg['bg'] = $val->bgcolor;
                 $css_class[] = $val->css;
                 $msg['status'] .= $val->span;
         $msg['class'] = implode(' ', $css_class);
         /* Show message preview? */
         if ($show_preview && isset($ob['preview'])) {
             if (empty($ob['preview'])) {
                 $ptext = '[[' . _("No Preview Text") . ']]';
             } else {
                 $ptext = empty($strip_preview) ? str_replace("\r", '', $ob['preview']) : preg_replace(array('/\\n/', '/(\\s)+/'), array(' ', '$1'), str_replace("\r", "\n", $ob['preview']));
                 if (!$preview_tooltip) {
                     $ptext = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_TextFilter')->filter($ptext, 'text2html', array('parselevel' => Horde_Text_Filter_Text2html::NOHTML));
                 $maxlen = $prefs->getValue('preview_maxlen');
                 if (Horde_String::length($ptext) > $maxlen) {
                     $ptext = Horde_String::truncate($ptext, $maxlen);
                 } elseif (empty($ob['previewcut'])) {
                     $ptext .= '[[' . _("END") . ']]';
             $msg['preview'] = $ptext;
         /* Format the From: Header. */
         $getfrom = $imp_ui->getFrom($ob['envelope']);
         $msg['from'] = htmlspecialchars($getfrom['from'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
         switch ($fromlinkstyle) {
             case 0:
                 $from_tmp = array();
                 foreach ($getfrom['from_list']->base_addresses as $from_ob) {
                     $from_tmp[] = call_user_func_array(array('Horde', $preview_tooltip ? 'linkTooltip' : 'link'), array($clink->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'mailto_link', 'to' => strval($from_ob))), sprintf(_("New Message to %s"), $from_ob->label))) . htmlspecialchars($from_ob->label, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</a>';
                 if (!empty($from_tmp)) {
                     $msg['from'] = implode(', ', $from_tmp);
                 $from_uri = $mailbox->url('message', $msg['buid']);
                 $msg['from'] = Horde::link($from_uri) . $msg['from'] . '</a>';
         /* Format the Subject: Header. */
         $msg['subject'] = $imp_ui->getSubject($ob['envelope']->subject, true);
         $msg['subject'] = $preview_tooltip ? substr(Horde::linkTooltip($target, $msg['preview'], '', '', '', $msg['preview']), 0, -1) . ' class="mboxSubject">' . $msg['subject'] . '</a>' : substr(Horde::link($target, $imp_ui->getSubject($ob['envelope']->subject)), 0, -1) . ' class="mboxSubject">' . $msg['subject'] . '</a>' . (!empty($msg['preview']) ? '<br /><small>' . $msg['preview'] . '</small>' : '');
         /* Add subject flags. */
         foreach ($subject_flags as $val) {
             $flag_label = Horde_String::truncate($val->label, 12);
             $msg['subject'] = '<span class="' . $val->css . '" style="' . ($val->bgdefault ? '' : 'background:' . htmlspecialchars($val->bgcolor) . ';') . 'color:' . htmlspecialchars($val->fgcolor) . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($val->label) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($flag_label) . '</span>' . $msg['subject'];
         /* Set up threading tree now. */
         if ($thread_sort) {
             $t_ob = $imp_mailbox->getThreadOb($ob['idx']);
             $msg['subject'] = ($sortpref->sortdir ? $t_ob->reverse_img : $t_ob->img) . ' ' . $msg['subject'];
         $msgs[$msg['buid']] = $msg;
     $this->_outputSummaries($msgs, $summary_view);
     $this->output .= '</form>';
     /* If there are 20 messages or less, don't show the actions/navbar
      * again. */
     if ($pageOb['end'] - $pageOb['begin'] >= 20) {
         $this->output .= $a_view->render('actions');
         $n_view->id = 2;
         $this->output .= $n_view->render('navbar');
Example #4
  * Returns the appropriate "accesskey" and "title" attributes for an HTML
  * tag and the given label.
  * @param string $label     The title of an HTML element
  * @param boolean $nocheck  Don't check if the access key already has been
  *                          used?
  * @return string  The title, and if appropriate, the accesskey attributes
  *                 for the element.
 function getAccessKeyAndTitle($label, $nocheck = false)
     $ak = Horde::getAccessKey($label, $nocheck);
     $attributes = 'title="' . Horde::stripAccessKey($label);
     if (!empty($ak)) {
         $attributes .= sprintf(_(" (Accesskey %s)"), $ak);
         $attributes .= '" accesskey="' . $ak;
     return $attributes . '"';