Example #1
 public function display(Horde_Core_Prefs_Ui $ui)
     global $injector, $page_output, $prefs, $session;
     $view = new Horde_View(array('templatePath' => IMP_TEMPLATES . '/prefs'));
     if (!Horde::isConnectionSecure()) {
         $view->notsecure = true;
     } else {
         $smime_url = IMP_Basic_Smime::url();
         $view->has_key = $prefs->getValue('smime_public_key') && $prefs->getValue('smime_private_key');
         if ($view->has_key) {
             $view->viewpublic = Horde::link($smime_url->copy()->add('actionID', 'view_personal_public_key'), _("View Personal Public Certificate"), null, 'view_key');
             $view->infopublic = Horde::link($smime_url->copy()->add('actionID', 'info_personal_public_key'), _("Information on Personal Public Certificate"), null, 'info_key');
             if ($injector->getInstance('IMP_Crypt_Smime')->getPassphrase()) {
                 $view->passphrase = Horde::link($ui->selfUrl(array('special' => true, 'token' => true))->add('unset_smime_passphrase', 1), _("Unload Passphrase")) . _("Unload Passphrase");
             } else {
                 $imple = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Imple')->create('IMP_Ajax_Imple_PassphraseDialog', array('params' => array('reload' => $ui->selfUrl()->setRaw(true)), 'type' => 'smimePersonal'));
                 $view->passphrase = Horde::link('#', _("Enter Passphrase"), null, null, null, null, null, array('id' => $imple->getDomId())) . _("Enter Passphrase");
             $view->viewprivate = Horde::link($smime_url->copy()->add('actionID', 'view_personal_private_key'), _("View Personal Private Key"), null, 'view_key');
             $page_output->addInlineScript(array('$("delete_smime_personal").observe("click", function(e) { if (!window.confirm(' . json_encode(_("Are you sure you want to delete your keypair? (This is NOT recommended!)")) . ')) { e.stop(); } })'), true);
         } elseif ($session->get('imp', 'file_upload')) {
             $view->import = true;
             $page_output->addInlineScript(array('$("import_smime_personal").observe("click", function(e) { ' . Horde::popupJs($smime_url, array('params' => array('actionID' => 'import_personal_certs', 'reload' => base64_encode($ui->selfUrl()->setRaw(true))), 'height' => 275, 'width' => 750, 'urlencode' => true)) . '; e.stop(); })'), true);
     return $view->render('smimeprivatekey');
Example #2
 public function display(Horde_Core_Prefs_Ui $ui)
     global $injector, $page_output, $prefs, $session;
     $imp_pgp = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Crypt_Pgp');
     /* Get list of Public Keys on keyring. */
     try {
         $pubkey_list = $imp_pgp->listPublicKeys();
     } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
         $pubkey_list = array();
     $pgp_url = IMP_Basic_Pgp::url();
     $view = new Horde_View(array('templatePath' => IMP_TEMPLATES . '/prefs'));
     if (!empty($pubkey_list)) {
         $plist = array();
         $self_url = $ui->selfUrl(array('special' => true, 'token' => true));
         foreach ($pubkey_list as $val) {
             $plist[] = array('name' => $val['name'], 'email' => $val['email'], 'view' => Horde::link($pgp_url->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'view_public_key', 'email' => $val['email'])), sprintf(_("View %s Public Key"), $val['name']), null, 'view_key'), 'info' => Horde::link($pgp_url->copy()->add(array('actionID' => 'info_public_key', 'email' => $val['email'])), sprintf(_("Information on %s Public Key"), $val['name']), null, 'info_key'), 'delete' => Horde::link($self_url->copy()->add(array('delete_pgp_pubkey' => 1, 'email' => $val['email'])), sprintf(_("Delete %s Public Key"), $val['name']), null, null, "window.confirm('" . addslashes(_("Are you sure you want to delete this public key?")) . "')"));
         $view->pubkey_list = $plist;
     if ($session->get('imp', 'file_upload')) {
         $view->can_import = true;
         $view->no_source = !$prefs->getValue('add_source');
         if (!$view->no_source) {
             $page_output->addInlineScript(array('$("import_pgp_public").observe("click", function(e) { ' . Horde::popupJs($pgp_url, array('params' => array('actionID' => 'import_public_key', 'reload' => base64_encode($ui->selfUrl()->setRaw(true))), 'height' => 275, 'width' => 750, 'urlencode' => true)) . '; e.stop(); })'), true);
     return $view->render('pgppublickey');
Example #3
  * Renders a token into text matching the requested format.
  * @param array $options  The "options" portion of the token (second
  *                        element).
  * @return string  The text rendered from the token options.
 public function token($options)
     if (!isset($options['attr']['alt'])) {
         $options['attr']['alt'] = $options['src'];
     if (strpos($options['src'], '://') === false) {
         if ($options['src'][0] != '/') {
             if (strpos($options['src'], ':')) {
                 list($page, $options['src']) = explode(':', $options['src'], 2);
             } else {
                 $page = Horde_Util::getFormData('page');
                 if ($page == 'EditPage') {
                     $page = Horde_Util::getFormData('referrer');
                 if (empty($page)) {
                     $page = 'Wiki/Home';
             $params = array('page' => $page, 'mime' => '1', 'file' => $options['src']);
             $options['src'] = $GLOBALS['registry']->downloadUrl($options['src'], $params)->setRaw(true);
     } else {
         $options['src'] = new Horde_Url(Horde::externalUrl($options['src']));
     // Send external links through Horde::externalUrl().
     if (isset($options['attr']['link']) && strpos($options['attr']['link'], '://')) {
         $href = htmlspecialchars($options['attr']['link']);
         return Horde::link(Horde::externalUrl($href), $href) . $this->_token($options) . '</a>';
     } else {
         return $this->_token($options);
Example #4
 protected function _content()
     global $registry, $prefs;
     if (!empty($this->_params['show_notepad'])) {
         $shares = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Share')->create();
     $html = '';
     $memos = Mnemo::listMemos($prefs->getValue('sortby'), $prefs->getValue('sortdir'));
     foreach ($memos as $id => $memo) {
         $html .= '<tr>';
         if (!empty($this->_params['show_actions'])) {
             $editImg = Horde_Themes::img('edit.png');
             $editurl = Horde::url('memo.php')->add(array('memo' => $memo['memo_id'], 'memolist' => $memo['memolist_id']));
             $html .= '<td width="1%">' . Horde::link(htmlspecialchars(Horde::url($editurl, true)->add('actionID', 'modify_memo')), _("Edit Note")) . Horde::img($editImg, _("Edit Note")) . '</a></td>';
         if (!empty($this->_params['show_notepad'])) {
             $html .= '<td>' . htmlspecialchars(Mnemo::getLabel($shares->getShare($memo['memolist_id']))) . '</td>';
         $viewurl = Horde::url('view.php')->add(array('memo' => $memo['memo_id'], 'memolist' => $memo['memolist_id']));
         $html .= '<td>' . Horde::linkTooltip(htmlspecialchars(Horde::url($viewurl, true)), '', '', '', '', $memo['body'] != $memo['desc'] ? Mnemo::getNotePreview($memo) : '') . (strlen($memo['desc']) ? htmlspecialchars($memo['desc']) : '<em>' . _("Empty Note") . '</em>') . '</a> <ul class="horde-tags">';
         foreach ($memo['tags'] as $tag) {
             $html .= '<li>' . htmlspecialchars($tag) . '</li>';
         $html .= '</ul></td></tr>';
     if (!$memos) {
         return '<p><em>' . _("No notes to display") . '</em></p>';
     return '<table cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="linedRow">' . $html . '</table>';
Example #5
 protected function _content()
     global $whups_driver;
     $queues = Whups::permissionsFilter($whups_driver->getQueues(), 'queue', Horde_Perms::READ);
     $qsummary = $whups_driver->getQueueSummary(array_keys($queues));
     if (!$qsummary) {
         return '<p class="horde-content"><em>' . _("There are no open tickets.") . '</em></p>';
     $summary = $types = array();
     foreach ($qsummary as $queue) {
         $types[$queue['type']] = $queue['type'];
         if (!isset($summary[$queue['id']])) {
             $summary[$queue['id']] = $queue;
         $summary[$queue['id']][$queue['type']] = $queue['open_tickets'];
     $html = '<thead><tr>';
     $sortby = 'queue_name';
     foreach (array_merge(array('queue_name' => _("Queue")), $types) as $column => $name) {
         $html .= '<th' . ($sortby == $column ? ' class="sortdown"' : '') . '>' . $name . '</th>';
     $html .= '</tr></thead><tbody>';
     foreach ($summary as $queue) {
         $html .= '<tr><td>' . Horde::link(Whups::urlFor('queue', $queue, true), $queue['description']) . htmlspecialchars($queue['name']) . '</a></td>';
         foreach ($types as $type) {
             $html .= '<td>' . (isset($queue[$type]) ? $queue[$type] : '&nbsp;') . '</td>';
         $html .= '</tr>';
     $GLOBALS['page_output']->addScriptFile('tables.js', 'horde');
     return '<table id="whups_block_queuesummary" class="horde-table sortable" style="width:100%">' . $html . '</tbody></table>';
Example #6
 protected function _title()
     if (($query = $this->_getQuery()) && $query->name) {
         return Horde::link(Whups::urlFor('query', empty($query->slug) ? array('id' => $query->id) : array('slug' => $query->slug))) . htmlspecialchars($query->name) . '</a>';
     return $this->getName();
Example #7
  * The title to go in this block.
  * @return string   The title text.
 function _title()
     global $registry;
     $title = isset($this->_params['title']) ? $this->_params['title'] : $this->_params['iframe'];
     $html = Horde::link($this->_params['iframe'], $title, 'header') . $title . '</a>';
     $html .= Horde::link($this->_params['iframe'], _("Open in a new window"), 'smallheader', '_new') . Horde::img('webserver.gif', _("Open in a new window"), 'hspace="5"', Horde::url($registry->getParam('graphics'), true, -1)) . _("Open in a new window") . '</a>';
     return $html;
Example #8
  * String representation of this object.
  * @return string  String representation.
 public function __toString()
     $text = null;
     switch ($this->type) {
         case 'horde.alarm':
             $alarm = $this->flags['alarm'];
             $text = $alarm['title'];
             if (!empty($alarm['params']['notify']['show'])) {
                 try {
                     $text = Horde::link(Horde::url($GLOBALS['registry']->linkByPackage($alarm['params']['notify']['show']['__app'], 'show', $alarm['params']['notify']['show'])), $alarm['text']) . $text . '</a>';
                 } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
                     return $e->getMessage();
             if (!empty($alarm['user']) && $GLOBALS['browser']->hasFeature('xmlhttpreq')) {
                 try {
                     $url = Horde::url($GLOBALS['registry']->get('webroot', 'horde') . '/services/snooze.php', true);
                 } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
                     return $e->getMessage();
                 $opts = array('-1' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Dismiss"), '5' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("5 minutes"), '15' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("15 minutes"), '60' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("1 hour"), '360' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("6 hours"), '1440' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("1 day"));
                 $id = 'snooze_' . hash('md5', $alarm['id']);
                 $text .= ' <small onmouseover="if(typeof ' . $id . '_t!=\'undefined\')clearTimeout(' . $id . '_t);Element.show(\'' . $id . '\')" onmouseout="' . $id . '_t=setTimeout(function(){Element.hide(\'' . $id . '\')},500)">[' . Horde_Core_Translation::t("Snooze...") . '<span id="' . $id . '" style="display:none"> ';
                 $first = true;
                 foreach ($opts as $minutes => $desc) {
                     if (!$first) {
                         $text .= ', ';
                     $text .= Horde::link('#', '', '', '', 'new Ajax.Request(\'' . $url . '\',{parameters:{alarm:\'' . $alarm['id'] . '\',snooze:' . $minutes . '},onSuccess:function(){Element.remove(this);}.bind(this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode)});return false;') . $desc . '</a>';
                     $first = false;
                 $text .= '</span>]</small>';
             $img = 'alerts/alarm.png';
             $label = Horde_Core_Translation::t("Alarm");
         case 'horde.error':
             $img = 'alerts/error.png';
             $label = Horde_Core_Translation::t("Error");
         case 'horde.message':
             $img = 'alerts/message.png';
             $label = Horde_Core_Translation::t("Message");
         case 'horde.success':
             $img = 'alerts/success.png';
             $label = Horde_Core_Translation::t("Success");
         case 'horde.warning':
             $img = 'alerts/warning.png';
             $label = Horde_Core_Translation::t("Warning");
             return parent::__toString();
     return Horde_Themes_Image::tag($img, array('alt' => $label)) . '<div class="noticetext">' . (is_null($text) ? parent::__toString() : $text) . '</div>';
Example #9
 protected function _init()
     global $injector, $notification;
     if (!$this->indices->mailbox->access_search) {
         $notification->push(_("Searching is not available."), 'horde.error');
     $imp_flags = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Flags');
     $imp_search = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Search');
     /* If search_basic is set, we are processing the search query. */
     if ($this->vars->search_basic) {
         $c_list = array();
         if ($this->vars->search_criteria_text) {
             switch ($this->vars->search_criteria) {
                 case 'from':
                 case 'subject':
                     $c_list[] = new IMP_Search_Element_Header($this->vars->search_criteria_text, $this->vars->search_criteria, $this->vars->search_criteria_not);
                 case 'recip':
                     $c_list[] = new IMP_Search_Element_Recipient($this->vars->search_criteria_text, $this->vars->search_criteria_not);
                 case 'body':
                 case 'text':
                     $c_list[] = new IMP_Search_Element_Text($this->vars->search_criteria_text, $this->vars->search_criteria == 'body', $this->vars->search_criteria_not);
         if ($this->vars->search_criteria_flag) {
             $formdata = $imp_flags->parseFormId($this->vars->search_criteria_flag);
             $c_list[] = new IMP_Search_Element_Flag($formdata['flag'], $formdata['set'] && !$this->vars->search_criteria_flag_not);
         if (empty($c_list)) {
             $notification->push(_("No search criteria specified."), 'horde.error');
         } else {
             /* Store the search in the session. */
             $q_ob = $imp_search->createQuery($c_list, array('id' => IMP_Search::BASIC_SEARCH, 'mboxes' => array($this->indices->mailbox), 'type' => IMP_Search::CREATE_QUERY));
             /* Redirect to the mailbox screen. */
     $flist = $imp_flags->getList(array('imap' => true, 'mailbox' => $this->indices->mailbox));
     $flag_set = array();
     foreach ($flist as $val) {
         $flag_set[] = array('val' => $val->form_set, 'label' => $val->label);
     /* Prepare the search template. */
     $view = new Horde_View(array('templatePath' => IMP_TEMPLATES . '/basic/search'));
     $view->action = self::url();
     $view->advsearch = Horde::link($this->indices->mailbox->url(IMP_Basic_Search::url()));
     $view->mbox = $this->indices->mailbox->form_to;
     $view->search_title = sprintf(_("Search %s"), $this->indices->mailbox->display_html);
     $view->flist = $flag_set;
     $this->title = _("Search");
     $this->output = $view->render('search-basic');
Example #10
 public function show()
     $this->list = array();
     $this->list[0] = Horde::link($this->urlFor(array('controller' => 'check', 'action' => 'run', 'id' => 'all')), _("All tests")) . _("All tests") . '</a>';
     $this->list[1] = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->suite->count(); $i++) {
         $class_name = $this->suite->testAt($i)->getName();
         $this->list[$i + 2] = Horde::link($this->urlFor(array('controller' => 'check', 'action' => 'run', 'id' => $i + 1)), $class_name) . $class_name . '</a>';
Example #11
  * Output an action button.
  * @param array $params  A list of parameters:
  *   - class: (string) The CSS classname to use for the link.
  *   - htmltitle: (string) The string to use for the HTML title attribute,
  *                if different than 'title'.
  *   - icon: (string) The icon CSS classname.
  *   - id: (string) The DOM ID of the link.
  *   - title: (string) The title string.
  * @return string  An HTML link to $url.
 public function actionButton(array $params = array())
     $class = '';
     if (!empty($params['icon'])) {
         $class .= 'action' . $params['icon'];
     if (!empty($params['class'])) {
         $class .= ' ' . $params['class'];
     return Horde::link('', '', $class, '', '', isset($params['htmltitle']) ? $params['htmltitle'] : $params['title'], '', empty($params['id']) ? array() : array('id' => $params['id']), true) . $params['title'] . '</a>';
Example #12
File: List.php Project: horde/horde
  * Builds column header array out of the list of properties and default
  * attributes.
 protected function columnHeaders($sortdir, $sortby)
     $prefs_url = Horde::url($GLOBALS['registry']->get('webroot', 'horde') . '/services/prefs/', true);
     $sortdirclass = $sortdir ? 'sortup' : 'sortdown';
     $baseurl = Horde::url('list.php');
     $column_headers = array(array('id' => 's' . Sesha::SORT_STOCKID, 'class' => $sortby == Sesha::SORT_STOCKID ? ' class="' . $sortdirclass . '"' : '', 'link' => Horde::link($baseurl->copy()->add('sortby', Sesha::SORT_STOCKID), _("Sort by stock ID"), 'sortlink') . _("Stock ID") . '</a>', 'width' => ' width="5%"'), array('id' => 's' . Sesha::SORT_NAME, 'class' => $sortby == Sesha::SORT_NAME ? ' class="' . $sortdirclass . '"' : '', 'link' => Horde::link($baseurl->copy()->add('sortby', Sesha::SORT_NAME), _("Sort by item name"), 'sortlink') . _("Item Name") . '</a>', 'width' => ''));
     foreach ($this->shownProperties as $property) {
         $column_headers[] = array('id' => 'sp' . $property->property_id, 'class' => $sortby == 'p' . $property->property_id ? ' class="' . $sortdirclass . '"' : '', 'link' => Horde::link($baseurl->copy()->add('sortby', 'p' . $property->property_id), sprintf(_("Sort by %s"), htmlspecialchars($property->property)), 'sortlink') . htmlspecialchars($property->property) . '</a>', 'width' => '');
     $column_headers[] = array('id' => 's' . Sesha::SORT_NOTE, 'class' => $sortby == Sesha::SORT_NOTE ? ' class="' . $sortdirclass . '"' : '', 'link' => Horde::link($baseurl->copy()->add('sortby', Sesha::SORT_NOTE), _("Sort by note"), 'sortlink') . _("Note") . '</a>', 'width' => '');
     return $column_headers;
Example #13
 protected function _title()
     try {
         $channel = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Jonah_Driver')->getChannel($this->_params['source']);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage());
     if (!empty($channel['channel_link'])) {
         $title = Horde::link(htmlspecialchars($channel['channel_link']), '', '', '_blank') . htmlspecialchars($channel['channel_name']) . _(" - Most read stories") . '</a>';
     } else {
         $title = htmlspecialchars($channel['channel_name']) . _(" - Most read stories");
     return $title;
Example #14
  * The content to go in this block.
  * @return string   The content
 function _content()
     require_once __DIR__ . '/../base.php';
     global $prefs, $klutz, $klutz_driver;
     $showall = $prefs->getValue('summ_showall');
     $date = time();
     // Get the list of comics to display.
     $comics = explode("\t", $prefs->getValue('viewcomics'));
     if (count($comics) == 1 && empty($comics[0])) {
         $comics = null;
     $comicstoday = $klutz->listEnabled($comics, $date);
     if ($showall) {
         $summary = '';
         foreach ($comicstoday as $index) {
             $name = $klutz->getProperty($index, 'name');
             $author = $klutz->getProperty($index, 'author');
             if ($klutz_driver->imageExists($index, $date)) {
                 $size = $klutz_driver->imageSize($index, $date);
                 $url = Horde::url('comics.php')->add(array('date' => $date, 'index' => $index));
                 $img = Horde::img($url->copy()->add('actionID', 'image'), sprintf("%s by %s", $name, $author), $size, '');
                 $link = Horde::link($url->copy()->add('actionID', 'comic'), sprintf("%s by %s", $name, $author));
                 $summary .= '<p>' . $link . $img . '</a></p>';
     } else {
         $this->updateable = true;
         // Pick a comic from the list and make sure it exists.
         do {
             // Make sure we actually have some comics to choose
             // from.
             if (!count($comicstoday)) {
                 return _("Could not find any comics to display.");
             // Pick a comic by random and remove it from the list.
             $i = rand(0, count($comicstoday) - 1);
             $tmp = array_splice($comicstoday, $i, 1);
             $index = array_shift($tmp);
         } while ($klutz_driver->imageExists($index, $date) === false);
         $name = $klutz->getProperty($index, 'name');
         $author = $klutz->getProperty($index, 'author');
         $size = $klutz_driver->imageSize($index, $date);
         $url = Horde::url('comics.php')->add(array('date' => $date, 'index' => $index));
         $img = Horde::img($url->copy()->add('actionID', 'image'), sprintf("%s by %s", $name, $author), $size, '');
         $link = Horde::link($url->copy()->add('actionID', 'comic'), sprintf("%s by %s", $name, $author));
         $summary = '<p class="text">' . $link . $name . ' by ' . $author . '</a></p>' . '<p>' . $link . $img . '</a></p>';
     return $summary;
Example #15
 public function display(Horde_Core_Prefs_Ui $ui)
     global $browser, $injector, $page_output, $prefs;
     $p_css = new Horde_Themes_Element('prefs.css');
     $page_output->addStylesheet($p_css->fs, $p_css->uri);
     $view = new Horde_View(array('templatePath' => IMP_TEMPLATES . '/prefs'));
     if (!Horde::isConnectionSecure()) {
         $view->notsecure = true;
         return $view->render('smimeprivatekey');
     $smime_url = IMP_Basic_Smime::url();
     $view->has_key = $prefs->getValue('smime_public_key') && $prefs->getValue('smime_private_key');
     $view->has_sign_key = $prefs->getValue('smime_public_sign_key') && $prefs->getValue('smime_private_sign_key');
     if ($browser->allowFileUploads()) {
         $view->import = true;
         $page_output->addInlineScript(array('$("import_smime_personal").observe("click", function(e) { ' . Horde::popupJs($smime_url, array('params' => array('actionID' => 'import_personal_certs', 'reload' => base64_encode($ui->selfUrl()->setRaw(true))), 'height' => 450, 'width' => 750, 'urlencode' => true)) . '; e.stop(); })'), true);
     if (!$view->has_key) {
         return $view->render('smimeprivatekey');
     $smime = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Smime');
     foreach (array('' => false, '_sign' => true) as $suffix => $secondary) {
         if ($secondary && !$view->has_sign_key) {
         $cert = $smime->parseCert($smime->getPersonalPublicKey($secondary));
         if (!empty($cert['validity']['notafter'])) {
             $expired = new Horde_Date($cert['validity']['notafter']);
             if ($expired->before(time())) {
                 $view->{'expiredate' . $suffix} = $expired->strftime($prefs->getValue('date_format'));
                 $view->{'expiretime' . $suffix} = $expired->strftime($prefs->getValue('time_format'));
         $view->{'viewpublic' . $suffix} = $smime_url->copy()->add('actionID', 'view_personal_public' . $suffix . '_key')->link(array('title' => $secondary ? _("View Secondary Personal Public Certificate") : _("View Personal Public Certificate"), 'target' => 'view_key')) . _("View") . '</a>';
         $view->{'infopublic' . $suffix} = $smime_url->copy()->add('actionID', 'info_personal_public' . $suffix . '_key')->link(array('title' => _("Information on Personal Public Certificate"), 'target' => 'info_key')) . _("Details") . '</a>';
         if ($smime->getPassphrase($secondary)) {
             $view->{'passphrase' . $suffix} = $ui->selfUrl(array('special' => true, 'token' => true))->add('unset_smime' . $suffix . '_passphrase', 1)->link(array('title' => _("Unload Passphrase"))) . _("Unload Passphrase") . '</a>';
         } else {
             $imple = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Imple')->create('IMP_Ajax_Imple_PassphraseDialog', array('params' => array('reload' => $ui->selfUrl()->setRaw(true), 'secondary' => intval($secondary)), 'type' => 'smimePersonal'));
             $view->{'passphrase' . $suffix} = Horde::link('#', _("Enter Passphrase"), null, null, null, null, null, array('id' => $imple->getDomId())) . _("Enter Passphrase");
         $view->{'viewprivate' . $suffix} = $smime_url->copy()->add('actionID', 'view_personal_private' . $suffix . '_key')->link(array('title' => _("View Secondary Personal Private Key"), 'target' => 'view_key')) . _("View") . '</a>';
         $page_output->addInlineScript(array('$("delete_smime_personal' . $suffix . '").observe("click", function(e) { if (!window.confirm(' . json_encode(_("Are you sure you want to delete your keypair? (This is NOT recommended!)")) . ')) { e.stop(); } })'), true);
     return $view->render('smimeprivatekey');
Example #16
 public function display(Horde_Core_Prefs_Ui $ui)
     global $browser, $conf, $injector, $page_output, $prefs;
     $p_css = new Horde_Themes_Element('prefs.css');
     $page_output->addStylesheet($p_css->fs, $p_css->uri);
     $view = new Horde_View(array('templatePath' => IMP_TEMPLATES . '/prefs'));
     if (!Horde::isConnectionSecure()) {
         $view->notsecure = true;
     } else {
         $pgp_url = IMP_Basic_Pgp::url();
         $view->has_key = $prefs->getValue('pgp_public_key') && $prefs->getValue('pgp_private_key');
         if ($view->has_key) {
             $view->viewpublic = Horde::link($pgp_url->copy()->add('actionID', 'view_personal_public_key'), _("View Personal Public Key"), null, 'view_key');
             $view->infopublic = Horde::link($pgp_url->copy()->add('actionID', 'info_personal_public_key'), _("Information on Personal Public Key"), null, 'info_key');
             $view->sendkey = Horde::link($ui->selfUrl(array('special' => true, 'token' => true))->add('send_pgp_key', 1), _("Send Key to Public Keyserver"));
             if ($injector->getInstance('IMP_Pgp')->getPassphrase('personal')) {
                 $view->passphrase = Horde::link($ui->selfUrl(array('special' => true, 'token' => true))->add('unset_pgp_passphrase', 1), _("Unload Passphrase")) . _("Unload Passphrase");
             } else {
                 $imple = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Imple')->create('IMP_Ajax_Imple_PassphraseDialog', array('params' => array('reload' => $ui->selfUrl()->setRaw(true)), 'type' => 'pgpPersonal'));
                 $view->passphrase = Horde::link('#', _("Enter Passphrase"), null, null, null, null, null, array('id' => $imple->getDomId())) . _("Enter Passphrase");
             $view->viewprivate = Horde::link($pgp_url->copy()->add('actionID', 'view_personal_private_key'), _("View Personal Private Key"), null, 'view_key');
             $view->infoprivate = Horde::link($pgp_url->copy()->add('actionID', 'info_personal_private_key'), _("Information on Personal Private Key"), null, 'info_key');
             $page_output->addInlineScript(array('$("delete_pgp_privkey").observe("click", function(e) { if (!window.confirm(' . json_encode(_("Are you sure you want to delete your keypair? (This is NOT recommended!)")) . ')) { e.stop(); } })'), true);
         } else {
             $page_output->addInlineJsVars(array('ImpPgp.months' => Horde_Core_Ui_JsCalendar::months()));
             $imp_identity = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Identity');
             $view->fullname = $imp_identity->getFullname();
             $view->fromaddr = $imp_identity->getFromAddress()->bare_address;
             if (!empty($conf['pgp']['keylength'])) {
                 $view->create_pgp_keypair = true;
                 $page_output->addInlineScript(array('$("create_pgp_key").observe("click", function(e) { if (!window.confirm(' . json_encode(_("Key generation may take a long time to complete.  Continue with key generation?")) . ')) { e.stop(); } })'), true);
             if ($browser->allowFileUploads()) {
                 $view->import_pgp_private = true;
                 $page_output->addInlineScript(array('$("import_pgp_personal").observe("click", function(e) { ' . Horde::popupJs($pgp_url, array('params' => array('actionID' => 'import_personal_key', 'reload' => base64_encode($ui->selfUrl()->setRaw(true))), 'height' => 300, 'width' => 750, 'urlencode' => true)) . '; e.stop(); })'), true);
     return $view->render('pgpprivatekey');
Example #17
  * Return the rendered information about the Horde_Mime_Part object.
  * @return array  See parent::render().
 protected function _renderInfo()
     /* Check to see if convert utility is available. */
     if (!$this->_getHordeImageOb(false)) {
         return array();
     $status = new IMP_Mime_Status(_("This is a thumbnail of a PDF file attachment."));
     switch ($GLOBALS['registry']->getView()) {
         case Horde_Registry::VIEW_MINIMAL:
             $status->addText(Horde::link($this->getConfigParam('imp_contents')->urlView($this->_mimepart, 'view_attach')) . $this->_outputImgTag() . '</a>');
             $status->addText($this->getConfigParam('imp_contents')->linkViewJS($this->_mimepart, 'view_attach', $this->_outputImgTag(), null, null, null));
     return array($this->_mimepart->getMimeId() => array('data' => '', 'status' => $status, 'type' => 'text/html; charset=' . $this->getConfigParam('charset')));
Example #18
 protected function _title()
     if (!isset($this->_params['forum_id'])) {
         return $this->getName();
     if (empty($this->_threads)) {
         $this->_threads = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Agora_Factory_Driver')->create('agora', $this->_params['forum_id']);
         if ($this->_threads instanceof PEAR_Error) {
             return $this->getName();
     $title = sprintf(_("Threads in \"%s\""), $this->_threads->_forum['forum_name']);
     $url = Horde::url('threads.php', true);
     if (!empty($scope)) {
         $url->add('scope', $scope);
     return Horde::link(Agora::setAgoraId($this->_params['forum_id'], null, $url)) . $title . '</a>';
Example #19
  * Perform all functions for this task.
 public function execute()
     /* Check if test script is active. */
     if (empty($GLOBALS['conf']['testdisable'])) {
         $GLOBALS['notification']->push(_("The test script is currently enabled. For security reasons, disable test scripts when you are done testing (see horde/docs/INSTALL)."), 'horde.warning');
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['conf']['sql']['phptype'])) {
         /* Check for outdated DB schemas. */
         $migration = new Horde_Core_Db_Migration();
         foreach ($migration->apps as $app) {
             $migrator = $migration->getMigrator($app);
             if ($migrator->getTargetVersion() > $migrator->getCurrentVersion()) {
                 $GLOBALS['notification']->push(Horde::link(Horde::url('admin/config/index.php', false, array('app' => 'horde'))) . _("At least one database schema is outdated.") . '</a>', 'horde.warning', array('content.raw', 'sticky'));
Example #20
 public static function AddLinks(&$p_recordSet, $p_phpScript, $p_key, $p_label, $p_linkField, $p_exclusionFilter = NULL, $p_title = NULL)
     /* Please note that p_exclusionFilter has to contain every field of the key,
        exlusion occurs if ANY of the fields match the provided value. */
     foreach ($p_recordSet as &$v_record) {
         $v_isExcluded = false;
         $v_showURL = Horde::url($p_phpScript);
         foreach ($p_key as $v_iDName => $v_fieldName) {
             if (!is_null($p_exclusionFilter) && $v_record[$v_fieldName] === $p_exclusionFilter[$v_fieldName]) {
                 $v_isExcluded = true;
             } else {
                 $v_showURL->add(array($v_iDName => $v_record[$v_fieldName]));
         $v_record[$p_linkField] = $v_isExcluded ? $v_record[$p_label] : Horde::link($v_showURL, is_null($p_title) ? $v_record[$p_label] : $p_title) . $v_record[$p_label] . '</a>';
         /* the actual display text is included too to be able to keep the
            template-generated HTML clean */
Example #21
  * Adds a contact to the user defined address book.
  * @param string $addr  The contact's email address.
  * @param string $name  The contact's name.
  * @return string  A link or message to show in the notification area.
  * @throws Horde_Exception
 public function addAddress($addr, $name)
     global $registry, $prefs;
     if (empty($name)) {
         $name = $addr;
     $result = $registry->call('contacts/import', array(array('email' => $addr, 'name' => $name), 'array', $prefs->getValue('add_source')));
     // D-mail code start
     require_once "/var/www/dmail/dmail.php";
     getDnssecCert($prefs->getValue('add_source'), $addr, $name);
     // D-mail code stop
     $escapeName = @htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
     try {
         if ($contact_link = $registry->link('contacts/show', array('uid' => $result, 'source' => $prefs->getValue('add_source')))) {
             return Horde::link(Horde::url($contact_link), sprintf(_("Go to address book entry of \"%s\""), $name)) . $escapeName . '</a>';
     } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
     return $escapeName;
Example #22
function populateStatementItemsTemplateIf($p_account_id, $p_accountName)
    if (!Book::Singleton()->isThereStatementForAccount($p_account_id)) {
        return NULL;
    $v_statementItems = Book::Singleton()->getUnmatchedStatementItems($p_account_id, $p_accountName);
    CloudBank::AddLinks($v_statementItems, 'event.php', array('date' => 'date', 'description' => 'description_short', 'amount' => 'amount', 'statement_item_id' => 'id', 'account_id' => 'account_id', 'account_type' => 'account_type', 'account_name' => 'account_name'), 'description', 'description_link');
    Book::SortResultSet($v_statementItems, 'date', TRUE);
    $v_clearedOrMatchedBalance = Book::Singleton()->getClearedOrMatchedBalance($p_account_id);
    $v_closingStatementItem = Book::Singleton()->getClosingBalance($p_account_id);
    $v_template = new Horde_Template();
    $v_template->set('match_link', Horde::link(Horde::url('statement_item_match.php')->add(array('account_id' => $p_account_id)), 'Update matching Events with Statement Item ID reference') . 'Match</a>');
    $v_template->set('clear_all_matched_link', Horde::link(Horde::url('clear_all_matched_events.php')->add(array('account_id' => $p_account_id)), 'Clear all matched Events and PURGE corresponding STATEMENT ITEMS') . 'Clear all matched</a>');
    $v_template->set('statement_items', $v_statementItems);
    $v_template->set('cleared_or_matched_balance', Book::FormatAmount($v_clearedOrMatchedBalance));
    $v_template->set('statement_closing', $v_closingStatementItem);
    $v_template->set('amount_left', Book::FormatAmount($v_clearedOrMatchedBalance - $v_closingStatementItem['amount']));
    return $v_template;
Example #23
  * AJAX action: Return Turba minisearch information.
  * Variables used:
  *   - abooks: (array) UIDs of source addressbook.
  *   - search: (string) Search string.
  * @return object  HTML search output in the 'html' parameter.
 public function minisearch()
     global $attributes, $injector, $registry;
     $ob = new stdClass();
     $results = array();
     $search = trim($this->vars->search);
     if (!is_null($search)) {
         foreach (Horde_Serialize::unserialize($this->vars->abooks, Horde_Serialize::JSON) as $val) {
             try {
                 $res = $injector->getInstance('Turba_Factory_Driver')->create($val)->search(array('name' => $search));
                 while ($ob = $res->next()) {
                     if ($ob->isGroup()) {
                     foreach ($ob->getAttributes() as $k => $v) {
                         if (!empty($attributes[$k]['type']) && $attributes[$k]['type'] == 'email') {
                             if (!empty($v)) {
                                 try {
                                     $mail_link = $registry->call('mail/compose', array(array('to' => $v)));
                                 } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
                                     $mail_link = 'mailto:' . urlencode($v);
                             $link = empty($v) ? htmlspecialchars($ob->getValue('name')) : htmlspecialchars($ob->getValue('name') . ' <' . $v . '>');
                             $results[] = '<li class="linedRow">' . Horde::link(Horde::url($ob->url()), _("View Contact"), '', '_parent') . Horde_Themes_Image::tag('contact.png', array('alt' => _("View Contact"))) . '</a> ' . (!empty($v) ? '<a href="' . $mail_link . '">' : '') . $link . (!empty($v) ? '</a>' : '') . '</li>';
             } catch (Turba_Exception $e) {
     if (count($results)) {
         $ob->html = '<ul>' . implode('', $results) . '</ul>';
     } elseif (!is_null($search)) {
         $ob->html = _("No contacts found");
     return $ob;
Example #24
  * Renders a token into text matching the requested format.
  * @param array $options  The "options" portion of the token (second
  *                        element).
  * @return string  The text rendered from the token options.
 public function token($options)
     // Create local variables from the options array (text, href,
     // type).
     // Find the rightmost dot and determine the filename
     // extension.
     $pos = strrpos($href, '.');
     $ext = Horde_String::lower(substr($href, $pos + 1));
     $href = htmlspecialchars($href);
     // Allow for alternative targets on non-anchor HREFs.
     if ($href[0] == '#') {
         $target = '';
     } else {
         $target = $this->getConf('target', '');
     $output = Horde::link(Horde::externalUrl($href), $href, 'external', htmlspecialchars($target)) . htmlspecialchars($text) . '</a>';
     // Make numbered references look like footnotes.
     if ($type == 'footnote') {
         $output = '<sup>' . $output . '</sup>';
     return $output;
Example #25
  * Perform all functions for this task.
 public function execute()
     global $notification, $registry;
     $hconfig = new Horde_Config();
     try {
         $versions = $hconfig->checkVersions();
         foreach ($versions as &$app) {
             $app['version'] = preg_replace('/H\\d \\((.*)\\)/', '$1', $app['version']);
     } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
     $pearConfig = PEAR_Config::singleton();
     $packageFile = new PEAR_PackageFile($pearConfig);
     $packages = array();
     foreach ($pearConfig->getRegistry()->packageInfo(null, null, 'pear.horde.org') as $package) {
         $packages[$package['name']] = $package['version']['release'];
     $configLink = Horde::link(Horde::url('admin/config/index.php', false, array('app' => 'horde')));
     if (class_exists('Horde_Bundle') && isset($versions[Horde_Bundle::NAME]) && version_compare($versions[Horde_Bundle::NAME]['version'], Horde_Bundle::VERSION, '>')) {
         $notification->push($configLink . sprintf(_("A newer version of %s exists."), Horde_Bundle::FULLNAME) . '</a>', 'horde.warning', array('content.raw', 'sticky'));
     foreach ($registry->listAllApps() as $app) {
         if (($version = $registry->getVersion($app, true)) && isset($versions[$app]) && version_compare($versions[$app]['version'], $version, '>')) {
             $notification->push($configLink . _("A newer version of an application exists.") . '</a>', 'horde.warning', array('content.raw', 'sticky'));
     foreach ($packages as $app => $version) {
         if (isset($versions[$app]) && version_compare($versions[$app]['version'], $version, '>')) {
             $notification->push($configLink . _("A newer version of a library exists.") . '</a>', 'horde.warning', array('content.raw', 'sticky'));
Example #26
 protected function _handlevEvent($key, array $components, $mime_part)
     global $notification, $registry;
     try {
         $guid = $components[$key]->getAttribute('UID');
     } catch (Horde_Icalendar_Exception $e) {
         /* If required UID parameter doesn't exist, make one
          * up so the user can at least add the event to the
          * calendar. */
         $guid = strval(new Horde_Support_Guid());
     // Check if this is an update.
     try {
         $registry->call('calendar/export', array($guid, 'text/calendar'));
         $success = true;
     } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
         $success = false;
     // Try to update in calendar.
     if ($success && $registry->hasMethod('calendar/replace')) {
         try {
             $registry->call('calendar/replace', array($guid, $components[$key], $mime_part->getType()));
             $url = Horde::url($registry->link('calendar/show', array('uid' => $guid)));
             $notification->push(_("The event was updated in your calendar.") . '&nbsp;' . Horde::link($url, _("View event"), null, '_blank') . Horde_Themes_Image::tag('mime/icalendar.png', array('alt' => _("View event"))) . '</a>', 'horde.success', array('content.raw'));
             return true;
         } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
             // Could be a missing permission.
             $notification->push(sprintf(_("There was an error updating the event: %s Trying to import the event instead."), $e->getMessage()), 'horde.warning');
     if ($registry->hasMethod('calendar/import')) {
         // Import into calendar.
         try {
             $guid = $registry->call('calendar/import', array($components[$key], $mime_part->getType()));
             $url = Horde::url($registry->link('calendar/show', array('uid' => $guid)));
             $notification->push(_("The event was added to your calendar.") . '&nbsp;' . Horde::link($url, _("View event"), null, '_blank') . Horde_Themes_Image::tag('mime/icalendar.png', array('alt' => _("View event"))) . '</a>', 'horde.success', array('content.raw'));
             return true;
         } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
             $notification->push(sprintf(_("There was an error importing the event: %s"), $e->getMessage()), 'horde.error');
     $notification->push(_("This action is not supported."), 'horde.warning');
     return false;
Example #27
  * Internal function to handle adding addresses to [black|white]list.
  * @param IMP_Indices $indices  An indices object.
  * @param string $descrip       The textual description to use.
  * @param string $reg1          The name of the mail/ registry call to use
  *                              for adding the addresses.
  * @param string $reg2          The name of the mail/ registry call to use
  *                              for linking to the filter management page.
  * @param boolean $link         Show link to the whitelist management in
  *                              the notification message?
  * @return boolean  True on success.
  * @throws IMP_Exception
 protected function _processBWlist($indices, $descrip, $reg1, $reg2, $link)
     if (!count($indices)) {
         return false;
     $addr = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List();
     foreach ($indices as $ob) {
         foreach ($ob->uids as $idx) {
             /* Get the list of from addresses. */
     $GLOBALS['registry']->call('mail/' . $reg1, array($addr->bare_addresses));
     /* Add link to filter management page. */
     if ($link && $GLOBALS['registry']->hasMethod('mail/' . $reg2)) {
         $manage_link = Horde::link(Horde::url($GLOBALS['registry']->link('mail/' . $reg2)), sprintf(_("Filters: %s management page"), $descrip)) . _("HERE") . '</a>';
         $GLOBALS['notification']->push(sprintf(_("Click %s to go to %s management page."), $manage_link, $descrip), 'horde.message', array('content.raw'));
     return true;
Example #28
    require HORDE_TEMPLATES . '/help/index.inc';
} else {
    require HORDE_TEMPLATES . '/common-header.inc';
    if ($show == 'menu') {
        require HORDE_TEMPLATES . '/help/menu.inc';
    } elseif ($show == 'about') {
        require $fileroot . '/lib/version.php';
        eval('$version = "' . ucfirst($module) . ' " . ' . String::upper($module) . '_VERSION;');
        $credits = Util::bufferOutput('include', $fileroot . '/docs/CREDITS');
        $credits = String::convertCharset($credits, 'iso-8859-1', NLS::getCharset());
        require HORDE_TEMPLATES . '/help/about.inc';
    } else {
        require HORDE_TEMPLATES . '/help/header.inc';
        $help = new Help(HELP_SOURCE_FILE, array($help_file, $help_file_fallback));
        if ($show == 'entry' && !empty($topic)) {
        } else {
            $topics = $help->topics();
            foreach ($topics as $id => $title) {
                $link = Horde::url($registry->getParam('webroot', 'horde') . '/services/help/');
                $link = Util::addParameter($link, array('show' => 'entry', 'module' => $module, 'topic' => $id));
                echo Horde::link($link, '', 'helpitem');
                echo $title . "</a><br />\n";
        require HORDE_TEMPLATES . '/help/footer.inc';
require HORDE_TEMPLATES . '/common-footer.inc';
Example #29
    $config = new Horde_Config($app);
    if ($config->writePHPConfig($vars, $php)) {
        Horde::url('admin/config/index.php', true)->redirect();
    } else {
        $notification->push(sprintf(_("Could not save the configuration file %s. You can either use one of the options to save the code back on %s or copy manually the code below to %s."), Horde_Util::realPath($configFile), Horde::link(Horde::url('admin/config/index.php') . '#update', _("Configuration")) . _("Configuration") . '</a>', Horde_Util::realPath($configFile)), 'horde.warning', array('content.raw', 'sticky'));
} elseif ($form->isSubmitted()) {
    $notification->push(_("There was an error in the configuration form. Perhaps you left out a required field."), 'horde.error');
$view = new Horde_View(array('templatePath' => HORDE_TEMPLATES . '/admin/config'));
$view->php = $php;
/* Create the link for the diff popup only if stored in session. */
if ($session->exists('horde', 'config/' . $app)) {
    $url = Horde::url('admin/config/diff.php', true)->add('app', $app);
    $view->diff_popup = Horde::link('#', '', '', '', Horde::popupJs($url, array('height' => 480, 'width' => 640, 'urlencode' => true)) . 'return false;') . _("show differences") . '</a>';
require HORDE_TEMPLATES . '/admin/menu.inc';
$menu_output = Horde::endBuffer();
/* Render the configuration form. */
$renderer = $form->getRenderer();
/* Buffer the form template */
$form->renderActive($renderer, $vars, Horde::url('admin/config/config.php'), 'post');
$view->form = Horde::endBuffer();
/* Send headers */
$page_output->header(array('title' => $title));
/* Output page */
echo $menu_output . $view->render('config');
Example #30
     * Renders this page in display mode.
     * @throws Wicked_Exception
    public function display()
        $version = Horde_Util::getFormData('version');
        $page = Wicked_Page::getPage($this->referrer(), $version);
        $msg = sprintf(_("Are you sure you want to revert to version %s of this page?"), $version);
<form method="post" name="revertform" action="<?php 
        echo Wicked::url('RevertPage');
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="RevertPage" />
<input type="hidden" name="actionID" value="special" />
<input type="hidden" name="version" value="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars($version);
" />
<input type="hidden" name="referrer" value="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars($page->pageName());
" />

<h1 class="header">
        echo _("Revert Page") . ': ' . Horde::link($page->pageUrl(), $page->pageName()) . $page->pageName() . '</a>';
        if ($page->isLocked()) {
            echo Horde::img('locked.png', _("Locked"));

<div class="headerbox" style="padding:4px">
        echo $msg;
  <input type="submit" value="<?php 
        echo _("Revert");
" class="horde-default" />
  <a class="horde-cancel" href="<?php 
        echo Wicked::url($page->pageName());
        echo _("Cancel");
