public function generate($sUID, $aFields, $sPath, $sFilename, $sContent, $sLandscape = false, $sTypeDocToGener = 'BOTH', $aProperties = array()) { if ($sUID != '' && is_array($aFields) && $sPath != '') { $sContent = G::replaceDataGridField($sContent, $aFields); G::verifyPath($sPath, true); //Start - Create .doc $oFile = fopen($sPath . $sFilename . '.doc', 'wb'); $size = array(); $size["Letter"] = "216mm 279mm"; $size["Legal"] = "216mm 357mm"; $size["Executive"] = "184mm 267mm"; $size["B5"] = "182mm 257mm"; $size["Folio"] = "216mm 330mm"; $size["A0Oversize"] = "882mm 1247mm"; $size["A0"] = "841mm 1189mm"; $size["A1"] = "594mm 841mm"; $size["A2"] = "420mm 594mm"; $size["A3"] = "297mm 420mm"; $size["A4"] = "210mm 297mm"; $size["A5"] = "148mm 210mm"; $size["A6"] = "105mm 148mm"; $size["A7"] = "74mm 105mm"; $size["A8"] = "52mm 74mm"; $size["A9"] = "37mm 52mm"; $size["A10"] = "26mm 37mm"; $size["Screenshot640"] = "640mm 480mm"; $size["Screenshot800"] = "800mm 600mm"; $size["Screenshot1024"] = "1024mm 768mm"; $sizeLandscape["Letter"] = "279mm 216mm"; $sizeLandscape["Legal"] = "357mm 216mm"; $sizeLandscape["Executive"] = "267mm 184mm"; $sizeLandscape["B5"] = "257mm 182mm"; $sizeLandscape["Folio"] = "330mm 216mm"; $sizeLandscape["A0Oversize"] = "1247mm 882mm"; $sizeLandscape["A0"] = "1189mm 841mm"; $sizeLandscape["A1"] = "841mm 594mm"; $sizeLandscape["A2"] = "594mm 420mm"; $sizeLandscape["A3"] = "420mm 297mm"; $sizeLandscape["A4"] = "297mm 210mm"; $sizeLandscape["A5"] = "210mm 148mm"; $sizeLandscape["A6"] = "148mm 105mm"; $sizeLandscape["A7"] = "105mm 74mm"; $sizeLandscape["A8"] = "74mm 52mm"; $sizeLandscape["A9"] = "52mm 37mm"; $sizeLandscape["A10"] = "37mm 26mm"; $sizeLandscape["Screenshot640"] = "480mm 640mm"; $sizeLandscape["Screenshot800"] = "600mm 800mm"; $sizeLandscape["Screenshot1024"] = "768mm 1024mm"; if (!isset($aProperties['media'])) { $aProperties['media'] = 'Letter'; } if ($sLandscape) { $media = $sizeLandscape[$aProperties['media']]; } else { $media = $size[$aProperties['media']]; } $marginLeft = '15'; if (isset($aProperties['margins']['left'])) { $marginLeft = $aProperties['margins']['left']; } $marginRight = '15'; if (isset($aProperties['margins']['right'])) { $marginRight = $aProperties['margins']['right']; } $marginTop = '15'; if (isset($aProperties['margins']['top'])) { $marginTop = $aProperties['margins']['top']; } $marginBottom = '15'; if (isset($aProperties['margins']['bottom'])) { $marginBottom = $aProperties['margins']['bottom']; } fwrite($oFile, '<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta name=ProgId content=Word.Document> <meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Word 9"> <meta name=Originator content="Microsoft Word 9"> <!--[if !mso]> <style> v\\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} </style> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Print</w:View> <w:DoNotHyphenateCaps/> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:DrawingGridHorizontalSpacing>9.35 pt</w:DrawingGridHorizontalSpacing> <w:DrawingGridVerticalSpacing>9.35 pt</w:DrawingGridVerticalSpacing> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--> <style> <!-- @page WordSection1 {size:' . $media . '; margin-left:' . $marginLeft . 'mm; margin-right:' . $marginRight . 'mm; margin-bottom:' . $marginBottom . 'mm; margin-top:' . $marginTop . 'mm; mso-header-margin:35.4pt; mso-footer-margin:35.4pt; mso-paper-source:0;} div.WordSection1 {page:WordSection1;} --> </style> </head> <body> <div class=WordSection1>'); fwrite($oFile, $sContent); fwrite($oFile, "\n</div></body></html>\n\n"); fclose($oFile); /* End - Create .doc */ if ($sTypeDocToGener == 'BOTH' || $sTypeDocToGener == 'PDF') { $oFile = fopen($sPath . $sFilename . '.html', 'wb'); fwrite($oFile, $sContent); fclose($oFile); /* Start - Create .pdf */ if (isset($aProperties['report_generator'])) { switch ($aProperties['report_generator']) { case 'TCPDF': $this->generateTcpdf($sUID, $aFields, $sPath, $sFilename, $sContent, $sLandscape, $aProperties); break; case 'HTML2PDF': default: $this->generateHtml2ps_pdf($sUID, $aFields, $sPath, $sFilename, $sContent, $sLandscape, $aProperties); break; } } else { $this->generateHtml2ps_pdf($sUID, $aFields, $sPath, $sFilename, $sContent, $sLandscape, $aProperties); } } //end if $sTypeDocToGener /* End - Create .pdf */ } else { return PEAR::raiseError(null, G_ERROR_USER_UID, null, null, 'You tried to call to a generate method without send the Output Document UID, fields to use and the file path!', 'G_Error', true); } }
/** * send message * * @param string $caseId * @param string $sFrom * @param string $sTo * @param string $sCc * @param string $sBcc * @param string $sSubject * @param string $sTemplate * @param $appFields = null * @param $aAttachment = null * @param boolean $showMessage = true * @param int $delIndex = 0 * @param $config = array * @return $result will return an object */ public function sendMessage( $caseId, $sFrom, $sTo, $sCc, $sBcc, $sSubject, $sTemplate, $appFields = null, $aAttachment = null, $showMessage = true, $delIndex = 0, $config = array() ) { try { if (!class_exists('System')) { G::LoadClass('system'); } /*----------------------------------********---------------------------------*/ $aSetup = System::getEmailConfiguration(); /*----------------------------------********---------------------------------*/ $msgError = ""; if(sizeof($aSetup) == 0){ $msgError = "The default configuration wasn't defined"; } $oSpool = new spoolRun(); $oSpool->setConfig($aSetup); $oCase = new Cases(); $oldFields = $oCase->loadCase( $caseId ); $pathEmail = PATH_DATA_SITE . 'mailTemplates' . PATH_SEP . $oldFields['PRO_UID'] . PATH_SEP; $fileTemplate = $pathEmail . $sTemplate; G::mk_dir( $pathEmail, 0777, true ); if (! file_exists( $fileTemplate )) { $data['FILE_TEMPLATE'] = $fileTemplate; $result = new wsResponse( 28, G::LoadTranslation( 'ID_TEMPLATE_FILE_NOT_EXIST', SYS_LANG, $data ) ); return $result; } if ($appFields == null) { $Fields = $oldFields['APP_DATA']; } else { $Fields = array_merge( $oldFields['APP_DATA'], $appFields ); } $sBody = G::replaceDataGridField(file_get_contents($fileTemplate), $Fields, false); $sFrom = G::buildFrom($aSetup, $sFrom); $showMessage = ($showMessage) ? 1 : 0 ; $messageArray = array( "msg_uid" => "", "app_uid" => $caseId, "del_index" => $delIndex, "app_msg_type" => "TRIGGER", "app_msg_subject" => $sSubject, "app_msg_from" => $sFrom, "app_msg_to" => $sTo, "app_msg_body" => $sBody, "app_msg_cc" => $sCc, "app_msg_bcc" => $sBcc, "app_msg_attach" => $aAttachment, "app_msg_template" => "", "app_msg_status" => "pending", "app_msg_show_message" => $showMessage, "app_msg_error" => $msgError, "contentTypeIsHtml" => (preg_match("/^.+\.html?$/i", $fileTemplate))? true : false ); $oSpool->create( $messageArray ); $oSpool->sendMail(); if ($oSpool->status == 'sent') { $result = new wsResponse( 0, G::loadTranslation( 'ID_MESSAGE_SENT' ) . ": " . $sTo ); } else { $result = new wsResponse( 29, $oSpool->status . ' ' . $oSpool->error . print_r( $aSetup, 1 ) ); } return $result; } catch (Exception $e) { return new wsResponse( 100, $e->getMessage() ); } }
public function sendNotifications($sCurrentTask, $aTasks, $aFields, $sApplicationUID, $iDelegation, $sFrom = "") { try { $applicationData = $this->loadCase($sApplicationUID); $aFields["APP_NUMBER"] = $applicationData["APP_NUMBER"]; if (!class_exists('System')) { G::LoadClass('system'); } $aConfiguration = System::getEmailConfiguration(); $msgError = ""; if (!isset($aConfiguration['MESS_ENABLED']) || $aConfiguration['MESS_ENABLED'] != '1') { $msgError = "The default configuration wasn't defined"; $aConfiguration['MESS_ENGINE'] = ''; } //Send derivation notification - Start $oTask = new Task(); $aTaskInfo = $oTask->load($sCurrentTask); if ($aTaskInfo['TAS_SEND_LAST_EMAIL'] != 'TRUE') { return false; } $sFrom = G::buildFrom($aConfiguration, $sFrom); if (isset($aTaskInfo['TAS_DEF_SUBJECT_MESSAGE']) && $aTaskInfo['TAS_DEF_SUBJECT_MESSAGE'] != '') { $sSubject = G::replaceDataField($aTaskInfo['TAS_DEF_SUBJECT_MESSAGE'], $aFields); } else { $sSubject = G::LoadTranslation('ID_MESSAGE_SUBJECT_DERIVATION'); } //erik: new behaviour for messages G::loadClass('configuration'); $oConf = new Configurations; $oConf->loadConfig($x, 'TAS_EXTRA_PROPERTIES', $aTaskInfo['TAS_UID'], '', ''); $conf = $oConf->aConfig; $pathEmail = PATH_DATA_SITE . "mailTemplates" . PATH_SEP . $aTaskInfo["PRO_UID"] . PATH_SEP; $swtplDefault = 0; $sBody = null; if (isset($conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TYPE"]) && isset($conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"]) && $conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TYPE"] == "template" && $conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"] != "" ) { if ($conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"] == "alert_message.html") { $swtplDefault = 1; } $fileTemplate = $pathEmail . $conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"]; if (!file_exists($fileTemplate)) { throw (new Exception("Template file \"$fileTemplate\" does not exist.")); } $sBody = G::replaceDataGridField(file_get_contents($fileTemplate), $aFields, false); } else { $sBody = nl2br(G::replaceDataGridField($aTaskInfo["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE"], $aFields, false)); } G::LoadClass("tasks"); G::LoadClass("groups"); G::LoadClass("spool"); $task = new Tasks(); $group = new Groups(); $oUser = new Users(); foreach ($aTasks as $aTask) { $sTo = null; $sCc = null; switch ($aTask["TAS_ASSIGN_TYPE"]) { case "SELF_SERVICE": if ($swtplDefault == 1) { G::verifyPath($pathEmail, true); //Create if it does not exist $fileTemplate = $pathEmail . G::LoadTranslation('ID_UNASSIGNED_MESSAGE'); if ((!file_exists($fileTemplate)) && file_exists(PATH_TPL . "mails" . PATH_SEP . G::LoadTranslation('ID_UNASSIGNED_MESSAGE'))) { @copy(PATH_TPL . "mails" . PATH_SEP . G::LoadTranslation('ID_UNASSIGNED_MESSAGE'), $fileTemplate); } $sBody = G::replaceDataField(file_get_contents($fileTemplate), $aFields); } if (isset($aTask["TAS_UID"]) && !empty($aTask["TAS_UID"])) { $arrayTaskUser = array(); $arrayAux1 = $task->getGroupsOfTask($aTask["TAS_UID"], 1); foreach ($arrayAux1 as $arrayGroup) { $arrayAux2 = $group->getUsersOfGroup($arrayGroup["GRP_UID"]); foreach ($arrayAux2 as $arrayUser) { $arrayTaskUser[] = $arrayUser["USR_UID"]; } } $arrayAux1 = $task->getUsersOfTask($aTask["TAS_UID"], 1); foreach ($arrayAux1 as $arrayUser) { $arrayTaskUser[] = $arrayUser["USR_UID"]; } $criteria = new Criteria("workflow"); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_UID); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_USERNAME); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_FIRSTNAME); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_LASTNAME); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_EMAIL); $criteria->add(UsersPeer::USR_UID, $arrayTaskUser, Criteria::IN); $rsCriteria = UsersPeer::doSelectRs($criteria); $rsCriteria->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $to = null; $cc = null; $sw = 1; while ($rsCriteria->next()) { $row = $rsCriteria->getRow(); $toAux = ( (($row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] != "") || ($row["USR_LASTNAME"] != "")) ? $row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] . " " . $row["USR_LASTNAME"] . " " : "" ) . "<" . $row["USR_EMAIL"] . ">"; if ($sw == 1) { $to = $toAux; $sw = 0; } else { $cc = $cc . (($cc != null) ? "," : null) . $toAux; } } $sTo = $to; $sCc = $cc; } break; default: if (isset($aTask["USR_UID"]) && !empty($aTask["USR_UID"])) { $aUser = $oUser->load($aTask["USR_UID"]); $sTo = ( (($aUser["USR_FIRSTNAME"] != "") || ($aUser["USR_LASTNAME"] != "")) ? $aUser["USR_FIRSTNAME"] . " " . $aUser["USR_LASTNAME"] . " " : "" ) . "<" . $aUser["USR_EMAIL"] . ">"; } break; } if ($sTo != null) { $oSpool = new spoolRun(); $oSpool->setConfig($aConfiguration); $oSpool->create(array( "msg_uid" => "", "app_uid" => $sApplicationUID, "del_index" => $iDelegation, "app_msg_type" => "DERIVATION", "app_msg_subject" => $sSubject, "app_msg_from" => $sFrom, "app_msg_to" => $sTo, "app_msg_body" => $sBody, "app_msg_cc" => $sCc, "app_msg_bcc" => "", "app_msg_attach" => "", "app_msg_template" => "", "app_msg_status" => "pending", "app_msg_error" => $msgError )); if ($msgError == '') { if (($aConfiguration["MESS_BACKGROUND"] == "") || ($aConfiguration["MESS_TRY_SEND_INMEDIATLY"] == "1") ) { $oSpool->sendMail(); } } } } //Send derivation notification - End } catch (Exception $oException) { throw $oException; } }
public function sendNotifications($sCurrentTask, $aTasks, $aFields, $sApplicationUID, $iDelegation, $sFrom = "") { try { $applicationData = $this->loadCase($sApplicationUID); $aFields["APP_NUMBER"] = $applicationData["APP_NUMBER"]; $oConfiguration = new Configuration(); $sDelimiter = DBAdapter::getStringDelimiter(); $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow'); $oCriteria->add(ConfigurationPeer::CFG_UID, 'Emails'); $oCriteria->add(ConfigurationPeer::OBJ_UID, ''); $oCriteria->add(ConfigurationPeer::PRO_UID, ''); $oCriteria->add(ConfigurationPeer::USR_UID, ''); $oCriteria->add(ConfigurationPeer::APP_UID, ''); if (ConfigurationPeer::doCount($oCriteria) == 0) { $oConfiguration->create(array('CFG_UID' => 'Emails', 'OBJ_UID' => '', 'CFG_VALUE' => '', 'PRO_UID' => '', 'USR_UID' => '', 'APP_UID' => '')); $aConfiguration = array(); } else { $aConfiguration = $oConfiguration->load('Emails', '', '', '', ''); if ($aConfiguration['CFG_VALUE'] != '') { $aConfiguration = unserialize($aConfiguration["CFG_VALUE"]); $passwd = $aConfiguration["MESS_PASSWORD"]; $passwdDec = G::decrypt($passwd, "EMAILENCRYPT"); $auxPass = explode('hash:', $passwdDec); if (count($auxPass) > 1) { if (count($auxPass) == 2) { $passwd = $auxPass[1]; } else { array_shift($auxPass); $passwd = implode('', $auxPass); } } $aConfiguration["MESS_PASSWORD"] = $passwd; } else { $aConfiguration = array(); } } if (!isset($aConfiguration['MESS_ENABLED']) || $aConfiguration['MESS_ENABLED'] != '1') { return false; } //Send derivation notification - Start $oTask = new Task(); $aTaskInfo = $oTask->load($sCurrentTask); if ($aTaskInfo['TAS_SEND_LAST_EMAIL'] != 'TRUE') { return false; } if ($sFrom == '') { $sFrom = '"ProcessMaker"'; } $hasEmailFrom = preg_match('/(.+)@(.+)\\.(.+)/', $sFrom, $match); if (!$hasEmailFrom || strpos($sFrom, $aConfiguration['MESS_ACCOUNT']) === false) { if ($aConfiguration['MESS_ENGINE'] != 'MAIL' && $aConfiguration['MESS_ACCOUNT'] != '') { $sFrom .= ' <' . $aConfiguration['MESS_ACCOUNT'] . '>'; } else { if ($aConfiguration['MESS_ENGINE'] == 'MAIL') { $sFrom .= ' <info@' . gethostbyaddr('') . '>'; } else { if ($aConfiguration['MESS_SERVER'] != '') { if ($sAux = @gethostbyaddr($aConfiguration['MESS_SERVER'])) { $sFrom .= ' <info@' . $sAux . '>'; } else { $sFrom .= ' <info@' . $aConfiguration['MESS_SERVER'] . '>'; } } else { $sFrom .= ' <*****@*****.**>'; } } } } if (isset($aTaskInfo['TAS_DEF_SUBJECT_MESSAGE']) && $aTaskInfo['TAS_DEF_SUBJECT_MESSAGE'] != '') { $sSubject = G::replaceDataField($aTaskInfo['TAS_DEF_SUBJECT_MESSAGE'], $aFields); } else { $sSubject = G::LoadTranslation('ID_MESSAGE_SUBJECT_DERIVATION'); } //erik: new behaviour for messages G::loadClass('configuration'); $oConf = new Configurations(); $oConf->loadConfig($x, 'TAS_EXTRA_PROPERTIES', $aTaskInfo['TAS_UID'], '', ''); $conf = $oConf->aConfig; $pathEmail = PATH_DATA_SITE . "mailTemplates" . PATH_SEP . $aTaskInfo["PRO_UID"] . PATH_SEP; $swtplDefault = 0; $sBody = null; if (isset($conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TYPE"]) && isset($conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"]) && $conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TYPE"] == "template" && $conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"] != "") { if ($conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"] == "alert_message.html") { $swtplDefault = 1; } $fileTemplate = $pathEmail . $conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"]; if (!file_exists($fileTemplate)) { throw new Exception("Template file \"{$fileTemplate}\" does not exist."); } $sBody = G::replaceDataGridField(file_get_contents($fileTemplate), $aFields); } else { $sBody = nl2br(G::replaceDataGridField($aTaskInfo["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE"], $aFields)); } G::LoadClass("tasks"); G::LoadClass("groups"); G::LoadClass("spool"); $task = new Tasks(); $group = new Groups(); $oUser = new Users(); foreach ($aTasks as $aTask) { $sTo = null; $sCc = null; switch ($aTask["TAS_ASSIGN_TYPE"]) { case "SELF_SERVICE": if ($swtplDefault == 1) { G::verifyPath($pathEmail, true); //Create if it does not exist $fileTemplate = $pathEmail . "unassignedMessage.html"; if (!file_exists($fileTemplate)) { @copy(PATH_TPL . "mails" . PATH_SEP . "unassignedMessage.html", $fileTemplate); } $sBody = G::replaceDataField(file_get_contents($fileTemplate), $aFields); } if (isset($aTask["TAS_UID"]) && !empty($aTask["TAS_UID"])) { $arrayTaskUser = array(); $arrayAux1 = $task->getGroupsOfTask($aTask["TAS_UID"], 1); foreach ($arrayAux1 as $arrayGroup) { $arrayAux2 = $group->getUsersOfGroup($arrayGroup["GRP_UID"]); foreach ($arrayAux2 as $arrayUser) { $arrayTaskUser[] = $arrayUser["USR_UID"]; } } $arrayAux1 = $task->getUsersOfTask($aTask["TAS_UID"], 1); foreach ($arrayAux1 as $arrayUser) { $arrayTaskUser[] = $arrayUser["USR_UID"]; } $criteria = new Criteria("workflow"); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_UID); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_USERNAME); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_FIRSTNAME); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_LASTNAME); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_EMAIL); $criteria->add(UsersPeer::USR_UID, $arrayTaskUser, Criteria::IN); $rsCriteria = UsersPeer::doSelectRs($criteria); $rsCriteria->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $to = null; $cc = null; $sw = 1; while ($rsCriteria->next()) { $row = $rsCriteria->getRow(); $toAux = ($row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] != "" || $row["USR_LASTNAME"] != "" ? $row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] . " " . $row["USR_LASTNAME"] . " " : "") . "<" . $row["USR_EMAIL"] . ">"; if ($sw == 1) { $to = $toAux; $sw = 0; } else { $cc = $cc . ($cc != null ? "," : null) . $toAux; } } $sTo = $to; $sCc = $cc; } break; default: if (isset($aTask["USR_UID"]) && !empty($aTask["USR_UID"])) { $aUser = $oUser->load($aTask["USR_UID"]); $sTo = ($aUser["USR_FIRSTNAME"] != "" || $aUser["USR_LASTNAME"] != "" ? $aUser["USR_FIRSTNAME"] . " " . $aUser["USR_LASTNAME"] . " " : "") . "<" . $aUser["USR_EMAIL"] . ">"; } break; } if ($sTo != null) { $oSpool = new spoolRun(); if ($aConfiguration['MESS_RAUTH'] == false || is_string($aConfiguration['MESS_RAUTH']) && $aConfiguration['MESS_RAUTH'] == 'false') { $aConfiguration['MESS_RAUTH'] = 0; } else { $aConfiguration['MESS_RAUTH'] = 1; } $oSpool->setConfig(array("MESS_ENGINE" => $aConfiguration["MESS_ENGINE"], "MESS_SERVER" => $aConfiguration["MESS_SERVER"], "MESS_PORT" => $aConfiguration["MESS_PORT"], "MESS_ACCOUNT" => $aConfiguration["MESS_ACCOUNT"], "MESS_PASSWORD" => $aConfiguration["MESS_PASSWORD"], "SMTPAuth" => $aConfiguration["MESS_RAUTH"] == "1" ? true : false, "SMTPSecure" => isset($aConfiguration["SMTPSecure"]) ? $aConfiguration["SMTPSecure"] : "")); $oSpool->create(array("msg_uid" => "", "app_uid" => $sApplicationUID, "del_index" => $iDelegation, "app_msg_type" => "DERIVATION", "app_msg_subject" => $sSubject, "app_msg_from" => $sFrom, "app_msg_to" => $sTo, "app_msg_body" => $sBody, "app_msg_cc" => $sCc, "app_msg_bcc" => "", "app_msg_attach" => "", "app_msg_template" => "", "app_msg_status" => "pending")); if ($aConfiguration["MESS_BACKGROUND"] == "" || $aConfiguration["MESS_TRY_SEND_INMEDIATLY"] == "1") { $oSpool->sendMail(); } } } //Send derivation notification - End } catch (Exception $oException) { throw $oException; } }
/** * send message * * @param string $caseId * @param string $sFrom * @param string $sTo * @param string $sCc * @param string $sBcc * @param string $sSubject * @param string $sTemplate * @param $appFields = null * @param $aAttachment = null * @param boolean $showMessage = true * @param int $delIndex = 0 * @return $result will return an object */ public function sendMessage($caseId, $sFrom, $sTo, $sCc, $sBcc, $sSubject, $sTemplate, $appFields = null, $aAttachment = null, $showMessage = true, $delIndex = 0) { try { G::LoadClass("system"); $aSetup = System::getEmailConfiguration(); $passwd = $aSetup['MESS_PASSWORD']; $passwdDec = G::decrypt($passwd, 'EMAILENCRYPT'); $auxPass = explode('hash:', $passwdDec); if (count($auxPass) > 1) { if (count($auxPass) == 2) { $passwd = $auxPass[1]; } else { array_shift($auxPass); $passwd = implode('', $auxPass); } } $aSetup['MESS_PASSWORD'] = $passwd; if ($aSetup['MESS_RAUTH'] == false || is_string($aSetup['MESS_RAUTH']) && $aSetup['MESS_RAUTH'] == 'false') { $aSetup['MESS_RAUTH'] = 0; } else { $aSetup['MESS_RAUTH'] = 1; } $oSpool = new spoolRun(); $oSpool->setConfig(array('MESS_ENGINE' => $aSetup['MESS_ENGINE'], 'MESS_SERVER' => $aSetup['MESS_SERVER'], 'MESS_PORT' => $aSetup['MESS_PORT'], 'MESS_ACCOUNT' => $aSetup['MESS_ACCOUNT'], 'MESS_PASSWORD' => $aSetup['MESS_PASSWORD'], 'SMTPSecure' => $aSetup['SMTPSecure'], 'SMTPAuth' => $aSetup['MESS_RAUTH'])); $oCase = new Cases(); $oldFields = $oCase->loadCase($caseId); $pathEmail = PATH_DATA_SITE . 'mailTemplates' . PATH_SEP . $oldFields['PRO_UID'] . PATH_SEP; $fileTemplate = $pathEmail . $sTemplate; G::mk_dir($pathEmail, 0777, true); if (!file_exists($fileTemplate)) { $data['FILE_TEMPLATE'] = $fileTemplate; $result = new wsResponse(28, G::LoadTranslation('ID_TEMPLATE_FILE_NOT_EXIST', SYS_LANG, $data)); return $result; } if ($appFields == null) { $Fields = $oldFields['APP_DATA']; } else { $Fields = array_merge($oldFields['APP_DATA'], $appFields); } $sBody = G::replaceDataGridField(file_get_contents($fileTemplate), $Fields); $hasEmailFrom = preg_match('/(.+)@(.+)\\.(.+)/', $sFrom, $match); if (!$hasEmailFrom || strpos($sFrom, $aSetup['MESS_ACCOUNT']) === false) { $sFrom = '"' . stripslashes($sFrom) . '" <' . $aSetup['MESS_ACCOUNT'] . ">"; } $showMessage = $showMessage ? 1 : 0; $messageArray = array("msg_uid" => "", "app_uid" => $caseId, "del_index" => $delIndex, "app_msg_type" => "TRIGGER", "app_msg_subject" => $sSubject, "app_msg_from" => $sFrom, "app_msg_to" => $sTo, "app_msg_body" => $sBody, "app_msg_cc" => $sCc, "app_msg_bcc" => $sBcc, "app_msg_attach" => $aAttachment, "app_msg_template" => "", "app_msg_status" => "pending", "app_msg_show_message" => $showMessage, "contentTypeIsHtml" => preg_match("/^.+\\.html?\$/i", $fileTemplate) ? true : false); $oSpool->create($messageArray); $oSpool->sendMail(); if ($oSpool->status == 'sent') { $result = new wsResponse(0, G::loadTranslation('ID_MESSAGE_SENT') . ": " . $sTo); } else { $result = new wsResponse(29, $oSpool->status . ' ' . $oSpool->error . print_r($aSetup, 1)); } return $result; } catch (Exception $e) { return new wsResponse(100, $e->getMessage()); } }
public function sendNotifications($taskUid, $arrayTask, $arrayData, $applicationUid, $delIndex, $from = '') { try { $arrayApplicationData = $this->loadCase($applicationUid); $arrayData['APP_NUMBER'] = $arrayApplicationData['APP_NUMBER']; if (!class_exists('System')) { G::LoadClass('system'); } $aConfiguration = System::getEmailConfiguration(); $msgError = ""; if (!isset($aConfiguration['MESS_ENABLED']) || $aConfiguration['MESS_ENABLED'] != '1') { $msgError = "The default configuration wasn't defined"; $aConfiguration['MESS_ENGINE'] = ''; } //Send derivation notification - Start $oTask = new Task(); $aTaskInfo = $oTask->load($taskUid); if ($aTaskInfo['TAS_SEND_LAST_EMAIL'] != 'TRUE') { return false; } $from = G::buildFrom($aConfiguration, $from); if (isset($aTaskInfo['TAS_DEF_SUBJECT_MESSAGE']) && $aTaskInfo['TAS_DEF_SUBJECT_MESSAGE'] != '') { $sSubject = G::replaceDataField($aTaskInfo['TAS_DEF_SUBJECT_MESSAGE'], $arrayData); } else { $sSubject = G::LoadTranslation('ID_MESSAGE_SUBJECT_DERIVATION'); } //erik: new behaviour for messages G::loadClass('configuration'); $oConf = new Configurations(); $oConf->loadConfig($x, 'TAS_EXTRA_PROPERTIES', $aTaskInfo['TAS_UID'], '', ''); $conf = $oConf->aConfig; $pathEmail = PATH_DATA_SITE . "mailTemplates" . PATH_SEP . $aTaskInfo["PRO_UID"] . PATH_SEP; $swtplDefault = 0; $sBody = null; if (isset($conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TYPE"]) && isset($conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"]) && $conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TYPE"] == "template" && $conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"] != "") { if ($conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"] == "alert_message.html") { $swtplDefault = 1; } $fileTemplate = $pathEmail . $conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"]; if (!file_exists($fileTemplate)) { $tempale = PATH_CORE . "templates" . PATH_SEP . "mails" . PATH_SEP . "alert_message.html"; $copied = @copy($tempale, $fileTemplate); if ($copied) { $dataTemplate = array("prf_filename" => $conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"], "prf_path" => $fileTemplate, "pro_uid" => $aTaskInfo["PRO_UID"], "usr_uid" => "00000000000000000000000000000001", "prf_uid" => G::generateUniqueID(), "prf_type" => "file", "prf_create_date" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $filesManager = new ProcessMaker\BusinessModel\FilesManager(); $filesManager->addProcessFilesManagerInDb($dataTemplate); } else { throw new Exception("Template file \"{$fileTemplate}\" does not exist."); } } $sBody = file_get_contents($fileTemplate); } else { $sBody = nl2br($aTaskInfo['TAS_DEF_MESSAGE']); } G::LoadClass("tasks"); G::LoadClass("groups"); G::LoadClass("spool"); $task = new Tasks(); $group = new Groups(); $oUser = new Users(); foreach ($arrayTask as $aTask) { $sTo = null; $sCc = null; if (isset($aTask['DEL_INDEX'])) { $arrayData2 = $arrayData; $appDelegation = AppDelegationPeer::retrieveByPK($applicationUid, $aTask['DEL_INDEX']); if (!is_null($appDelegation)) { $arrayData2['TAS_TITLE'] = Content::load('TAS_TITLE', '', $appDelegation->getTasUid(), SYS_LANG); $arrayData2['DEL_TASK_DUE_DATE'] = $appDelegation->getDelTaskDueDate(); } } else { $arrayData2 = $arrayData; } if (isset($aTask['USR_UID']) && !empty($aTask['USR_UID'])) { $user = new \ProcessMaker\BusinessModel\User(); $arrayUserData = $user->getUser($aTask['USR_UID'], true); $arrayData2 = \ProcessMaker\Util\DateTime::convertUtcToTimeZone($arrayData2, trim($arrayUserData['USR_TIME_ZONE']) != '' ? trim($arrayUserData['USR_TIME_ZONE']) : \ProcessMaker\Util\System::getTimeZone()); } else { $arrayData2 = \ProcessMaker\Util\DateTime::convertUtcToTimeZone($arrayData2); } $sBody2 = G::replaceDataGridField($sBody, $arrayData2, false); switch ($aTask["TAS_ASSIGN_TYPE"]) { case "SELF_SERVICE": if ($swtplDefault == 1) { G::verifyPath($pathEmail, true); //Create if it does not exist $fileTemplate = $pathEmail . G::LoadTranslation('ID_UNASSIGNED_MESSAGE'); if (!file_exists($fileTemplate) && file_exists(PATH_TPL . "mails" . PATH_SEP . G::LoadTranslation('ID_UNASSIGNED_MESSAGE'))) { @copy(PATH_TPL . "mails" . PATH_SEP . G::LoadTranslation('ID_UNASSIGNED_MESSAGE'), $fileTemplate); } $sBody2 = G::replaceDataField(file_get_contents($fileTemplate), $arrayData2); } if (isset($aTask["TAS_UID"]) && !empty($aTask["TAS_UID"])) { $arrayTaskUser = array(); $arrayAux1 = $task->getGroupsOfTask($aTask["TAS_UID"], 1); foreach ($arrayAux1 as $arrayGroup) { $arrayAux2 = $group->getUsersOfGroup($arrayGroup["GRP_UID"]); foreach ($arrayAux2 as $arrayUser) { $arrayTaskUser[] = $arrayUser["USR_UID"]; } } $arrayAux1 = $task->getUsersOfTask($aTask["TAS_UID"], 1); foreach ($arrayAux1 as $arrayUser) { $arrayTaskUser[] = $arrayUser["USR_UID"]; } $criteria = new Criteria("workflow"); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_UID); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_USERNAME); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_FIRSTNAME); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_LASTNAME); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_EMAIL); $criteria->add(UsersPeer::USR_UID, $arrayTaskUser, Criteria::IN); $rsCriteria = UsersPeer::doSelectRs($criteria); $rsCriteria->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $to = null; $cc = null; $sw = 1; while ($rsCriteria->next()) { $row = $rsCriteria->getRow(); $toAux = ($row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] != "" || $row["USR_LASTNAME"] != "" ? $row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] . " " . $row["USR_LASTNAME"] . " " : "") . "<" . $row["USR_EMAIL"] . ">"; if ($sw == 1) { $to = $toAux; $sw = 0; } else { $cc = $cc . ($cc != null ? "," : null) . $toAux; } } $sTo = $to; $sCc = $cc; } break; case "MULTIPLE_INSTANCE": $to = null; $cc = null; $sw = 1; $oDerivation = new Derivation(); $userFields = $oDerivation->getUsersFullNameFromArray($oDerivation->getAllUsersFromAnyTask($aTask["TAS_UID"])); if (isset($userFields)) { foreach ($userFields as $row) { $toAux = ($row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] != "" || $row["USR_LASTNAME"] != "" ? $row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] . " " . $row["USR_LASTNAME"] . " " : "") . "<" . $row["USR_EMAIL"] . ">"; if ($sw == 1) { $to = $toAux; $sw = 0; } else { $cc = $cc . ($cc != null ? "," : null) . $toAux; } } $sTo = $to; $sCc = $cc; } break; case "MULTIPLE_INSTANCE_VALUE_BASED": $aTaskNext = $oTask->load($aTask["TAS_UID"]); if (isset($aTaskNext["TAS_ASSIGN_VARIABLE"]) && !empty($aTaskNext["TAS_ASSIGN_VARIABLE"])) { $to = null; $cc = null; $sw = 1; $nextTaskAssignVariable = trim($aTaskNext["TAS_ASSIGN_VARIABLE"], " @#"); $arrayUsers = $arrayData[$nextTaskAssignVariable]; $oDerivation = new Derivation(); $userFields = $oDerivation->getUsersFullNameFromArray($arrayUsers); foreach ($userFields as $row) { $toAux = ($row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] != "" || $row["USR_LASTNAME"] != "" ? $row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] . " " . $row["USR_LASTNAME"] . " " : "") . "<" . $row["USR_EMAIL"] . ">"; if ($sw == 1) { $to = $toAux; $sw = 0; } else { $cc = $cc . ($cc != null ? "," : null) . $toAux; } } $sTo = $to; $sCc = $cc; } break; default: if (isset($aTask["USR_UID"]) && !empty($aTask["USR_UID"])) { $aUser = $oUser->load($aTask["USR_UID"]); $sTo = ($aUser["USR_FIRSTNAME"] != "" || $aUser["USR_LASTNAME"] != "" ? $aUser["USR_FIRSTNAME"] . " " . $aUser["USR_LASTNAME"] . " " : "") . "<" . $aUser["USR_EMAIL"] . ">"; } break; } if ($sTo != null) { $oSpool = new spoolRun(); $oSpool->setConfig($aConfiguration); $oSpool->create(array("msg_uid" => "", 'app_uid' => $applicationUid, 'del_index' => $delIndex, "app_msg_type" => "DERIVATION", "app_msg_subject" => $sSubject, 'app_msg_from' => $from, "app_msg_to" => $sTo, 'app_msg_body' => $sBody2, "app_msg_cc" => $sCc, "app_msg_bcc" => "", "app_msg_attach" => "", "app_msg_template" => "", "app_msg_status" => "pending", "app_msg_error" => $msgError)); if ($msgError == '') { if ($aConfiguration["MESS_BACKGROUND"] == "" || $aConfiguration["MESS_TRY_SEND_INMEDIATLY"] == "1") { $oSpool->sendMail(); } } } } //Send derivation notification - End } catch (Exception $oException) { throw $oException; } }