','addCity','row='+rowNumber+'&city='+encodeURIComponent(newCity.value)+'&country='+encodeURIComponent(country.value)); rowNumber++; newCity.value=''; //Refresh the city's dropdown attachFunctionEventOnChange(document.getElementById('form[USR_CITY]'),null); attachFunctionEventOnChange(document.getElementById('form[USR_COUNTRY]'),null); document.getElementById('form[USR_COUNTRY]').onchange(); attachFunctionEventOnChange(document.getElementById('form[USR_CITY]'),changeRegion); attachFunctionEventOnChange(document.getElementById('form[USR_COUNTRY]'),changeRegion); } function deleteCity(locat) { var lr = document.getElementById('DIV_LOCATIONS'); var country=document.getElementById('form[USR_COUNTRY]'); lr.innerHTML=ajax_function('<?php echo G::encryptLink('cityAjax.php'); ?> ','delCity','row='+rowNumber+'&uid='+encodeURIComponent(locat)+'&country='+encodeURIComponent(country.value)); rowNumber--; //Refresh the city's dropdown attachFunctionEventOnChange(document.getElementById('form[USR_CITY]'),null); attachFunctionEventOnChange(document.getElementById('form[USR_COUNTRY]'),null); document.getElementById('form[USR_COUNTRY]').onchange(); attachFunctionEventOnChange(document.getElementById('form[USR_CITY]'),changeRegion); attachFunctionEventOnChange(document.getElementById('form[USR_COUNTRY]'),changeRegion); } function ajax_function(ajax_server, funcion, parameters) { objetus = get_xmlhttp(); var response; try
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * For more information, contact Colosa Inc, 2566 Le Jeune Rd., * Coral Gables, FL, 33134, USA, or email info@colosa.com. * */ global $HTTP_SESSION_VARS; global $G_FORM; $path = ''; $showFieldAjax = 'showFieldAjax.php'; $serverAjax = G::encryptLink($path . $showFieldAjax); ?> <script language="JavaScript"> function RefreshDependentFields(ObjectName, Fields, InitValue) { <?php //global $G_FORM; $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['INIT_VALUES'] = $G_FORM->Values; global $HTTP_GET_VARS; if ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['CURRENT_APPLICATION'] == '') { $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['CURRENT_APPLICATION'] = '0'; } $appid = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['CURRENT_APPLICATION']; if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['dynaform'] != '') { $Dynaform = '&__dynaform__=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['dynaform']; }
/** * to make an array for template * * @author Fernando Ontiveros Lira <*****@*****.**> * @access public * @param string $G_MAIN_MENU * @param string $classOn * @param string $classOff * @param string $G_MENU_SELECTED * @param string $G_ID_MENU_SELECTED * @return array */ function generateArrayForTemplate($G_MAIN_MENU, $classOn, $classOff, $G_MENU_SELECTED, $G_ID_MENU_SELECTED) { $menus = array(); if ($G_MAIN_MENU == null) { return $menus; } $this->Load($G_MAIN_MENU); $this->optionOn = $G_MENU_SELECTED; $this->id_optionOn = $G_ID_MENU_SELECTED; //$this->Class = $G_MENU_CLASS; if (is_array($this->Options)) { for ($ncount = 0; $ncount < $this->OptionCount(); $ncount++) { $target = $this->Options[$ncount]; //$aux = $this->Icons[$ncount]; $aux = $this->JS[$ncount]; if ($this->Types[$ncount] == 'absolute') { //$target = G::encryptLink(str_replace('sys' . SYS_TEMP, SYS_TEMP, $this->Options[$ncount])); $target = $this->Options[$ncount]; } if ($this->Types[$ncount] != 'absolute') { if (defined('SYS_SYS')) { $target = '/sys' . SYS_TEMP . G::encryptLink('/' . SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/' . $this->Options[$ncount]); } else { $target = '/sys/' . G::encryptLink(SYS_LANG . '/' . SYS_SKIN . '/' . $this->Options[$ncount]); } } $label = $this->Labels[$ncount]; if ($this->id_optionOn != '') { $onMenu = $this->Id[$ncount] == $this->id_optionOn ? true : false; } else { $onMenu = $ncount == $this->optionOn ? true : false; } $classname = $onMenu ? $classOn : $classOff; $imageLeft = $onMenu ? "<img src=\"/images/bulletSubMenu.jpg\" />" : ''; $onclick = ''; if ($this->JS[$ncount] !== '') { $onclick = " onclick=\"" . $this->JS[$ncount] . "\""; } $icon = ''; if ($this->Icons[$ncount] !== '') { $icon = " <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"" . $this->JS[$ncount] . "\" class=\"{$classname}\">" . "<img src=\"" . $this->Icons[$ncount] . "\" border=\"0\"/></a>"; $icon = $this->Icons[$ncount]; } if ($this->Classes[$ncount] != '') { $classname = $this->Classes[$ncount]; $target = "#"; } $idName = $this->Id[$ncount]; $elementclass = ''; if ($this->ElementClass[$ncount] != '') { $elementclass = 'class="' . $this->ElementClass[$ncount] . '"'; } $menus[] = array('id' => $ncount, 'target' => $target, 'label' => $label, 'onMenu' => $onMenu, 'classname' => $classname, 'imageLeft' => $imageLeft, 'onclick' => $onclick, 'icon' => $icon, 'aux' => $aux, 'idName' => $idName, 'elementclass' => $elementclass); } } return $menus; }
/** * Function setupFromXmlform * * @author David S. Callizaya S. <*****@*****.**> * editedby Hugo Loza <*****@*****.**> * @access public * @param eter string xmlForm * @return string */ public function setupFromXmlform($xmlForm) { $this->xmlForm = $xmlForm; //Config $this->name = $xmlForm->name; $this->id = $xmlForm->id; //$this->sqlConnection=((isset($this->xmlForm->sqlConnection))?$this->xmlForm->sqlConnection:''); if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $this->currentPage = $_GET['page']; } else { $this->currentPage = 1; } if (isset($_GET['order'])) { $this->orderBy = urldecode($_GET['order']); } else { $this->orderBy = ""; } if (isset($_GET['filter'])) { $this->filter = urldecode($_GET['filter']); } else { $this->filter = ""; } if ($xmlForm->ajaxServer != '') { $this->ajaxServer = G::encryptLink($xmlForm->ajaxServer); } else { $this->ajaxServer = G::encryptLink('../gulliver/propelTableAjax'); } $this->ownerPage = G::encryptLink(SYS_CURRENT_URI); // Config attributes from XMLFORM file $myAttributes = get_class_vars(get_class($this)); foreach ($this->xmlForm->xmlform->tree->attribute as $atrib => $value) { if (array_key_exists($atrib, $myAttributes)) { eval('settype($value, gettype($this->' . $atrib . '));'); if ($value !== '') { eval('$this->' . $atrib . '=$value;'); } } } if ($this->masterdetail != "") { $this->masterdetail = explode(",", $this->masterdetail); foreach ($this->masterdetail as $keyMasterDetail => $valueMasterDetail) { $this->masterdetail[$keyMasterDetail] = trim($valueMasterDetail); } } else { $this->masterdetail = array(); } //Prepare the fields $this->style = array(); $this->gridWidth = ""; $this->gridFields = ""; $this->fieldsType = array(); foreach ($this->xmlForm->fields as $f => $v) { $r = $f; $this->fields[$r]['Name'] = $this->xmlForm->fields[$f]->name; $this->fields[$r]['Type'] = $this->xmlForm->fields[$f]->type; if (isset($this->xmlForm->fields[$f]->size)) { $this->fields[$r]['Size'] = $this->xmlForm->fields[$f]->size; } $this->fields[$r]['Label'] = $this->xmlForm->fields[$f]->label; } //Set the default settings $this->defaultStyle(); //continue with the setup $this->gridWidth = ''; $this->gridFields = ''; foreach ($this->xmlForm->fields as $f => $v) { $r = $f; //Parse the column properties foreach ($this->xmlForm->fields[$f] as $attribute => $value) { if (!is_object($value)) { $this->style[$r][$attribute] = $value; } } //Needed for javascript //only the visible columns's width and name are stored if ($this->style[$r]['showInTable'] != '0') { $this->gridWidth .= ',' . $this->style[$r]['colWidth']; $this->gridFields .= ',"form[' . $this->fields[$r]['Name'] . ']"'; } } $totalWidth = 0; foreach ($this->fields as $r => $rval) { if ($this->style[$r]['showInTable'] != '0') { $totalWidth += $this->style[$r]['colWidth']; } } $this->totalWidth = $totalWidth; }
else msg=obj; alert(msg); } function on_submit(myForm) { days='';values=''; for(cbi in myForm.elements) if (cbi.substr(0,4)=='form') { cb=myForm.elements[cbi]; days+=','+cb.id; values+=','+cb.checked; } ajax_function('<?php echo G::encryptLink('weekendAjax.php'); ?> ','setDays','days='+days+'&values='+values); document.location.reload(true); } function ajax_function(ajax_server, funcion, parameters) { objetus = get_xmlhttp(); var response; try { if (parameters) parameters = '&' + encodeURI(parameters); objetus.open("GET", ajax_server + "?function=" + funcion + parameters, false); }catch(ss) { alert("error"+ss.message);
/** * Function setupFromXmlform * @author David S. Callizaya S. <*****@*****.**> * @access public * @param string xmlForm * @return string */ function setupFromXmlform($xmlForm) { $this->xmlForm = $xmlForm; //Config $this->name = $xmlForm->name; $this->id = $xmlForm->id; $this->sqlConnection = isset($this->xmlForm->sqlConnection) ? $this->xmlForm->sqlConnection : ''; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $this->currentPage = $_GET['page']; } else { $this->currentPage = 1; } if (isset($_GET['order'])) { $this->orderBy = urldecode($_GET['order']); } else { $this->orderBy = ""; } if (isset($_GET['filter'])) { $this->filter = urldecode($_GET['filter']); } else { $this->filter = ""; } $this->ajaxServer = G::encryptLink('../gulliver/pagedTableAjax'); $this->ownerPage = G::encryptLink(SYS_CURRENT_URI); //Needed for $mysql_real_escape_string $auxDbc = new DBConnection(); if (isset($this->xmlForm->sql)) { $this->sqlSelect = G::replaceDataField($this->xmlForm->sql, $this->xmlForm->values); } else { trigger_Error('Warning: sql query is empty', E_USER_WARNING); } // Config attributes from XMLFORM file $myAttributes = get_class_vars(get_class($this)); foreach ($this->xmlForm->xmlform->tree->attribute as $atrib => $value) { if (array_key_exists($atrib, $myAttributes)) { eval('settype($value,gettype($this->' . $atrib . '));'); if ($value !== '') { eval('$this->' . $atrib . '=$value;'); } } } //Prepare the fields $this->style = array(); $this->gridWidth = ""; $this->gridFields = ""; $this->fieldsType = array(); foreach ($this->xmlForm->fields as $f => $v) { $r = $f; $this->fields[$r]['Name'] = $this->xmlForm->fields[$f]->name; $this->fields[$r]['Type'] = $this->xmlForm->fields[$f]->type; if (isset($this->xmlForm->fields[$f]->size)) { $this->fields[$r]['Size'] = $this->xmlForm->fields[$f]->size; } $this->fields[$r]['Label'] = $this->xmlForm->fields[$f]->label; } //Autocomplete the sql queries // Here we can to distribute the component of the query like: Select, Where, Group by and order by $this->analizeSql(); //Set the default settings $this->defaultStyle(); //continue whith the setup $this->gridWidth = ''; $this->gridFields = ''; foreach ($this->xmlForm->fields as $f => $v) { $r = $f; //Parse the column properties foreach ($this->xmlForm->fields[$f] as $attribute => $value) { if (!is_object($value)) { $this->style[$r][$attribute] = $value; } } //Needed for javascript //only the visible columns's width and name are stored if ($this->style[$r]['showInTable'] != '0') { $this->gridWidth .= ',' . $this->style[$r]['colWidth']; $this->gridFields .= ',"form[' . $this->fields[$r]['Name'] . ']"'; } } $totalWidth = 0; foreach ($this->fields as $r => $rval) { if ($this->style[$r]['showInTable'] != '0') { $totalWidth += $this->style[$r]['colWidth']; } } $this->totalWidth = $totalWidth; }