Example #1
function ShowProduct($id_product)
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    $bError = false;
    $stringutil = new String("");
    $tempname = "en_title";
    $tempdescription = "en_detaileddescription";
    $SQL = "SELECT {$tempname},{$tempdescription} FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "product WHERE id_product='" . $id_product . "'";
    $retid = mysql_query($SQL);
    if (!$retid) {
        echo mysql_error();
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid)) {
        $name = $row[$tempname];
        $description = $stringutil->cleanDescription2($row[$tempdescription]);
    $ft = new FastTemplate(TEMPLATE_PATH);
    $ft->define(array("main" => "product_rightmenu.html"));
    $ft->assign("NAME", $name);
    //if (NONSEO==1) $ft->assign("URL_TYPE", "product.php?name=".$stringutil->CleanLink($name)."&id=".$id_product."");
    //else $ft->assign("URL_TYPE", "product.php/".$stringutil->CleanLink($name)."/".$id_product."/");
    $ft->assign("DESCRIPTION", $description);
    $ft->parse("mainContent", "main");
    $c = $ft->fetch("mainContent");
    $objResponse->addAssign("body_firstpage_background_right", "innerHTML", $c);
    return $objResponse;
Example #2
        foreach ($xmlarray['data'] as $item) {
            if (!empty($fields)) {
                $fields .= ";";
            $fields .= $item['function'];
            if (!empty($example)) {
                $example .= ";";
            $example .= $item['function'];
        //		print_r($xmlarray);exit;
        $ft->assign("DEV_NAME", $xmlarray['developername']);
        $ft->assign("PROJECT_NAME", $xmlarray['projectname']);
        $ft->assign("CLASS_NAME", $xmlarray['classname']);
        $ft->assign("VAR_NAME", $xmlarray['varname']);
        $ft->assign("TABLE", $xmlarray['tablename']);
        $ft->assign("DISABLE_SOME_FIELDS", ' ');
        $ft->assign("DBFIELDS_EN", strtolower($fields));
        $fields_noen = str_replace("_en", "", $fields);
        $ft->assign("DBFIELDS", $fields_noen);
        $tokexample = explode(";", $fields_noen);
        $tokenr = sizeof($tokexample);
        $ft->assign("EXAMPLE", $example);
    } else {
        header("Location: index.php");
$ft->parse("BODY", array("content", "main"));
print $ft->fetch("BODY");
Example #3
  * @author - Elteto Zoltan
  * @desc - get the sidebar from table
  * @vers - 1.0
 public function getSideBar()
     $ft = new FastTemplate(ADMIN_TEMPLATE_CONTENT_PATH);
     $ft->define(array("main" => "sidebar.html"));
     $template = $ft->get_template("sidebar.html");
     $var_array = $ft->getPrefPatternVariables("IS_", $template);
     // only show if is available
     $SQL = "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . $this->table_name . "` WHERE availability=1  ORDER BY `position` ASC";
     $retid = mysql_query($SQL);
     if (!$retid) {
         echo mysql_error();
     $i = 0;
     if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid)) {
         do {
             $module_id[$i] = $row["module_id"];
             $module_name[$i] = $row["module_name"];
             $availability[$i] = $row["availability"];
             $filename[$i] = $row["filename"];
             $extra_menu[$i] = $row["extra_menu"];
             $restriction_name[$i] = $row["restriction_name"];
         } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid));
     $nrmodules = $i;
     if ($nrmodules == 0) {
         $ft->assign("SIDEBAR_EXIST", 0);
     } else {
         $ft->assign("SIDEBAR_EXIST", 1);
         $ft->setPattern(array("LANG_", "CONF_"));
         $ft->define_dynamic("sideex", "main");
         for ($i = 0; $i < $nrmodules; $i++) {
             $ft->assign("MODULE_NAME", constant($module_name[$i]));
             $ft->assign("FILENAME", $filename[$i]);
             if (!empty($restriction_name[$i])) {
                 $tmp = array($restriction_name[$i]);
                 foreach ($var_array as $value) {
                     $ft->assign("{$value}", in_array($value, $tmp) ? 0 : 1);
             } else {
                 foreach ($var_array as $value) {
                     $ft->assign("{$value}", 1);
             // could be extra details what admin want to show. This is in extra_menu field.
             if (!empty($extra_menu[$i])) {
                 $var_lang_array = $ft->getPrefPatternVariables("LANG_", $extra_menu[$i]);
                 foreach ($var_lang_array as $language) {
                     $extra_menu[$i] = str_replace("{" . $language . "}", constant($language), $extra_menu[$i]);
                 $ft->assign("ISEXTRA_MENU", 1);
                 $ft->assign("EXTRA_MENU", $extra_menu[$i]);
             } else {
                 $ft->assign("ISEXTRA_MENU", 0);
             $ft->parse("SIDEEX", ".sideex");
     $ft->parse("mainContent", "main");
     return $ft->fetch("mainContent");
Example #4
Send error to ADMIN.
High traffic websites have the potential to generate A LOT of 
emails so make sure you setup some sort of email filter for these 
error notifications so they don't flood your inbox. 
$ftea = new FastTemplate(EMAIL_PATH);
$ftea->define(array("main" => "template_index.html", "content" => "error.html"));
$ftea->assign("IP", $ip);
$ftea->assign("SERVER_NAME", $server_name);
$ftea->assign("REQUEST_URI", $request_uri);
$ftea->assign("HTTP_REF", $http_ref);
$ftea->assign("HTTP_AGENT", $http_agent);
$ftea->assign("ERROR_DATE", $error_date);
$ftea->assign("ERROR_CODE", $error_code);
$ftea->parse("CONTENT", "content");
$ftea->parse("BODY", "main");
$subject = $error_code;
$message = $ftea->fetch("BODY");
$mail = new UniversalMailSender("2");
$mail->setToAddress(EMAIL_INREG, EMAIL_NAME);
$mail->setFromAddress(EMAIL_INREG, EMAIL_NAME);
$ft->parse("BODY", array("content", "main"));
Example #5
            $output .= "<h4><a href=\"../../" . $teamcode . "/" . $row['package'] . "/index.php\">" . $row['package'] . "</a></h4>\n" . "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n" . "<tr bgcolor=\"#f0f0ff\"><td><i>filename</i></td><td><i>translated</i></td>" . "<td><i>fuzzy</i></td><td><i>untranslated</i></td></tr>\n";
            $package = $row['package'];
        $filename = preg_replace('/\\.po$/', "", $row['filename']);
        $cvsurl = cvsweburl($rev, $teamcode, $package, $row['filename']);
        $output .= "<tr bgcolor=\"#f8f8f8\"><td><a href=\"{$cvsurl}\">{$filename}</a></td><td>" . $row['translated'] . "</td><td>" . $row['fuzzy'] . "</td><td>" . $row['untranslated'] . "</td></tr>\n";
    if ($count == 0) {
        $output .= "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n" . "<tr><td>There's no files available.</td></tr>\n";
    $output .= "</table>\n\n";
    $tplp4->assign(array(TXT_TEAMNAME => $teamname, TXT_TEAMCODE => $teamcode, TXT_TEAMCODE2 => strtoupper($teamcode), TEAMLIST => $teamlist, CONTENT => $output));
    $tplp4->parse(MAIN, "level2partial");
    writefile("{$outdir}/{$rev}/partial/{$teamcode}/index.php", $tplp4->fetch());
// render HTML/PHP pages by KDE package for level 2 & 3
foreach ($m_packages as $package) {
    debug(10, "render level2 for '{$package}' package");
    $output = "";
    $total_error = 0;
    $total_translated = 0;
    $total_fuzzy = 0;
    $total_untranslated = 0;
    // make dirpath for $rev & current package
    if (!is_dir("{$outdir}/{$rev}/{$package}")) {
        if (!@mkdir("{$outdir}/{$rev}/{$package}", 0755)) {
            die("Cannot make {$outdir}/{$rev}/{$package} directory!");
function bind_generartemplate($dominio)
    //Generar conf apache
    $tpl = new FastTemplate(_CFG_INTERFACE_PLANTILLAS);
    $tpl->define(array(main => "bind.tpl"));
    $tpl->assign(SERVER_NAME, _CFG_SERVER_NAME);
    $tpl->assign(SERVER_NS, _CFG_SERVER_NS);
    $tpl->assign(SERVER_IP, _CFG_SERVER_IP);
    if ($dominio != "") {
        $tpl->assign(DOMINIO, $dominio);
    $tpl->parse(CONTENT, "main");
    $contenido = $tpl->fetch(CONTENT);
    return $contenido;
    //Fin configuración apache
function awstats_generartemplate($dominio, $usuario)
    //Generar conf
    $tpl = new FastTemplate(_CFG_INTERFACE_PLANTILLAS);
    $tpl->define(array(main => "awstats.tpl"));
    $tpl->assign(APACHE_LOGS, _CFG_APACHE_LOGS);
    if ($dominio != "") {
        $tpl->assign(DOMINIO, $dominio);
        $tpl->assign(AWSTATS_USUARIO, $usuario);
        $tpl->assign(DOMINIO_SIN, fnStripSLD($dominio));
        $tpl->assign(DOMINIO_EXT, fnStripTLD($dominio));
    $tpl->parse(CONTENT, "main");
    $contenido = $tpl->fetch(CONTENT);
    return $contenido;
Example #8
function make_infobypackage($outfile = "")
    global $dbh, $currdate, $rundate, $rev, $m_teams;
    debug(10, "making compact info page by package");
    $output = "\n";
    $total_errors = 0;
    $total_translated = 0;
    $total_fuzzy = 0;
    $total_untranslated = 0;
    $total_total = 0;
    $tpl = new FastTemplate("./templates/");
    $tpl->define(array("index" => "indexbypackage.tpl"));
    $results = @mysql_query("SELECT package, SUM(translated) AS translated, SUM(fuzzy) AS fuzzy, " . " SUM(untranslated) AS untranslated, SUM(total) AS total, " . " SUM(error) AS error FROM sum WHERE rev='{$rev}' AND team<>'templates' " . " GROUP BY package ORDER BY package", $dbh);
    if (!$results) {
        send_err("SQL error: bypackage");
    while ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
        $output .= bypackage_line1($row['package'], $row['error'], $row['translated'], $row['fuzzy'], $row['untranslated'], $row['total']);
        $total_errors += $row['error'];
        $total_translated += $row['translated'];
        $total_fuzzy += $row['fuzzy'];
        $total_untranslated += $row['untranslated'];
        $total_total += $row['total'];
    // writing totalizing line
    $output .= bypackage_total1($total_errors, $total_translated, $total_fuzzy, $total_untranslated, $total_total);
    // parsing & writing PHP/HTML output
    $tpl->assign(array("TXT_DATE" => $currdate, "TXT_RUNDATE" => $rundate, "TXT_REV" => $rev, "TABLE" => $output));
    $tpl->parse("MAIN", "index");
    writefile($outfile, $tpl->fetch());
Example #9
        $password = $row["value"];
    } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid));
$to = "";
$subject = "";
$headers = "";
$message = "";
$fte = new FastTemplate(EMAIL_PATH);
$fte->define(array("main" => "emailpasswordrecovery.html"));
$fte->assign("USERID", $username);
$fte->assign("PASSWORD", $password);
$fte->parse("mainContent", "main");
$message = $fte->fetch("mainContent");
// se trimite scrisoarea
$univMail = new UniversalMailSender("2");
// setting up the to address
$univMail->setToAddress($email, $username);
// setting up from address
$univMail->setFromAddress($email, $username);
// setting up subject
// setting up from text message if the type is text message
// setting up from text message if the type is html message
// sending the mail; returns an error message
$ok = $univMail->SendMail();
header("Location: login.php?message=" . LANG_ADMIN_PASSWORD_SENTSUCCESSFULLY);
Example #10
     $ftphp->assign("STR_HEX_START", $str_hex_start);
     $ftphp->assign("STR_HEX_END", $str_hex_end);
     //$ftphp->assign ( "FORM_ELEMUPPER", strtoupper ( $field ) );
     $ftphp->parse("GET_ELEMENTS", ".get_elements");
     $ftphp->parse("SET_ELEMENTS", ".set_elements");
     $ftphp->parse("FORMELEMENTS", ".formelements");
     $ftphp->parse("ERRFORMELEMENTS", ".errformelements");
     $ftphp->parse("ERRMODFORMELEMENTS", ".errmodformelements");
     $ftphp->parse("UNSETFORMELEMENTS", ".unsetformelements");
     if ($it == "browse") {
         $ftphp->parse("SWITCHELEMENTS", ".switchelements");
 $ftphp->parse("BODY", array("main"));
 $outphp = $ftphp->fetch("BODY");
 $outphp = str_replace("#_", "{", $outphp);
 $outphp = str_replace("_#", "}", $outphp);
 if ($fp = fopen(GEN_ADMIN_PATH . $NAME . ".php", 'w')) {
     fwrite($fp, $outphp);
     //$beautify = new PhpBeautifier ( );
     //$beautify->tokenSpace = true; //put space between tokens
     //$beautify->blockLine = true; //put empty lines between blocks of code (if, while etc)
     ////$beautify->optimize = true; //optimize strings (for now), if a double quoted string does not contain variables of special carachters transform it to a single quoted string to save parsing time
     //$beautify->file ( GEN_ADMIN_PATH . $NAME . ".php", GEN_ADMIN_PATH . $NAME . ".php" );
 $ftphp->parse("BODY", array("main_user"));
 $outphp = $ftphp->fetch("BODY");
 $outphp = str_replace("#_", "{", $outphp);
 $outphp = str_replace("_#", "}", $outphp);
function apache_generartemplate($dominio, $variables, $subdominio)
    //Generar conf apache
    $tpl = new FastTemplate(_CFG_INTERFACE_PLANTILLAS);
    if ($subdominio) {
        if ($variables["APACHE_CGIBIN"] == 1) {
            $tpl->define(array(main => "subapache-cgi.tpl"));
        } else {
            $tpl->define(array(main => "subapache.tpl"));
    } else {
        if ($variables["APACHE_CGIBIN"] == 1) {
            $tpl->define(array(main => "apache-cgi.tpl"));
        } else {
            $tpl->define(array(main => "apache.tpl"));
    if ($subdominio) {
        $substrip = substr($dominio, 0, strpos($dominio, ".") + 1);
        $domstrip = substr($dominio, strpos($dominio, ".") + 1);
        $tpl->assign(SUBDOMINIO, $substrip);
        $tpl->assign(DOMINIO, $domstrip);
            $tpl->assign(APACHE_SUBDOCUMENTROOT, substr($variables["APACHE_DOCUMENTROOT"], 0, -strlen($substrip)));
        } else {
            $tpl->assign(APACHE_SUBDOCUMENTROOT, $variables["APACHE_DOCUMENTROOT"]);
    } else {
        $tpl->assign(DOMINIO, $dominio);
    $tpl->assign(CFG_ESTADO, $variables["CFG_ESTADO"]);
    $tpl->assign(CFG_DOCUMENTROOT, $variables["CFG_DOCUMENTROOT"]);
    $tpl->assign(APACHE_ALIAS, $variables["APACHE_ALIAS"]);
    $tpl->assign(APACHE_INDEXES, $variables["APACHE_INDEXES"]);
    $tpl->assign(APACHE_MULTIVIEWS, $variables["APACHE_MULTIVIEWS"]);
    $tpl->assign(APACHE_DOCUMENTROOT, $variables["APACHE_DOCUMENTROOT"]);
    $tpl->assign(APACHE_LOGS, _CFG_APACHE_LOGS);
    $tpl->assign(PHP_REGISTERGLOBAL, $variables["PHP_REGISTERGLOBAL"]);
    $tpl->assign(PHP_SAFEMODE, $variables["PHP_SAFEMODE"]);
    $tpl->assign(PHP_UPLOAD, $variables["PHP_UPLOAD"]);
    $tpl->assign(SERVER_NAME, _CFG_SERVER_NAME);
    $tpl->parse(CONTENT, "main");
    $contenido = $tpl->fetch(CONTENT);
    //Escribiendo fichero de configuración de apache
    $filename = _CFG_APACHE_CONF . $dominio . "_conf";
    if (!($handle = fopen($filename, 'w'))) {
        echo "No se ha podido abrir el fichero ({$filename})";
        return false;
    if (fwrite($handle, $contenido) === FALSE) {
        echo "No se ha podido abrir el fichero ({$filename})";
        return false;
    return true;
    //Fin configuración apache
Example #12
                $ft->assign("EXIT", "");
        $ft->parse("UPDATE", ".update");
$ft->parse("BODY", array("content", "main"));
$session->set("functions", $functions);
$session->set("fields", $fields);
$session->set("author", $all_url_vars['author']);
$session->set("projectname", $all_url_vars['projectname']);
$session->set("date", date("Y:m:d"));
$session->set("variable", $all_url_vars['varname']);
$session->set("tablename", $all_url_vars['table']);
$result_php = $ft->fetch("BODY");
$fp = fopen(GEN_INCLUDE_PATH . strtolower($all_url_vars['classname']), 'w');
if ($fp) {
    fwrite($fp, $result_php);
    ////////////////	$beautify = new PhpBeautifier();
    ////////////////	$beautify -> tokenSpace = true;//put space between tokens
    ////////////////	$beautify -> blockLine = true;//put empty lines between blocks of code (if, while etc)
    ////////////////	//$beautify -> optimize = true;//optimize strings (for now), if a double quoted string does not contain variables of special carachters transform it to a single quoted string to save parsing time
    ////////////////	$beautify -> file( GEN_INCLUDE_PATH.strtolower($all_url_vars['classname']), GEN_INCLUDE_PATH.strtolower($all_url_vars['classname']));
    ////////////////	// write phps
    ////////////////	//fwrite($fps, $result_php);
    ////////////////	//fclose($fps);
header('Location: generate_html.php');
Example #13
File purpose            JAVA SCRIPT VALIDATOR
$allowed_js = array("general_script.js");
include_once "../config.inc.php";
include_once "../cls_fast_template.php";
if (!isset($_GET["lang"])) {
    $LANG = $_GET["lang"];
include_once INCLUDE_LANGUAGE_PATH . $LANG . ".inc.php";
include_once INCLUDE_LANGUAGE_PATH . "{$LANG}.admin.inc.php";
$name = $_GET["name"];
if (!in_array($name . ".js", $allowed_js)) {
    $error = "Error: The js filename '{$name}' doesn't exists in the allowed list.";
    echo $error;
if (isset($name)) {
    $ft = new FastTemplate(INDEX_PATH . "javascript/");
    $ft->define(array("main" => $name . ".js"));
    $ft->assign("CSS", "");
    $ft->parse("mainContent", "main");
    print $ft->fetch("mainContent");
} else {
    print "";