/** * Fills template with headers and cells array * @param $headers - array of column headers * @param $cells - array of cell values * @param $caption - caption of table * @param $rows - number of rows * @param $cols - caption of columns */ function fillTable($headers, $cells, $caption, $rows, $cols) { // initializing of fasttemplate $ft = new FastTemplate("./templates/"); $ft->define(array('table' => "flextable.html")); $ft->define_dynamic("header", "table"); $ft->define_dynamic("rows", "table"); $ft->define_dynamic("cols", "table"); //handling headers (column names) foreach ($headers as $head) { $ft->assign(array('header' => $head)); $ft->parse('HEADERS', ".header"); } // handling cells foreach ($cells as $row) { foreach ($row as $cell) { $ft->assign(array('cellvalue' => $cell)); $ft->parse('COLS', ".cols"); } $ft->parse('ROWS', ".rows"); $ft->clear("COLS"); } $ft->assign("caption", $caption); $ft->assign("rows", $rows); $ft->assign("cols", $cols); $ft->parse('MAIN', "table"); $ft->FastPrint('MAIN'); }
function displayIndex($userID) { $tpl = new FastTemplate("templates/"); $tpl->define(array("web_main" => "web_main.html", "web_header" => "web_header.html", "head_script" => "index/head_script.html", "user" => "index/user.html", "department" => "index/department.html", "list_item" => "index/list_item.html", "group" => "index/group.html", "comment" => "index/comment.html", "link" => "index/link.html", "image" => "index/image.html", "invitation" => "index/invitation.html", "group_option" => "index/group_option.html", "body" => "index/body.html", "web_nav" => "web_nav.html", "web_footer" => "web_footer.html")); $userDAO = new UserDAO(); $user = $userDAO->getUserByID($userID); //initial owner group $groupDAO = new GroupDAO(); $groups = $groupDAO->getGroupsByOwner($user); if ($groups === null) { $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_OPTION", ""); } else { foreach ($groups as $ownerGroup) { $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_OPTIONID", $ownerGroup->getGroupID()); $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_OPTIONNAME", $ownerGroup->getGroupName()); $tpl->parse("INDEX_GROUP_OPTION", ".group_option"); } } //initial list item $gmDAO = new GroupMemberDAO(); $gms = $gmDAO->getGroupMembersByUser($user); if ($gms !== null) { $i = 1; $hasoneaccept = false; foreach ($gms as $gm) { if ($gm->getAcceptStatus() == "2") { continue; } $group = $gm->getGroup(); $tpl->assign("INDEX_LIST_ITEM_GROUPID", $group->getGroupID()); if ($i == 1) { $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_HEADER", $group->getGroupName()); $tpl->assign("INDEX_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVE", "active"); } else { $tpl->assign("INDEX_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVE", ""); } $tpl->assign("INDEX_LIST_ITEM_SEQ", $i); $tpl->assign("INDEX_LIST_ITEM_GROUPNAME", $group->getGroupName()); $tpl->parse("INDEX_LIST_ITEM_LI", ".list_item"); $hasoneaccept = true; $i++; } if ($hasoneaccept == false) { $tpl->assign("INDEX_LIST_ITEM_LI", ""); $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_HEADER", ""); } } else { $tpl->assign("INDEX_LIST_ITEM_LI", ""); $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_HEADER", ""); } //initial comments $recordDAO = new RecordDAO(); if ($gms !== null) { $hasGMSflag = false; $i = 1; foreach ($gms as $gm) { if ($gm->getAcceptStatus() == "2") { continue; } $group = $gm->getGroup(); if ($i == 1) { $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_HIDE", ""); } else { $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_HIDE", "hide"); } $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_SEQ", $i); $records = $recordDAO->getRecordsByGroup($group); if ($records === null) { $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_COMMENT", ""); } else { $hasOneFlag = false; $tpl->clear("INDEX_GROUP_COMMENT"); foreach ($records as $rec) { if ($rec->getDisplayStatus() === "2") { continue; } $commentUser = $rec->getUser(); $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_COMMENT_USERPHOTO", $commentUser->getPhotoURL()); $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_COMMENT_USERNAME", $commentUser->getFirstName() . " " . $commentUser->getLastName()); $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_COMMENT_TIME", $rec->getTime()); $type = $rec->getMessageType(); $con = $rec->getContent(); if ($type == "1") { $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_COMMENT_CONTENT", htmlentities($con)); } else { if ($type == "2") { $tpl->assign("INDEX_CONTENT_IMGURL", $con); $tpl->parse("INDEX_GROUP_COMMENT_CONTENT", "image"); } else { if ($type == "3") { $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_CONTENT_LINKURL", $con); $baseName = pathinfo($con, PATHINFO_BASENAME); $pos = strpos($baseName, "_"); $oriName = substr($baseName, $pos + 1); $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_CONTENT_LINKNAME", htmlentities($oriName)); $tpl->parse("INDEX_GROUP_COMMENT_CONTENT", "link"); } else { if ($type == "4") { $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_CONTENT_LINKURL", "http://" . rawurlencode($con)); $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_CONTENT_LINKNAME", htmlentities($con)); $tpl->parse("INDEX_GROUP_COMMENT_CONTENT", "link"); } } } } $tpl->parse("INDEX_GROUP_COMMENT", ".comment"); $hasOneFlag = true; } if ($hasOneFlag == false) { $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_COMMENT", ""); } } $tpl->parse("INDEX_GROUP", ".group"); $hasGMSflag = true; $i++; } if ($hasGMSflag == false) { $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_COMMENT", ""); $tpl->parse("INDEX_GROUP", "group"); } } else { $tpl->assign("INDEX_GROUP_COMMENT", ""); $tpl->parse("INDEX_GROUP", "group"); } //initial department and user $result = findDepartAndUser(1, $userID); if (count($result) === 0) { $tpl->assign("INDEX_DEPART_USER", ""); } else { foreach ($result as $node) { if ($node["type"] == 1) { $tpl->assign("INDEX_DEPARTID", $node["id"]); $tpl->assign("INDEX_DEPART_NAME", $node["name"]); $tpl->parse("INDEX_DEPART_USER", ".department"); } elseif ($node["type"] == 2) { $tpl->assign("INDEX_USERID", $node["id"]); $tpl->assign("INDEX_USER_NAME", $node["name"]); $tpl->parse("INDEX_DEPART_USER", ".user"); } } } //initial annocement $flag = false; $gmArr = $gmDAO->getGroupMembersByUser($user); if ($gmArr !== null) { foreach ($gmArr as $gmPend) { if ($gmPend->getAcceptStatus() == "2") { $gmGroup = $gmPend->getGroup(); $gmOwner = $gmGroup->getOwner(); $tpl->assign("INDEX_INVITATION_OWNER", $gmOwner->getFirstName() . " " . $gmOwner->getLastName()); $tpl->assign("INDEX_INVITATION_GROUPNAME", $gmGroup->getGroupName()); $tpl->assign("INDEX_INVITATION_GROUPID", $gmGroup->getGroupID()); $tpl->parse("INDEX_INVITATION", ".invitation"); $flag = true; } } } if ($flag === false) { $tpl->assign("INDEX_INVITATION", ""); } $tpl->assign("TITLE", "Home"); $tpl->parse("WEB_HEADER", "web_header"); $tpl->parse("HEAD_SCRIPT", "head_script"); $tpl->parse("WEB_NAV", "web_nav"); $tpl->parse("BODY", ".body"); $tpl->parse("WEB_FOOTER", "web_footer"); $tpl->parse("MAIN", "web_main"); $tpl->FastPrint(); }
<?php session_start(); error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING); include_once '../commons.php'; include 'checkResultOperation.php'; header('Cache-control: private, must-revalidate'); //support page back $template = new FastTemplate("../../view/html/templates/reciteWord"); $template->define(array("main" => "checkResult.html", "ol" => "ol.html", "li" => "li.html")); $template->assign("OL", ""); $template->assign("ACCURANCY", ""); $template->assign("USER_NAME", $_SESSION['username']); $template->assign("USER_IMG", $_SESSION['userimg']); $template->assign("USER_ID", $_SESSION['userID']); if (isset($_POST["checkAns"])) { $class = $_SESSION['class']; //echo "class = ".$class; $userID = $_SESSION['userID']; $trueNo = showTrueIDs($userID, $class); //echo "<BR> trueNo = ".$trueNo; $template->clear("OL"); $wrongNo = showWrongIDs($userID, $class); //echo "<BR> wrongNo = ".$wrongNo; $acc = intval($trueNo / ($trueNo + $wrongNo) * 100); $template->assign("ACCURANCY", $acc . "%"); saveAcc($userID, $acc); } $template->parse("CONTENT", "main"); $template->FastPrint();
include "Includes/class.FastTemplate.php"; $tpl = new FastTemplate("Templates"); $tpl->define(array("WorkoutHistoryPage" => "workoutHistory.html", "WorkoutTable" => "workoutTable.html", "WorkoutRow" => "workoutRow.html", "exerciseData" => "exerciseData.html")); if (isset($_SESSION["username"])) { $allCategoriesDetails = json_decode(getAllCategoriesDetails(), TRUE); $db = new database(); $db->pick_db("workoutlog"); $userId = getUserIdFromUsername($_SESSION["username"]); $query = "SELECT WorkoutDate, WorkoutId FROM tbl_workoutlog_workout WHERE UserId = " . $userId . " ORDER BY WorkoutDate DESC"; $res = $db->send_sql($query); $workouts = $res->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); if (count($workouts) == 0) { $tpl->assign("WORKOUTTABLES", "<p>You haven't recorded any workouts yet!</p>"); } else { foreach ($workouts as $workout) { $tpl->clear("EXERCISEROW"); $query = "SELECT ExerciseId, ExerciseNameId FROM tbl_workoutlog_exercise WHERE WorkoutId = " . $workout['WorkoutId']; $res = $db->send_sql($query); $exercises = $res->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); //Find maximum number of sets for any exercise $exerciseIds = "("; foreach ($exercises as $exercise) { $exerciseIds = $exerciseIds . $exercise['ExerciseId'] . ","; } $exerciseIds = substr($exerciseIds, 0, -1) . ")"; $query = "SELECT MAX(cnt) as max\n FROM\n (\n SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt\n FROM tbl_workoutlog_exercise e "; foreach ($allCategoriesDetails as $category => $details) { $query .= "LEFT JOIN tbl_workoutlog_category_" . $category . " `" . $category . "` ON e.ExerciseId = `" . $category . "`.ExerciseId "; } $query .= "WHERE e.WorkoutId = " . $workout['WorkoutId'] . " \n AND e.ExerciseId IN " . $exerciseIds . " \n GROUP BY e.ExerciseId\n ) AS tbl"; $res = $db->send_sql($query);