Example #1
  * Builds and returns an XML version of a table.
  * @param string/array $items Database table we work with or array of data already
  * @param string $columns Columns to export
  * @param array $where Where clause in a form array('column' => 'value')
  * @param string $order Order by clause
  * @param string $limit Limit by clause
  * @return string XML backup of the table, headers not set
 public static function toXML($items, $columns = '*', array $where = NULL, $order = NULL, $limit = NULL)
     // dom string
     $DOMDocument = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     // get items from the database if we are not passing a formed array already
     if (!is_array($items)) {
         $items = Fari_Db::select($items, $columns, $where, $order, $limit);
     // <table> root
     $table = $DOMDocument->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('table'));
     // traverse through all records
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         // get array keys of the item
         // we could explode $columns as well if they are passed
         $keys = array_keys($item);
         // <table><row> elemenent we will always have
         $row = $table->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('row'));
         // traverse through keys/columns
         foreach ($keys as $column) {
             // <table><row><column> value, escaped
             $row->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement($column, Fari_Escape::XML($item[$column])));
     // generate xml and return
     $DOMDocument->formatOutput = TRUE;
     return $DOMDocument->saveXML();
Example #2
  * Builds and returns an RSS feed (check data on db insert!).
  * @param string $feedTitle Title of the feed
  * @param string $feedURL Link to the feed
  * @param string $feedDescription Description of this feed
  * @param string $items Database table
  * @param boolean $isDateInRSS Set to TRUE if dates in tn the $items table are already in RSS format
  * @return string RSS Feed
 public function create($feedTitle, $feedURL, $feedDescription, $items, $isDateInRSS = FALSE)
     // escape input
     $feedTitle = Fari_Escape::XML($feedTitle);
     $feedURL = Fari_Escape::XML($feedURL);
     $feedDescription = Fari_Escape::XML($feedDescription);
     // set publishing date in RSS format
     $feedPublished = date(DATE_RSS);
     // start dom string
     $DOMDocument = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     // form columns, we will use the info when traversing articles (and on the line below)
     $columns = $this->articleTitle . ', ' . $this->articleLink . ', ' . $this->articleDescription . ', ' . $this->articleDate;
     // get items from the database if we are not passing a formed array already
     if (!is_array($items)) {
         $items = Fari_Db::select($items, $columns);
     // <rss>
     $rootNode = $DOMDocument->createElement('rss');
     // use RSS version 2.0 attribute
     $rootNode->setAttribute('version', '2.0');
     // <rss><channel>
     $channel = $rootNode->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('channel'));
     // create the header
     // <rss><channel><title>
     $channel->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('title', $feedTitle));
     // <rss><channel><link>
     $channel->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('link', $feedURL));
     // <rss><channel><description>
     $channel->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('description', $feedDescription));
     // <rss><channel><pubDate>
     $channel->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('pubDate', $feedPublished));
     // column to RSS form 'conversion', elements have to follow that order...
     $articleColumns = explode(', ', $columns);
     $RSSColumns = array('title', 'link', 'description', 'pubDate');
     // traverse items now
     foreach ($items as $article) {
         // <rss><channel><item>
         $articleNode = $channel->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('item'));
         // traverse the items array consisting of 4 elements
         for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
             // <rss><channel><item><$column>
             // <$column> value, escaped
             $columnText = Fari_Escape::XML($article[$articleColumns[$i]]);
             // do we need to fix RSS pubDate?
             if ($RSSColumns[$i] == 'pubDate' && !$isDateInRSS) {
                 $columnText = Fari_Format::date($columnText, 'RSS');
             $articleNode->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement($RSSColumns[$i], $columnText));
     // generate XML and return
     $DOMDocument->formatOutput = TRUE;
     return $DOMDocument->saveXML();