Example #1
  * Check that a captcha answer is valid.
  * @param string $unsafeAnswer Unsafe answer from the user to check
  * @param string $name Name of the captcha answer in the session
  * @return boolean TRUE if answer is correct, FALSE otherwise
 public static function isValid($unsafeAnswer, $name = 'Default')
     // escape unsafe token input
     $unsafeAnswer = Fari_Escape::text($unsafeAnswer);
     // check if token is valid
     return sha1($unsafeAnswer) == $_SESSION[self::SESSION_STORAGE . $name] ? TRUE : FALSE;
Example #2
 public function __construct($file, $roomId)
     // get file
     $this->name = Fari_Escape::file($file['name'], TRUE);
     $this->mime = $file['type'];
     // db instance
     $db = Fari_Db::getConnection();
     $type = explode('/', $this->mime);
     $type = count($type) > 1 ? $type[1] : $type[0];
     // set generic filetype for files we don't have icons for :)
     if (!in_array($type, $this->fileTypes)) {
         $type = 'generic';
     $stream = fopen($file['tmp_name'], 'rb');
     $code = $this->randomCode($db);
     $date = SystemTime::timestampToDate();
     // let's associate the file with a transcript (there better be a transcript...)
     $transcript = $db->selectRow('room_transcripts', 'key', array('date' => $date, 'room' => $roomId));
     // insert the file
     $db->query("INSERT INTO files (mime, data, code, room, filename, type, date, transcript)\n                VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", array($this->mime, $stream, $this->code = $code, $roomId, $this->name, $this->type = $type, $date, $transcript['key']));
     // create a thumbnail if required
     $thumbnail = new UploadThumbnail($file);
     if ($thumbnail->isCreated()) {
         // yes we do have one
         $this->thumbnail = TRUE;
         $thumb = fopen($thumbnail->getPath(), 'rb');
         // insert the thumbnail
         $db->query("INSERT INTO thumbs (data, code) VALUES (?, ?)", array($thumb, $this->code));
Example #3
  * Builds and returns an XML version of a table.
  * @param string/array $items Database table we work with or array of data already
  * @param string $columns Columns to export
  * @param array $where Where clause in a form array('column' => 'value')
  * @param string $order Order by clause
  * @param string $limit Limit by clause
  * @return string XML backup of the table, headers not set
 public static function toXML($items, $columns = '*', array $where = NULL, $order = NULL, $limit = NULL)
     // dom string
     $DOMDocument = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     // get items from the database if we are not passing a formed array already
     if (!is_array($items)) {
         $items = Fari_Db::select($items, $columns, $where, $order, $limit);
     // <table> root
     $table = $DOMDocument->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('table'));
     // traverse through all records
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         // get array keys of the item
         // we could explode $columns as well if they are passed
         $keys = array_keys($item);
         // <table><row> elemenent we will always have
         $row = $table->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('row'));
         // traverse through keys/columns
         foreach ($keys as $column) {
             // <table><row><column> value, escaped
             $row->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement($column, Fari_Escape::XML($item[$column])));
     // generate xml and return
     $DOMDocument->formatOutput = TRUE;
     return $DOMDocument->saveXML();
Example #4
 private function filterLinkify($text)
     $urls = explode(' ', $text);
     $containsLink = FALSE;
     foreach ($urls as &$link) {
         if (Fari_Filter::isURL($link)) {
             $containsLink = TRUE;
             // do we have a YouTube video?
             // source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBBMnY7mANg&feature=popular
             // target: <img src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/nBBMnY7mANg/0.jpg" alt="0">
             if (stripos(strtolower($link), 'youtube') !== FALSE) {
                 $url = parse_url($link);
                 parse_str($url[query], $query);
                 // replace link with an image 'boosted' link :)
                 $link = '<a class="youtube" target="_blank" href="' . $link . '"><img src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/' . $query['v'] . '/0.jpg" alt="YouTube"></a>';
             } else {
                 // plain old link
                 $link = '<a target="_blank" href="' . $link . '">' . $link . '</a>';
             // convert so we can insert into DB
             $link = Fari_Escape::html($link);
     if ($containsLink) {
         return implode(' ', $urls);
     } else {
         return $text;
Example #5
 public static function add($username, $password, $realname)
     // escape input
     $username = Fari_Escape::html($username);
     $password = Fari_Escape::html($password);
     $realname = Fari_Escape::html(Fari_Decode::javascript($realname));
     // verify that credentials are provided in a valid form
     if (!empty($username) && ctype_alnum($username) && strlen($username) <= 10) {
         if (!empty($password) && ctype_alnum($password) && strlen($password) <= 10) {
             if (!empty($realname) && strlen($realname) <= 100) {
                 // all OK, db insert
                 Fari_Db::insert('users', array('username' => $username, 'password' => sha1($password), 'realname' => $realname));
                 Fari_Message::success("Welcome {$realname}!");
                 return TRUE;
             } else {
                 Fari_Message::fail("Please provide a valid real name.");
         } else {
             Fari_Message::fail("Please provide a valid password.");
     } else {
         Fari_Message::fail("Please provide a valid username.");
     return FALSE;
  * Check for uniqueness of the username
  * @param string $username URL encoded username
 public function actionCheckUsername($username)
     // is this Ajax?
     if ($this->request->isAjax()) {
         // URL decode & filter out username
         $username = Fari_Escape::text(Fari_Decode::url($username));
         if (empty($username)) {
             $this->renderJson("The username can't be empty.");
         } else {
             // alphanumeric only?
             if (!Fari_Filter::isAlpha($username)) {
                 $this->renderJson("Only alphanumeric characters are allowed.");
             } else {
                 // do we have a match?
                 if (!$this->accounts->isUsernameUnique($username)) {
                     $this->renderJson("The username \"{$username}\" is unavailable, sorry.");
                 } else {
     } else {
Example #7
 public function index($param)
     // get installed CSS themes
     $files = Fari_File::listing('/public');
     $themes = array();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $css = end(explode('/', $file['path']));
         // its cheap
         if ($file['type'] == 'file' && substr($css, -4) == '.css') {
             $themes[] = substr($css, 0, -4);
     $this->view->themes = $themes;
     // are we saving changes?
     if ($_POST) {
         $css = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['css']);
         $title = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['title']);
         Fari_Db::update('settings', array('value' => $css), array('name' => 'theme'));
         Fari_Db::update('settings', array('value' => $title), array('name' => 'title'));
         Fari_Message::success('Settings change successful.');
     $this->view->messages = Fari_Message::get();
     $this->view->settings = Fari_Db::toKeyValues(Fari_Db::select('settings', 'name, value'), 'name');
Example #8
  * Template for converting an array of db data into XML.
  * @return XML
 public function dbToXML($parameters)
     // dom string
     $DOMDocument = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     // fetch the data array
     $items = $this->items($parameters);
     // check we actually have an array
     try {
         if (!is_array($items)) {
             throw new Fari_Exception('Fari_Backup expects an array of items.');
     } catch (Fari_Exception $exception) {
     // <table> root element
     $table = $DOMDocument->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('table'));
     // traverse through all records
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         // get array keys of the item
         // we could explode $columns as well if they are passed
         $keys = array_keys($item);
         // <table><row> elemenent we will always have
         $row = $table->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('row'));
         // traverse through keys/columns
         foreach ($keys as $column) {
             // <table><row><column> value, escaped
             $row->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement($column, Fari_Escape::xml($item[$column])));
     // generate XML and return
     $DOMDocument->formatOutput = TRUE;
     return $DOMDocument->saveXML();
Example #9
 public function tag($tag)
     $tag = Fari_Escape::text($tag);
     $paginator = new Fari_Paginator(100, 3);
     switch ($tag) {
         case 'star':
             $this->view->paginator = $paginator->select(1, 'kb', '*', array('starred' => 'full'), 'date DESC');
             $this->view->title = array('value' => 'Starred');
     $this->view->browse = 'both';
Example #10
 public static function getArchive($month, $isAuthenticated)
     // escape
     $month = Fari_Escape::text($month);
     // parse month and year passed
     list($month, $year) = explode('-', $month);
     $months = array('january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june', 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december');
     $monthPosition = array_search($month, $months) + 1;
     if (!empty($monthPosition)) {
         // we have ourselves the month number
         $low = mktime(1, 1, 1, $monthPosition, 1, $year);
         $high = mktime(23, 59, 59, $monthPosition, date('t', $low), $year);
         return !$isAuthenticated ? Fari_Db::select('articles', '*', "published >= '{$low}' AND published <= '{$high}' AND status = 1", 'published DESC') : Fari_Db::select('articles', '*', "published >= '{$low}' AND published <= '{$high}' AND status != 2", 'published DESC');
  * Send a message from a room
  * @uses Ajax
 public function actionSpeak($roomId)
     $text = Fari_Escape::text(Fari_Decode::javascript($this->request->getRawPost('text')));
     if (!empty($text)) {
         $time = mktime();
         // a text message
         $message = new MessageSpeak($roomId, $time);
         $message->text($roomId, $time, $this->user->getShortName(), $this->user->getId(), $text);
         // the message might be saved under wrong room id, but activity updater will kick us...
         try {
             $this->room->updateUserActivity($roomId, $time, $this->user->getId());
         } catch (UserNotFoundException $e) {
Example #12
  * Make a directory on the server.
  * @param string $directoryPath Path where to create the directory
  * @param string $directoryName Name of the directory to create
  * @param int $permissions Permissions to apply to the directory
  * @return array Status and a message
 public static function mkdir($directoryPath, $directoryName, $permissions = 0755)
     // only allow uploads in 'our' directory
     $directoryPath = BASEPATH . self::addTrailingSlash($directoryPath);
     // check that path is valid
     if (!is_dir($directoryPath) || !is_writable($directoryPath)) {
         return array('status' => 'fail', 'message' => 'The path is not writable.');
     // escape dirname
     $directoryName = Fari_Escape::directory($directoryName, TRUE);
     // does directory already exist?
     if (is_dir($directoryPath . $directoryName)) {
         return array('status' => 'fail', 'message' => 'Directory \'' . $directoryName . '\' already exists.');
     // make a directory
     if (!@mkdir($directoryPath . $directoryName, $permissions, TRUE)) {
         return array('status' => 'fail', 'message' => 'Failed to create a folder.');
     return array('status' => 'success', 'message' => 'Directory \'' . $directoryName . '\' created succesfully.');
Example #13
 public function results($query)
     if (!empty($query)) {
         // cleanup, convert, replace, strip...
         $query = Fari_Decode::url($query);
         $query = preg_replace('~\\s{2,}~', ' ', implode(' ', explode('-', strtolower($query))));
         $query = substr($query, -1) == ' ' ? substr($query, 0, -1) : $query;
         // trailing space
         $query = substr($query, 0, 1) == ' ' ? substr($query, 1) : $query;
         // leading space
         $this->view->query = $query = Fari_Escape::alpha($query);
         $this->view->keywords = implode('-', explode(' ', $query));
         // implode back to have clean keywords
     } else {
     // fetch the result and add relevance to it
     $this->view->result = Search::query($query);
Example #14
  * Get code and name from the form and create a new user for us (generate username)
 public function actionCreate()
     $name = Fari_Decode::accents($this->request->getPost('name'));
     $code = $this->request->getPost('code');
     if (!empty($name)) {
         $name = explode(' ', $name);
         // do we have a 'long' name?
         if (count($name) > 1) {
             $short = $name[0] . ' ' . substr(end($name), 0, 1) . '.';
             $long = implode(' ', $name);
             $surname = end($name);
             $name = $name[0];
         } else {
             $short = $long = $name = $name[0];
             $surname = '';
         // generate a username
         $username = Fari_Escape::slug($long) . Fari_Tools::randomCode(10);
         $db = Fari_Db::getConnection();
         // insert the user in a guest role
         $userId = $db->insert('users', array('short' => $short, 'long' => $long, 'name' => $name, 'surname' => $surname, 'role' => 'guest', 'username' => $username));
         // log them in automatically
         // give them permissions to enter this room
         $room = $db->selectRow('rooms', 'id', array('guest' => $code));
         if (!empty($room)) {
             $db->insert('user_permissions', array('room' => $room['id'], 'user' => $userId));
     // redirect to the room, if we've ailed will be asked for guest's name again
     $this->redirectTo('/g/' . $code);
Example #15
 public function edit($slug)
     $slug = Fari_Escape::text($slug);
     // are we saving?
     if ($_POST) {
         $success = TRUE;
         // save categories, sources & types
         $category = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['category']);
         $categorySlug = Fari_Escape::slug($category);
         $source = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['source']);
         $sourceSlug = Fari_Escape::slug($source);
         $type = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['type']);
         $typeSlug = Fari_Escape::slug($type);
         if (empty($category)) {
             Fari_Message::fail('The category can\'t be empty.');
             $success = FALSE;
         } else {
             $result = Fari_Db::selectRow('hierarchy', 'key', array('value' => $category, 'type' => 'category'));
             if (empty($result)) {
                 Fari_Db::insert('hierarchy', array('value' => $category, 'slug' => $categorySlug, 'type' => 'category'));
         if (empty($source)) {
             Fari_Message::fail('The source can\'t be empty.');
             $success = FALSE;
         } else {
             $result = Fari_Db::selectRow('hierarchy', 'key', array('value' => $source, 'type' => 'source'));
             if (empty($result)) {
                 Fari_Db::insert('hierarchy', array('value' => $source, 'slug' => $sourceSlug, 'type' => 'source'));
         if (empty($type)) {
             Fari_Message::fail('The category can\'t be empty.');
             $success = FALSE;
         } else {
             $result = Fari_Db::selectRow('hierarchy', 'key', array('value' => $type, 'type' => 'type'));
             if (empty($result)) {
                 Fari_Db::insert('hierarchy', array('value' => $type, 'type' => 'type'));
         if ($success) {
             $text = Fari_Escape::quotes($_POST['textarea']);
             // convert main text to stems & add the lowercase original to it (better matches)
             $stems = Knowledge::stems($text) . ' ' . strtolower($text);
             $tags = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['tags']);
             $category = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['category']);
             $source = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['source']);
             $type = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['type']);
             $comments = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['comments']);
             $date = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['date']);
             // date
             if (!Fari_Filter::isDate($date)) {
                 Fari_Message::fail('The date is not in the correct format.');
             } else {
                 // INSERT
                 Fari_Db::update('kb', array('text' => $text, 'comments' => $comments, 'date' => $date, 'tags' => $tags, 'category' => $category, 'categorySlug' => $categorySlug, 'source' => $source, 'sourceSlug' => $sourceSlug, 'type' => $type, 'stems' => $stems), array('slug' => $slug));
                 Fari_Message::success('Saved successfully.');
     // fetch categories, sources & types
     $this->view->categories = $categories = Fari_Db::select('hierarchy', 'key, value', array('type' => 'category'), 'slug ASC');
     $this->view->sources = $sources = Fari_Db::select('hierarchy', 'key, value', array('type' => 'source'), 'slug ASC');
     $this->view->types = $types = Fari_Db::select('hierarchy', 'key, value', array('type' => 'type'), 'value ASC');
     // form
     $saved = Fari_Db::selectRow('kb', '*', array('slug' => $slug));
     $saved['textarea'] = $saved['text'];
     // for reuse...
     $this->view->saved = $saved;
     // get all messages
     $this->view->messages = Fari_Message::get();
Example #16
                <h3><a href="<?php 
    $this->url('/blog/article/' . $article['slug']);
                       title="Permanent Link to <?php 
    echo $article['name'];
    echo $article['name'];
                <!-- text -->
    $article['text'] = Fari_Escape::text(Fari_Textile::toHTML($article['text']));
    echo strlen($article['text']) <= BLOG_PREVIEW ? $article['text'] : substr($article['text'], 0, BLOG_PREVIEW) . ' [...]';

                <!-- details -->
                <div class="details">
                    Posted at <?php 
    echo date("F j, Y, G:i", $article['published']);
                    <span class="read-on">
                        <a href="<?php 
    $this->url('/blog/article/' . $article['slug']);
">read more</a>
Example #17
  * Check if user is in a specified role.
  * Method is_authenticated() should have been called at this point.
  * @uses 'role' in 'users' table
  * @param string $userRole (e.g., admin)
  * @param string $credentials Optionally specify which column to use for credentials
  * @return boolean TRUE if user is in a role
 public static function isInRole($userRole, $credentialsColumn = 'username')
     @($unsafe = self::getCredentials());
     // get credentials string
     if (isset($unsafe)) {
         //escape input
         $credentials = Fari_Escape::text($unsafe);
         // select a matching row from a table
         $whereClause = array($credentialsColumn => $credentials);
         $user = Fari_Db::selectRow('users', 'role', $whereClause);
         // check that user satisfies a role
         if ($user['role'] === $userRole) {
             return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
Example #18
        $count = 1;
        $month = $articleMonth;
    } else {
if ($count > 0) {
    <li><a href="<?php 
    $this->url('/blog/archive/' . Fari_Escape::slug($month));
    echo $month;
</a> (<?php 
    echo $count;
} else {
    <li>No archive</li>
Example #19
        $this->url('/text/star/' . $row['slug']);
                            <a href="<?php 
        $this->url('/text/view/' . $row['slug']);
        echo $row['title'];
                        <p class="preview">
        echo substr(Fari_Escape::text(Fari_Textile::toHTML($row['text'])), 0, 300);
                        <div class="description">
        if ($browse == 'category') {
                                <a href="<?php 
            $this->url('/browse/source/' . $row['sourceSlug']);
            echo $row['source'];
        } elseif ($browse == 'source') {
Example #20
 public function create()
     if (!Fari_User::isAuthenticated('realname')) {
         Fari_Message::fail('You need to authenticate first');
     } else {
         // are we saving updates?
         if (!empty($_POST['name'])) {
             $name = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['name']);
             $text = Fari_Escape::quotes($_POST['text']);
             $slug = Fari_Escape::slug($_POST['name']);
             // check article title uniqueness
             $result = Fari_Db::selectRow('articles', 'id', array('slug' => $slug));
             if (empty($result)) {
                 Fari_Db::insert('articles', array('text' => $text, 'slug' => $slug, 'name' => $name, 'status' => $_POST['status'], 'published' => time()));
                 Fari_Message::success('Article \'' . $name . '\' saved.');
                 $this->redirect('/blog/edit/' . $slug);
             } else {
                 Fari_Message::fail('Article name \'' . $name . '\' is not unique');
         // pickup messages for us
         $this->view->messages = Fari_Message::get();
         // fill back on fail
         $this->view->article = array('name' => $_POST['name'], 'text' => $_POST['text']);
         $this->view->display('/themes/' . BLOG_THEME . '/new');
Example #21
 public function renderFile($fileCode, $type)
     $system = new System();
     switch ($type) {
         case 'file':
             $file = $system->getFile(Fari_Escape::text($fileCode));
         case 'thumb':
             $file = $system->getThumbnail(Fari_Escape::text($fileCode));
     if (!empty($file)) {
         // respond with a file download
     } else {
Example #22

if (!defined('FARI')) {
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
echo Fari_Escape::text($text['title']);
    <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="<?php 

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
" type="text/css" media="screen, projection"/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
" type="text/css" media="print"/>
    <!--[if lt IE 8]>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
Example #23
  * Builds and returns an RSS feed (check data on db insert!).
  * @param string $feedTitle Title of the feed
  * @param string $feedURL Link to the feed
  * @param string $feedDescription Description of this feed
  * @param string $items Database table
  * @param boolean $isDateInRSS Set to TRUE if dates in tn the $items table are already in RSS format
  * @return string RSS Feed
 public function create($feedTitle, $feedURL, $feedDescription, $items, $isDateInRSS = FALSE)
     // escape input
     $feedTitle = Fari_Escape::XML($feedTitle);
     $feedURL = Fari_Escape::XML($feedURL);
     $feedDescription = Fari_Escape::XML($feedDescription);
     // set publishing date in RSS format
     $feedPublished = date(DATE_RSS);
     // start dom string
     $DOMDocument = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     // form columns, we will use the info when traversing articles (and on the line below)
     $columns = $this->articleTitle . ', ' . $this->articleLink . ', ' . $this->articleDescription . ', ' . $this->articleDate;
     // get items from the database if we are not passing a formed array already
     if (!is_array($items)) {
         $items = Fari_Db::select($items, $columns);
     // <rss>
     $rootNode = $DOMDocument->createElement('rss');
     // use RSS version 2.0 attribute
     $rootNode->setAttribute('version', '2.0');
     // <rss><channel>
     $channel = $rootNode->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('channel'));
     // create the header
     // <rss><channel><title>
     $channel->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('title', $feedTitle));
     // <rss><channel><link>
     $channel->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('link', $feedURL));
     // <rss><channel><description>
     $channel->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('description', $feedDescription));
     // <rss><channel><pubDate>
     $channel->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('pubDate', $feedPublished));
     // column to RSS form 'conversion', elements have to follow that order...
     $articleColumns = explode(', ', $columns);
     $RSSColumns = array('title', 'link', 'description', 'pubDate');
     // traverse items now
     foreach ($items as $article) {
         // <rss><channel><item>
         $articleNode = $channel->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement('item'));
         // traverse the items array consisting of 4 elements
         for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
             // <rss><channel><item><$column>
             // <$column> value, escaped
             $columnText = Fari_Escape::XML($article[$articleColumns[$i]]);
             // do we need to fix RSS pubDate?
             if ($RSSColumns[$i] == 'pubDate' && !$isDateInRSS) {
                 $columnText = Fari_Format::date($columnText, 'RSS');
             $articleNode->appendChild($DOMDocument->createElement($RSSColumns[$i], $columnText));
     // generate XML and return
     $DOMDocument->formatOutput = TRUE;
     return $DOMDocument->saveXML();
  * Format mixed variables for output
  * @param <type> $mixed
  * @return <type>
 public static function formatVars($mixed)
     // we are working in HTML context
     //$mixed = Fari_Escape::html($mixed);
     if ($mixed === NULL) {
         $mixed = '<em>NULL</em>';
     } else {
         if (empty($mixed)) {
             $mixed = '<em>empty</em>';
         } else {
             if (is_string($mixed)) {
                 $mixed = Fari_Escape::html($mixed);
             } else {
                 $mixed = ob_get_contents();
                 $mixed = explode("\n", $mixed);
                 foreach ($mixed as &$line) {
                     // how big is the whitespace on the left?
                     $padding = strlen($line) - strlen(ltrim($line));
                     // add extra padding for better readability
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $padding; $i++) {
                         $line = "  " . $line;
                     // if our line contains a value give it extra pad
                     if (strpos($trimmed = ltrim($line), "[") !== FALSE) {
                         // highlight array key
                         $line = str_replace("[", "<strong>[", $line);
                         $line = str_replace("]", "]</strong>", $line);
                     } else {
                         if (substr(trim($line), 0) != "}") {
                             $line = "   " . $line;
                     $line = substr($line, 3);
                 $mixed = implode("\n", $mixed);
     return $mixed;
Example #25
  * Set body of the messsage
  * @param string $subject Text
  * @param boolean $text escape text if set to true
  * @return Fari_Mail subclass
 public function setBody($body, $text = FALSE)
     $this->body = $text ? Fari_Escape::text($body) : $body;
     return $this;
  * Escape SESSION data.
  * @param string
 public function prepareSession($sessionString)
     return Fari_Escape::text($sessionString);
Example #27
 public function index($param)
     // are we saving?
     if ($_POST) {
         $success = TRUE;
         // save categories, sources & types
         $category = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['category']);
         $categorySlug = Fari_Escape::slug($category);
         $source = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['source']);
         $sourceSlug = Fari_Escape::slug($source);
         $type = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['type']);
         $typeSlug = Fari_Escape::slug($type);
         if (empty($category)) {
             Fari_Message::fail('The category can\'t be empty.');
             $success = FALSE;
         } else {
             $result = Fari_Db::selectRow('hierarchy', 'key', array('value' => $category, 'type' => 'category'));
             if (empty($result)) {
                 Fari_Db::insert('hierarchy', array('value' => $category, 'slug' => $categorySlug, 'type' => 'category'));
         if (empty($source)) {
             Fari_Message::fail('The source can\'t be empty.');
             $success = FALSE;
         } else {
             $result = Fari_Db::selectRow('hierarchy', 'key', array('value' => $source, 'type' => 'source'));
             if (empty($result)) {
                 Fari_Db::insert('hierarchy', array('value' => $source, 'slug' => $sourceSlug, 'type' => 'source'));
         if (empty($type)) {
             Fari_Message::fail('The category can\'t be empty.');
             $success = FALSE;
         } else {
             $result = Fari_Db::selectRow('hierarchy', 'key', array('value' => $type, 'type' => 'type'));
             if (empty($result)) {
                 Fari_Db::insert('hierarchy', array('value' => $type, 'type' => 'type'));
         if ($success) {
             $title = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['title']);
             if (empty($title)) {
                 Fari_Message::fail('The title can\'t be empty.');
             } else {
                 $slug = Fari_Escape::slug($_POST['title']);
                 // unique slug/title
                 $result = Fari_Db::selectRow('kb', 'id', array('slug' => $slug));
                 if (!empty($result)) {
                     Fari_Message::fail('The title is not unique.');
                 } else {
                     $text = Fari_Escape::quotes($_POST['textarea']);
                     // convert title & main text to its stems and add lowercase originals better matches)
                     $titleStems = Knowledge::stems($title) . ' ' . strtolower($title);
                     $stems = Knowledge::stems($text) . ' ' . strtolower($text);
                     $tags = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['tags']);
                     $category = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['category']);
                     $source = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['source']);
                     $type = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['type']);
                     $comments = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['comments']);
                     $date = Fari_Escape::text($_POST['date']);
                     // date
                     if (!Fari_Filter::isDate($date)) {
                         Fari_Message::fail('The date is not in the correct format.');
                     } else {
                         // INSERT
                         Fari_Db::insert('kb', array('title' => $title, 'slug' => $slug, 'text' => $text, 'tags' => $tags, 'category' => $category, 'categorySlug' => $categorySlug, 'source' => $source, 'sourceSlug' => $sourceSlug, 'type' => $type, 'stems' => $stems, 'comments' => $comments, 'date' => $date, 'titleStems' => $titleStems, 'starred' => 'empty'));
                         Fari_Message::success('Saved successfully.');
                         $this->redirect('/text/edit/' . $slug);
     // fetch categories, sources & types
     $this->view->categories = $categories = Fari_Db::select('hierarchy', 'key, value', array('type' => 'category'), 'slug ASC');
     $this->view->sources = $sources = Fari_Db::select('hierarchy', 'key, value', array('type' => 'source'), 'slug ASC');
     $this->view->types = $types = Fari_Db::select('hierarchy', 'key, value', array('type' => 'type'), 'value ASC');
     // form if save failed...
     $this->view->saved = $_POST;
     // get all messages
     $this->view->messages = Fari_Message::get();