function errorHandler($code, $message, $file, $line) { // Make sure this error code is included in error_reporting. if ((error_reporting() & $code) != $code) { return false; } ET::fatalError(new ErrorException($message, $code, 1, $file, $line)); } set_error_handler("errorHandler", E_USER_ERROR); set_exception_handler(array("ET", "fatalError")); // Determine the relative path to this forum. For example, if the forum is at, // the web path should be /test/forum. $parts = explode("/", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); $key = array_search("index.php", $parts); if ($key !== false) { ET::$webPath = implode("/", array_slice($parts, 0, $key)); } // Undo register_globals. undoRegisterGlobals(); // If magic quotes is on, strip the slashes that it added. if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_REQUEST = array_map("undoMagicQuotes", $_REQUEST); $_GET = array_map("undoMagicQuotes", $_GET); $_POST = array_map("undoMagicQuotes", $_POST); $_COOKIE = array_map("undoMagicQuotes", $_COOKIE); } //***** 2. INCLUDE CONFIGURATION // Include our config files. ET::loadConfig(PATH_CORE . "/config.defaults.php"); // If the config path is different from the default, but there's still a config file at the default location, include it. if (PATH_CONFIG != PATH_ROOT . "/config" and file_exists($file = PATH_ROOT . "/config/config.php")) {