  * Show a sheet containing a list of groups. Pretty simple, really!
  * @return void
 public function action_index()
     $sql = ET::SQL();
     $sql->where("confirmed", 0);
     $sql->orderBy("m.memberId desc");
     $members = ET::memberModel()->getWithSQL($sql);
     $this->data("members", $members);
Example #2
  * Check for updates to the esoTalk software. If there's a new version, and this is the first time we've heard
  * of it, create a notifcation for the current user.
  * @return void
 public function checkForUpdates()
     // Save the last update check time so we won't do it again for a while.
     ET::writeConfig(array("esoTalk.admin.lastUpdateCheckTime" => time()));
     // If the latest version is different to what it was last time we checked...
     $info = C("esoTalk.admin.lastUpdateCheckInfo", array("version" => ESOTALK_VERSION));
     if ($package = ET::checkForUpdates() and $package["version"] != $info["version"]) {
         // Create a notification.
         ET::activityModel()->create("updateAvailable", ET::$session->userId, null, $package);
         // Write the latest checked version to the config file.
         ET::writeConfig(array("esoTalk.admin.lastUpdateCheckInfo" => $package));
Example #3
 public function handler_conversationModel_addReplyAfter($sender, $conversation, $postId, $content)
     // Only continue if this is the first post.
     if ($conversation["countPosts"] > 1) {
     // We get all members who have starred the post author and have no unread posts in the conversation.
     $sql = ET::SQL()->from("member_member mm2", "mm2.memberId2=:userId AND mm2.memberId1=m.memberId AND mm2.follow=1 AND mm2.memberId1!=:userId", "inner")->from("member_conversation co", "co.conversationId=:conversationId AND co.type='member' AND co.id=m.memberId", "left")->where("co.lastRead IS NULL OR co.lastRead>=:posts")->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])->bind(":posts", $conversation["countPosts"] - 1)->bind(":userId", ET::$session->userId);
     $members = ET::memberModel()->getWithSQL($sql);
     $data = array("conversationId" => $conversation["conversationId"], "postId" => $postId, "title" => $conversation["title"]);
     $emailData = array("content" => $content);
     foreach ($members as $member) {
         // Check if this member is allowed to view this conversation before sending them a notification.
         $sql = ET::SQL()->select("conversationId")->from("conversation c")->where("conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"]);
         ET::conversationModel()->addAllowedPredicate($sql, $member);
         if (!$sql->exec()->numRows()) {
         ET::activityModel()->create("postMember", $member, ET::$session->user, $data, $emailData);
  * Show a member profile with the activity pane.
  * @param string $member The member ID.
  * @param int $page The activity page number.
  * @return void
 public function action_activity($member = "", $page = "")
     // Set up the member profile page.
     if (!($member = $this->profile($member, "activity"))) {
     // Work out the page number we're viewing and fetch the activity.
     $page = max(0, (int) $page - 1);
     $activity = ET::activityModel()->getActivity($member, $page * 10, 11);
     // We fetch 11 items so we can tell if there are more items after this page.
     $showViewMoreLink = false;
     if (count($activity) == 11) {
         $showViewMoreLink = true;
     // Pass along necessary data to the view.
     $this->data("activity", $activity);
     $this->data("page", $page);
     $this->data("showViewMoreLink", $showViewMoreLink);
Example #5
  * Render the specified view, in the format according to the controller's set response type.
  * @param string $view The view to render. This can be left blank if we know the response type is one that
  * 		doesn't require a view, such as JSON or ATOM.
  * @return void
 public function render($view = "")
     if ($this->responseType == RESPONSE_TYPE_DEFAULT and ET::$session->user) {
         // Fetch all unread notifications so we have a count for the notifications button.
         $notifications = ET::activityModel()->getNotifications(-1);
         $count = count($notifications);
         $this->addToMenu("user", "notifications", "<a href='" . URL("settings/notifications") . "' id='notifications' class='button popupButton " . ($count ? "new" : "") . "'><span>{$count}</span></a>");
         // Show messages with these notifications.
     // Set up the master view, content type, and other stuff depending on the response type.
     switch ($this->responseType) {
         // For an ATOM response, set the master view and the content type.
         case RESPONSE_TYPE_ATOM:
             $this->masterView = "atom.master";
             $this->contentType = "application/atom+xml";
             // For an AJAX or JSON response, set the master view and the content type.
             // If it's an AJAX response, set one of the JSON parameters to the specified view's contents.
         // For an AJAX or JSON response, set the master view and the content type.
         // If it's an AJAX response, set one of the JSON parameters to the specified view's contents.
         case RESPONSE_TYPE_AJAX:
             if ($view) {
                 $this->json("view", $this->getViewContents($view, $this->data));
         case RESPONSE_TYPE_JSON:
             $this->masterView = "json.master";
             $this->contentType = "application/json";
     // Set a content-type header.
     header("Content-type: " . $this->contentType . "; charset=" . T("charset", "utf-8"));
     // If we're just outputting the view on its own, do that now.
     if ($this->responseType === RESPONSE_TYPE_VIEW) {
         $this->renderView($view, $this->data);
     } else {
         // Make a new data array for the master view.
         $data = array();
         // For any master views but the JSON and ATOM ones, give the view some data that will be useful in
         // rendering a HTML page.
         if ($this->masterView != "json.master" and $this->masterView != "atom.master") {
             // Fetch the content of the view, passing the data collected in the controller.
             if ($view) {
                 $data["content"] = $this->getViewContents($view, $this->data);
             // If config/custom.css contains something, add it to be included in the page.
             if (file_exists($file = PATH_CONFIG . "/custom.css") and filesize($file) > 0) {
                 $this->addCSSFile("config/custom.css", true);
             // Add the <head> contents and the page title.
             $data["head"] = $this->head();
             $titleParts = array();
             if ($this->title) {
                 $titleParts[] = $this->title;
             if ($t = C("esoTalk.forumTitle")) {
                 $titleParts[] = $t;
             $data["pageTitle"] = implode(" - ", $titleParts);
             // Add the forum title, or logo if the forum has one.
             $logo = C("esoTalk.forumLogo");
             $title = C("esoTalk.forumTitle");
             if ($logo) {
                 $size = getimagesize($logo);
             $data["forumTitle"] = $logo ? "<img src='" . getWebPath($logo) . "' {$size[3]} alt='{$title}'/>" : $title;
             // Add the details for the "back" button.
             $data["backButton"] = ET::$session->getNavigation($this->navigationId);
             // Get common menu items.
             foreach ($this->menus as $menu => $items) {
                 $data[$menu . "MenuItems"] = $items->getContents();
             // Add the body class.
             $data["bodyClass"] = $this->bodyClass;
             // Get messages.
             $data["messages"] = $this->getMessages();
         $this->renderView($this->masterView, $data);
  * Show a full conversation.
  * @param string $conversationId The conversation ID, suffixed with the conversation's slug.
  * @param mixed $year Can be in one of three formats:
  * 		YYYY/MM: start viewing posts from a certain year/month combination
  * 		pX: start viewing posts from page X
  * 		X: start viewing posts from position X
  * @param int $month If specified, the YYYY/MM combination will be used.
  * @return void
 public function action_index($conversationId = false, $year = false, $month = false)
     if (!$this->allowed()) {
     // Get the conversation.
     $conversation = ET::conversationModel()->getById((int) $conversationId);
     // Stop here with a 404 header if the conversation wasn't found.
     if (!$conversation) {
         $this->render404(T("message.conversationNotFound"), true);
         return false;
     // Are we searching within the conversation? If so, set the searchString and set the number of results as the post count.
     $searchString = R("search");
     if ($searchString) {
         $conversation["countPosts"] = ET::postModel()->getSearchResultsCount($conversation["conversationId"], $searchString);
         $conversation["searching"] = true;
         // Add the keywords in $this->searchString to be highlighted. Make sure we keep ones "in quotes" together.
         $words = array();
         $term = $searchString;
         if (preg_match_all('/"(.+?)"/', $term, $matches)) {
             $words[] = $matches[1];
             $term = preg_replace('/".+?"/', '', $term);
         $words = array_unique(array_merge($words, explode(" ", $term)));
         ET::$session->store("highlight", $words);
     } else {
     // Work out which post we are viewing from.
     $startFrom = 0;
     if ($year) {
         // Redirect to the user's oldest unread post.
         if ($year == "unread" and ET::$session->user) {
             // Fetch the post ID of the user's oldest unread post (according to $conversation["lastRead"].)
             $id = ET::SQL()->select("postId")->from("post")->where("conversationId=:conversationId")->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])->orderBy("time ASC")->offset((int) $conversation["lastRead"])->limit(1)->exec()->result();
             // If a post ID was found, redirect to its position within the conversation.
             $startFrom = max(0, min($conversation["lastRead"], $conversation["countPosts"] - C("esoTalk.conversation.postsPerPage")));
             if ($id) {
                 $this->redirect(URL(conversationURL($conversation["conversationId"], $conversation["title"]) . "/{$startFrom}#p{$id}"));
         // Redirect to the last post in the conversation.
         if ($year == "unread" or $year == "last") {
             // Fetch the post ID of the last post in the conversation.
             $id = ET::SQL()->select("postId")->from("post")->where("conversationId=:conversationId")->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])->orderBy("time DESC")->limit(1)->exec()->result();
             // Redirect there.
             $startFrom = max(0, $conversation["countPosts"] - C("esoTalk.conversation.postsPerPage"));
             $this->redirect(URL(conversationURL($conversation["conversationId"], $conversation["title"]) . "/{$startFrom}#p{$id}"));
         } elseif ($month and !$searchString) {
             $year = (int) $year;
             $month = (int) $month;
             // Bit of a hacky way of loading posts from the last page.
             if ($year == 9999 and $month == 99) {
                 $timestamp = PHP_INT_MAX;
             } else {
                 $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, min($month, 12), 1, min($year, 2038));
             // Find the closest post that's after this timestamp, and find its position within the conversation.
             $position = ET::SQL()->select("COUNT(postId)", "position")->from("post")->where("time < :time")->bind(":time", $timestamp)->where("conversationId = :conversationId")->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])->exec()->result();
             $startFrom = min($conversation["countPosts"] - C("esoTalk.conversation.postsPerPage"), $position);
             $this->data("month", $month);
             $this->data("year", $year);
         } else {
             if ($year[0] == "p") {
                 $startFrom = ((int) ltrim($year, "p") - 1) * C("esoTalk.conversation.postsPerPage");
             } else {
                 $startFrom = (int) $year;
     // Make sure the startFrom number is within range.
     $startFrom = max(0, $startFrom);
     if ($this->responseType === RESPONSE_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
         $startFrom = min($startFrom, max(0, $conversation["countPosts"] - 1));
     if (ET::$session->userId) {
         // Update the user's last read.
         ET::conversationModel()->setLastRead($conversation, ET::$session->userId, $startFrom + C("esoTalk.conversation.postsPerPage"));
         // If we're on the last page, mark any notifications related to this conversation as read.
         if ($startFrom + C("esoTalk.conversation.postsPerPage") >= $conversation["countPosts"]) {
             ET::activityModel()->markNotificationsAsRead(null, $conversation["conversationId"]);
         // Update the user's last action.
         ET::memberModel()->updateLastAction("viewingConversation", $conversation["private"] ? null : array("conversationId" => $conversation["conversationId"], "title" => $conversation["title"]));
     // Get the posts in the conversation.
     $options = array("startFrom" => $startFrom, "limit" => C("esoTalk.conversation.postsPerPage"));
     if ($searchString) {
         $options["search"] = $searchString;
     if ($startFrom < $conversation["countPosts"]) {
         $posts = ET::postModel()->getByConversation($conversation["conversationId"], $options);
     } else {
         $posts = array();
     $this->trigger("conversationIndex", array(&$conversation, &$posts, &$startFrom, &$searchString));
     // Transport some data to the view.
     $this->data("conversation", $conversation);
     $this->data("posts", $posts);
     $this->data("startFrom", $startFrom);
     $this->data("searchString", $searchString);
     if ($this->responseType === RESPONSE_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
         // Construct a canonical URL to this page.
         $url = conversationURL($conversation["conversationId"], $conversation["title"]) . "/{$startFrom}" . ($searchString ? "?search=" . urlencode($searchString) : "");
         $this->canonicalURL = URL($url, true);
         // If the slug in the URL is not the same as the actual slug, redirect.
         $slug = slug($conversation["title"]);
         if ($slug and (strpos($conversationId, "-") === false or substr($conversationId, strpos($conversationId, "-") + 1) != $slug)) {
             redirect(URL($url), 301);
         // Push onto the top of the naviagation stack.
         $this->pushNavigation("conversation/" . $conversation["conversationId"], "conversation", URL($url));
         // Set the title of the page.
         $this->title = $conversation["title"];
         // Get a list of the members allowed in this conversation.
         $conversation["membersAllowed"] = ET::conversationModel()->getMembersAllowed($conversation);
         $conversation["membersAllowedSummary"] = ET::conversationModel()->getMembersAllowedSummary($conversation, $conversation["membersAllowed"]);
         // Get the channel path of this conversation.
         $conversation["channelPath"] = ET::conversationModel()->getChannelPath($conversation);
         // Add essential variables and language definitions to be accessible through JavaScript.
         if ($conversation["canModerate"]) {
             $this->addJSLanguage("Lock", "Unlock", "Sticky", "Unsticky");
         if (ET::$session->user) {
             $this->addJSLanguage("Starred", "Unstarred", "message.confirmLeave", "message.confirmDiscardPost", "message.confirmDelete", "Ignore conversation", "Unignore conversation", "Controls", "Follow", "Following");
         $this->addJSVar("postsPerPage", C("esoTalk.conversation.postsPerPage"));
         $this->addJSVar("conversationUpdateIntervalStart", C("esoTalk.conversation.updateIntervalStart"));
         $this->addJSVar("conversationUpdateIntervalMultiplier", C("esoTalk.conversation.updateIntervalMultiplier"));
         $this->addJSVar("conversationUpdateIntervalLimit", C("esoTalk.conversation.updateIntervalLimit"));
         $this->addJSVar("mentions", C("esoTalk.format.mentions"));
         $this->addJSVar("time", time());
         // Add the RSS feed button.
         // $this->addToMenu("meta", "feed", "<a href='".URL("conversation/index.atom/".$url)."' id='feed'>".T("Feed")."</a>");
         $controls = ETFactory::make("menu");
         // Ignore conversation control
         if (ET::$session->user) {
             $controls->add("ignore", "<a href='" . URL("conversation/ignore/" . $conversation["conversationId"] . "/?token=" . ET::$session->token . "&return=" . urlencode($this->selfURL)) . "' id='control-ignore'><i class='icon-eye-close'></i> <span>" . T($conversation["ignored"] ? "Unignore conversation" : "Ignore conversation") . "</span></a>");
         // Mark as unread/read control
         if (ET::$session->user) {
             $controls->add("read", "<a href='" . URL("conversation/read/" . $conversation["conversationId"] . "/?token=" . ET::$session->token) . "' id='control-read'><i class='icon-circle'></i> <span>" . T($conversation["lastRead"] >= $conversation["countPosts"] ? "Mark as unread" : "Mark as read") . "</span></a>");
         if ($conversation["canModerate"] or $conversation["startMemberId"] == ET::$session->userId) {
             // Add the change channel control.
             $controls->add("changeChannel", "<a href='" . URL("conversation/changeChannel/" . $conversation["conversationId"] . "/?return=" . urlencode($this->selfURL)) . "' id='control-changeChannel'><i class='icon-tag'></i> <span>" . T("Change channel") . "</span></a>");
         // If the user has permission to moderate this conversation...
         if ($conversation["canModerate"]) {
             // Add the sticky/unsticky control.
             $controls->add("sticky", "<a href='" . URL("conversation/sticky/" . $conversation["conversationId"] . "/?token=" . ET::$session->token . "&return=" . urlencode($this->selfURL)) . "' id='control-sticky'><i class='icon-pushpin'></i> <span>" . T($conversation["sticky"] ? "Unsticky" : "Sticky") . "</span></a>");
             // Add the lock/unlock control.
             $controls->add("lock", "<a href='" . URL("conversation/lock/" . $conversation["conversationId"] . "/?token=" . ET::$session->token . "&return=" . urlencode($this->selfURL)) . "' id='control-lock'><i class='icon-lock'></i> <span>" . T($conversation["locked"] ? "Unlock" : "Lock") . "</span></a>");
         if ($conversation["canDeleteConversation"]) {
             // Add the delete conversation control.
             $controls->add("delete", "<a href='" . URL("conversation/delete/" . $conversation["conversationId"] . "/?token=" . ET::$session->token) . "' id='control-delete'><i class='icon-remove'></i> <span>" . T("Delete conversation") . "</span></a>");
         // Add the meta description tag to the head. It will contain an excerpt from the first post's content.
         if ($conversation["countPosts"] > 0) {
             $description = ET::SQL()->select("LEFT(content, 156)")->from("post")->where("conversationId=:conversationId")->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])->orderBy("time ASC")->limit(1)->exec()->result();
             if (strlen($description) > 155) {
                 $description = substr($description, 0, strrpos($description, " ")) . " ...";
             $description = str_replace(array("\n\n", "\n"), " ", $description);
             $this->addToHead("<meta name='description' content='" . sanitizeHTML($description) . "'>");
         // Add JavaScript variables which contain conversation information.
         $this->addJSVar("conversation", array("conversationId" => (int) $conversation["conversationId"], "slug" => conversationURL($conversation["conversationId"], $conversation["title"]), "countPosts" => (int) $conversation["countPosts"], "startFrom" => (int) $startFrom, "searchString" => $searchString, "lastRead" => (ET::$session->user and $conversation["conversationId"]) ? (int) max(0, min($conversation["countPosts"], $conversation["lastRead"])) : (int) $conversation["countPosts"], "updateInterval" => max(C("esoTalk.conversation.updateIntervalStart"), min(round(sqrt(time() - $conversation["lastPostTime"])), C("esoTalk.conversation.updateIntervalLimit"))), "channelId" => (int) $conversation["channelId"]));
         // Quote a post: get the post details (id, name, content) and then set the value of the reply textarea appropriately.
         if ($postId = (int) R("quote")) {
             $post = $this->getPostForQuoting($postId, $conversation["conversationId"]);
             if ($post) {
                 $conversation["draft"] = "[quote={$postId}:" . $post["username"] . "]" . ET::formatter()->init($post["content"])->removeQuotes()->get() . "[/quote]";
         // Set up the reply form.
         $replyForm = ETFactory::make("form");
         $replyForm->action = URL("conversation/reply/" . $conversation["conversationId"]);
         $replyForm->setValue("content", $conversation["draft"]);
         $this->trigger("conversationIndexDefault", array(&$conversation, &$controls, &$replyForm, &$replyControls));
         $this->data("replyForm", $replyForm);
         $this->data("replyControls", $this->getEditControls("reply"));
         $this->data("conversation", $conversation);
         $this->data("controlsMenu", $controls);
     } elseif ($this->responseType === RESPONSE_TYPE_AJAX) {
         $this->json("countPosts", $conversation["countPosts"]);
         $this->json("startFrom", $startFrom);
     } elseif ($this->responseType === RESPONSE_TYPE_VIEW) {
Example #7
  * Set a member's account and groups.
  * @param array $member The details of the member to set the account/groups for.
  * @param string $account The new account.
  * @param array $groups The new group IDs.
  * @return bool true on success, false on error.
 public function setGroups($member, $account, $groups = array())
     // Make sure the account is valid.
         $this->error("account", "invalidAccount");
     if ($this->errorCount()) {
         return false;
     // Set the member's new account.
     $this->updateById($member["memberId"], array("account" => $account));
     // Delete all of the member's existing group associations.
     ET::SQL()->delete()->from("member_group")->where("memberId", $member["memberId"])->exec();
     // Insert new member-group associations.
     $inserts = array();
     foreach ($groups as $id) {
         $inserts[] = array($member["memberId"], $id);
     if (count($inserts)) {
         ET::SQL()->insert("member_group")->setMultiple(array("memberId", "groupId"), $inserts)->exec();
     // Now we need to create a new activity item, and to do that we need the names of the member's groups.
     $groupData = ET::groupModel()->getAll();
     $groupNames = array();
     foreach ($groups as $id) {
         $groupNames[$id] = $groupData[$id]["name"];
     ET::activityModel()->create("groupChange", $member, ET::$session->user, array("account" => $account, "groups" => $groupNames));
     return true;
  * Send private conversation invitation notifications to a list of members. A notification will only
  * be sent if this is the first time a member has been added to the conversation, to prevent intentional
  * email spamming.
  * @param array $conversation The conversation to that we're sending out notifications for.
  * @param array $memberIds A list of member IDs to send the notifications to.
  * @param bool $notifyAll If set to true, all members will be notified regardless of if they have been
  * 		added to this conversation before.
  * @return void
 protected function privateAddNotification($conversation, $memberIds, $notifyAll = false)
     $memberIds = (array) $memberIds;
     // Remove the currently logged in user from the list of member IDs.
     if (($k = array_search(ET::$session->userId, $memberIds)) !== false) {
     if (!count($memberIds)) {
     // Get the member details for this list of member IDs.
     $sql = ET::SQL()->from("member_conversation s", "s.conversationId=:conversationId AND s.type='member' AND s.id=m.memberId", "left")->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])->where("m.memberId IN (:memberIds)")->bind(":memberIds", $memberIds);
     // Only get members where the member_conversation row doesn't exist (implying that this is the first time
     // they've been added to the conversation.)
     if (!$notifyAll) {
         $sql->where("s.id IS NULL");
     $members = ET::memberModel()->getWithSQL($sql);
     $data = array("conversationId" => $conversation["conversationId"], "title" => $conversation["title"]);
     foreach ($members as $member) {
         ET::activityModel()->create("privateAdd", $member, ET::$session->user, $data);
  * Send private conversation invitation notifications to a list of members. A notification will only
  * be sent if this is the first time a member has been added to the conversation, to prevent intentional
  * email spamming.
  * @param array $conversation The conversation to that we're sending out notifications for.
  * @param array $memberIds A list of member IDs to send the notifications to.
  * @param bool $notifyAll If set to true, all members will be notified regardless of if they have been
  * 		added to this conversation before.
  * @return void
 protected function privateAddNotification($conversation, $memberIds, $notifyAll = false, $content = null)
     $memberIds = (array) $memberIds;
     // Remove the currently logged in user from the list of member IDs.
     if (($k = array_search(ET::$session->userId, $memberIds)) !== false) {
     if (!count($memberIds)) {
     // Get the member details for this list of member IDs.
     $sql = ET::SQL()->from("member_conversation s", "s.conversationId=:conversationId AND s.type='member' AND s.id=m.memberId", "left")->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])->where("m.memberId IN (:memberIds)")->bind(":memberIds", $memberIds);
     // Only get members where the member_conversation row doesn't exist (implying that this is the first time
     // they've been added to the conversation.)
     if (!$notifyAll) {
         $sql->where("s.id IS NULL");
     $members = ET::memberModel()->getWithSQL($sql);
     $data = array("conversationId" => $conversation["conversationId"], "title" => $conversation["title"]);
     $emailData = array("content" => $content);
     // Create the "privateAdd" activity which will send out a notification and an email if appropriate.
     // Also get IDs of members who would like to automatically follow this conversation.
     $followIds = array();
     foreach ($members as $member) {
         ET::activityModel()->create("privateAdd", $member, ET::$session->user, $data, $emailData);
         if (!empty($member["preferences"]["starPrivate"])) {
             $followIds[] = $member["memberId"];
     // Follow the conversation for the appropriate members.
     if (!empty($followIds)) {
         $this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], $followIds, array("starred" => true));
 public function notificationCheck()
     $this->responseType = RESPONSE_TYPE_AJAX;
     $notifications = ET::activityModel()->getNotifications(-1);
     $this->json("count", count($notifications));
Example #11
  * Create a post in the specified conversation.
  * This function will go through the post content and notify any members who are @mentioned.
  * @param int $conversationId The ID of the conversation to create the post in.
  * @param int $memberId The ID of the author of the post.
  * @param string $content The post content.
  * @param string $title The title of the conversation (so it can be added alongside the post, for fulltext purposes.)
  * @return bool|int The new post's ID, or false if there were errors.
 public function create($conversationId, $memberId, $content, $title = "")
     // Validate the post content.
     $this->validate("content", $content, array($this, "validateContent"));
     if ($this->errorCount()) {
         return false;
     // Prepare the post details for the query.
     $data = array("conversationId" => $conversationId, "memberId" => $memberId, "time" => time(), "content" => $content, "title" => $title);
     $id = parent::create($data);
     // Update the member's post count.
     ET::SQL()->update("member")->set("countPosts", "countPosts + 1", false)->where("memberId", $memberId)->exec();
     // Update the channel's post count.
     ET::SQL()->update("channel")->set("countPosts", "countPosts + 1", false)->where("channelId", ET::SQL()->select("channelId")->from("conversation")->where("conversationId=:conversationId")->bind(":conversationId", $conversationId)->exec()->result())->exec();
     // Parse the post content for @mentions, and notify any members who were mentioned.
     if (C("esoTalk.format.mentions")) {
         $names = ET::formatter()->getMentions($content);
         if (count($names)) {
             // Get the member details from the database.
             $sql = ET::SQL()->where("m.username IN (:names)")->bind(":names", $names)->where("m.memberId != :userId")->bind(":userId", $memberId);
             $members = ET::memberModel()->getWithSQL($sql);
             $data = array("conversationId" => $conversationId, "postId" => (int) $id, "title" => $title);
             $emailData = array("content" => $content);
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($members as $member) {
                 // Only send notifications to the first 10 members who are mentioned to prevent abuse of the system.
                 if ($i++ > 10) {
                 // Check if this member is allowed to view this conversation before sending them a notification.
                 $sql = ET::SQL()->select("conversationId")->from("conversation c")->where("conversationId", $conversationId);
                 ET::conversationModel()->addAllowedPredicate($sql, $member);
                 if (!$sql->exec()->numRows()) {
                 ET::activityModel()->create("mention", $member, ET::$session->user, $data, $emailData);
     return $id;
Example #12
  * Common initialization for all controllers, called on every page load. This will add basic user links to
  * the "user" menu, and add core JS files and language definitions.
  * If this is overridden, parent::init() should be called to maintain consistency between controllers.
  * @return void
 public function init()
     // Check for updates to the esoTalk software, but only if we're the root admin and we haven't checked in
     // a while.
     if (ET::$session->userId == C("esoTalk.rootAdmin") and C("esoTalk.admin.lastUpdateCheckTime") + C("esoTalk.updateCheckInterval") < time()) {
     if ($this->responseType === RESPONSE_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
         // If the user IS NOT logged in, add the 'login' and 'sign up' links to the bar.
         if (!ET::$session->user) {
             $this->addToMenu("user", "login", "<a href='" . URL("user/login?return=" . urlencode($this->selfURL)) . "' class='link-login'>" . T("Log In") . "</a>");
             $this->addToMenu("user", "join", "<a href='" . URL("user/join?return=" . urlencode($this->selfURL)) . "' class='link-join'>" . T("Sign Up") . "</a>");
         } else {
             $this->addToMenu("user", "user", "<a href='" . URL("member/me") . "'>" . avatar(ET::$session->userId, ET::$session->user["avatarFormat"], "thumb") . name(ET::$session->user["username"]) . "</a>");
             // Fetch all unread notifications so we have a count for the notifications button.
             $notifications = ET::activityModel()->getNotifications(-1);
             $count = count($notifications);
             $this->addToMenu("user", "notifications", "<a href='" . URL("settings/notifications") . "' id='notifications' class='popupButton " . ($count ? "new" : "") . "'><span>{$count}</span></a>");
             // Show messages with these notifications.
             $this->addToMenu("user", "settings", "<a href='" . URL("settings") . "' class='link-settings'>" . T("Settings") . "</a>");
             if (ET::$session->isAdmin()) {
                 $this->addToMenu("user", "administration", "<a href='" . URL("admin") . "' class='link-administration'>" . T("Administration") . "</a>");
             $this->addToMenu("user", "logout", "<a href='" . URL("user/logout") . "' class='link-logout'>" . T("Log Out") . "</a>");
         // Get the number of members currently online and add it as a statistic.
         $online = ET::SQL()->select("COUNT(*)")->from("member")->where("UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-:seconds<lastActionTime")->bind(":seconds", C("esoTalk.userOnlineExpire"))->exec()->result();
         $stat = Ts("statistic.online", "statistic.online.plural", number_format($online));
         $stat = "<a href='" . URL("members/online") . "' class='link-membersOnline'>{$stat}</a>";
         $this->addToMenu("statistics", "statistic-online", $stat);
         $this->addToMenu("meta", "copyright", "<a href='http://esotalk.com/'>Powered by esoTalk" . (ET::$session->isAdmin() ? " " . ESOTALK_VERSION : "") . "</a>");
         // Set up some default JavaScript files and language definitions.
         $this->addJSFile("js/lib/jquery.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("js/lib/jquery.misc.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("js/lib/jquery.history.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("js/lib/jquery.scrollTo.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("js/global.js", true);
         $this->addJSLanguage("message.ajaxRequestPending", "message.ajaxDisconnected", "Loading...", "Notifications");
         $this->addJSVar("notificationCheckInterval", C("esoTalk.notificationCheckInterval"));
         // If config/custom.css contains something, add it to be included in the page.
         if (file_exists($file = PATH_CONFIG . "/custom.css") and filesize($file) > 0) {
             $this->addCSSFile("config/custom.css", true);
  * Show the sign up sheet and handle input from its form.
  * @return void
 public function action_join()
     // If we're already logged in, get out of here.
     if (ET::$session->user) {
     // If registration is closed, show a message.
     if (!C("esoTalk.registration.open")) {
         $this->renderMessage(T("Registration Closed"), T("message.registrationClosed"));
     // Set the title and make sure this page isn't indexed.
     $this->title = T("Sign Up");
     $this->addToHead("<meta name='robots' content='noindex, noarchive'/>");
     // Construct a form.
     $form = ETFactory::make("form");
     $form->action = URL("user/join");
     // Add the username field to the form structure.
     $form->addSection("username", T("Username"));
     $form->addField("username", "username", function ($form) {
         return $form->input("username");
     }, function ($form, $key, &$data) {
         $data["username"] = $form->getValue($key);
     // Add the email field to the form structure.
     $form->addSection("email", T("Email"));
     $form->addField("email", "email", function ($form) {
         return $form->input("email") . "<br><small>" . T("Used to verify your account and subscribe to conversations") . "</small>";
     }, function ($form, $key, &$data) {
         $data["email"] = $form->getValue($key);
     // Add the password field to the form structure.
     $form->addSection("password", T("Password"));
     $form->addField("password", "password", function ($form) {
         return $form->input("password", "password") . "<br><small>" . sprintf(T("Choose a secure password of at least %s characters"), C("esoTalk.minPasswordLength")) . "</small>";
     }, function ($form, $key, &$data) {
         $data["password"] = $form->getValue($key);
     // Add the confirm password field to the form structure.
     $form->addSection("confirm", T("Confirm password"));
     $form->addField("confirm", "confirm", function ($form) {
         return $form->input("confirm", "password");
     }, function ($form, $key, &$data) {
         // Make sure the passwords match.
         if ($form->getValue("password") != $form->getValue($key)) {
             $form->error($key, T("message.passwordsDontMatch"));
     $this->trigger("initJoin", array($form));
     // If the cancel button was pressed, return to where the user was before.
     if ($form->isPostBack("cancel")) {
     // If the form has been submitted, validate it and add the member into the database.
     if ($form->validPostBack("submit")) {
         $data = array();
         if ($form->validPostBack()) {
         if (!$form->errorCount()) {
             $data["account"] = ACCOUNT_MEMBER;
             if (!C("esoTalk.registration.requireConfirmation")) {
                 $data["confirmed"] = true;
             } else {
                 $data["resetPassword"] = md5(uniqid(rand()));
             // Create the member.
             $model = ET::memberModel();
             $memberId = $model->create($data);
             // If there were validation errors, pass them to the form.
             if ($model->errorCount()) {
             } else {
                 // If we require the user to confirm their email, send them an email and show a message.
                 if (C("esoTalk.registration.requireConfirmation") == "email") {
                     $this->sendConfirmationEmail($data["email"], $data["username"], $memberId . $data["resetPassword"]);
                     $this->renderMessage(T("Success!"), T("message.confirmEmail"));
                 } elseif (C("esoTalk.registration.requireConfirmation") == "approval") {
                     $admin = ET::memberModel()->getById(C("esoTalk.rootAdmin"));
                     ET::activityModel()->create("unapproved", $admin, null, array("username" => $data["username"]));
                     $this->renderMessage(T("Success!"), T("message.waitForApproval"));
                 } else {
                     ET::$session->login($form->getValue("username"), $form->getValue("password"));
     $this->data("form", $form);
  * Unmark a post as deleted.
  * @param array $post The post to unmark as deleted.
  * @return bool true on success, false on error.
 public function restorePost(&$post)
     // Update the post.
     $time = time();
     $this->updateById($post["postId"], array("deleteMemberId" => null, "deleteTime" => null));
     $post["deleteMemberId"] = null;
     $post["deleteMemberName"] = null;
     $post["deleteTime"] = null;
     $am = ET::activityModel();
     ET::$cache->store($am::CACHE_KEY . '_' . $post['memberId'] . '_' . $am::CACHE_NS_KEY, time());
     $sm = ET::searchModel();
     ET::$cache->store($sm::CACHE_NS_KEY, time());
     return true;