ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-7', 'heading2', __('Twitter Cards', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'sharing-7', 'twitter_card', __('Automatically generate and insert Twitter Cards meta tags for post/pages', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('To allow Twitter Cards data appear in your Tweets you need to validate your site after activation of that option in Twitter Card Validator.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox('social', 'sharing-7', 'twitter_card_user', __('Twitter Site Username', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Enter your Twitter site username.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
$listOfOptions = array("summary" => "Summary", "summaryimage" => "Summary with image");
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_select('social', 'sharing-7', 'twitter_card_type', __('Twitter Card Type', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Choose the default card type that should be generated.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), $listOfOptions);
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-7', 'heading2', __('Google', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'sharing-7', 'sso_google_author', __('Activate Google Authorship and Publisher Markup', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('When active Google Authorship will appear only on posts from your blog - usage of authorship requires you to sign up to Google Authoship program at this address: Publisher markup will be included on all pages and posts where it is activated.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox_stretched('social', 'sharing-7', 'ss_google_author_profile', __('Google+ Author Page', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Put link to your Goolge+ Profile (example:[Google+_Profile]/posts)', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox_stretched('social', 'sharing-7', 'ss_google_author_publisher', __('Google+ Publisher Page', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Put link to your Google+ Page (example:[Google+_Page_Profile])', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'sharing-7', 'sso_google_markup', __('Include Google base markup', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('This will include minimal needed markup for Google (name, description and image)', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-8', 'heading1', __('Custom Share Message', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'sharing-8', 'customshare', __('Activate custom share message', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activate this option to allow usage of custom share message.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox_stretched('social', 'sharing-8', 'customshare_text', __('Custom Share Message', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('This option allows you to pass custom message to share (not all networks support this).', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox_stretched('social', 'sharing-8', 'customshare_url', __('Custom Share URL', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('This option allows you to pass custom url to share (all networks support this).', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_file('social', 'sharing-8', 'customshare_image', __('Custom Share Image', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('This option allows you to pass custom image to your share message (only Facebook and Pinterest support this).', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textarea('social', 'sharing-8', 'customshare_description', __('Custom Share Description', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('This option allows you to pass custom extended description to your share message (only Facebok and Pinterest support this).', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-9', 'heading1', __('myCred Integration', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-9', 'heading2', __('Award users for clicking on share button', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'sharing-9', 'mycred_activate', __('Activate myCred integration for click', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('In order to work the myCred integration you need to have myCred Points for click on links hook activated (if you use custom points group you need to activated inside custom points group settings).', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox('social', 'sharing-9', 'mycred_points', __('myCred reward points for share link click', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Provide custom points to reward user when share link. If nothing is provided 1 point will be included.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox('social', 'sharing-9', 'mycred_group', __('myCred custom point type', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Provide custom meta key for the points that user will get to share link. To create your own please visit this tutorial: Leave blank to use the default (mycred_default)', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-9', 'heading2', __('Award users when someone uses their share link', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'sharing-9', 'mycred_referral_activate', __('Activate myCred Referral usage', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('That option requires you to have the Points for referrals hook enabled. That option is not compatible with share counters because adding referral id to url will reset social share counters to zero.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-10', 'heading1', __('AffiliateWP Integration', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'sharing-10', 'affwp_active', __('Append Affiliate ID to shared address', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Automatically appends an affiliate\'s ID to Easy Social Share Buttons sharing links that are generated.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'sharing-10', 'affwp_active_shortcode', __('Append Affiliate ID to custom shared address in shortcodes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Automatically appends an affiliate\'s ID to Easy Social Share Buttons sharing links that are generated when shortcode has a custom url parameter.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
// native buttons
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'native-1', 'heading1', __('Native Like, Follow & Subscribe Buttons', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'native-1', 'native_active', __('Activate native buttons', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Mark yes to activate usage of module.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'native-1', 'otherbuttons_sameline', __('Display on same line', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activate this option to display native buttons on same line with the share buttons.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'native-1', 'allow_native_mobile', __('Allow display of native buttons on mobile devices', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('The native buttons are set off by default on mobile devices because they may affect speed of mobile site version. If you wish to use them on mobile devices set this option to <b>Yes</b>.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_select('quick', 'quick-3', 'more_button_func', __('More button', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Select networks that you wish to appear in your list. With drag and drop you can rearrange them.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), $more_options);
$more_options = array("plus" => "Plus icon", "dots" => "Dots icon");
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_select('quick', 'quick-3', 'more_button_icon', __('More button icon', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Select more button icon style. You can choose from default + symbol or dots symbol', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), $more_options);
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('quick', 'quick-4', 'heading1', __('4. Counters', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('quick', 'quick-4', 'show_counter', __('Display counter of sharing', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activate display of share counters.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
$counter_mode = array("" => "Real time share counters", "cached" => "Cached share counters");
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_select('quick', 'quick-4', 'counter_mode', __('Counter update mode', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Choose how your counters will update. Cached counters will work faster than realtime because they update on predefined period. Please note that when you use cache plugin cached counters will update when cache is expired in cache plugin', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), $counter_mode);
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('quick', 'quick-4', 'heading2', __('Button Counters', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_select('quick', 'quick-4', 'counter_pos', __('Position of counters', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Choose your default button counter position', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), essb_avaliable_counter_positions());
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('quick', 'quick-4', 'facebooktotal', __('Display Facebook Total Count', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Enable this option if you wish to display total count not only share count which is displayed by default.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'yes', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('quick', 'quick-4', 'heading2', __('Total Counter', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_select('quick', 'quick-4', 'total_counter_pos', __('Position of total counter', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('For vertical display methods left means before buttons (top) and right means after buttons (bottom).', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), essb_avaiable_total_counter_position());
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_start('quick', 'quick-4', __('Total counter design options', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Additional settings for total counter based on position.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '');
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox('quick', 'quick-4', 'counter_total_text', __('Change total text', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('This option allows you to change text Total that appear when left/right postion of total counter is selected.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox('quick', 'quick-4', 'activate_total_counter_text', __('Append text to total counter when big number styles are active', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('This option allows you to add custom text below counter when big number styles are active. For example you can add text shares.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textarea('quick', 'quick-4', 'total_counter_afterbefore_text', __('Before/after social share buttons counter text', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Customize the text that is displayed in before/ater share buttons display method. To display the total share number use the string {TOTAL} in text. Example: {TOTAL} users share us', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_end('quick', 'quick-4');
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('quick', 'quick-5', 'heading1', __('5. Display Buttons On', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_func('quick', 'quick-5', 'essb3_post_type_select', __('Where to display buttons', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Choose post types where you wish buttons to appear. If you are running WooCommerce store you can choose between post type Products which will display share buttons into product description or option to display buttons below price.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_start('quick', 'quick-5', __('Display in post excerpt', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activate this option if your theme is using excerpts and you wish to display share buttons in excerpts', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('quick', 'quick-5', 'display_excerpt', __('Activate', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
$listOfOptions = array("top" => "Before excerpt", "bottom" => "After excerpt");
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_select('quick', 'quick-5', 'display_excerpt_pos', __('Buttons position in excerpt', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __(''), $listOfOptions);
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_end('quick', 'quick-5');
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('quick', 'quick-6', 'heading1', __('6. Position Of Buttons', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_image_radio('quick', 'quick-6', 'content_position', __('Primary content display position', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Choose default method that will be used to render buttons inside content', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), essb_avaliable_content_positions());
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_image_checkbox('quick', 'quick-6', 'button_position', __('Additional button display positions', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Choose additional display methods that can be used to display buttons.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), essb_available_button_positions());
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('quick', 'quick-7', 'heading1', __('7. Mobile', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('quick', 'quick-7', 'mobile_positions', __('Change display positions on mobile', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activate this option to personalize display positions on mobile', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_image_radio('quick', 'quick-7', 'content_position_mobile', __('Primary content display position', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Choose default method that will be used to render buttons inside content', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), essb_avaliable_content_positions_mobile());
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_image_checkbox('quick', 'quick-7', 'button_position_mobile', __('Additional button display positions', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Choose additional display methods that can be used to display buttons.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), essb_available_button_positions_mobile());
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'sharing-4', 'facebooktotal', __('Display Facebook Total Count', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Enable this option if you wish to display total count not only share count which is displayed by default.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'yes', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
$listOfOptions = array("self" => "Self-hosted counter (internally counted by click on buttons)", "newsc" => "Using", "no" => "No counter for Twitter button");
$counter_redirect = "";
$twitter_counters = ESSBOptionValuesHelper::options_value($essb_options, 'twitter_counters');
if ($twitter_counters == "self") {
    $counter_redirect = "<br/><br/><a href='admin.php?page=essb_redirect_advanced&tab=advanced&section=twitter'>Click here</a> to preload your Twitter self-hosted counter with initial value.";
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_select('social', 'sharing-4', 'twitter_counters', __('Twitter share counter', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Choose your Twitter counter working mode. If you select usage of to make it work you need to visit their site and fill your site address and click sign in button using your Twitter account. Visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a>' . $counter_redirect, ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), $listOfOptions);
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'sharing-4', 'deactive_internal_counters_mail', __('Deactivate counters for Mail & Print', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Enable this option if you wish to deactivate internal counters for mail & print buttons. That buttons are in the list of default social networks that support counters. Deactivating them will lower down request to internal WordPress AJAX event.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_end('social', 'sharing-4');
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-4', 'heading2', __('Total Counter', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_select('social', 'sharing-4', 'total_counter_pos', __('Position of total counter', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('For vertical display methods left means before buttons (top) and right means after buttons (bottom).', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), essb_avaiable_total_counter_position());
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_start('social', 'sharing-4', __('Total counter text options', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Additional settings for total counter based on position.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '');
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox('social', 'sharing-4', 'counter_total_text', __('Change total text', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('This option allows you to change text Total that appear when left/right position of total counter is selected.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox('social', 'sharing-4', 'activate_total_counter_text', __('Append text to total counter when big number styles are active', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('This option allows you to add custom text below counter when big number styles are active. For example you can add text shares.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textarea('social', 'sharing-4', 'total_counter_afterbefore_text', __('Change total counter text when before/after styles are active', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Customize the text that is displayed in before/after share buttons display method. To display the total share number use the string {TOTAL} in text. Example: {TOTAL} users share us', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_end('social', 'sharing-4');
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-4', 'heading2', __('Avoid Social Negative Proof', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox('social', 'sharing-4', 'button_counter_hidden_till', __('Display button counter after this value of shares is reached', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('You can hide your button counter until amount of shares is reached. This option is active only when you enter value in this field - if blank button counter is always displayed. (Example: 10 - this will make button counter appear when at least 10 shares are made).', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox('social', 'sharing-4', 'total_counter_hidden_till', __('Display total counter after this value of shares is reached', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('You can hide your total counter until amount of shares is reached. This option is active only when you enter value in this field - if blank total counter is always displayed.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-5', 'heading1', __('Network Names', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_func('social', 'sharing-5', 'essb3_network_rename', __('Social Network Names', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Set different texts that will appear instead of social network names inside buttons. If you wish to hide network name for particular network enter - (dash) in network name field.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-6', 'heading1', __('Social Share Analytics', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'sharing-6', 'stats_active', __('Activate Statistics', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Click statistics handle click on share buttons and you are able to see detailed view of user activity. Please note that plugin log clicks of buttons.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-7', 'heading1', __('Social Share Optimization', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_file('social', 'sharing-7', 'sso_default_image', __('Default share image', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Default share image will be used when page or post doesn\'t have featured image or custom setting for share image.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-7', 'heading2', __('Frontpage settings', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox_stretched('social', 'sharing-7', 'sso_frontpage_title', __('Title', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Title that will be displayed on frontpage.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox_stretched('social', 'sharing-7', 'sso_frontpage_description', __('Description', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Description that will be displayed on frontpage', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_file('social', 'sharing-7', 'sso_frontpage_image', __('Image', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Image that will be displayed on frontpage', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-7', 'heading2', __('Facebook Open Graph', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));