ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_editor('display', 'message-3', 'message_like_buttons', __('Message above like buttons', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('You can use following variables to create personalized message: %%title%% - displays current post title, %%permalink%% - displays current post address.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'htmlmixed');
//'advanced', 'optimization'
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('advanced', 'optimization', 'heading1', __('Optimization Options', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('advanced', 'optimization', 'heading4', __('Static resource optimizations', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_start_panels('advanced', 'optimization', __('CSS Styles Optimizations', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activate option that will optimize load of static css resources', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch_panel('advanced', 'optimization', 'use_minified_css', __('Use minified CSS files', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Minified CSS files will improve speed of load. Activate this option to use them.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch_panel('advanced', 'optimization', 'load_css_footer', __('Load plugin inline styles into footer', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activating this option will load dynamic plugin inline styles into footer.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_end_panels('advanced', 'optimization');
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_start_panels('advanced', 'optimization', __('Scripts load optimization', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activate option that will optimize load of static resources - css and javascript', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch_panel('advanced', 'optimization', 'use_minified_js', __('Use minified javascript files', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Minified javascript files will improve speed of load. Activate this option to use them.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch_panel('advanced', 'optimization', 'scripts_in_head', __('Load scripts in head element', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('If you are using caching plugin like W3 Total Cache you may need to activate this option if counters, send mail form or float do not work.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch_panel('advanced', 'optimization', 'load_js_async', __('Load plugin javascript files asynchronous', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('This will load scripts during page load in non render blocking way', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch_panel('advanced', 'optimization', 'load_js_defer', __('Load plugin javascript files deferred', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('This will load scripts after page load in non render blocking way', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch_panel('advanced', 'optimization', 'load_js_delayed', __('Load plugin javascript files delayed', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('This will load scripts after 2 seconds when page is fully loaded', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_end_panels('advanced', 'optimization');
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_start_panels('advanced', 'optimization', __('Global resource load optimizations', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activate option that will optimize load of static javascript resources', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch_panel('advanced', 'optimization', 'remove_ver_resource', __('Remove version number from static resource files', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activating this option will remove added to resources version number ?ver= which will allow these files to be cached.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch_panel('advanced', 'optimization', 'precompiled_resources', __('Use plugin precompiled resources', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activating this option will precompile and cache plugin dynamic resources to save load time. Precompiled resources can be used only when you use same configuration on your entire site.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_end_panels('advanced', 'optimization');
$cache_plugin_detected = "";
if (ESSBCacheDetector::is_cache_plugin_detected()) {
    $cache_plugin_detected = "<br/><br/> Cache plugin detected: <b>" . ESSBCacheDetector::cache_plugin_name() . '</b>. When you use cache plugin we recommend not to turn on the build in caching function because your cache plugin already does that.';
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('advanced', 'optimization', 'heading4', __('Build in cache', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_start('advanced', 'optimization', __('Build in cache', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activate build in cache functions to improve speed of load. If you use a site cache plugin activation of those options is not needed as that plugin will do the cache work.' . $cache_plugin_detected, ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('advanced', 'optimization', 'essb_cache_runtime', __('Activate WordPress cache', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activating WordPress cache function usage will cache button generation via default WordPress cache or via the persistant cache plugin if you use such (like W3 Total Cache)', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('advanced', 'optimization', 'essb_cache', __('Activate cache', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('This option is in beta and if you find any problems using it please report at our <a href="" target="_blank">support portal</a>. To clear cache you can simply press Update Settings button in Main Settings (cache expiration time is 1 hour)', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
$cache_mode = array("full" => "Cache button render and dynamic resources", "resource" => "Cache only dynamic resources", "buttons" => "Cache only buttons render");
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_select('advanced', 'optimization', 'essb_cache_mode', __('Cache mode', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Choose between caching full render of share buttons and resources or cache only dynamic resources (CSS and Javascript).', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), $cache_mode);
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('advanced', 'optimization', 'essb_cache_static', __('Combine into single file all plugin static CSS files', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('This option will combine all plugin static CSS files into single file.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('advanced', 'optimization', 'essb_cache_static_js', __('Combine into single file all plugin static javascript files', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('This option will combine all plugin static javacsript files into single file. This option will not work if scripts are set to load asynchronous or deferred.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));