Example #1
 function setDetails()
     global $sess;
     # set the RPTOP to get the owner's object and information
     # get it from POST if possible, otherwise from GET
     $rptopID = isset($_POST['rptopID']) ? $_POST['rptopID'] : $_GET['rptopID'];
     //$rptopID = 14;
     $rptop = new RPTOP();
     $amountPaid = str_replace(",", "", $_POST['amountPaid']);
     $dateDue = $rptop->getTaxableYear();
     # must be a usable format
     $formValues['datePaid'] = date("F j, Y");
     $pORDate = $_POST['prevORDate'];
     if ($pORDate) {
         list($pmonth, $pday, $pyear) = explode("-", $pORDate);
         $formValues['porMonth'] = date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $pmonth + 1, 0, 0));
         $formValues['porYear'] = $pyear;
         $formValues['porDay'] = $pday;
     } else {
         $formValues['porMonth'] = "";
         $formValues['porYear'] = "";
         $formValues['porDay'] = "";
     $formValues['orYear'] = substr($rptop->getTaxableYear(), 2);
     $formValues['orMonth'] = date("F");
     $formValues['orDay'] = date("j");
     $formValues['taxableYear'] = $rptop->getTaxableYear();
     $formValues['rptopNum'] = $rptop->getRptopNumber();
     $formValues['prevORNum'] = $_POST['prevORNum'];
     $formValues['orNum'] = $_POST['receiptNo'];
     $formValues['kindOfPayment'] = $_POST['kindOfPayment'];
     $formValues['checkNumber'] = $_POST['checkNum'];
     $formValues['checkDate'] = $_POST['checkDate'];
     # set the specific TD (although this is in the RPTOP), hard to search for it.
     # get the tdID from POST or GET to initialize the TD
     $tdID = isset($_POST['tdID']) ? $_POST['tdID'] : $_GET['tdID'];
     //$tdID = array(2,1);
     $td = new TD();
     $ctr = 0;
     # $this->tpl->set_block('step3','PrintTDID','PrintTDIDs');
     $this->tpl->set_block('receipt', 'Property', 'Properties');
     $this->tpl->set_block('Property', 'Owner', 'Owners');
     $n = 165;
     if (is_array($tdID)) {
         foreach ($tdID as $key => $id) {
             # set/pass tdIDs to form
             $this->tpl->set_var(tdID, $id);
             $this->tpl->parse('TDIDs', 'TDID', 'true');
             $tdNum = $td->getTaxDeclarationNumber();
             $afs = new AFS();
             $formValues['tdNum'] = $tdNum;
             $od = new OD();
             $addr = $od->getLocationAddress();
             # get municipality/province and city(same for all tds)
             //$lotAddress = new LocationAddress;
             //$formValues['province'] = $lotAddress->getProvince();
             //$formValues['city'] = $lotAddress->getMunicipalityCity();
             $formValues['city'] = $addr->getMunicipalityCity();
             $formValues['province'] = $addr->getProvince();
             $formValues['municipalityCityID'] = $addr->getMunicipalityCityID();
             # get location/ block and lot number OR Barangay
             #$formValues['lotAddress'] = $lotAddress->getFullAddress();
             $formValues['lotAddress'] = $addr->getNumber . " " . $addr->getStreet();
             if ($formValues['lotAddress'] == "") {
                 $formValues['lotAddress'] = $addr->getBarangay();
             $propertyType = $td->getPropertyType();
             $propertyID = $td->getPropertyID();
             $assessedValue = number_format($td->getAssessedValue(), 2, ".", "");
             $formAssessedValue = number_format($td->getAssessedValue(), 2);
             # separate assessed value of land and others(plantsTrees, improvementsBuildings, machineries)
             if ($propertyType == "Land") {
                 $formValues['assessedValueLand'] = $formAssessedValue;
                 $formValues['assessedValueOthers'] = "";
             } else {
                 $formValues['assessedValueLand'] = "";
                 $formValues['assessedValueOthers'] = $formAssessedValue;
             $formValues['assessedValue'] = $formAssessedValue;
             $formValues['propertyType'] = $propertyType;
             # set the owner's List
             # we define the owner from the RPTOP
             $ownerSwitch = true;
             if ($ctr > 0) {
                 $ownerValues['ownerName'] = "";
                 $ownerValues['ownerAddress'] = "";
                 $this->tpl->parse(Owners, Owner, false);
             } else {
                 $owner = $rptop->getOwner();
                 $personArray = $owner->getPersonArray();
                 if (is_array($personArray)) {
                     foreach ($personArray as $person) {
                         $ownerValues['ownerKey'] = "personID";
                         $ownerValues['ownerScript'] = "PersonDetails.php";
                         $ownerValues['ownerID'] = $person->getPersonID();
                         $ownerValues['ownerName'] = $person->getLastName() . ", " . $person->getFirstName() . " " . $person->getMiddleName();
                         /*$addressArray = $person->getAddressArray();
                           $address = $addressArray[0];
                         		$ownerValues['ownerAddress'] = $address->getNumber()." ".
                           		  		                           $address->getBarangay().", ".
                         $this->tpl->parse('Owners', 'Owner', 'true');
                 $companyArray = $owner->getCompanyArray();
                 if (is_array($companyArray)) {
                     foreach ($companyArray as $company) {
                         $ownerValues['cownerKey'] = "companyID";
                         $ownerValues['cownerScript'] = "CompanyDetails.php";
                         $ownerValues['cownerID'] = $company->getCompanyID();
                         $ownerValues['cownerName'] = $company->getCompanyName();
                         /*$addressArray = $company->getAddressArray();
                           $address = $addressArray[0];
                          	$ownerValues['ownerAddress'] = $address->getNumber()." ".
                          		    	    	                       $address->getBarangay().", ".
                              		    	    	                   $address->getMunicipalityCity()."<br> ".
                         $this->tpl->parse('Owners', 'Owner', 'true');
                 if (is_array($personArray)) {
                     if (count($personArray) > 1) {
                         $receivedFrom = $personArray[0]->getFirstName() . " " . $personArray[0]->getMiddleName() . " " . $personArray[0]->getLastName() . " et al.";
                     } else {
                         $receivedFrom = $personArray[0]->getFirstName() . " " . $personArray[0]->getMiddleName() . " " . $personArray[0]->getLastName();
                 } else {
                     if (is_array($companyArray)) {
                         if (count($companyArray) > 1) {
                             $receivedFrom = $companyArray[0]->getCompanyName() . " et al.";
                         } else {
                             $receivedFrom = $companyArray[0]->getCompanyName();
                 $formValues['receivedFrom'] = $receivedFrom;
             //end if ($ctr > 0)
             # tax dues are defined from TDNumber and taxableYear
             # compute for taxes; to create dues obj pass tdID and due date (where due date is beginning of taxable year) -- 14 Aug 2003
             //     $taxDue = new Dues($id,$dateDue,$assessedValue);
             $taxDue = new Dues();
             /*		    if(!$taxDue->create($id,$dateDue)){
             				# check if land is idle, if yes, set assessed value
             				if($taxDue->getIdleStatus() == 1){
             					$idleStatus = 1;
             					$idleStatus = 0;
             $dateDue = $td->getTaxBeginsWithTheYear();
             $taxDue = new Dues($id, $dateDue);
             if (!$taxDue->create($id, $dateDue)) {
                 # check if land is idle, if yes, set assessed value
                 # getIdleStatus -- temporary function
                 if ($taxDue->getIdleStatus() == 1) {
             } else {
                 $taxDue->setIsDiscount($dateDue == date("Y") && date("n") <= $taxDue->discountPeriod && $taxDue->getPaymentMode() == "Annual");
             $paymentPeriod = $_POST['paymentPeriod'];
             # set amnesty to object
             //$amnesty = $_POST['amnesty'];
             //	$taxDue->store();
             $totalTaxDue = $taxDue->getTotalDue($paymentPeriod);
             $totalAmount = $taxDue->getTotalDue($paymentPeriod);
             //    $paymentPeriod= "Annual";
             /*    	    if(isset($_POST['paymentPeriod'])){
                     	    $paymentPeriod = $_POST['paymentPeriod'];
             $formValues['paymentPeriod'] = $paymentPeriod;
             ## Compute taxes and set the page values
             //$totalTaxDue = $taxDue->getTotalDue($paymentPeriod);
             $interest = $taxDue->getPctPenalty();
             if ($interest > 0 && $paymentPeriod != "Annual") {
                 $paymentPeriod = "Annual";
             $basic = $taxDue->getBalanceBasic($paymentPeriod);
             $sef = $taxDue->getBalanceSEF($paymentPeriod);
             $idle = $taxDue->getBalanceIdle($paymentPeriod);
             $discount = $taxDue->getDiscount($basic + $sef);
             $penalty = $taxDue->getBalancePenalty($paymentPeriod);
             $taxValues['idleStatus'] = $idleStatus == 0 ? "" : "(I)";
             $taxValues['basic'] = number_format($basic, 2);
             $taxValues['sef'] = number_format($sef, 2);
             $taxValues['pd1185'] = number_format(0.0, 2);
             $taxValues['subTotal'] = number_format($totalTaxDue, 2);
             $taxValues['periodTotal'] = number_format($basic + $sef + $idle, 2);
             $taxValues['interest'] = number_format($interest * 100.0, 1) . "%";
             $taxValues['penalty'] = number_format($interest * 100, 0);
             $taxValues['discount'] = number_format($discount * 100.0, 1) . "%";
             $taxValues['totBasic'] = number_format($basic * (1 + $interest), 2);
             $taxValues['totSEF'] = number_format($sef * (1 + $interest), 2);
             $taxValues['totPD1185'] = number_format(0, 2);
             $taxValues['totSubTotal'] = number_format(round($totalTaxDue, 2), 2);
             $taxValues['grandTotal'] = number_format($totalTaxDue, 2);
             # further breakdown of basic tax for RPT Receipt
             $taxValues['gf'] = number_format($basic * 0.7, 2);
             // 70% of basic
             $taxValues['ib'] = number_format($basic * 0.15, 2);
             // 15% of basic
             $taxValues['cb'] = number_format($basic * 0.15, 2);
             // 15% of basic for a total if 100%
             $taxValues['totGF'] = number_format($basic * 0.7 * (1 + $interest), 2);
             $taxValues['totIB'] = number_format($basic * 0.15 * (1 + $interest), 2);
             $taxValues['totCB'] = number_format($basic * 0.15 * (1 + $interest), 2);
             if ($paymentPeriod == "Annual") {
                 $this->tpl->set_var("fullPmt", $taxValues['subTotal']);
                 $this->tpl->set_var("partialPmt", "");
                 # get full payment total
                 $fullPmtTotal += str_replace(",", "", $taxValues['subTotal']);
                 $this->tpl->set_var("fullPmtTotal", number_format($fullPmtTotal, 2));
             } else {
                 $this->tpl->set_var("partialPmt", $taxValues['subTotal']);
                 $this->tpl->set_var("num", ceil(date("n") / 3));
                 $this->tpl->set_var("fullPmt", "");
                 # get partial payment total
                 $partialPmtTotal += str_replace(",", "", $taxValues['subTotal']);
                 $this->tpl->set_var("partialPmtTotal", number_format($partialPmtTotal, 2));
             $this->tpl->parse('Properties', 'Property', 'true');
             # get totals for penalty and grand total
             # $penaltyTotal += ($basic*$interest); -- removed bec penalty in percent
             $total += $totalTaxDue;
             # $this->tpl->set_var("penaltyTotal", number_format($penaltyTotal,2));
     # end foreach
     if ($total > $totalTaxDue) {
         $totalTaxDue = $total;
     // if backtaxTDCheckbox is checked
     if ($_POST['backtaxTDCheckbox'] && $_POST['backtaxTDCheckbox'] != "") {
         $totalTaxDue += $this->displayBacktaxTD($ownerSwitch);
         $fullPmtTotal = $totalTaxDue;
         $this->tpl->set_var("fullPmtTotal", number_format($fullPmtTotal, 2));
     # if amnesty checked/unchecked form will submit, set kind of payment and other details
     			case 'check':
     			case 'treasury note':
     			case 'cash':
     # get totals in words
     $amountPaid = $amountPaid ? number_format($amountPaid, 2) : number_format($total, 2);
     $this->tpl->set_var("total", number_format($total, 2));
     $this->tpl->set_var("amountPaid", $amountPaid);
     $this->tpl->set_var("balance", $total - $amountPaid);
     $numToWords = new NumbersToWords();
     $totalInWords = $numToWords->num_to_string(number_format(str_replace(",", "", $amountPaid), 2));
     $this->tpl->set_var("totalInWords", $totalInWords);
     //$this->tpl->set_var("amnestyChecked", ($formValues['amnesty']=="Yes") ? " checked" : "");
     //  	$this->tpl->set_var("Session", $sess->url(""));