function setDetails() { global $sess; $this->tpl->set_var($_GET); $this->tpl->set_var($_POST); # set the RPTOP to get the owner's object and information # get it from POST if possible, otherwise from GET $rptopID = isset($_POST['rptopID']) ? $_POST['rptopID'] : $_GET['rptopID']; $rptop = new RPTOP(); $rptop->selectRecord($rptopID); $dateDue = $rptop->getTaxableYear() . "-01-01"; # must be a usable format $formValues['taxableYear'] = $rptop->getTaxableYear(); $formValues['rptopNum'] = $rptop->getRptopNumber(); # set the specific TD (although this is in the RPTOP), hard to search for it. # get the tdID from POST or GET to initialize the TD $tdID = isset($_POST['tdID']) ? $_POST['tdID'] : $_GET['tdID']; $td = new TD(); $td->selectRecord($tdID); $tdNum = $td->getTaxDeclarationNumber(); $formValues['tdNum'] = $tdNum; # we define the property from the TD $propertyType = $td->getPropertyType(); $propertyID = $td->getPropertyID(); switch ($propertyType) { case "Land": $property = new Land(); break; case "PlantsTrees": $property = new PlantsTrees(); break; case "ImprovementsBuildings": $property = new ImprovementsBuildings(); break; case "Machineries": $property = new Machineries(); break; default: echo "cannot be! {$propertyType}"; break; } if (is_object($property)) { $property->selectRecord($propertyID); $assessedValue = number_format($property->getAssessedValue(), 2, ".", ""); $formValues['assessedValue'] = number_format($property->getAssessedValue(), 2); } $formValues['propertyType'] = $propertyType; # set the owner's List # we define the owner from the RPTOP $this->tpl->set_block('step3', 'Owner', 'Owners'); $owner = $rptop->getOwner(); $personArray = $owner->getPersonArray(); if (is_array($personArray)) { foreach ($personArray as $person) { $ownerValues['ownerName'] = $person->getLastName() . ", " . $person->getFirstName() . " " . $person->getMiddleName(); $addressArray = $person->getAddressArray(); $address = $addressArray[0]; $ownerValues['ownerAddress'] = $address->getNumber() . " " . $address->getStreet() . "<br>" . $address->getBarangay() . ", " . $address->getMunicipalityCity() . "<br>" . $address->getProvince(); $this->tpl->set_var($ownerValues); $this->tpl->parse('Owners', 'Owner', 'true'); } } $companyArray = $owner->getCompanyArray(); if (is_array($companyArray)) { foreach ($companyArray as $company) { $ownerValues['ownerName'] = $company->getCompanyName(); $addressArray = $company->getAddressArray(); $address = $addressArray[0]; $ownerValues['ownerAddress'] = $address->getNumber() . " " . $address->getStreet() . "<br>" . $address->getBarangay() . ", " . $address->getMunicipalityCity() . "<br> " . $address->getProvince(); $this->tpl->set_var($ownerValues); $this->tpl->parse('Owners', 'Owner', 'true'); } } # tax dues are defined from TDNumber and taxableYear # compute for taxes $taxDue = new Dues(); if ($taxDue->create($tdNum, $dateDue) == false) { $taxDue->setBasic($assessedValue); $taxDue->setSEF($assessedValue); $taxDue->setDueDate($dateDue); $taxDue->setUpdateDate(); } $paymentPeriod = "Annual"; if (isset($_POST['paymentPeriod'])) { $paymentPeriod = $_POST['paymentPeriod']; } switch ($paymentPeriod) { case 'Annual': $this->tpl->set_var("checkedAnnual", "checked"); break; case 'Q1': $this->tpl->set_var("checkedQ1", "checked"); break; case 'Q2': $this->tpl->set_var("checkedQ2", "checked"); break; case 'Q3': $this->tpl->set_var("checkedQ3", "checked"); break; case 'Q4': $this->tpl->set_var("checkedQ4", "checked"); break; default: break; } $this->tpl->set_var($formValues); ## Compute taxes and set the page values $basic = $taxDue->getBalanceBasic($paymentPeriod); $sef = $taxDue->getBalanceSEF($paymentPeriod); $interest = $taxDue->computePenalty($paymentPeriod); $taxValues['basic'] = number_format($basic, 2); $taxValues['sef'] = number_format($sef, 2); $taxValues['pd1185'] = number_format(0.0, 2); $taxValues['subTotal'] = number_format($basic + $sef, 2); $taxValues['periodTotal'] = number_format($basic + $sef, 2); $taxValues['discount'] = "0.0%"; $taxValues['interest'] = number_format($interest * 100.0, 1) . "%"; $taxValues['totBasic'] = number_format($basic * (1 + $interest), 2); $taxValues['totSEF'] = number_format($sef * (1 + $interest), 2); $taxValues['totPD1185'] = number_format(0, 2); $taxValues['totSubTotal'] = number_format(($basic + $sef) * (1 + $interest), 2); $taxValues['grandTotal'] = number_format(($basic + $sef) * (1 + $interest), 2); # further breakdown of basic tax for RPT Receipt $taxValues['gf'] = number_format($basic * 0.7, 2); // 70% of basic $taxValues['ib'] = number_format($basic * 0.15, 2); // 15% of basic $taxValues['cb'] = number_format($basic * 0.15, 2); // 15% of basic for a total if 100% $taxValues['totGF'] = number_format($basic * 0.7 * (1 + $interest), 2); $taxValues['totIB'] = number_format($basic * 0.15 * (1 + $interest), 2); $taxValues['totCB'] = number_format($basic * 0.15 * (1 + $interest), 2); $this->tpl->set_var($taxValues); if (!isset($_POST['printReceipt_x'])) { $this->tpl->set_var("Session", $sess->url("")); } }