Example #1

// Use our own DATE format constant because the PHP one seems to be bugged in some PHP versions
define('DATE_RFC822_FIXED', 'D, d M Y H:i:s O');
include 'core/class.config.php';
include 'core/class.database.php';
$Config = new Config();
$DB = new Database($Config->getDbInfo('db_host'), $Config->getDbInfo('db_port'), $Config->getDbInfo('db_username'), $Config->getDbInfo('db_password'), $Config->getDbInfo('db_name'));
// Get the last time someone added a post (used to determine wheter we should write a new xml or not)
$last_posted_time = $DB->selectCell("SELECT `post_time` FROM `mw_news` ORDER BY post_time DESC LIMIT 0,1");
// Switch for wanted xml document.
$xml_path = "core/cache/rss/news.xml";
$write_new_file = !file_exists($xml_path) || $last_posted_time > filemtime($xml_path) || filesize($xml_path) == 0;
// IF we need to write a new xml, compose a new one
if ($write_new_file) {
    $news_posts = $DB->select("SELECT * FROM `mw_news`");
    $write_file = array();
    $write_file[] = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>";
    $write_file[] = "<rss version=\"2.0\">";
    $write_file[] = "    <channel>";
    $write_file[] = "        <title>" . $Config->get('site_title') . " RSS News Feed</title>";
    $write_file[] = "        <link>http://" . str_replace('rss.php', 'index.php', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . "</link>";
    $write_file[] = "        <lastBuildDate>" . date(DATE_RFC822_FIXED) . "</lastBuildDate>";
    $write_file[] = "        <language>en-us</language>";
    foreach ($news_posts as $topic) {
        $write_file[] = "        <item>";
        $write_file[] = "            <title>" . htmlspecialchars($topic['title']) . "</title>";
        $write_file[] = "            <pubDate>" . date(DATE_RFC822_FIXED, $topic['post_time']) . "</pubDate>";
        $write_file[] = "            <description>Posted by " . htmlspecialchars($topic['posted_by']) . ": \n" . htmlspecialchars($topic['message']) . "</description>";
        $write_file[] = "        </item>";