Example #1
     * Get the statistics for a certain month, grouped by day and host
     * @param	date	Minimum date
     * @return	Array of data
    public static function month_by_day($start_date)
        // Calculate end of this month
        $end_date = mktime(23, 59, 59, date('m', $start_date) + 1, 0, date('Y', $start_date));
        $query = Database::getDB()->prepare('
			SELECT ip, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS date, SUM(bytes_out) bytes_out, SUM(bytes_in) bytes_in
			FROM ' . Config::$database['prefix'] . 'combined
			WHERE date BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date
			GROUP BY ip, DAY(date)
			ORDER BY date, ip');
        $query->execute(array('start_date' => Database::date($start_date), 'end_date' => Database::date($end_date)));
        // Start with an empty array for all the days of the month
        $day_base = date('Y-m-', $start_date);
        $days = array();
        for ($i = 1, $count = date('t', $start_date); $i <= $count; $i++) {
            $days[$day_base . str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)] = 0;
        $data = array();
        while ($row = $query->fetchObject()) {
            // Check if this IP is on the list of IPs that should be shown
            if (!empty(Config::$include_ips) && !in_array($row->ip, Config::$include_ips)) {
            // Does this host have a data entry yet?
            if (!isset($data[$row->ip])) {
                $data[$row->ip] = $days;
            $row->bytes_total = $row->bytes_in + $row->bytes_out;
            $data[$row->ip][date('Y-m-d', $row->date)] = $row->bytes_total;
        return $data;
Example #2
 private function confirm_query($query = "")
     if (!$query) {
         $output = "Database Query Failed : " . mysqli_error($this->connection) . "\n";
         $output .= "\nLast Sql Query: " . $this->last_query . " Time: " . Database::date();
         Log::add($output, LOG_DB);
         return false;
Example #3
 public function __construct($sh_id, $sc_id, $qty, $price, $b_s, $stock_ini_price)
     $this->sh_id = $sh_id;
     $this->sc_id = $sc_id;
     $this->qty = $qty;
     $this->price = $price;
     $this->b_s = $b_s;
     $this->s_m_p = $stock_ini_price;
     $this->date = Database::date();
     $this->set = true;
Example #4
     * Get the statistics for a certain day
     * @param	string	IP address of host
     * @param	date	Minimum date
     * @return	Array of data
    public static function day($ip, $date)
        // Calculate the last second of this day
        $start_date = $date;
        $end_date = mktime(23, 59, 59, date('m', $date), date('d', $date), date('Y', $date));
        $query = Database::getDB()->prepare('
			SELECT ip, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS date, bytes_out, bytes_in
			FROM ' . Config::$database['prefix'] . 'combined
			WHERE date BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date
				AND ip = :ip
			ORDER BY date DESC');
        $query->execute(array('start_date' => Database::date($start_date), 'end_date' => Database::date($end_date), 'ip' => $ip));
        $data = array();
        $totals = (object) array('bytes_out' => 0, 'bytes_in' => 0, 'bytes_total' => 0);
        while ($row = $query->fetchObject()) {
            $row->bytes_total = $row->bytes_in + $row->bytes_out;
            $data[] = $row;
            $totals->bytes_in += $row->bytes_in;
            $totals->bytes_out += $row->bytes_out;
            $totals->bytes_total += $row->bytes_total;
        return (object) array('data' => $data, 'totals' => $totals);
Example #5
 public static function add($sc_id, $data, $p_change, $live_date)
     global $database;
     $sc_id = (int) $sc_id;
     $data = $database->escape_value($data);
     $p_change = (int) $p_change;
     $date = Database::date();
     $price_value = (double) (Stock::getCurPrice($sc_id) * (1.0 + (double) ((double) $p_change / (double) 100.0)));
     $query = "INSERT INTO " . self::$table . " (sc_id,data,date_uploaded,p_change,live_date,status,price_value,done)";
     $query .= "\tVALUES({$sc_id},'" . $data . "'" . ",'{$date}',{$p_change},'{$live_date}',0,{$price_value},0);";
     $run = $database->query($query);
     if ($run) {
         return true;
     } else {
         //TODO:When news update fails!
         return false;
Example #6
 public static function addToMarket($sc_id, $s_price, $date = null)
     $database = new Database();
     $date = is_null($date) ? Database::date() : $date;
     $query = "INSERT INTO " . self::$table . " (sc_id,cur_val,date_t)";
     $query .= " VALUES ({$sc_id},{$s_price},'{$date}')";
     $run = $database->query($query);
     if ($run) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #7
 public static function addProduct($name, $info, $price, $qty)
     global $database;
     $name = $database->escape_value($name);
     $info = $database->escape_value($info);
     $price = (int) $price;
     $qty = (int) $qty;
     $date = Database::date();
     $query = "INSERT INTO " . self::$table_rp . " (product_name,product_info,price,qty,date,in_stock)";
     $query .= " VALUES ('" . $name . "','" . $info . "',{$price},{$qty},'{$date}',1)";
     $run = $database->query($query);
     if ($run) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #8

require '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bootstrap.config.php';
$Email_ID = "*****@*****.**";
$Token = "This is a Fake Token.";
$User_Name = "Ankit";
//Date the user was added
$Signup_date = Database::date();
$Mobile = 1234567899;
$College = "DTU";
User::add_new_user($Email_ID, $Token, $User_Name, $Signup_date, $Mobile, $College);
Example #9
 public function addStock($sc_id, $qty, $stock_cur_price)
     //Checks if some quantity of stock is already present or not
     $search = in_array($sc_id, array_column($this->holder_stocks, 'sc_id'));
     $search_index = array_search($sc_id, array_column($this->holder_stocks, 'sc_id'));
     $database = new Database();
     if ($search) {
         //check the searching algorithm
         $id = $this->holder_stocks[$search_index]['id'];
         $query = "SELECT s_qty,pur_price FROM " . self::$table;
         $query .= " WHERE id = " . $id . " LIMIT 1";
         $run = $database->query($query);
         if ($run) {
             $details = $database->fetch_array($run);
             $new_qty = $details['s_qty'];
             $new_qty += $qty;
             $old_price = $details['pur_price'];
             $new_price = (int) (($old_price + $stock_cur_price) / 2);
             $query = "UPDATE " . self::$table;
             $query .= " SET s_qty=" . $new_qty . ", pur_price=" . $new_price;
             $query .= " WHERE id =" . $id;
             $run = $database->query($query);
             if ($run) {
                 $trs = new Transaction($this->sh_id, $sc_id, $qty, $stock_cur_price, 1, $stock_cur_price);
                 return true;
             } else {
                 Log::add("Failed to update purchase stock st:{$sc_id} for sh:{$this->sh_id} qty:{$qty} pur_price:{$stock_cur_price}", LOG_MANUAL);
                 return false;
         } else {
             Log::add("Failed to update purchase stock st:{$sc_id} for sh:{$this->sh_id} qty:{$qty} pur_price:{$stock_cur_price}", LOG_MANUAL);
             return false;
     } else {
         $query = "INSERT INTO " . self::$table . " (sh_id,sc_id,s_qty,pur_price,s_date)";
         $query .= " VALUES ({$this->sh_id},{$sc_id},{$qty},{$stock_cur_price},'" . Database::date() . "')";
         $run = $database->query($query);
         if ($run) {
             $holder = new StockHolder($this->sh_id);
             $trs = new Transaction($this->sh_id, $sc_id, $qty, $stock_cur_price, 1, $stock_cur_price);
             return true;
         } else {
             Log::add("Failed to update purchase stock st:{$sc_id} for sh:{$this->sh_id} qty:{$qty} pur_price:{$stock_cur_price}", LOG_MANUAL);
             return false;
     		*Querying the databse again to search for the stockss if available or not
     		$database = new Database();
     		$query = "SELECT s_qty FROM ".self::$table;
     		$query .= "WHERE sh_id = ".$this->sh_id." AND sc_id = "$sc_id;
     		$run = $database->query($query);
     		if($run && ($database->num_rows($run)>0)){
     			//When user already has tht  companies stocks
     			//when no stocks of that company is present