Example #1
 public function option_help($k, $v)
     echo "PhD version: " . Config::VERSION;
     echo "\n" . Config::copyright() . "\n\n  -v\n  --verbose <int>            Adjusts the verbosity level\n  -f <formatname>\n  --format <formatname>      The build format to use\n  -P <packagename>\n  --package <packagename>    The package to use\n  -I\n  --noindex                  Do not index before rendering but load from cache\n                             (default: false)\n  -M\n  --memoryindex              Do not save indexing into a file, store it in memory.\n                             (default: false)\n  -r\n  --forceindex               Force re-indexing under all circumstances\n                             (default: false)\n  -t\n  --notoc                    Do not rewrite TOC before rendering but load from\n                             cache (default: false)\n  -d <filename>\n  --docbook <filename>       The Docbook file to render from\n  -x\n  --xinclude                 Process XML Inclusions (XInclude)\n                             (default: false)\n  -p <id[=bool]>\n  --partial <id[=bool]>      The ID to render, optionally skipping its children\n                             chunks (default to true; render children)\n  -s <id[=bool]>\n  --skip <id[=bool]>         The ID to skip, optionally skipping its children\n                             chunks (default to true; skip children)\n  -l\n  --list                     Print out the supported packages and formats\n  -o <directory>\n  --output <directory>       The output directory (default: .)\n  -F filename\n  --outputfilename filename  Filename to use when writing standalone formats\n                             (default: <packagename>-<formatname>.<formatext>)\n  -L <language>\n  --lang <language>          The language of the source file (used by the CHM\n                             theme). (default: en)\n  -c <bool>\n  --color <bool>             Enable color output when output is to a terminal\n                             (default: " . (Config::color_output() ? 'true' : 'false') . ")\n  -C <filename>\n  --css <filename>           Link for an external CSS file.\n  -g <classname>\n  --highlighter <classname>  Use custom source code highlighting php class\n  -V\n  --version                  Print the PhD version information\n  -h\n  --help                     This help\n  -e <extension>\n  --ext <extension>          The alternative filename extension to use,\n                             including the dot. Use 'false' for no extension.\n  -S <bool>\n  --saveconfig <bool>        Save the generated config (default: false).\n\n  -Q\n  --quit                     Don't run the build. Use with --saveconfig to\n                             just save the config.\n  -k\n  --packagedir               Use an external package directory.\n\n\nMost options can be passed multiple times for greater effect.\n";