Example #1
 function item($items)
     static $instance = array();
     $item = explode('.', $items, 2);
     $lg = $item[0];
     $it = $item[1];
     if (!file_exists(BASE_DIR . 'plugins' . DS . 'forum' . DS . 'forum' . DS . 'languages' . DS . Config::item('lang') . DS . $lg . '.php')) {
         $lang_file = BASE_DIR . 'plugins' . DS . 'forum' . DS . 'forum' . DS . 'languages' . DS . 'english' . DS . $lg . '.php';
     } else {
         $lang_file = BASE_DIR . 'plugins' . DS . 'forum' . DS . 'forum' . DS . 'languages' . DS . DS . Config::item('lang') . DS . $lg . '.php';
     if (!isset($instance[$lg])) {
         include $lang_file;
         $instance[$lg] = $lang;
     if (isset($instance[$lg][$it])) {
         if ($it) {
             return $instance[$lg][$it];
         } else {
             return $instance[$lg];
     } else {
         return $items;
Example #2
 function img($src, $size = '100%', $params = array())
     if (!$size) {
         $size = Config::item('thumb_size');
     $image_info = @getimagesize($src);
     if ($image_info[3]) {
         $sizes = explode('"', $image_info[3]);
         $image_info[0] = $sizes[1];
         $image_info[1] = $sizes[3];
     if (strpos($size, '%') !== false) {
         $image_info[0] = round($image_info[0] * (int) $size / 100);
         $image_info[1] = round($image_info[1] * (int) $size / 100);
     } else {
         if (max($image_info[0], $image_info[1]) > $size) {
             $ratio = $size / max($image_info[0], $image_info[1]);
             $image_info[0] = round($image_info[0] * $ratio);
             $image_info[1] = round($image_info[1] * $ratio);
     if ($image_info[1] && $image_info[1]) {
         return "<img border=\"0\" src=\"{$src}\" width=\"{$image_info[0]}\" height=\"{$image_info[1]}\" " . html::params($params) . "/>";
     } else {
         return "<img border=\"0\" src=\"{$src}\" " . html::params($params) . "/>";
Example #3
 function __construct($method)
     $dcUrl = Config::item('dcInfo');
     $this->ip = $dcUrl['ip'];
     $this->method = $method;
     $this->user = array('user' => $dcUrl['user'], 'ip' => \common\Client::getIp());
Example #4
 public function __construct($config = array())
     // Check for GD library before doing anything
     if (extension_loaded('gd')) {
         $config += Config::item('dynamicimage');
         $this->config = $config;
         // Check for a filename and check it is a file
         if ($this->config['filename'] && is_file($this->config['filename'])) {
             // Set filename
             $this->filename = $this->config['filename'];
             $this->gd_data = getimagesize($this->filename);
             $this->gd_image_out = FALSE;
             // Get filesize
             $this->filesize = filesize($this->filename);
             // Get the Mimetype
             $this->mime_type = $this->gd_data['mime'];
             // Get dimensions
             $this->width = $this->gd_data[0];
             $this->height = $this->gd_data[1];
             $this->background_colour = $this->config['background'];
             $this->maintain_transparency = $this->config['maintain_transparency'];
             // Setup GD object
             switch ($this->gd_data['mime']) {
                 // If image is PNG, load PNG file
                 case "image/png":
                     $this->gd_image = imagecreatefrompng($this->filename);
                     // If image is JPG, load JPG file
                 // If image is JPG, load JPG file
                 case "image/jpg":
                     $this->gd_image = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->filename);
                     // If image is GIF, load GIF file
                 // If image is GIF, load GIF file
                 case "image/gif":
                     $this->gd_image = imagecreatefromgif($this->filename);
                     // Otherwise image is not supported in this version (more to follow)
                 // Otherwise image is not supported in this version (more to follow)
                     throw new Kohana_Exception("DynamicImage.__construct() Filetype {$this->mime_type} not supported yet.");
             $this->print_image($this->config['width'], $this->config['height'], $this->config['maintain_ratio'], $this->config['format']);
         } else {
             // Otherwise die horribly
             return FALSE;
     } else {
         // Die informing user of lack of extentions
         throw new Kohana_Exception('GD Library not installed');
Example #5
 function Controller()
     $this->validate = Inspekt::makeSuperCage();
     $this->db = Database::getInstance(array('conn_id' => Config::item('LINK_ID')));
     $this->view = new View();
     // auto load helper
     load_helper(array('php', 'time', 'html', 'form', 'table', 'forum'));
     // load forum model
     load_model('forum', FALSE);
     load_model('check', FALSE);
     $this->forum = forum_model::getInstance();
Example #6
 public static function pailemai_categorylist(\ApiParam $params)
     $mobileCategoryList = array();
     $coverImageList = \Config::item('app.categoryCoverImages');
     $blackCategoryList = array('huochepiao', 'shoujihaoma', 'cheliangqiugou', 'qiumai');
     foreach ($coverImageList as $categoryEnglishName => $imageUrl) {
         if (in_array($categoryEnglishName, $blackCategoryList)) {
         $category = \Category::loadByName($categoryEnglishName);
         if ($category->name) {
             $mobileCategoryList[] = array('name' => $category->name, 'queryUri' => 'categoryEnglishName:' . $categoryEnglishName, 'pic' => $imageUrl, 'categoryEnglishName' => $categoryEnglishName);
     return $mobileCategoryList;
Example #7
 function tds($tds = array())
     $table_level = (int) Config::item('table_level');
     $html = '';
     // normalize the data
     if (!is_array($tds[0])) {
         $tds = array($tds);
     if (count($tds) > 0) {
         $html .= table::create_element('tr');
         foreach ($tds as $td) {
             $html .= table::create_element('td', $td, TRUE);
         $html .= table::create_element('/tr');
     return $html;
Example #8
 public function call()
     $cacheEnabled = array_get($this->action, "cacheEnabled") && Config::item("application", "cache", true);
     if ($cacheEnabled && ($data = Cache::get(URI::current()))) {
         $headersEnd = strpos($data, "\n\n");
         if ($headersEnd > 0) {
             $headers = explode("\n", substr($data, 0, $headersEnd));
             foreach ($headers as $header) {
         $data = substr($data, $headersEnd + 2);
         return $data;
     $response = $this->response();
     if ($cacheEnabled) {
         $headersList = implode("\n", headers_list());
         Cache::save(URI::current(), $headersList . "\n\n" . $response, array_get($this->action, "cacheExpirationTime"));
     } else {
     return $response;
Example #9
File: DB.php Project: jura-php/jura
 public static function conn($name = null)
     if (is_null($name)) {
         $keys = array_keys(Config::group("databases"));
         if (count($keys) > 0) {
             $name = $keys[0];
     if (!isset(static::$connections[$name])) {
         $config = Config::item("databases", $name);
         switch ($config["type"]) {
             case "mysql":
                 include_once J_SYSTEMPATH . "database" . DS . "mysql" . DS . "MysqlDB" . EXT;
                 include_once J_SYSTEMPATH . "database" . DS . "mysql" . DS . "MysqlRecordSet" . EXT;
                 static::$connections[$name] = new MysqlDB($config);
                 trigger_error("Database type <b>'" . $config["type"] . "'</b> not suported.");
     return static::$connections[$name];
Example #10
 function render($template, $vars = array(), $debug = FALSE)
     if ($debug) {
         echo '<pre>';
         echo '</pre>';
     if (is_array($vars) && count($vars) > 0) {
     $viewPath = $this->getViewPath($template);
     if (!file_exists($viewPath)) {
         cpg_die(ERROR, sprintf(Lang::item('error.missing_vw_file'), $viewPath), __FILE__, __LINE__);
     // checking model
     $authorizer = check_model::getInstance();
     include_once $viewPath;
     $fr_contents = ob_get_contents();
     if (empty($fr_title) || !$fr_title) {
         $fr_title = $vars[nagavitor][0][1] . " - " . Config::item('fr_title');
     include_once $this->getMainPath();
Example #11
 function reply()
     include BASE_DIR . 'include' . DS . 'smilies.inc.php';
     include BASE_DIR . 'include' . DS . 'mailer.inc.php';
     $vars = array();
     $errors = array();
     $authorizer = check_model::getInstance();
     $vars['topic_id'] = $this->validate->get->getInt('id');
     if (!$authorizer->is_topic_id($vars['topic_id'])) {
         cpg_die(ERROR, Lang::item('error.wrong_topic_id'), __FILE__, __LINE__);
     if (!$authorizer->can_reply($vars['topic_id'])) {
         cpg_die(ERROR, Lang::item('error.perm_denied'), __FILE__, __LINE__);
     $vars['nagavitor'] = $this->forum->get_nagavitor();
     $vars['icons'] = $this->forum->get_icons();
     $topic = $this->forum->get_topic_data($vars['topic_id'], 'board_id');
     $messages = $this->forum->get_message($vars['topic_id'], 'subject', 'msg_id asc', '1');
     $data = array('icon' => 'icon1', 'subject' => Lang::item('topic.re') . $messages[0]['subject']);
     if ($this->validate->post->keyExists('submit')) {
         $data = array('topic_id' => $vars['topic_id'], 'icon' => $this->validate->post->getRaw('icon'), 'subject' => $this->validate->post->getEscaped('subject'), 'body' => $this->validate->post->getRaw('body'), 'board_id' => $topic['board_id'], 'poster_time' => time(), 'poster_id' => USER_ID, 'poster_name' => USER_NAME, 'poster_ip' => Config::item('hdr_ip'), 'smileys_enabled' => 1);
         if (Config::item('fr_msg_icons') == 0 && $data['icon'] == '') {
             $data['icon'] = 'icon1';
         if ($data['subject'] == '') {
             $errors[] = Lang::item('error.empty_subject');
         if ($data['icon'] == '') {
             $errors[] = Lang::item('error.no_msg_icon');
         if ($data['body'] == '') {
             $errors[] = Lang::item('error.empty_body');
         if (strlen($data['body']) > Config::item('fr_msg_max_size') && Config::item('fr_msg_max_size')) {
             $data['body'] = substr($data['body'], 0, Config::item('fr_msg_max_size'));
         global $CONFIG;
         if ($CONFIG['comment_captcha'] == 1 || $CONFIG['comment_captcha'] == 2 && !USER_ID) {
             if (!captcha_plugin_enabled('comment')) {
                 global $lang_errors;
                 $superCage = Inspekt::makeSuperCage();
                 require "include/captcha.inc.php";
                 $matches = $superCage->post->getMatched('confirmCode', '/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/');
                 if (!$matches[0] || !PhpCaptcha::Validate($matches[0])) {
                     $errors[] = $lang_errors['captcha_error'];
             } else {
                 CPGPluginAPI::action('captcha_comment_validate', null);
         if (count($errors) == 0) {
             if ($authorizer->double_post()) {
                 cpg_die(ERROR, Lang::item('error.already_post'), __FILE__, __LINE__);
             } else {
                 $msg_id = $this->forum->insert_message($data);
                 // to-do: send notify email
                 $users = $this->forum->get_notify_user('', $vars['topic_id']);
                 foreach ($users as $user) {
                     if ($user['user_id'] == USER_ID) {
                     $user = $this->forum->get_user_data($user['user_id'], 'user_email');
                     // prepare email
                     $email_subject = Lang::item('topic.topic_reply') . $data['subject'];
                     $email_body = sprintf(Lang::item('topic.notify_email'), Config::item('fr_prefix_url') . 'profile.php?uid=' . USER_ID, USER_NAME, Config::item('fr_prefix_url') . forum::link('message', '', $msg_id), Config::item('fr_prefix_url') . forum::link('message', '', $msg_id), Config::item('fr_prefix_url') . forum::link('topic', 'notify', $vars['topic_id']), Config::item('fr_prefix_url') . forum::link('topic', 'notify', $vars['topic_id']), Config::item('fr_title'));
                     // send mail
                     cpg_mail($user['user_email'], $email_subject, $email_body, 'text/html', Config::item('fr_title'), Config::item('gallery_admin_email'));
                     // set send = 0
                     $this->forum->set_topic_notify($vars['topic_id'], 0, $user['user_id']);
                 if ($this->validate->post->getInt('notify') === 1) {
                     $this->forum->set_topic_notify($vars['topic_id'], $this->validate->post->getInt('notify'));
                 if ($this->validate->post->getInt('notify') === 0) {
                 forum::message(Lang::item('common.message'), sprintf(Lang::item('message.new_msg_success'), $data['subject']), 'forum.php?c=message&id=' . $msg_id);
     $vars['errors'] = $errors;
     $vars['form'] = $data;
     $this->view->render('topic/reply', $vars);
Example #12
echo $styles;

echo $page_title;


    <div id="<?php 
echo $page_id;

echo $title;
echo $content;
echo Kohana::debug(Config::item('core.modules'));
<p class="copyright hanami">Powerd by HanamiCMS v{hanami_version}<br/>Copyright &copy;2008 Hanami Team</p>
<p class="copyright kohana">Rendered in {execution_time} seconds, using {memory_usage} of memory<br/>Copyright &copy;2007-2008 Kohana Team</p>
Example #13
 public static function pets_categorylist(\ApiParam $params)
     return \Config::item('app.petsCategoryList');
Example #14

  Coppermine 1.5.x Plugin - forum
  Copyright (c) 2010 foulu (Le Hoai Phuong), eenemeenemuu
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
echo table::open();
echo form::open('forum.php?c=profile&amp;id=' . $user['user_id'], 'profile', 'post', TRUE);
echo table::td(Lang::item('profile.profile_title'), 4);
echo table::td(Lang::item('profile.avatar'), 4, 'tableh2');
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '5%', 'align' => 'center', 'text' => form::radio('avatar_type', 'url', '', $user['fr_avatar'] ? 'url' : '')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '20%', 'text' => Lang::item('profile.url')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => form::text('fr_avatar_url', $user['fr_avatar'])), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '25%', 'align' => 'center', 'rowspan' => 2, 'text' => !php::is_empty_string($user['fr_avatar']) ? html::img($user['fr_avatar'], Config::item('fr_avatar_size')) . BR . BR . html::button('forum.php?c=profile&m=remove_avatar', Lang::item('profile.remove_avatar')) : '')));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'align' => 'center', 'text' => form::radio('avatar_type', 'file')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => Lang::item('profile.file')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => form::file('fr_avatar_file'))));
echo table::td(Lang::item('profile.profile'), 4, 'tableh2');
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'colspan' => 2, 'rowspan' => 3, 'text' => Lang::item('profile.signature')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'colspan' => 2, 'text' => forum::generate_bbcode_tags('profile', 'fr_signature'))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'colspan' => 2, 'align' => 'center', 'text' => form::textarea('fr_signature', $user['fr_signature']))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'colspan' => 2, 'text' => generate_smilies('profile', 'fr_signature'))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tablef', 'colspan' => 4, 'text' => form::submit(Lang::item('common.change'), 'submit'))));
echo form::close();
echo table::close();
Example #15
 public static function mobile_mobile_config(\ApiParam $params)
     //app mobile tracking config
     $apiKey = $params->api_key;
     //todo udid 区分限制
     //load config data
     $mktConfig = \MktConfig::loadByConfigKey("mktTrackMobileData");
     $configValue = $mktConfig->configValue;
     $values = json_decode($configValue, true);
     $configArray = array();
     if (isset($values['all'])) {
         $configArray = $values['all'];
     if ($apiKey == "api_mobile_android" && isset($values['android'])) {
         $configArray = array_merge($configArray, $values['android']);
         $versions = \Mobile_Logic::androidVersions();
         $lastVersion = array_shift(array_keys($versions));
         if ($lastVersion) {
             $configArray['serverVersion'] = $lastVersion;
     } else {
         if (isset($values['iphone'])) {
             $configArray = array_merge($configArray, $values['iphone']);
     // 加载图片服务器配置
     $img_space = \Config::item("env.img.upyun");
     $img_space_name = $img_space['policy']['bucket'];
     $img_space_policy = base64_encode(json_encode($img_space['policy'] + array("expiration" => time() + 3600 * 24)));
     $img_space_sign = md5("{$img_space_policy}&{$img_space['form_api_secret']}");
     $imgConfig = array();
     $imgConfig['server'] = "http://v0.api.upyun.com/{$img_space_name}";
     $imgConfig['fileKey'] = 'file';
     $imgConfig['returnKey'] = 'url';
     $imgConfig['params'] = array('policy' => $img_space_policy, 'signature' => $img_space_sign);
     $configArray['imageConfig'] = $imgConfig;
     return $configArray;
Example #16
 private static function log($exception)
     if (Config::item("errors", "log", false)) {
Example #17
 public static function getInstance($dataType)
     if (!isset(self::$connections[$dataType])) {
         try {
             $connection = new Mongo(Config::item('env.mongodb.server'), Config::item('env.mongodb.option'));
         } catch (MongoConnectionException $e) {
             $connection = new BlackHole();
             return self::$connections[$dataType] = $connection;
         self::$connections[$dataType] = $connection->selectDB('chaoge')->selectCollection($dataType);
     return self::$connections[$dataType];
Example #18
// menu
echo table::open();
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => html::button('forum.php?c=admin', Lang::item('admin.home')) . NBSP . html::button('forum.php?c=admin&amp;m=newcat', Lang::item('admin.new_category')) . NBSP . html::button('forum.php?c=admin&amp;m=setting', Lang::item('admin.setting')))));
echo table::close();
echo table::open();
echo form::open('forum.php?c=admin&m=setting');
echo table::td('Forum Setting', 2);
if (count($errors) > 0) {
    echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableh2', 'colspan' => '2', 'text' => table::error($errors))));
echo table::td(html::b(Lang::item('admin.basic_features')), 2, 'tableh2');
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => Lang::item('admin.title')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => form::text('fr_title', Config::item('fr_title')))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => Lang::item('admin.allow_guest_browse')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => form::yesno('fr_guest_browse', Config::item('fr_guest_browse')))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => Lang::item('admin.allow_guest_post')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => form::yesno('fr_guest_post', Config::item('fr_guest_post')))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => Lang::item('admin.enable_message_icons')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => form::yesno('fr_msg_icons', Config::item('fr_msg_icons')))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => Lang::item('admin.time_online_checking')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => form::text('fr_time_online_checking', Config::item('fr_time_online_checking')))));
echo table::td(html::b(Lang::item('admin.topic_features')), 2, 'tableh2');
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => Lang::item('admin.topic_per_page')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => form::text('fr_topic_per_page', Config::item('fr_topic_per_page')))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => Lang::item('admin.hot_topic_msg')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => form::text('fr_hot_topic_msg', Config::item('fr_hot_topic_msg')))));
echo table::td(html::b(Lang::item('admin.message_features')), 2, 'tableh2');
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => Lang::item('admin.msg_per_page')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => form::text('fr_msg_per_page', Config::item('fr_msg_per_page')))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => Lang::item('admin.max_msg_size')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => form::text('fr_msg_max_size', Config::item('fr_msg_max_size')))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => Lang::item('admin.max_word_length')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => form::text('fr_max_word_length', Config::item('fr_max_word_length')))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => Lang::item('admin.gap_time')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => form::text('fr_gap_time', Config::item('fr_gap_time')))));
echo table::td(html::b(Lang::item('admin.profile_features')), 2, 'tableh2');
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => Lang::item('admin.avatar_size')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => form::text('fr_avatar_size', Config::item('fr_avatar_size')))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => Lang::item('admin.signature_max_size')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '50%', 'text' => form::text('fr_signature_max_size', Config::item('fr_signature_max_size')))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tablef', 'colspan' => '2', 'text' => form::submit(Lang::item('common.modify'), 'submit') . form::reset(Lang::item('common.reset'), 'reset'))));
echo form::close();
echo table::close();
Example #19
    foreach ($allowedPaths as $dir) {
        if (Str::startsWith($path, File::formatDir($dir))) {
            $allowed = true;
    if (!$allowed) {
    Response::download(J_PATH . $path, Request::get("name"));
Router::register("GET", "thumb/", function () {
    $pieces = explode("/", trim(Request::get("path"), "/"));
    $path = implode(DS, $pieces);
    $allowedPaths = Config::item("application", "thumbPaths", array("app/storage/"));
    $allowed = false;
    foreach ($allowedPaths as $dir) {
        if (Str::startsWith($path, File::formatDir($dir))) {
            $allowed = true;
    if (!$allowed || count($pieces) == 0) {
        return Response::code(403);
    $path = implode(DS, $pieces);
    if (!File::exists(J_PATH . $path) || is_dir(J_PATH . $path)) {
        return Response::code(404);
    $im = new Image(J_PATH . $path);
Example #20
  Copyright (c) 2010 foulu (Le Hoai Phuong), eenemeenemuu
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
echo table::open();
echo form::open('forum.php?c=search', 'search', 'get');
echo form::hidden('c', Config::item('c'));
echo table::td(Lang::item('search.search'), 2);
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '30%', 'text' => Lang::item('search.search')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '70%', 'text' => form::text('search', $search))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tablef', 'colspan' => 2, 'text' => form::submit(Lang::item('common.search'), 'submit'))));
echo form::close();
echo table::close();
if (count($messages) > 0) {
    echo html::spacer();
    // paging
    echo table::open();
    echo table::td(Lang::item('search.search_result') . ' - ' . sprintf(Lang::item('search.found'), $results));
    echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => Lang::item('board.page') . forum::paging($paging))));
    echo table::close();
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        echo table::open();
        echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableh1', 'text' => table::open(2) . table::tds(array(array('align' => 'left', 'width' => '70%', 'text' => forum::nagavitor($message['linkto'], '-->')), array('align' => 'right', 'width' => '30%', 'text' => Lang::item('search.on') . time::decode($message['poster_time'])))) . table::close())));
Example #21

  Coppermine 1.5.x Plugin - forum
  Copyright (c) 2010 foulu (Le Hoai Phuong), eenemeenemuu
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
echo table::open();
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableh1', 'width' => '170px', 'text' => html::profile_anchor($message['poster_id'], $message['poster_name'])), array('class' => 'tableh1', 'text' => html::img($message['icon'], '65%') . NBSP . sprintf(Lang::item('topic.topic_title'), html::anchor('forum.php?c=message&m=single&id=' . $message['msg_id'], $message['subject']), time::decode($message['time'])))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tablef', 'valign' => 'top', 'align' => 'left', 'text' => html::span(sprintf(Lang::item('topic.user_profile'), html::img($message['avatar'], Config::item('fr_avatar_size')), $message['poster_group'], $message['poster_posts'], $message['poster_registed']))), array('class' => 'tableb', 'valign' => 'top', 'text' => forum::format_message($message['body']) . (trim($message['signature']) != '' ? sprintf(Lang::item('topic.signature'), forum::format_message($message['signature'])) : ''))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tablef', 'text' => html::button('profile.php?uid=' . $message['poster_id'], Lang::item('topic.profile')) . NBSP), array('class' => 'tablef', 'text' => ($authorizer->can_edit_msg($message['msg_id']) ? html::button('forum.php?c=message&m=edit&id=' . $message['msg_id'], Lang::item('common.modify')) . NBSP : '') . ($authorizer->can_delete_msg($message['msg_id']) ? html::jsbutton("button_confirm('" . Lang::item('message.confirm_delete') . "','forum.php?c=message&m=delete&id={$message['msg_id']}');", Lang::item('common.delete')) : ''))));
echo table::close();
Example #22
 function __construct($method)
     $dcUrl = Config::item('apiInfo');
     $this->curl = new AppCurl($dcUrl['ip'] . '/' . $method);
     $this->user = array('user' => $dcUrl['user'], 'appkey' => $dcUrl['key']);
Example #23
 public static function ssldecode($string)
     $key = hash("sha256", Config::item("application", "key"));
     $iv = substr(hash("sha256", "123"), 0, 16);
     return openssl_decrypt(static::from64($string), "AES-256-CBC", $key, 0, $iv);
Example #24
 function index()
     require_once 'include' . DS . 'smilies.inc.php';
     $vars = array();
     $errors = array();
     $authorizer = check_model::getInstance();
     // user or not
     if (!$authorizer->is_user()) {
         cpg_die(ERROR, Lang::item('error.perm_denied'), __FILE__, __LINE__);
     // to-do: display the profile if + avatar
     $vars['nagavitor'] = $this->forum->get_nagavitor();
     $vars['user'] = $user = $this->forum->get_user_data();
     if ($this->validate->post->keyExists('submit')) {
         $data = array('fr_signature' => $this->validate->post->getRaw('fr_signature'));
         if (strlen($data['fr_signature']) > Config::item('fr_signature_max_size') && Config::item('fr_signature_max_size')) {
             $data['fr_signature'] = substr($data['fr_signature'], 0, Config::item('fr_signature_max_size'));
         $avatar_type = $this->validate->post->getRaw('avatar_type');
         if ($avatar_type == 'url') {
             $data['fr_avatar'] = $this->validate->post->getRaw('fr_avatar_url');
             $files = explode('.', $data['fr_avatar']);
             if (!in_array($files[count($files) - 1], array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'))) {
                 $errors[] = Lang::item('error.wrong_avatar_extension');
         } else {
             if ($avatar_type == 'file') {
                 $upload = load_library('upload', TRUE);
                 $upload->upload_dir = 'plugins/forum/forum/uploads/avatars/';
                 if (!is_dir($upload->upload_dir)) {
                     mkdir($upload->upload_dir, octdec(Config::item('default_dir_mode')));
                 $upload->extensions = array('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png');
                 $upload->max_length_filename = 255;
                 $upload->rename_file = true;
                 $upload->the_temp_file = $this->validate->files->getRaw('/fr_avatar_file/tmp_name');
                 $upload->the_file = $this->validate->files->getRaw('/fr_avatar_file/name');
                 $upload->http_error = $this->validate->files->getRaw('/fr_avatar_file/error');
                 $upload->replace = 'y';
                 $upload->do_filename_check = 'y';
                 $new_name = 'avatar_' . USER_ID;
                 if ($upload->do_upload($new_name)) {
                     $extension = strtolower(strrchr($upload->the_file, "."));
                     $data['fr_avatar'] = $upload->upload_dir . $new_name . $extension;
                 } else {
                     $errors[] = $upload->show_error_string();
                 $imagesize = getimagesize($data['fr_avatar']);
                 if (max($imagesize[0], $imagesize[1]) > Config::item('fr_avatar_size') && Config::item('fr_avatar_size')) {
                     if (!function_exists('resize_image')) {
                         require_once 'include/picmgmt.inc.php';
                     resize_image($data['fr_avatar'], $data['fr_avatar'], Config::item('fr_avatar_size'), Config::item('thumb_method'), Config::item('thumb_use'));
             } else {
         if (count($errors) == 0) {
             $this->forum->edit_profile($user['user_id'], $data);
             forum::message(Lang::item('common.message'), Lang::item('profile.update_profile_success'), 'forum.php?c=profile');
     $vars['errors'] = $errors;
     $this->view->render('profile/index', $vars);
Example #25
 function can_delete_msg($msg_id)
     // own message
     $this->db->where('msg_id', $msg_id);
     $query = $this->db->get(Config::item('TABLE_FR_MESSAGES'));
     $row = $query->row();
     if ($row->poster_id == USER_ID) {
         $authorizer = check_model::getInstance();
         return $authorizer->can_delete_own_msg();
     } else {
         if (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE) {
             return TRUE;
         } else {
             return FALSE;
Example #26
				<p>Lorem ipsum</p>


if (!Config::item('usedist')) {
	<!-- build:js(public) js/main.js -->
	<script src="js/vendor/jquery/jquery-1.10.1.js"></script>
	<script src="js/vendor/lodash/lodash.compat.js"></script>
	<script src="js/vendor/mbone/mbone-1.0.0.js"></script>
	<script src="js/vendor/gaTrackers/gaTrackers.js"></script>
	<script src="js/modules/modal.js"></script>
	<script src="js/main.js"></script>

	<!-- endbuild -->
} else {
	<script src="<?php 
    echo Config::item('publicDist');
Example #27
  * ****************************************************
  * ****************************************************
 function setting()
     $vars = array();
     $vars['nagavitor'] = $this->forum->get_nagavitor();
     $vars['form'] = array('fr_title' => Config::item('fr_title'), 'fr_guest_browse' => Config::item('fr_guest_browse'), 'fr_guest_post' => Config::item('fr_guest_post'), 'fr_topic_per_page' => Config::item('fr_topic_per_page'), 'fr_hot_topic_msg' => Config::item('fr_hot_topic_msg'), 'fr_msg_per_page' => Config::item('fr_msg_per_page'), 'fr_msg_max_size' => Config::item('fr_msg_max_size'), 'fr_max_word_length' => Config::item('fr_max_word_length'), 'fr_gap_time' => Config::item('fr_gap_time'), 'fr_avatar_size' => Config::item('fr_gap_time'), 'fr_signature_max_size' => Config::item('fr_gap_time'), 'fr_time_online_checking' => Config::item('fr_time_online_checking'), 'fr_msg_icons' => Config::item('fr_msg_icons'));
     $errors = array();
     if ($this->validate->post->keyExists('submit')) {
         foreach ($vars['form'] as $k => $v) {
             $nv = $this->validate->post->getRaw($k);
             if ($nv != $v) {
                 $this->forum->save_config($k, $nv);
                 Config::set($k, $nv);
     $vars['errors'] = $errors;
     $this->view->render('admin/setting', $vars);
Example #28
            document.getElementById('pv_subject').innerHTML = datas[0];
            document.getElementById('pv_body').innerHTML = datas[1];
echo "<div name=\"preview_area\" id=\"preview_area\" style=\"display: none;\">";
echo table::open();
echo table::td(Lang::item('board.topic_preview'), 1);
echo table::tds(array('class' => 'tableh2', 'id' => 'pv_subject', 'text' => ''));
echo table::tds(array('class' => 'tableb', 'id' => 'pv_body', 'text' => ''));
echo table::close();
echo "</div>";
echo table::open();
echo table::td(Lang::item('topic.new_topic'), 2);
echo form::open('forum.php?c=message&m=edit&id=' . $msg_id, 'editmsg');
if (count($errors) > 0) {
    echo table::td(table::error($errors), 2, 'tableh2');
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '30%', 'text' => Lang::item('topic.subject')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'width' => '70%', 'text' => form::text('subject', $form['subject']))));
if (Config::item('fr_msg_icons') == 1) {
    echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => Lang::item('topic.message_icon')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => forum::generate_message_icons('icon', $icons, $form['icon']))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => NBSP), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => forum::generate_bbcode_tags('editmsg', 'body'))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => Lang::item('topic.message')), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => form::textarea('body', $form['body']))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => NBSP), array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => generate_smilies('editmsg', 'body'))));
echo table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tablef', 'text' => NBSP), array('class' => 'tablef', 'text' => form::submit(Lang::item('common.modify'), 'submit') . html::jsbutton('return false;', Lang::item('common.preview'), array('id' => 'preview')) . NBSP . html::button('forum.php?c=board&id=' . $board_id, Lang::item('common.cancel')))));
echo form::close();
echo table::close();
Example #29

  Coppermine 1.5.x Plugin - forum
  Copyright (c) 2010 foulu (Le Hoai Phuong), eenemeenemuu
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
pageheader($fr_title ? $fr_title : Config::item('fr_title'));
print html::spacer();
print table::open(0);
print table::tds(array(array('text' => $fr_title ? $fr_title : Config::item('fr_title')), array('align' => 'right', 'text' => ($authorizer->is_user() ? html::button('forum.php?c=profile', Lang::item('home.fr_profile')) : '') . NBSP . html::button('forum.php?c=search', Lang::item('home.search')))));
print table::close();
print html::spacer();
print table::open();
print form::hidden('c', 'search');
print table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => html::span(forum::nagavitor($nagavitor)))));
print table::close();
print html::spacer();
print $fr_contents;
Example #30
 function xxx_topics($xxx)
     $func_name = 'get_' . $xxx . '_topic';
     $vars = array();
     $vars['nagavitor'] = $this->forum->get_nagavitor();
     $vars['topic_count'] = $this->forum->{$func_name}('count(*) as count');
     $vars['paging'] = array();
     $vars['paging']['total'] = $vars['topic_count'];
     $vars['paging']['pattern'] = 'forum.php?c=search&m=' . $xxx . '_topics';
     $vars['paging']['start'] = $this->validate->get->getInt('start', 0);
     $vars['paging']['limit'] = Config::item('fr_topic_per_page');
     $topics = $this->forum->{$func_name}('*', $vars['paging']['start'], $vars['paging']['limit']);
     $vars['topics'] = array();
     foreach ($topics as $topic) {
         $newtopic = array();
         $first_message = $this->forum->get_message_data($topic['first_msg_id']);
         $last_message = $this->forum->get_message_data($topic['last_msg_id']);
         $message_count = $this->forum->get_message_count($topic['topic_id']);
         if ($topic['locked']) {
             $newtopic['status'] = 'plugins/forum/forum/html/images/icon_topic_readonly.gif';
         } else {
             if ($topic['is_sticky']) {
                 $newtopic['status'] = 'plugins/forum/forum/html/images/icon_topic_reply.gif';
             } else {
                 if ($number_of_msg >= Config::item('fr_hot_topic_msg')) {
                     $newtopic['status'] = 'plugins/forum/forum/html/images/icon_topic_hot.gif';
                 } else {
                     $newtopic['status'] = 'plugins/forum/forum/html/images/icon_topic_new.gif';
         $newtopic['icon'] = 'plugins/forum/forum/html/images/post/' . $first_message['icon'] . '.gif';
         $newtopic['id'] = $topic['topic_id'];
         $newtopic['name'] = $first_message['subject'];
         $newtopic['starter_id'] = $first_message['poster_id'];
         $newtopic['starter_name'] = $first_message['poster_name'];
         $newtopic['replies'] = $topic['replies'];
         $newtopic['views'] = $topic['views'];
         $newtopic['last_post_id'] = $last_message['msg_id'];
         $newtopic['last_post_title'] = $last_message['subject'];
         $newtopic['last_post_time'] = $last_message['poster_time'];
         $newtopic['last_post_author_id'] = $last_message['poster_id'];
         $newtopic['last_post_author_name'] = get_username($last_message['poster_id']);
         $vars['topics'][] = $newtopic;
     $this->view->render('search/' . $xxx . '_topics', $vars);