
include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php';
$config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => ''];
$db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config);
// ---------------------------- Write ----------------------------
echo "\n-----\ntry write:create_table\n";
echo 'Tables EXISTS: ' . json_encode($db->showTables()) . PHP_EOL;
$db->write('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS summing_url_views');
echo 'Tables EXISTS: ' . json_encode($db->showTables()) . PHP_EOL;
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS summing_url_views (
        event_date Date DEFAULT toDate(event_time),
        event_time DateTime,
        url_hash String,
        site_id Int32,
        views Int32,
        v_00 Int32,
        v_55 Int32
    ENGINE = SummingMergeTree(event_date, (site_id, url_hash, event_time, event_date), 8192)
echo 'Table EXISTS: ' . json_encode($db->showTables()) . PHP_EOL;
Table EXISTS: [{"name": "summing_url_views"}]
echo "Insert\n";
$stat = $db->insert('summing_url_views', [[time(), 'HASH1', 2345, 22, 20, 2], [time(), 'HASH2', 2345, 12, 9, 3], [time(), 'HASH3', 5345, 33, 33, 0], [time(), 'HASH3', 5345, 55, 0, 55]], ['event_time', 'url_hash', 'site_id', 'views', 'v_00', 'v_55']);
Example #2

// Подключаем драйвер
include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php';
// Конфигурация
$config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => ''];
$client = new \ClickHouseDB\Client($config);
// Проверяем соединение с базой
// Создаём таблицу
$client->write('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS articles');
$client->write('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS articles.events');
$client->write("\n    CREATE TABLE articles.events (\n        event_date Date DEFAULT toDate(event_time),\n        event_time DateTime,\n        event_type Enum8('VIEWS' = 1, 'CLICKS' = 2),\n        site_id Int32,\n        article_id Int32,\n        ip String,\n        city String,\n        user_uuid String,\n        referer String,\n        utm String DEFAULT extractURLParameter(referer, 'utm_campaign')\n    ) ENGINE = MergeTree(event_date, (site_id, event_type, article_id), 8192)\n");
// Выбираем default базу
// Получим список таблиц
// Для упрощения выставляем принудительно таймзону
// Простая вставка данных `$db->insert(имя_таблицы, [данные], [колонки]);`
$client->insert('events', [[time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1234, '', 'Moscow', 'user_11', ''], [time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1235, '', 'Moscow', 'user_11', 'http://yandex.ru?utm_campaign=abc'], [time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1236, '', 'Moscow', 'user_11', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=abc'], [time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_11', ''], [time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_13', ''], [time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_14', ''], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_11', ''], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_12', ''], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Rwanda', 'user_55', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=abc'], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Banaadir', 'user_54', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=abc'], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Tobruk', 'user_32', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=CM1'], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Gisborne', 'user_12', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=CM1'], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_43', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=CM3']], ['event_time', 'event_type', 'site_id', 'article_id', 'ip', 'city', 'user_uuid', 'referer']);
// Достанем результат вставки данных
print_r($client->select('SELECT * FROM events')->rows());
// Допустим нам нужно посчитать сколько уникальных пользователей просмотрело за сутки
            uniqCombined(user_uuid) as count_users 
Example #3

include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/lib_example.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/../../_clickhouse_config_product.php';
$config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => ''];
$start_time = microtime(true);
$db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config);
    SELECT event_date, site_id, group, SUM(views) as views FROM aggr.summing_url_views
    WHERE event_date = today() AND site_id = 14776
    GROUP BY event_date, site_id, group
    ORDER BY views DESC
    LIMIT 3
$sql = '
    SELECT site_id, group, SUM(views) as views FROM aggr.summing_url_views
       event_date = today() 
       AND ( 
          site_id IN (SELECT site_id FROM namex)
          site_id IN (SELECT site_id FROM site_keys)
    GROUP BY site_id, group
    ORDER BY views DESC
    LIMIT 5
// some file names to data
$file_name_data1 = "/tmp/temp_csv.txt";