<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; include_once __DIR__ . '/lib_example.php'; $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $db->write("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS summing_url_views"); $db->write(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS summing_url_views ( event_date Date DEFAULT toDate(event_time), event_time DateTime, url_hash String, site_id Int32, views Int32, v_00 Int32, v_55 Int32 ) ENGINE = SummingMergeTree(event_date, (site_id, url_hash, event_time, event_date), 8192) '); echo "Table EXISTS:" . json_encode($db->showTables()) . "\n"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo "----------------------------------- CREATE big csv file -----------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $file_data_names = ['/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.b.1.data', '/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.b.2.data', '/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.b.3.data', '/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.b.4.data', '/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.b.5.data']; $c = 0; foreach ($file_data_names as $file_name) { $c++; makeSomeDataFileBig($file_name, 40 * $c); } echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; echo "insert ALL file async NO gzip:\n"; $db->settings()->max_execution_time(200);
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; include_once __DIR__ . '/lib_example.php'; $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $_flag_create_table = false; $size = $db->tableSize('summing_url_views_cityHash64_site_id'); echo "Site table summing_url_views_cityHash64_site_id : " . (isset($size['size']) ? $size['size'] : 'false') . "\n"; if (!isset($size['size'])) { $_flag_create_table = true; } if ($_flag_create_table) { $db->write("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS summing_url_views_cityHash64_site_id"); $re = $db->write(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS summing_url_views_cityHash64_site_id ( event_date Date DEFAULT toDate(event_time), event_time DateTime, url_hash String, site_id Int32, views Int32, v_00 Int32, v_55 Int32 ) ENGINE = SummingMergeTree(event_date, cityHash64(site_id,event_time),(site_id, url_hash, event_time, event_date,cityHash64(site_id,event_time)), 8192) '); echo "Table EXISTS:" . print_r($db->showTables()) . "\n"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo "----------------------------------- CREATE big csv file -----------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $file_data_names = ['/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.big.1.data', '/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.big.2.data', '/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.big.3.data']; $c = 0;
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; include_once __DIR__ . '/lib_example.php'; $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $db->enableHttpCompression(true); $db->write("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS summing_url_views"); $db->write(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS summing_url_views ( event_date Date DEFAULT toDate(event_time), event_time DateTime, url_hash String, site_id Int32, views Int32, v_00 Int32, v_55 Int32 ) ENGINE = SummingMergeTree(event_date, (site_id, url_hash, event_time, event_date), 8192) '); echo "Table EXISTS: " . json_encode($db->showTables()) . "\n"; echo $db->showCreateTable('summing_url_views'); exit; // -------------------------------- CREATE csv file ---------------------------------------------------------------- $file_data_names = ['/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.1.data', '/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.2.data']; foreach ($file_data_names as $file_name) { makeSomeDataFile($file_name, 2); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "insert ALL file async:\n"; $time_start = microtime(true);
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $input_params = ['select_date' => ['2000-10-10', '2000-10-11', '2000-10-12'], 'limit' => 5, 'from_table' => 'table']; $db->enableQueryConditions(); $select = ' SELECT * FROM {from_table} WHERE {if select_date} event_date IN (:select_date) {else} event_date=today() {/if} {if limit} LIMIT {limit} {/if} '; $statement = $db->selectAsync($select, $input_params); echo $statement->sql(); echo "\n"; /* SELECT * FROM table WHERE event_date IN ('2000-10-10','2000-10-11','2000-10-12') LIMIT 5 FORMAT JSON */ $input_params['select_date'] = false; $statement = $db->selectAsync($select, $input_params);
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); //$db->verbose(); $db->settings()->readonly(false); $result = $db->select('SELECT 12 as {key} WHERE {key} = :value', ['key' => 'ping', 'value' => 12]); if ($result->fetchOne('ping') != 12) { echo "Error : ? \n"; } print_r($result->fetchOne()); echo 'elapsed :' . $result->statistics('elapsed') . "\n"; echo 'rows_read :' . $result->statistics('rows_read') . "\n"; echo 'bytes_read:' . $result->statistics('bytes_read') . "\n"; // $result = $db->select("SELECT 12 as ping"); print_r($result->statistics()); /* "statistics": { "elapsed": 0.000029702, "rows_read": 1, "bytes_read": 1 } */
<?php // Подключаем драйвер include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; // Конфигурация $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $client = new \ClickHouseDB\Client($config); // Проверяем соединение с базой $client->ping(); // Создаём таблицу $client->write('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS articles'); $client->write('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS articles.events'); $client->write("\n CREATE TABLE articles.events (\n event_date Date DEFAULT toDate(event_time),\n event_time DateTime,\n event_type Enum8('VIEWS' = 1, 'CLICKS' = 2),\n site_id Int32,\n article_id Int32,\n ip String,\n city String,\n user_uuid String,\n referer String,\n utm String DEFAULT extractURLParameter(referer, 'utm_campaign')\n ) ENGINE = MergeTree(event_date, (site_id, event_type, article_id), 8192)\n"); // Выбираем default базу $client->database('articles'); // Получим список таблиц print_r($client->showTables()); // Для упрощения выставляем принудительно таймзону date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Moscow'); // Простая вставка данных `$db->insert(имя_таблицы, [данные], [колонки]);` $client->insert('events', [[time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1234, '', 'Moscow', 'user_11', ''], [time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1235, '', 'Moscow', 'user_11', 'http://yandex.ru?utm_campaign=abc'], [time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1236, '', 'Moscow', 'user_11', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=abc'], [time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_11', ''], [time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_13', ''], [time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_14', ''], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_11', ''], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_12', ''], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Rwanda', 'user_55', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=abc'], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Banaadir', 'user_54', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=abc'], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Tobruk', 'user_32', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=CM1'], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Gisborne', 'user_12', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=CM1'], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_43', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=CM3']], ['event_time', 'event_type', 'site_id', 'article_id', 'ip', 'city', 'user_uuid', 'referer']); // Достанем результат вставки данных print_r($client->select('SELECT * FROM events')->rows()); // Допустим нам нужно посчитать сколько уникальных пользователей просмотрело за сутки print_r($client->select(' SELECT event_date, uniqCombined(user_uuid) as count_users FROM events WHERE
$config = ['host' => 'x', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'x', 'password' => 'x']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); try { $db->ping(); } catch (ClickHouseDB\QueryException $E) { echo "ERROR:" . $E->getMessage() . "\nOK\n"; } // ------------------ $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'x', 'password' => 'x']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); try { $db->ping(); } catch (ClickHouseDB\QueryException $E) { echo "ERROR:" . $E->getMessage() . "\nOK\n"; } // ------------------ $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); try { $db->ping(); echo "PING : OK!\n"; } catch (ClickHouseDB\QueryException $E) { echo "ERROR:" . $E->getMessage() . "\nOK\n"; } try { $db->select("SELECT xxx as PPPP FROM ZZZZZ ")->rows(); } catch (ClickHouseDB\DatabaseException $E) { echo "ERROR : DatabaseException : " . $E->getMessage() . "\n"; // Table default.ZZZZZ doesn't exist. } // ----------------------------
/** * */ public function testSettings() { $config = ['host' => 'x', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'x', 'password' => 'x', 'settings' => ['max_execution_time' => 100]]; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $this->assertEquals(100, $db->settings()->getSetting('max_execution_time')); // settings via constructor $config = ['host' => 'x', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'x', 'password' => 'x']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config, ['max_execution_time' => 100]); $this->assertEquals(100, $db->settings()->getSetting('max_execution_time')); // $config = ['host' => 'x', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'x', 'password' => 'x']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $db->settings()->set('max_execution_time', 100); $this->assertEquals(100, $db->settings()->getSetting('max_execution_time')); $config = ['host' => 'x', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'x', 'password' => 'x']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $db->settings()->apply(['max_execution_time' => 100, 'max_block_size' => 12345]); $this->assertEquals(100, $db->settings()->getSetting('max_execution_time')); $this->assertEquals(12345, $db->settings()->getSetting('max_block_size')); }
<?php // Подключаем драйвер include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; // Конфигурация $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $client = new \ClickHouseDB\Client($config); // Проверяем соединение с базой $client->ping(); // Создаём таблицу $client->write('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS articles'); $client->write('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS articles.events'); $client->write("\n CREATE TABLE articles.events (\n event_date Date DEFAULT toDate(event_time),\n event_time DateTime,\n event_type Enum8('VIEWS' = 1, 'CLICKS' = 2),\n site_id Int32,\n article_id Int32,\n ip String,\n city String,\n user_uuid String,\n referer String,\n utm String DEFAULT extractURLParameter(referer, 'utm_campaign')\n ) ENGINE = MergeTree(event_date, (site_id, event_type, article_id), 8192)\n"); // Выбираем default базу $client->database('articles'); // Получим список таблиц print_r($client->showTables()); // Для упрощения выставляем принудительно таймзону date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Moscow'); // Простая вставка данных `$db->insert(имя_таблицы, [данные], [колонки]);` $client->insert('events', [[time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1234, '', 'Moscow', 'user_11', ''], [time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1235, '', 'Moscow', 'user_11', 'http://yandex.ru?utm_campaign=abc'], [time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1236, '', 'Moscow', 'user_11', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=abc'], [time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_11', ''], [time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_13', ''], [time(), 'CLICKS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_14', ''], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_11', ''], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 1237, '', 'Moscow', 'user_12', ''], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 27, '', 'Rwanda', 'user_55', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=abc'], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 27, '', 'Banaadir', 'user_54', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=abc'], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 27, '', 'Tobruk', 'user_32', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=CM1'], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 28, '', 'Gisborne', 'user_12', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=CM1'], [time(), 'VIEWS', 1, 26, '', 'Moscow', 'user_43', 'http://smi2.ru?utm_campaign=CM3']], ['event_time', 'event_type', 'site_id', 'article_id', 'ip', 'city', 'user_uuid', 'referer']); print_r($client->select('SELECT count() as count_rows FROM articles.events')->fetchOne()); // Для WHERE IN - создаем файл InsertRow $hand = fopen('/tmp/articles_list.csv', 'w'); foreach ([1237, 27, 1234] as $article_id) { fputcsv($hand, [$article_id]); } fclose($hand); // $whereIn = new \ClickHouseDB\WhereInFile(); $whereIn->attachFile('/tmp/articles_list.csv', 'namex', ['article_id' => 'Int32'], \ClickHouseDB\WhereInFile::FORMAT_CSV);
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $db->write("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS arrays_test"); $res = $db->write(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS arrays_test ( s_key String, s_arr Array(UInt8) ) ENGINE = Memory '); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo "Insert\n"; $stat = $db->insert('arrays_test', [['HASH1', [11, 22, 33]], ['HASH1', [11, 22, 55]]], ['s_key', 's_arr']); echo "Insert Done\n"; print_r($db->select('SELECT s_key, s_arr FROM arrays_test ARRAY JOIN s_arr')->rows()); $db->write("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS arrays_test_string"); $res = $db->write(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS arrays_test_string ( s_key String, s_arr Array(String) ) ENGINE = Memory '); echo "Insert\n"; $stat = $db->insert('arrays_test_string', [['HASH1', ["a", "dddd", "xxx"]], ['HASH1', ["b'\tx"]]], ['s_key', 's_arr']); echo "Insert Done\n"; print_r($db->select('SELECT s_key, s_arr FROM arrays_test_string ARRAY JOIN s_arr')->rows()); echo "\ntestRFCCSVWrite>>>>\n"; $fileName = '/tmp/testRFCCSVWrite.CSV'; date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Moscow');
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); //$db->verbose(); $db->settings()->readonly(false); $result = $db->select('SELECT 12 as {key} WHERE {key} = :value', ['key' => 'ping', 'value' => 12]); if ($result->fetchOne('ping') != 12) { echo "Error : ? \n"; } print_r($result->fetchOne()); // ---------------------------- ASYNC SELECT ---------------------------- $state1 = $db->selectAsync('SELECT 1 as {key} WHERE {key} = :value', ['key' => 'ping', 'value' => 1]); $state2 = $db->selectAsync('SELECT 2 as ping'); $db->executeAsync(); print_r($state1->fetchOne()); print_r($state1->rows()); print_r($state2->fetchOne('ping')); //----------------------------------------//----------------------------------------
include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; $config = ['host' => 'x', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'x', 'password' => 'x', 'settings' => ['max_execution_time' => 100]]; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); if ($db->settings()->getSetting('max_execution_time') !== 100) { throw new Exception("Bad work settings"); } // settings via constructor $config = ['host' => 'x', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'x', 'password' => 'x']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config, ['max_execution_time' => 100]); if ($db->settings()->getSetting('max_execution_time') !== 100) { throw new Exception("Bad work settings"); } // set method $config = ['host' => 'x', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'x', 'password' => 'x']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $db->settings()->set('max_execution_time', 100); if ($db->settings()->getSetting('max_execution_time') !== 100) { throw new Exception("Bad work settings"); } // apply array method $config = ['host' => 'x', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'x', 'password' => 'x']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $db->settings()->apply(['max_execution_time' => 100, 'max_block_size' => 12345]); if ($db->settings()->getSetting('max_execution_time') !== 100) { throw new Exception("Bad work settings"); } if ($db->settings()->getSetting('max_block_size') !== 12345) { throw new Exception("Bad work settings"); } echo "getSetting - OK\n";
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; include_once __DIR__ . '/lib_example.php'; $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $db->write("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS summing_url_views"); $db->write(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS summing_url_views ( event_date Date DEFAULT toDate(event_time), event_time DateTime, url_hash String, site_id Int32, views Int32, v_00 Int32, v_55 Int32 ) ENGINE = SummingMergeTree(event_date, (site_id, url_hash, event_time, event_date), 8192) '); echo "Table EXISTSs:" . json_encode($db->showTables()) . "\n"; // -------------------------------- CREATE csv file ---------------------------------------------------------------- $file_data_names = ['/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.1.data', '/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.2.data']; foreach ($file_data_names as $file_name) { makeSomeDataFile($file_name, 1); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "insert ONE file:\n"; $time_start = microtime(true); $version_test = 3; if ($version_test == 1) { $statselect1 = $db->selectAsync('SELECT * FROM summing_url_views LIMIT 1');
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); // ---------------------------- Write ---------------------------- echo "\n-----\ntry write:create_table\n"; $db->database('default'); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo 'Tables EXISTS: ' . json_encode($db->showTables()) . PHP_EOL; $db->write('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS summing_url_views'); echo 'Tables EXISTS: ' . json_encode($db->showTables()) . PHP_EOL; $db->write(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS summing_url_views ( event_date Date DEFAULT toDate(event_time), event_time DateTime, url_hash String, site_id Int32, views Int32, v_00 Int32, v_55 Int32 ) ENGINE = SummingMergeTree(event_date, (site_id, url_hash, event_time, event_date), 8192) '); echo 'Table EXISTS: ' . json_encode($db->showTables()) . PHP_EOL; /* Table EXISTS: [{"name": "summing_url_views"}] */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo "Insert\n"; $stat = $db->insert('summing_url_views', [[time(), 'HASH1', 2345, 22, 20, 2], [time(), 'HASH2', 2345, 12, 9, 3], [time(), 'HASH3', 5345, 33, 33, 0], [time(), 'HASH3', 5345, 55, 0, 55]], ['event_time', 'url_hash', 'site_id', 'views', 'v_00', 'v_55']);
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; include_once __DIR__ . '/lib_example.php'; $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $db->write("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS summing_url_views"); $db->write(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS summing_url_views ( event_date Date DEFAULT toDate(event_time), event_time DateTime, url_hash String, site_id Int32, views Int32, v_00 Int32, v_55 Int32 ) ENGINE = SummingMergeTree(event_date, (site_id, url_hash, event_time, event_date), 8192) '); echo "Table EXISTS: " . json_encode($db->showTables()) . "\n"; // -------------------------------- CREATE csv file ---------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $file_data_names = ['/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.1.data', '/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.2.data', '/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.3.data', '/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.4.data', '/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.5.data']; foreach ($file_data_names as $file_name) { makeSomeDataFile($file_name, 5); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "insert ONE file:\n"; $time_start = microtime(true); $stat = $db->insertBatchFiles('summing_url_views', ['/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.1.data'], ['event_time', 'url_hash', 'site_id', 'views', 'v_00', 'v_55']); echo "use time:" . round(microtime(true) - $time_start, 2) . "\n";
<?php $fileName = '/tmp/__articles.big.events_version1.csv'; $count_rows = 500000; // Подключаем драйвер include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; // Для упрощения выставляем принудительно таймзону date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Moscow'); // класс userevent include_once 'article_01_userevent.php'; // Конфигурация $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $client = new \ClickHouseDB\Client($config); //$client->write('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS articles.events'); if (!$client->isExists('articles', 'events')) { $client->write('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS articles.events'); $client->write('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS articles'); $client->write("\n CREATE TABLE articles.events (\n event_date Date DEFAULT toDate(event_time),\n event_time DateTime,\n event_type Enum8('VIEWS' = 1, 'CLICKS' = 2),\n site_id Int32,\n article_id Int32,\n ip String,\n city String,\n user_uuid String,\n referer String,\n utm String DEFAULT extractURLParameter(referer, 'utm_campaign')\n ) ENGINE = MergeTree(event_date, (site_id,event_type, article_id), 8192)\n"); // ---------------------------- создадим тестовый набор данных --------------- $userEvent = new UserEvent(); @unlink($fileName); echo "Write data to : " . $fileName . "\n\n"; for ($z = 0; $z < $count_rows; $z++) { $row = ['event_date' => $userEvent->getDate(), 'event_time' => $userEvent->getTime(), 'event_type' => $userEvent->getType(), 'site_id' => $userEvent->getSiteId(), 'article_id' => $userEvent->getArticleId(), 'ip' => $userEvent->getIp(), 'city' => $userEvent->getCity(), 'user_uuid' => $userEvent->getUserUuid(), 'referer' => $userEvent->getReferer(), 'utm' => $userEvent->getUtm()]; file_put_contents($fileName, \ClickHouseDB\FormatLine::TSV($row) . "\n", FILE_APPEND); if ($z % 100 == 0) { echo "{$z}\r"; } } // Включаем сжатие $client->setTimeout(300);
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; include_once __DIR__ . '/lib_example.php'; $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $create = false; if ($create) { $db->write("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS summing_partions_views"); $db->write(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS summing_partions_views ( event_date Date DEFAULT toDate(event_time), event_time DateTime, site_id Int32, hash_id Int32, views Int32 ) ENGINE = SummingMergeTree(event_date, (site_id,hash_id, event_time, event_date), 8192) '); echo "Table EXISTS:" . json_encode($db->showTables()) . "\n"; echo "----------------------------------- CREATE csv file -----------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $file_data_names = ['/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.part.1.data', '/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.part.2.data', '/tmp/clickHouseDB_test.part.3.data']; $c = 0; foreach ($file_data_names as $file_name) { $c++; makeSomeDataFileBigOldDates($file_name, $c); } echo "--------------------------------------- insert -------------------------------------------------------------\n"; echo "insert ALL file async + GZIP:\n"; $db->enableHttpCompression(true); $time_start = microtime(true);
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $db->enableLogQueries()->enableHttpCompression(); //---------------------------------------- print_r($db->select('SELECT * FROM system.query_log')->rows()); //----------------------------------------
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; include_once __DIR__ . '/lib_example.php'; class CustomDegeneration implements \ClickHouseDB\Query\Degeneration { private $bindings = []; public function bindParams(array $bindings) { $this->bindings = $bindings; } public function process($sql) { if (sizeof($this->bindings)) { foreach ($this->bindings as $key => $value) { $sql = str_ireplace('%' . $key . '%', $value, $sql); } } return str_ireplace('XXXX', 'SELECT', $sql); } } $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); print_r($db->select('SELECT 1 as ping')->fetchOne()); // CustomConditions $db->addQueryDegeneration(new CustomDegeneration()); // strreplace XXXX=>SELECT print_r($db->select('XXXX 1 as ping')->fetchOne()); // SELECT 1 as ping print_r($db->select('XXXX 1 as %ZX%', ['ZX' => 'ping'])->fetchOne());
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../include.php'; include_once __DIR__ . '/lib_example.php'; include_once __DIR__ . '/../../_clickhouse_config_product.php'; $config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '8123', 'username' => 'default', 'password' => '']; $start_time = microtime(true); $db = new ClickHouseDB\Client($config); $db->database('aggr'); print_r($db->select(' SELECT event_date, site_id, group, SUM(views) as views FROM aggr.summing_url_views WHERE event_date = today() AND site_id = 14776 GROUP BY event_date, site_id, group ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 3 ')->rows()); $sql = ' SELECT site_id, group, SUM(views) as views FROM aggr.summing_url_views WHERE event_date = today() AND ( site_id IN (SELECT site_id FROM namex) OR site_id IN (SELECT site_id FROM site_keys) ) GROUP BY site_id, group ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 5 '; // some file names to data $file_name_data1 = "/tmp/temp_csv.txt";