public function beforeFilter() { parent::beforeFilter(); if (!isset($this->params['name'])) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_NONE); } try { $boardName = $this->params['name']; if (preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $boardName)) { throw new BoardNullException(); } $this->_board = Board::getInstance($boardName); } catch (BoardNullException $e) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_UNKNOW); } if (isset($this->params['url']['mode'])) { $mode = (int) trim($this->params['url']['mode']); if (!$this->_board->setMode($mode)) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_NOPERM); } } if (!$this->_board->hasReadPerm(User::getInstance())) { if (!$this->ByrSession->isLogin) { $this->requestLogin(); } $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_NOPERM); } $this->_board->setOnBoard(); $this->ByrSession->Cookie->write("XWJOKE", "hoho", false); }
public function beforeFilter() { parent::beforeFilter(); if (isset($this->params['name'])) { $bName = trim($this->params['name']); } else { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_NONE); } try { $this->_board = Board::getInstance($bName); if ($this->_board->isDir()) { throw new BoardNullException(); } } catch (BoardNullException $e) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_NONE); } if (isset($this->params['mode'])) { $mode = (int) trim($this->params['mode']); if (!$this->_board->setMode($mode)) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_NOPERM); } } if (!$this->_board->hasReadPerm(User::getInstance())) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_NOPERM); } $this->_board->setOnBoard(); }
public function beforeFilter() { parent::beforeFilter(); App::import("vendor", array("model/board", "inc/pagination")); if (!isset($this->params['name'])) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_NONE); } try { $boardName = $this->params['name']; if (preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $boardName)) { throw new BoardNullException(); } $this->_board = Board::getInstance($boardName); if ($this->_board->isDir()) { throw new BoardNullException(); } } catch (BoardNullException $e) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_UNKNOW); } if (isset($this->params['url']['mode'])) { $mode = (int) trim($this->params['url']['mode']); $this->_board->setMode($mode); } if (!$this->_board->hasReadPerm(User::getInstance())) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_NOPERM); } $this->_board->setOnBoard(); }
public function delete() { if (!$this->RequestHandler->isPost()) { $this->error(ECode::$SYS_REQUESTERROR); } if (!isset($this->params['form']['dir']) || !isset($this->params['form']['name'])) { $this->error(); } $dir = $this->params['form']['dir'] == '1'; $val = trim($this->params['form']['name']); $level = $this->params['num']; try { $fav = Favor::getInstance($level); } catch (FavorNullException $e) { $this->error(ECode::$USER_FAVERROR); } if ($val == "") { $this->error(); } if ($dir) { if (!$fav->delete($val, Favor::$DIR)) { $this->error(); } } else { App::import('vendor', 'model/board'); try { $board = Board::getInstance($val); if (!$fav->delete($board, Favor::$BOARD)) { $this->error(); } } catch (BoardNullException $e) { $this->error(); } } try { $fav = Favor::getInstance($level); } catch (FavorNullException $e) { $this->error(ECode::$USER_FAVERROR); } $this->set('data', $this->_favor($fav)); }
public function ajax_add() { if (!$this->RequestHandler->isPost()) { $this->error(ECode::$SYS_REQUESTERROR); } $this->requestLogin(); $db = DB::getInstance(); $u = User::getInstance(); if (!$u->isAdmin()) { $sql = "select count(*) as num from pl_vote where status=1 and start>=? and uid=?"; $res = $db->one($sql, array(strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time())), $u->userid)); if ($res !== false && $res['num'] >= 2) { $this->error("每天你最多开启两次投票"); } } $subject = @trim($this->params['form']['subject']); $desc = @trim($this->params['form']['desc']); $end = @trim($this->params['form']['end']); $type = @trim($this->params['form']['type']); $limit = @trim($this->params['form']['limit']); $result_voted = isset($this->params['form']['result_voted']) ? 1 : 0; if (empty($subject) || empty($end)) { $this->error(); } if ($type != "0" && $type != "1") { $type = 0; } if (empty($limit) || intval($limit) < 2 || intval($limit) > 19) { $limit = 0; } if (strtotime($end) === false || !preg_match("/\\d{4}(-\\d{2}){2}/", $end)) { $this->error("截止日期错误"); } $items = array(); foreach ($this->params['form'] as $k => $v) { if (preg_match('/^i\\d+$/', $k) && trim($v) != "") { $items[] = nforum_iconv('UTF-8', $this->encoding, trim($v)); } } $realNum = count($items); if ($realNum < 2 || $realNum > 20) { $this->error("选项数量错误,发起投票失败"); } if ($limit > $realNum) { $limit = $realNum; } $subject = nforum_iconv('UTF-8', $this->encoding, $subject); $desc = nforum_iconv('UTF-8', $this->encoding, $desc); $vid = Vote::add($u->userid, $subject, $desc, strtotime($end), $type, $limit, $items, $result_voted); $site = Configure::read("site"); $a_title = $subject; $a_content = "主题:{$subject}\n描述:{$desc}\n发起人:{$u->userid}\n类型:" . ($type == 0 ? '单选' : '多选') . "\n截止日期:{$end}\n链接:[url={$site['domain']}{$site['prefix']}/vote/view/{$vid}]{$site['domain']}{$site['prefix']}/vote/view/{$vid}[/url]\n[vote={$vid}][/vote]"; App::import("vendor", "model/article"); $aid = Article::autoPost($this->_board, $a_title, $a_content); $db->update("pl_vote", array("aid" => $aid), "where vid=?", array($vid)); if (isset($this->params['form']['b'])) { App::import("vendor", "model/board"); try { $board = Board::getInstance(trim($this->params['form']['b'])); if ($board->hasPostPerm($u)) { Article::autoPost($board->NAME, '[投票]' . $a_title, $a_content); } } catch (Exception $e) { } } $ret['ajax_code'] = "发起投票成功"; $ret['default'] = "/vote?c=list&u=" . $u->userid; $ret['list'][] = array("text" => '我的投票', "url" => "/vote?c=list&u=" . $u->userid); $ret['list'][] = array("text" => '热门投票', "url" => "/vote?c=hot"); $this->set('no_html_data', $ret); }
public function ajax_change() { if (!isset($this->params['form']['ac']) || !isset($this->params['form']['v'])) { $this->error(); } $action = $this->params['form']['ac']; $val = $this->params['form']['v']; $level = $this->params['num']; try { $fav = Favor::getInstance($level); } catch (FavorNullException $e) { $this->error(ECode::$USER_FAVERROR); } if ($val == "") { $this->error(); } switch ($action) { case "ab": try { $val = Board::getInstance($val); if (!$fav->add($val, Favor::$BOARD)) { $this->error(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_UNKNOW); } break; case "ad": if (!$fav->add(nforum_iconv("utf-8", $this->encoding, $val), Favor::$DIR)) { $this->error(); } break; case "db": try { $val = Board::getInstance($val); if (!$fav->delete($val, Favor::$BOARD)) { $this->error(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_UNKNOW); } break; case "dd": if (!$fav->delete($val, Favor::$DIR)) { $this->error(); } break; } }
public function threads() { App::import('vendor', array('model/board', 'model/threads', 'inc/pagination')); $day = 7; $title1 = $title2 = $title3 = $author = ''; if (isset($this->params['url']['title1'])) { $title1 = trim($this->params['url']['title1']); } if (isset($this->params['url']['title2'])) { $title2 = trim($this->params['url']['title2']); } if (isset($this->params['url']['titlen'])) { $title3 = trim($this->params['url']['titlen']); } if (isset($this->params['url']['author'])) { $author = trim($this->params['url']['author']); } if (isset($this->params['url']['day'])) { $day = intval($this->params['url']['day']); } $m = isset($this->params['url']['m']) && $this->params['url']['m'] == '1'; $a = isset($this->params['url']['a']) && $this->params['url']['a'] == '1'; $return = Configure::read('search.max'); $res = array(); if (!isset($this->params['url']['boards'])) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_UNKNOW); } $boards = $this->params['url']['boards']; foreach (explode('|', $boards) as $b) { try { $brd = Board::getInstance($b); $res = array_merge($res, Threads::search($brd, $title1, $title2, $title3, $author, $day, $m, $a, $return)); } catch (BoardNullException $e) { } } $count = isset($this->params['url']['count']) ? $this->params['url']['count'] : Configure::read("pagination.threads"); if (($count = intval($count)) <= 0) { $count = Configure::read("pagination.threads"); } if ($count > Configure::read('plugins.api.page_item_limit')) { $count = Configure::read("pagination.threads"); } $page = isset($this->params['url']['page']) ? $this->params['url']['page'] : 1; $page = intval($page); $pagination = new Pagination(new ArrayPageableAdapter($res), $count); $articles = $pagination->getPage($page); $wrapper = Wrapper::getInstance(); $data = array(); $data['pagination'] = $wrapper->page($pagination); foreach ($articles as $v) { $data['threads'][] = $wrapper->article($v, array('threads' => true)); } $this->set('data', $data); }
public function file() { if (!isset($this->params['url']['pos']) && !preg_match("/ajax_file.json\$/", $this->here) && !$this->spider) { $this->redirect('elite/path?v=' . preg_replace("|/([^/]+)/*\$|", "&f=", trim($this->params['url']['v'])) . trim($this->params['url']['v'])); } $path = Configure::read("elite.root") . "/"; $boardName = ""; $articles = array(); if (isset($this->params['url']['v'])) { $path .= preg_replace("/^\\//", "", trim($this->params['url']['v'])); } $u = User::getInstance(); if (bbs_ann_traverse_check($path, $u->userid) < 0) { if (!$this->ByrSession->isLogin) { $this->requestLogin(); } $this->error(ECode::$ELITE_NODIR); } $up_dirs = array(); $up_cnt = $this->_getUpdir($path, $boardName, $up_dirs); if ($boardName) { try { $brd = Board::getInstance($boardName); } catch (BoardNullException $e) { $this->error(ECode::$ELITE_NODIR); } if (!$brd->hasReadPerm($u)) { if (!$this->ByrSession->isLogin) { $this->requestLogin(); } $this->error(ECode::$ELITE_NODIR); } if ($brd->isNormal()) { $this->cache(true, @filemtime($path)); } } $e = new Elite($path); if (isset($this->params['url']['pos'])) { $pos = intval($this->params['url']['pos']); if ($pos == 0) { $this->_stop(); } $e->getAttach($pos); $this->_stop(); } $content = $e->getHtml(true); $subject = ''; if (preg_match("|标 题: ([\\s\\S]*?)<br|", $content, $subject)) { $subject = trim($subject[1]); } if (Configure::read("ubb.parse")) { App::import("vendor", "inc/ubb"); $content = preg_replace("'^(.*?<br \\/>.*?<br \\/>)'e", "XUBB::remove('\\1')", $content); $content = XUBB::parse($content); } $this->set(array('subject' => $subject, 'content' => $content)); }
public function article() { $this->js[] = "forum.board.js"; $this->css[] = "board.css"; $this->notice[] = array("url" => "", "text" => "ËÑË÷½á¹û"); App::import('Sanitize'); $day = $title1 = $title2 = $title3 = $author = $t = ""; if (isset($this->params['url']['t1'])) { $title1 = trim(rawurldecode($this->params['url']['t1'])); } if (isset($this->params['url']['t2'])) { $title2 = trim(rawurldecode($this->params['url']['t2'])); } if (isset($this->params['url']['tn'])) { $title3 = trim(rawurldecode($this->params['url']['tn'])); } if (isset($this->params['url']['au'])) { $author = trim($this->params['url']['au']); } if (isset($this->params['url']['d'])) { $day = intval($this->params['url']['d']); } $title1 = nforum_iconv('utf-8', $this->encoding, $title1); $title2 = nforum_iconv('utf-8', $this->encoding, $title2); $title3 = nforum_iconv('utf-8', $this->encoding, $title3); $m = isset($this->params['url']['m']); $a = isset($this->params['url']['a']); $full = isset($this->params['url']['f']); $site = Configure::read(''); $return = Configure::read("search.max"); $res = array(); $u = User::getInstance(); if ($title1 == '' && $title3 == '' && $author == '' && !$m && !$a) { $res = array(); } else { if ($full && $site && $u->isAdmin()) { App::import('vendor', 'model/section'); $secs = array_keys(Configure::read("section")); foreach ($secs as $v) { $sec = Section::getInstance($v, Section::$ALL); foreach ($sec->getList() as $brd) { if (!$brd->isNormal()) { continue; } $res = array_merge($res, Threads::search($brd, $title1, $title2, $title3, $author, $day, $m, $a, $return)); } } } else { $b = @$this->params['url']['b']; try { $brd = Board::getInstance($b); } catch (BoardNullException $e) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_NONE); } $res = Threads::search($brd, $title1, $title2, $title3, $author, $day, $m, $a, $return); } } $p = 1; if (isset($this->params['url']['p'])) { $p = $this->params['url']['p']; } App::import("vendor", "inc/pagination"); $page = new Pagination(new ArrayPageableAdapter($res), Configure::read("")); $threads = $page->getPage($p); $info = false; $curTime = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time())); $pageArticle = Configure::read("pagination.article"); foreach ($threads as $v) { $tabs = ceil($v->articleNum / $pageArticle); $last = $v->LAST; $postTime = $curTime > $v->POSTTIME ? date("Y-m-d", $v->POSTTIME) : date("H:i:s", $v->POSTTIME) . " "; $replyTime = $curTime > $last->POSTTIME ? date("Y-m-d", $last->POSTTIME) : date("H:i:s", $last->POSTTIME) . " "; $info[] = array("title" => Sanitize::html($v->TITLE), "poster" => $v->isSubject() ? $v->OWNER : "ÔÌûÒÑɾ³ý", "postTime" => $postTime, "gid" => $v->ID, "last" => $last->OWNER, "replyTime" => $replyTime, "page" => $tabs, "bName" => $v->getBoard()->NAME, "num" => $v->articleNum - 1); } $this->set("info", $info); $query = $this->params['url']; unset($query['url']); unset($query['p']); unset($query['ext']); foreach ($query as $k => &$v) { $v = $k . '=' . rawurlencode($v); } $query[] = "p=%page%"; $link = "{$this->base}/s/article?" . join("&", $query); $this->set("pageBar", $page->getPageBar($p, $link)); $this->set("pagination", $page); }
public function wGetList() { $arr = array(); $brds = $this->getList(); if (empty($brds)) { $arr[] = array("text" => ECode::msg(ECode::$SEC_NOBOARD), "url" => ""); $arr = array("s" => "w-list-line", "v" => $arr); } else { foreach ($brds as $v) { $arr[] = array("text" => $v->DESC, "url" => "/board/{$v->NAME}"); } $arr = array("s" => "w-list-float", "v" => $arr); } if ($this->isRoot()) { $file = BBS_HOME . "/xml/day_sec{$this->_num}.xml"; $ret = array(); if (file_exists($file)) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($file); if ($xml !== false) { foreach ($xml->hotsubject as $v) { $title = nforum_fix_gbk(urldecode($v->title)); try { $brd = Board::getInstance(urldecode($v->board)); $ret[] = array("text" => '[<a style="color:blue" href="' . Configure::read("site.prefix") . "/board/" . $brd->NAME . '">' . $brd->DESC . '</a>] <a title="' . $title . '" href="' . Configure::read("site.prefix") . '/article/' . $v->board . "/" . $v->groupid . '">' . $title . '</a>', "url" => ""); } catch (BoardNullException $e) { } } } } if (empty($ret)) { $ret[] = array("text" => ECode::msg(ECode::$SEC_NOHOT), "url" => ""); } $ret = array("s" => "w-list-line", "v" => $ret); return array(array("t" => "热门话题", "v" => $ret), array("t" => "版面列表", "v" => $arr)); } else { return $arr; } }
public function index() { if (!isset($this->params['name'])) { $this->error(); } $name = $this->params['name']; App::import('vendor', 'model/widget'); try { $widget = Widget::getInstance($name); } catch (WidgetNullException $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage()); } $wrapper = Wrapper::getInstance(); $data = $wrapper->widget($widget); $list = $widget->wGetList(); switch (array_shift(split('-', $name))) { case 'topten': case 'recommend': if (!is_array($list['v'])) { break; } App::import('vendor', array('model/board', 'model/threads')); $article = array(); foreach ($list['v'] as $v) { if (isset($v['url'])) { $ret = array(); preg_match("|^/article/(.*?)/(.*?)\$|", $v['url'], $ret); if (empty($ret[1]) || empty($ret[2])) { continue; } $board = rawurldecode($ret[1]); $id = (int) $ret[2]; if ($widget->wGetName() == 'topten') { $text = $v['text']; $text = preg_replace("|<[^>]*?>|", '', $text); if (preg_match("/\\((\\d+)\\)\$/", $text, $c)) { $c = $c[1]; } else { $c = 0; } } try { $t = $wrapper->article(Threads::getInstance($id, Board::getInstance($board)), array('threads' => true)); if ($widget->wGetName() == 'topten') { $t['id_count'] = $c; $t['title'] .= "({$c})"; } $article[] = $t; } catch (Exception $e) { continue; } } } $data['article'] = $article; break; case 'section': if (!is_array($list[0]['v']['v'])) { break; } App::import('vendor', array('model/board', 'model/threads')); $article = array(); foreach ($list[0]['v']['v'] as $v) { if (isset($v['text'])) { $ret = array(); preg_match("|/article/(.+?)/(\\d+)|", $v['text'], $ret); if (empty($ret[1]) || empty($ret[2])) { continue; } $board = rawurldecode($ret[1]); $id = (int) $ret[2]; try { $article[] = $wrapper->article(Threads::getInstance($id, Board::getInstance($board)), array('threads' => true)); } catch (Exception $e) { continue; } } } $data['article'] = $article; break; default: $this->error('no such widget'); } $this->set('data', $data); }
private function _attOpInit() { $this->cache(false); if (!isset($this->params['name'])) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_UNKNOW); } $name = $this->params['name']; $u = User::getInstance(); try { $brd = Board::getInstance($name); if (!$brd->hasPostPerm($u) || !$brd->isAttach()) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_NOPERM); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_UNKNOW); } $this->_board = $brd; $this->set("bName", $this->_board->NAME); }
public function send() { if (!Mail::canSend()) { $this->error(ECode::$MAIL_SENDERROR); } $u = User::getInstance(); $mail = false; if (isset($this->params['type']) && isset($this->params['num'])) { $type = $this->params['type']; $num = $this->params['num']; try { $mail = MAIL::getInstance($num, new MailBox($u, $type)); } catch (Exception $e) { } } if ($this->RequestHandler->isPost()) { $title = $content = ''; $sig = User::getInstance()->signature; if (isset($this->params['form']['title'])) { $title = trim($this->params['form']['title']); } if (isset($this->params['form']['content'])) { $content = $this->params['form']['content']; } $sig = 0; $bak = isset($this->params['form']['backup']) ? 1 : 0; $title = nforum_iconv($this->encoding, $this->appEncoding, $title); $content = nforum_iconv($this->encoding, $this->appEncoding, $content); try { if (false === $mail) { //send new if (!isset($this->params['form']['id'])) { $this->error(ECode::$POST_NOID); } $id = trim($this->params['form']['id']); Mail::send($id, $title, $content, $sig, $bak); $this->redirect($this->_mbase . "/mail?m=" . ECode::$MAIL_SENDOK); } else { //reply $mail->reply($title, $content, $sig, $bak); $this->redirect($this->_mbase . "/mail/{$type}?m=" . ECode::$MAIL_SENDOK); } } catch (MailSendException $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage()); } } $uid = $title = $content = ""; if (isset($this->params['type']) && isset($this->params['num'])) { $this->notice = "邮件-回复邮件"; if (false === $mail) { //reply article try { $b = Board::getInstance($type); if (!$b->hasReadPerm($u)) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_NOPERM); } $mail = Article::getInstance($num, $b); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error(ECode::$MAIL_NOMAIL); } } if (!strncmp($mail->TITLE, "Re: ", 4)) { $title = $mail->TITLE; } else { $title = "Re: " . $mail->TITLE; } $content = "\n" . $mail->getRef(); //remove ref ubb tag $content = XUBB::remove($content); $uid = $mail->OWNER; } else { $this->notice = "邮件-新邮件"; } $this->set("uid", $uid); $this->set("title", $title); $this->set("content", $content); $this->set("bak", $u->getCustom("mailbox_prop", 0)); }
private function _attOpInit() { $this->requestLogin(); $name = $this->params['name']; $u = User::getInstance(); try { $brd = Board::getInstance($name); if (!$brd->hasPostPerm($u) || !$brd->isAttach()) { $this->error(ECode::$ARTICLE_NOEDIT); } } catch (BoardNullException $e) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_NONE); } $this->_board = $brd; App::import("vendor", "model/forum"); }
/** * function search match with board name * * @param $name * @return array * @static * @access public */ public static function search($name) { $boards = array(); if (!bbs_searchboard(trim($name), 0, $boards)) { return array(); } $ret = array(); foreach ($boards as $v) { try { $ret[] = Board::getInstance($v['NAME']); } catch (BoardNullException $e) { } } return $ret; }
public function view() { $this->css[] = "xwidget.css"; $this->css['plugin']['vote'][] = "vote.css"; $this->js['plugin']['vote'][] = "vote.js"; $this->js[] = "forum.share.js"; $this->notice[] = array("url" => "", "text" => "查看投票"); $this->cache(false); if (!isset($this->params['vid'])) { $this->error("未知的投票"); } $vid = intval($this->params['vid']); try { $vote = new Vote($vid); } catch (VoteNullException $e) { $this->error("未知的投票"); } $u = User::getInstance(); if ($vote->isDeleted() && !$u->isAdmin()) { $this->error("此投票已删除"); } $myres = $vote->getResult($u->userid); $voted = false; if ($myres !== false) { $voted = true; $myres['time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $myres['time']); $this->set("myres", $myres); } App::import('Sanitize'); $info = array("vid" => $vote->vid, "title" => Sanitize::html($vote->subject), "desc" => nl2br(Sanitize::html($vote->desc)), "start" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $vote->start), "end" => date("Y-m-d", $vote->end), "num" => $vote->num, "type" => $vote->type, "limit" => $vote->limit, "aid" => $vote->aid, "isEnd" => $vote->isEnd(), "isDel" => $vote->isDeleted(), "voted" => $voted, "uid" => $vote->uid); $item = $vote->items; foreach ($item as $k => $v) { $item[$k]["label"] = Sanitize::html($v["label"]); $item[$k]["percent"] = $vote->total === 0 ? 0 : round(intval($v['num']) * 100 / $vote->total); $item[$k]["on"] = $myres !== false && in_array($v['viid'], $myres['items']); } $this->set("board", $this->_board); $this->set("admin", $u->userid === $vote->uid || $u->isAdmin()); $this->set("result_voted", $vote->result_voted); $this->set("no_result", !$vote->isEnd() && !$this->get('admin') && $vote->result_voted && !$voted); $this->set("vinfo", $info); $this->set("vitems", $item); try { $u = User::getInstance($vote->uid); $furl = $u->getFace(); } catch (UserNullException $e) { $furl = false; } $this->set("furl", Sanitize::html($furl)); $this->set("fwidth", $u->userface_width === 0 ? "" : $u->userface_width); $this->set("fheight", $u->userface_height === 0 ? "" : $u->userface_height); App::import('vendor', array('model/board', 'model/threads', 'inc/ubb')); try { $threads = Threads::getInstance($vote->aid, Board::getInstance($this->_board)); $s = $threads->getTotalNum() - $this->_commentNum + 1; $articles = $threads->getRecord($s > 1 ? $s : 1, $this->_commentNum); $info = array(); foreach ($articles as $v) { if ($v->OWNER === 'deliver') { continue; } $tmp = array(); try { $own = User::getInstance($v->OWNER); $tmp['uid'] = $own->userid; $tmp['furl'] = Sanitize::html($own->getFace()); } catch (UserNullException $e) { $tmp['uid'] = $v->OWNER; $tmp['furl'] = false; } $tmp['time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $v->POSTTIME); $content = $v->getPlant(); $content = preg_replace("|<br/>【 在 deliver[\\s\\S]+<br/>: \\.{5,}<br/>|", '', $content); $content = preg_replace("/ /", " ", $content); $content = preg_replace("/ /", " ", $content); $content = preg_replace("|※ 修改:·([\\S]+) .*?FROM:[\\s]*([0-9a-zA-Z.:*]+)|", '', $content); $content = preg_replace("|※ 来源:.*FROM:[\\s]*([0-9a-zA-Z.:*]+)|", '', $content); $s = ($pos = strpos($content, "<br/><br/>")) === false ? 0 : $pos + 10; $e = ($pos = strpos($content, "<br/>--<br/>")) === false ? strlen($content) : $pos + 7; $content = preg_replace(array("'^(<br/>)+'", "|(<br/>)+--\$|"), array("", ""), substr($content, $s, $e - $s)); if (Configure::read("ubb.parse")) { $content = XUBB::parse($content); } $tmp['content'] = $content; $info[] = $tmp; } if (!strncmp($threads->TITLE, "Re: ", 4)) { $this->set("title", $threads->TITLE); } else { $this->set("title", 'Re: ' . $threads->TITLE); } $this->set("ajax_title", urlencode('投票:' . $threads->TITLE)); $this->set("reid", $threads->ID); $this->set("more", $threads->getTotalNum() > $this->_commentNum + 1); $this->set("comments", $info); } catch (ThreadsNullException $e) { $this->set("comments", false); } }
public function reply() { $mail = $this->_sendInit(); $this->js[] = ""; $this->css[] = "post.css"; $this->notice[] = array("url" => "/mail/send", "text" => "回复邮件"); $u = User::getInstance(); if (false === $mail) { //reply article if (!isset($this->params['type'])) { $this->error(ECode::$MAIL_NOBOX); } if (!isset($this->params['num'])) { $this->error(ECode::$MAIL_NOMAIL); } $type = $this->params['type']; $num = $this->params['num']; try { $b = Board::getInstance($type); if (!$b->hasReadPerm($u)) { $this->error(ECode::$BOARD_NOPERM); } $mail = Article::getInstance($num, $b); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error(ECode::$MAIL_NOMAIL); } } if (!strncmp($mail->TITLE, "Re: ", 4)) { $title = $mail->TITLE; } else { $title = "Re: " . $mail->TITLE; } $content = "\n" . $mail->getRef(); //remove ref ubb tag $content = XUBB::remove($content); $this->set("rid", $mail->OWNER); $sigOption = array(); foreach (range(0, $u->signum) as $v) { if ($v == 0) { $sigOption["{$v}"] = "不使用签名档"; } else { $sigOption["{$v}"] = "使用第{$v}个"; } } $sigOption["-1"] = "使用随机签名档"; App::import('Sanitize'); $title = Sanitize::html($title); $content = Sanitize::html($content); $this->set("title", $title); $this->set("content", $content); $this->set("sigOption", $sigOption); $this->set("sigNow", $u->signature); $this->set("bak", $u->getCustom("mailbox_prop", 0)); $this->render('send'); }
public function classic() { $map = array("recommend" => array("commend.xml", "近期热点活动", "/board/recommend"), "bless" => array("bless.xml", "十大祝福", "/board/Blessing")); if (!isset($this->params['file'])) { $this->_stop(); } $key = strtolower(trim($this->params['file'])); if (!array_key_exists($key, $map)) { $this->_stop(); } $file = BBS_HOME . "/xml/" . $map[$key][0]; if (!file_exists($file)) { $this->_stop(); } $mTime = @filemtime($file); $this->cache(true, $mTime); $this->header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=" . $this->encoding); $this->header("Content-Disposition: inline;filename={$key}.xml"); $this->_cache_read($key, $mTime); $channel = $items = array(); $channel['title'] = $map[$key][1]; $channel['description'] = $this->_siteName . $map[$key][1]; $channel['link'] = $this->_domain . $this->base . $map[$key][2]; $channel['language'] = "zh-cn"; $channel['generator'] = "nForum RSS Generator By xw"; if ($mTime > 0) { $channel['lastBuildDate'] = $mTime; } $ret = array(); $xml = simplexml_load_file($file); if ($xml == false) { return $ret; } foreach ($xml->hotsubject as $v) { $board = $v->o_board == "" ? $v->board : $v->o_board; $id = $v->o_groupid == 0 ? $v->groupid : $v->o_groupid; $link = $this->_domain . $this->base . '/article/' . $board . '/' . $id; $item = array("title" => nforum_fix_gbk(urldecode($v->title)), "link" => $link, "author" => $v->owner, "pubDate" => intval($v->time), "guid" => $link, "comments" => $link); try { $article = Article::getInstance(intval($v->groupid), Board::getInstance($v->board)); $item['description'] = "<![CDATA[" . XUBB::parse($article->getHtml()) . "]]>"; } catch (Exception $e) { } $items[] = $item; } $rss = new Rss($channel, $items); $out = $rss->getRss(); $this->_cache_write($key, $mTime, $out); echo $out; $this->_stop(); }