function join($params)
        $meetingName = JRequest::getVar('meetingName');
        $name = JRequest::getVar('display_name');
        $pwd = JRequest::getVar('pwd');
        $query = "SELECT * FROM #__bbb WHERE meetingName ='" . $meetingName . "'";
        $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
        $meeting = $db->loadObject();
        if (!$meeting || $meeting == null) {
            $msg['message'] = "This meeting no longer exists.";
            return $msg;
        if ($meeting->moderatorPW != $pwd && $meeting->attendeePW != $pwd) {
            $msg['message'] = "Incorrect Password.";
            return $msg;
        // This is the security salt that must match the value set in the BigBlueButton server
        // This is the URL for the BigBlueButton server
        $query = "SELECT * FROM #__bbb_settings WHERE name = 'salt'";
        $salt = $db->loadObject();
        $query = "SELECT * FROM #__bbb_settings WHERE name = 'url'";
        $url = $db->loadObject();
        if (!$salt || $salt->varValue == '' || !$url || $url->varValue == '') {
            $msg['message'] = "You have to fill out the salt and url in the settings menu before you can join a meeting.";
            return $msg;
        for (;;) {
            $response = BigBlueButton::createMeetingArray($name, $meeting->meetingName . "[" . $meeting->meetingVersion . "]", 'Welcome to ' . $meeting->meetingName . '.', $meeting->moderatorPW, $meeting->attendeePW, $salt->varValue, $url->varValue, JURI::base());
            //Analyzes the bigbluebutton server's response
            if (!$response) {
                //If the server is unreachable, then prompts the user of the necessary action
                $msg['message'] = "Unable to join the meeting. Please check the url of the bigbluebutton server AND check to see if the bigbluebutton server is running.";
                return $msg;
            } else {
                if ($response['returncode'] == 'FAILED' && $response['messageKey'] != 'idNotUnique') {
                    //The meeting was not created
                    if ($response['messageKey'] == 'checksumError') {
                        $msg['message'] = "A checksum error occured. Make sure you entered the correct salt.";
                    } else {
                        $msg['message'] = $response['message'];
                    return $msg;
                } else {
                    if ($response['messageKey'] == 'idNotUnique' || $response['hasBeenForciblyEnded'] == 'true') {
                        $meeting->meetingVersion = time();
                        $db->updateObject('#__bbb', $meeting, 'id', false);
                        if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                            $msg['message'] = $db->getErrorMsg();
                            return $msg;
                    } else {
                        //The meeting was created, and the user will now be joined
                        $bbb_joinURL = BigBlueButton::joinURL($meeting->meetingName . "[" . $meeting->meetingVersion . "]", $name, $pwd, $salt->varValue, $url->varValue);
                        if ($meeting->waitForModerator == 'yes' && $meeting->moderatorPW != $pwd && !BigBlueButton::isMeetingRunning($meeting->meetingName . "[" . $meeting->meetingVersion . "]", $url->varValue, $salt->varValue)) {
                            $msg['message'] = "redirect";
                            $msg['bbb_joinURL'] = $bbb_joinURL;
                            $msg['name'] = $name;
                            //$msg['meetingID'] = urlencode($meeting->meetingName."[".$meeting->meetingVersion."]");
                            $msg['meetingID'] = BigBlueButton::isMeetingRunningURL($meeting->meetingName . "[" . $meeting->meetingVersion . "]", $url->varValue, $salt->varValue);
                            return $msg;
<script type="text/javascript"> window.location = "<?php 
                        echo $bbb_joinURL;
    $joinURL = BigBlueButton::joinURL($bigbluebutton->meetingid, $username, $modPW, $salt, $url, $userID);
} else {
    // Login as a viewer, check if we need to wait
    // "Viewer";
    if ($bigbluebutton->wait) {
        // check if the session is running; if not, user is not allowed to join
        // print "MeeingID: #".$bigbluebutton->meetingid."#<br>";
        $arr = BigBlueButton::getMeetingInfoArray($bigbluebutton->meetingid, $modPW, $url, $salt);
        $joinURL = BigBlueButton::joinURL($bigbluebutton->meetingid, $username, $viewerPW, $salt, $url, $userID);
        // print_object( $arr );
        // print "Is Meeting runnign: #".BigBlueButton::isMeetingRunning( $bigbluebutton->meetingid,  $url, $salt )."#<br>";
        // print "BBB";
        if (BigBlueButton::isMeetingRunning($bigbluebutton->meetingid, $url, $salt) == "true") {
            // since the meeting is already running, we just join the session
            print "<br />" . get_string('view_login_viewer', 'bigbluebutton') . "<br /><br />";
            print "<center><img src='loading.gif' /></center>";
        } else {
            print "<br />" . get_string('view_wait', 'bigbluebutton') . "<br /><br />";
            print '<center><img src="polling.gif"></center>';
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="heartbeat.js"></script>
<!-- script type="text/javascript" src="md5.js"></script -->
function bigbluebutton_sidebar($args)
    echo $before_widget;
    echo $before_title;
    echo $after_title;
    global $wpdb, $url_name, $salt_name, $meetingID_name, $meetingVersion_name, $attendeePW_name, $moderatorPW_name;
    //Read in existing option value from database
    $url_val = get_option($url_name);
    $salt_val = get_option($salt_name);
    //Gets all the meetings from wordpress database
    $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "bbb_meetingRooms";
    $listOfMeetings = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT meetingID, meetingVersion, moderatorPW FROM " . $table_name . " ORDER BY meetingID");
    $dataSubmitted = false;
    $validMeeting = false;
    $meetingExist = false;
    if (isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['Submit'] == 'Join') {
        //The user has submitted his login information
        $dataSubmitted = true;
        $meetingExist = true;
        //Read posted values
        $name = $_POST['display_name'];
        $password = $_POST['pwd'];
        $meetingID = $_POST[$meetingID_name];
        $found = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . $table_name . " WHERE meetingID = '" . $meetingID . "'");
        if ($found->meetingID == $meetingID && ($found->moderatorPW == $password || $found->attendeePW == $password)) {
            //Calls create meeting on the bigbluebutton server
            $response = BigBlueButton::createMeetingArray($name, $meetingID . "[" . $found->meetingVersion . "]", "", $found->moderatorPW, $found->attendeePW, $salt_val, $url_val, get_option('siteurl'));
            //Analyzes the bigbluebutton server's response
            if (!$response || $response['returncode'] == 'FAILED') {
                //If the server is unreachable, or an error occured
                echo "Sorry an error occured while joining the meeting.";
                echo $after_widget;
            } else {
                //The user can join the meeting, as it is valid
                $bbb_joinURL = BigBlueButton::joinURL($found->meetingID . "[" . $found->meetingVersion . "]", $name, $password, $salt_val, $url_val);
                //If the meeting is already running or the moderator is trying to join or a viewer is trying to join and the
                //do not wait for moderator option is set to false then the user is immediately redirected to the meeting
                if (BigBlueButton::isMeetingRunning($found->meetingID . "[" . $found->meetingVersion . "]", $url_val, $salt_val) && ($found->moderatorPW == $password || $found->attendeePW == $password) || $response['moderatorPW'] == $password || $response['attendeePW'] == $password && !$found->waitForModerator) {
                    //If the password submitted is correct then the user gets redirected
<script type="text/javascript"> window.location = "<?php 
                    echo $bbb_joinURL;
                } else {
                    if ($found->attendeePW == $password) {
                        //Stores the url and salt of the bigblubutton server in the session
                        $_SESSION[$url_name] = $url_val;
                        $_SESSION[$salt_name] = $salt_val;
                        //Displays the javascript to automatically redirect the user when the meeting begins
                        bbb_display_redirect_script($bbb_joinURL, $found->meetingID, $found->meetingID . "[" . $found->meetingVersion . "]", $name);
                        echo $after_widget;
    //Displays the meetings in the wordpress database.
    foreach ($listOfMeetings as $meeting) {
        $validMeeting = true;
    //If a valid meeting was found the login form is displayed
    if ($validMeeting) {
        //Alerts the user if the password they entered does not match
        //the meeting's password
        if ($dataSubmitted && !$meetingExist) {
            echo "***" . $meetingID . " no longer exists.***";
        } else {
            if ($dataSubmitted) {
                echo "***Incorrect Password***";
			<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
							<select name="<?php 
        echo $meetingID_name;
        foreach ($listOfMeetings as $meeting) {
            echo "<option>" . $meeting->meetingID . "</option>";
						<td><INPUT type="text" id="name" name="display_name" size="10"></td>
						<td><INPUT type="password" name="pwd" size="10"></td>
				<INPUT type="submit" name="Submit" value="Join">
    } else {
        if ($dataSubmitted) {
            //Alerts the user if the password they entered does not match
            //the meeting's password
            echo "***" . $meetingID . " no longer exists.***<br />";
            echo "No meeting rooms are currently available to join.";
        } else {
            echo "No meeting rooms are currently available to join.";
    echo $after_widget;
" width="100%" height="100%" style="position: absolute: bottom: 0px; border: 0px;overflow:hidden;"></iframe>
} else {
    // Login as a viewer, check if we need to wait
    // "Viewer";
    if ($livewebteaching->wait) {
        // check if the session is running; if not, user is not allowed to join
        // print "MeeingID: #".$livewebteaching->meetingid."#<br>";
        $arr = BigBlueButton::getMeetingInfoArray($livewebteaching->meetingid, $modPW, $url, $salt);
        $joinURL = BigBlueButton::joinURL($livewebteaching->meetingid, $username, $viewerPW, $salt, $url, $userID);
        // print_object( $arr );
        // print "Is Meeting runnign: #".BigBlueButton::isMeetingRunning( $livewebteaching->meetingid,  $url, $salt )."#<br>";
        // print "BBB";
        if (BigBlueButton::isMeetingRunning($livewebteaching->meetingid, $url, $salt) == "true") {
            // since the meeting is already running, we just join the session
            //print "<br />".get_string('view_login_viewer', 'livewebteaching' )."<br /><br />";
            //print "<center><img src='loading.gif' /></center>";
        <iframe src ="<?php 
            echo $joinURL;
" width="100%" height="100%" style="position: absolute: bottom: 0px; border: 0px;overflow:hidden;"></iframe>
        } else {
            print '<div style="position: absolute; left: 20px; top: 100px; -moz-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; border-radius:10px; border: solid 1px #ccc; background: #fff; color: #000; padding: 20px; text-align: center;">';
            print '<br />' . get_string('view_wait', 'livewebteaching') . '<br /><br />';
            print '<img src="polling.gif">';
Example #5
    case 'invite':
         * We have an invite to an active meeting. Ask the person for their name so they can join.
        if (trim($_REQUEST['meetingID'])) {
            $step = 3;
    case 'enter':
         * The user is now attempting to join the meeting
        if (trim($_REQUEST['username']) && trim($_REQUEST['meetingID'])) {
            $bbb_joinURL = BigBlueButton::joinURL($_REQUEST['meetingID'], $_REQUEST['username'], "ap", $salt, $url);
            //$joinURL = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'?action=join&username='******'username']).'&meetingToken='.urlencode($_REQUEST['meetingToken']);
            if (BigBlueButton::isMeetingRunning($_REQUEST['meetingID'], $url, $salt)) {
			<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                echo $bbb_joinURL;
            } else {
                 * The meeting has not yet started, so check until we get back the status that the meeting is running
                $step = 4;
                $checkMeetingStatus = BigBlueButton::getMeetingInfoURL($_REQUEST['meetingID'], 'mp', $url, $salt);