protected function getlink($id = null, $username = null, $password = null)
     $joinParams = array('meetingId' => $id, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'logoutUrl' => JUri::base());
     $bbb = new BigBlueButton($this->salt, $this->url);
     $itsAllGood = true;
     try {
         $result = $bbb->getJoinMeetingURL($joinParams);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
         $itsAllGood = false;
     if ($itsAllGood == true) {
         return $result;
Example #2

require "config_db.php";
require_once 'bbb-api-php/includes/bbb-api.php';
if (!isset($_SESSION["user_name"])) {
    header('Location: ' . $url_login);
$conn = ConnectDB();
$sql = "select personal_fname_tha, personal_lname_tha from view_user_ad where user_name = '" . $_SESSION["user_name"] . "'";
$res = mssql_query($sql);
$user = mssql_fetch_array($res, MSSQL_ASSOC);
$bbb = new BigBlueButton();
$joinParams = array('meetingId' => $_GET["room_id"], 'username' => iconv('ISO-8859-11', 'UTF-8', $user["personal_fname_tha"] . " " . $user["personal_lname_tha"]), 'password' => 'mp', 'createTime' => '', 'userId' => '', 'webVoiceConf' => '');
// Get the URL to join meeting:
$itsAllGood = true;
try {
    $result = $bbb->getJoinMeetingURL($joinParams);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
    $itsAllGood = false;
if ($itsAllGood == true) {
    header('Location: ' . $result);
Example #3
function joinAsModerator($meetingId, $userName)
    // Instatiate the BBB class:
    $bbb = new BigBlueButton();
    /* ___________ JOIN MEETING w/ OPTIONS ______ */
    /* Determine the meeting to join via meetingId and join it.
    $joinParams = array('meetingId' => $meetingId, 'username' => $userName, 'password' => 'mp', 'createTime' => '', 'userId' => '', 'webVoiceConf' => '');
    // Get the URL to join meeting:
    $itsAllGood = true;
    try {
        $result = $bbb->getJoinMeetingURL($joinParams);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
        $itsAllGood = false;
    if ($itsAllGood == true) {
        //Output results to see what we're getting:
        echo $result;
Example #4
$id_client = $modx->getOption('id_client', $scriptProperties, null, true);
$user_type = $modx->getOption('user_type', $scriptProperties, 'attendee', true);
$id_waitpage = $modx->getOption('id_waitpage', $scriptProperties, null, false);
require_once $include_path . 'bbb-api.php';
//Подключаем api BigBlueButton
$bbb_server = new BigBlueButton();
if ($meeting = $modx->getObject('Meetings', array('id_meeting' => $id_meeting))) {
    $client = $modx->getObject('Clients', array('id_client' => $id_client));
    $joinParams = array('meetingId' => $meeting->get('id_meeting'), 'username' => $client->get('firstname') . ' ' . $client->get('lastname'), 'createTime' => '', 'userId' => $id_client, 'webVoiceConf' => '');
    if ($user_type == 'moderator') {
        $joinParams['password'] = $meeting->get('moderatorPw');
    } else {
        $joinParams['password'] = $meeting->get('attendeePw');
    $itsAllGood = true;
    try {
        $logonUrl = $bbb_server->getJoinMeetingURL($joinParams);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $logonUrl = '';
        $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $e->getMessage(), '', 'getJoinMeetingUrl', __FILE__, __LINE__);
        $itsAllGood = false;
    if ($itsAllGood == true) {
        $meeting_params = array('id_client' => $id_client, 'id_meeting' => $id_meeting, 'logonUrl' => $logonUrl);
        if (isset($id_waitpage)) {
            return $modx->getOption('site_url') . $modx->makeUrl($id_waitpage, '', $meeting_params);
        } else {
            return $logonUrl;
Example #5
 * @brief create join as simple user link
 * @param type $meeting_id
 * @param type $att_pw
 * @param type $surname
 * @param type $name
 * @return type
function bbb_join_user($meeting_id, $att_pw, $surname, $name) {

    $res = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT running_at FROM bbb_session WHERE meeting_id = ?s",$meeting_id);
    if ($res) {
        $running_server = $res->running_at;

    $res = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT * FROM bbb_servers WHERE id = ?d", $running_server);

    $salt = $res->server_key;
    $bbb_url = $res->api_url;

    // Instatiate the BBB class:
    $bbb = new BigBlueButton($salt,$bbb_url);

    $joinParams = array(
        'meetingId' => $meeting_id, // REQUIRED - We have to know which meeting to join.
        'username' => $surname . " " . $name,   // REQUIRED - The user display name that will show in the BBB meeting.
        'password' => $att_pw,  // REQUIRED - Must match either attendee or moderator pass for meeting.
        'createTime' => '', // OPTIONAL - string
        'userId' => '', // OPTIONAL - string
        'webVoiceConf' => ''    // OPTIONAL - string
    // Get the URL to join meeting:
    $result = $bbb->getJoinMeetingURL($joinParams);

    return $result;
Example #6
 * @brief create join as simple user link
 * @param type $meeting_id
 * @param type $att_pw
 * @param type $surname
 * @param type $name
 * @return type
function bbb_join_user($meeting_id, $att_pw, $surname, $name)
    $res = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT running_at FROM bbb_session WHERE meeting_id = ?s", $meeting_id);
    if ($res) {
        $running_server = $res->running_at;
    $res = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT * FROM bbb_servers WHERE id = ?d", $running_server);
    $salt = $res->server_key;
    $bbb_url = $res->api_url;
    // Instatiate the BBB class:
    $bbb = new BigBlueButton($salt, $bbb_url);
    $joinParams = array('meetingId' => $meeting_id, 'username' => $surname . " " . $name, 'password' => $att_pw, 'createTime' => '', 'userId' => '', 'webVoiceConf' => '');
    // Get the URL to join meeting:
    $result = $bbb->getJoinMeetingURL($joinParams);
    return $result;