public function categoryAction() { $modelTransaction = new Application_Model_Transaction(); $modelCategory = new Application_Model_Category(); $this->view->categories = $modelCategory->getAll(); if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $category = $this->getRequest()->getPost('category', null); $this->view->category = $category; $this->view->sumCategory = $modelTransaction->getForGraphByCategory($category, date("Y")); $budgetCategory = $modelTransaction->getBudgetForGraphByCategory($category, date("Y")); $budgetCategoryFormated = array_fill(1, 12, 0); foreach ($budgetCategory as $category) { $budgetCategoryFormated[$category->month] = $category->maximum; } $this->view->budgetCategory = $budgetCategoryFormated; $this->view->months = array(1 => 'Janvier', 2 => 'Février', 3 => 'Mars', 4 => 'Avril', 5 => 'Mai', 6 => 'Juin', 7 => 'Juillet', 8 => 'Août', 9 => 'Septembre', 10 => 'Octobre', 11 => 'Novembre', 12 => 'Décembre'); } }
public function testPopulateTransactionData() { $transaction = new Application_Model_Transaction(); $file_handle = fopen(APPLICATION_PATH . '/data/EXAMPLE.csv', "r"); $field_names = fgetcsv($file_handle); //header row $entry = fgetcsv($file_handle); //first row fclose($file_handle); $feed_data = array_combine($field_names, $entry); $feed_data['depository'] = 'DTCC'; $transaction->populateFromDescriptionData($feed_data); $this->assertSame($transaction->getAction(), 'NEW', 'transaction not set correctly'); $trade_data = $transaction->getTradeData(); $this->assertSame($trade_data['trade_id'], 1311449, 'trade data not set correctly'); $this->assertSame($trade_data['inst_type'], 'IRSwap', 'categories not parsed correctly'); $this->assertSame($trade_data['not_amount_1'], 250.0, 'size not calculated correctly'); $this->assertSame($trade_data['term'], 10.0, 'term not calculated correctly'); }
public function orderAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $user_id = $request->getParam('user_id'); if (empty($user_id)) { throw new Exception("empty user id"); } if ($request->isPost()) { $payment_id = uniqid(); $data = array('payment_number' => $payment_id, 'user_id' => $user_id); $trans_model = new Application_Model_Transaction(); $trans_model->insert($data); $song_ids = $request->getParam('ids'); $song_array = split("\n", $song_ids); $db = Zend_Registry::get("db"); foreach ($song_array as $song_id) { $sql = "INSERT INTO `order` (payment_number, user_id, song_id) VALUES ('{$payment_id}', '{$user_id}','{$song_id}');"; $db->query($sql); } $_SESSION['success'] = true; $_SESSION['message'] = "New Playlist was added to DB successfully."; } $this->view->user_id = $user_id; }
/** * saves the data from a transaction instance to the database * when appropriate conditions are met * * @param Application_Model_Transaction $transaction * * @access protected */ protected function _updateDatabase(Application_Model_Transaction $transaction) { $trade_data = $transaction->getTradeData(); switch ($transaction->getAction()) { case 'NEW': $this->_saveIfTrade($trade_data); break; case 'CANCEL': $this->_getTradeMapper()->delete($trade_data['trade_id']); break; case 'CORRECT': $this->_getTradeMapper()->delete($trade_data['trade_id']); $this->_saveIfTrade($trade_data); break; default: break; } }
public function categoryAction() { $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Zend_auth'); $user = $session->user; $modelCategory = new Application_Model_Category(); $this->view->categories = $modelCategory->getAll(); $modelTransaction = new Application_Model_Transaction(); $category = $this->getRequest()->getPost('category', null); if ($category != null) { $transactions = $modelTransaction->getByCategory($category, $user); $this->view->transactions = $transactions; $this->view->category = $category; } }