function zbs_ShowUserPayments($login) { $usConfig = zbs_LoadConfig(); if ($usConfig['PAYMENTS_ENABLED']) { $allpayments = zbs_CashGetUserPayments($login); $cells = la_TableCell(__('Date')); $cells .= la_TableCell(__('Payment')); $cells .= la_TableCell(__('Balance')); $rows = la_TableRow($cells, 'row1'); if (!empty($allpayments)) { foreach ($allpayments as $io => $eachpayment) { if ($usConfig['PAYMENTSTIMEHIDE']) { $timestamp = strtotime($eachpayment['date']); $cleanDate = date("Y-m-d", $timestamp); $dateCells = $cleanDate; } else { $dateCells = $eachpayment['date']; } $cells = la_TableCell($dateCells); $cells .= la_TableCell($eachpayment['summ']); $cells .= la_TableCell($eachpayment['balance']); $rows .= la_TableRow($cells, 'row2'); } } $result = la_TableBody($rows, '100%', 0); show_window(__('Last payments'), $result); } else { $result = __('This module is disabled'); show_window(__('Sorry'), $result); } }
/** * Returns XML-agent user data * * @param string $login */ function zbs_UserShowXmlAgentData($login) { $us_config = zbs_LoadConfig(); if (isset($_GET['payments'])) { if ($us_config['PAYMENTS_ENABLED']) { $allpayments = zbs_CashGetUserPayments($login); $payments = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <data>' . "\n"; if (!empty($allpayments)) { foreach ($allpayments as $io => $eachpayment) { $payments .= '<payment>' . "\n"; $payments .= "\t" . '<date>' . $eachpayment['date'] . '</date>' . "\n"; $payments .= "\t" . '<summ>' . $eachpayment['summ'] . '</summ>' . "\n"; $payments .= "\t" . '<balance>' . $eachpayment['balance'] . '</balance>' . "\n"; $payments .= '</payment>' . "\n"; } } $payments .= '</data>' . "\n"; } else { $payments = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . "\n" . '<data>' . "\n" . '</data>' . "\n"; } header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('r')); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Pragma: no-cache"); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); die($payments); } if (isset($_GET['announcements'])) { if ($us_config['AN_ENABLED']) { $announcements_query = "SELECT * from `zbsannouncements` WHERE `public`='1' ORDER by `id` DESC"; $allAnnouncements = simple_queryall($announcements_query); $announcements = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <data>' . "\n"; if (!empty($allAnnouncements)) { foreach ($allAnnouncements as $ian => $eachAnnouncement) { $annText = strip_tags($eachAnnouncement['text']); $allTitle = strip_tags($eachAnnouncement['title']); $announcements .= '<message unic="' . $eachAnnouncement['id'] . '" title="' . $allTitle . '">' . $annText . '</message>' . "\n"; } } $announcements .= '</data>' . "\n"; } else { $announcements = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . "\n" . '<data>' . "\n" . '</data>' . "\n"; } header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('r')); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Pragma: no-cache"); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); die($announcements); } $us_currency = $us_config['currency']; $userdata = zbs_UserGetStargazerData($login); $alladdress = zbs_AddressGetFulladdresslist(); $allrealnames = zbs_UserGetAllRealnames(); $contract = zbs_UserGetContract($login); $email = zbs_UserGetEmail($login); $mobile = zbs_UserGetMobile($login); $phone = zbs_UserGetPhone($login); $apiVer = '1'; $passive = $userdata['Passive']; $down = $userdata['Down']; //payment id handling if ($us_config['OPENPAYZ_REALID']) { $paymentid = zbs_PaymentIDGet($login); } else { $paymentid = ip2int($userdata['IP']); } if ($userdata['CreditExpire'] != 0) { $credexpire = date("d-m-Y", $userdata['CreditExpire']); } else { $credexpire = 'No'; } if ($userdata['TariffChange']) { $tariffNm = $userdata['TariffChange']; } else { $tariffNm = 'No'; } $traffdown = 0; $traffup = 0; $traffdgb = 0; $traffugb = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++) { $traffdown = $traffdown + $userdata['D' . $i]; $traffup = $traffup + $userdata['U' . $i]; } $traffdgb = round($traffdown / 1073741824); $traffugb = round($traffup / 1073741824); if ($traffdgb == 0) { $traffdgb = 1; } if ($traffugb == 0) { $traffugb = 1; } // pasive state check if ($passive) { $passive_state = 'frozen'; } else { $passive_state = 'active'; } //down state check if ($down) { $down_state = ' + disabled'; } else { $down_state = ''; } // START OF ONLINELEFT COUNTING << if ($us_config['ONLINELEFT_COUNT'] != 0) { // DEFINE VARS: $userBalance = $userdata['Cash']; if ($userBalance >= 0) { $balanceExpire = zbs_GetOnlineLeftCount($login, $userBalance, $userdata['Tariff'], true); } else { $balanceExpire = 'debt'; } } else { $balanceExpire = 'No'; } // >> END OF ONLINELEFT COUNTING $result = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <userdata>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<address>' . @$alladdress[$login] . '</address>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<realname>' . @$allrealnames[$login] . '</realname>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<login>' . $login . '</login>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<cash>' . @round($userdata['Cash'], 2) . '</cash>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<ip>' . @$userdata['IP'] . '</ip>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<phone>' . $phone . '</phone>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<mobile>' . $mobile . '</mobile>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<email>' . $email . '</email>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<credit>' . @$userdata['Credit'] . '</credit>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<creditexpire>' . $credexpire . '</creditexpire>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<payid>' . $paymentid . '</payid>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<contract>' . $contract . '</contract>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<tariff>' . $userdata['Tariff'] . '</tariff>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<tariffnm>' . $tariffNm . '</tariffnm>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<traffdownload>' . zbs_convert_size($traffdown) . '</traffdownload>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<traffupload>' . zbs_convert_size($traffup) . '</traffupload>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<trafftotal>' . zbs_convert_size($traffdown + $traffup) . '</trafftotal>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<accountstate>' . $passive_state . $down_state . '</accountstate>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<accountexpire>' . $balanceExpire . '</accountexpire>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<currency>' . $us_currency . '</currency>' . "\n"; $result .= "\t" . '<version>' . $apiVer . '</version>' . "\n"; $result .= '</userdata>' . "\n"; header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('r')); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Pragma: no-cache"); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); die($result); }