<?php /***** * Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; $fileops = new GrlxFileOps(); $link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $view = new GrlxView(); $message = new GrlxAlert(); $list = new GrlxList(); $list->draggable(false); $image_obj = new GrlxImage(); // Default value $page_title = 'Ad editor'; $var_list = array('title', 'ad_id', 'tap_url', 'small_image_url', 'medium_image_url', 'large_image_url', 'msg'); if ($var_list) { foreach ($var_list as $key => $val) { ${$val} = register_variable($val); } } $code = $_POST['code']; // No ad selected? Send ’em back to the list. if (!$ad_id || !is_numeric($ad_id)) { header('location:ad.list.php'); } // Folder in which we keep ad images. $image_path = $milieu_list['directory']['value'] . '/assets/images/ads'; // List of status levels. /* $priority_list = array(
<?php /***** * ! Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; $fileops = new GrlxFileOps(); $message = new GrlxAlert(); $image = new GrlxImage(); $link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $edit_link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $delete_link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $view = new GrlxView(); $list = new GrlxList(); $list->draggable(false); $view->yah = 10; // Default value $page_title = 'Ad browser'; // URL to PW’s XML feed. ID not included at this point. $wonderful_file_path = 'http://projectwonderful.com/xmlpublisherdata.php?publisher='; // Folder in which we store ad pics. $image_path = $milieu_list['directory']['value'] . '/assets/images/ads'; // Get and sanitize every variable sent by _get, _post and _session. $var_list = array('ad_id', 'delete_ad_id', 'current_group', 'wonderful_id'); if ($var_list) { foreach ($var_list as $key => $val) { ${$val} = register_variable($val); } } // Does the ad image repository exist? If not, try to make it. $alert_output = $fileops->check_or_make_dir('..' . $image_path);
function image_weight_test($root_folder, $root_list, $image_status_list) { $link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $fileops = new GrlxFileOps(); $allowed_extension = array('gif', 'png', 'jpg', 'svg'); $overall_status = 0; if ($root_list) { foreach ($root_list as $key => $val) { $folder_list[$root_folder . '/' . $val] = $fileops->get_dir_list($root_folder . '/' . $val); } } if ($folder_list) { foreach ($folder_list as $folder => $set) { if ($set) { foreach ($set as $filename) { $ext = substr($filename, -3, 3); if (in_array($ext, $allowed_extension)) { $image_info = getimagesize($folder . '/' . $filename); $image_bytes = filesize($folder . '/' . $filename); $result = figure_pixel_weight($image_info[0], $image_info[1], $image_bytes); $short = round($result, 3); $status = interpret_image_weight($result); if ($status > $overall_status) { $overall_status = $status; } $pad = $result * 1000; $status = $image_status_list[$status]; if (strlen($filename) > 20) { $abbr = substr($filename, 0, 15) . '…'; } else { $abbr = $filename; } $image_bytes = number_format($image_bytes); $link->url = "{$folder}/{$filename}"; $link->tap = $abbr; $this_link = $link->paint(); $output .= <<<EOL <p> \t<span style="background:{$status['0']};padding-right:{$pad}px;"> </span><br/><strong>{$short} bytes / pixel</strong> <small>({$image_bytes} b / {$image_info['0']} × {$image_info['1']} px)</small> {$this_link} </p> EOL; } } } } } return array($output, $overall_status); }
} function importFolders() { if (is_array($this->fileList)) { foreach ($this->fileList as $item) { } } } } $bimport = new bulkImport(); /***** * Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; $view = new GrlxView(); $fileops = new GrlxFileOps(); $message = new GrlxAlert(); $book = new GrlxComicBook(1); $comic_image = new GrlxComicImage(); $marker = new GrlxMarker(); $link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $link1 = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $list = new GrlxList(); // Yeeeeah, really should make this a constant. $import_path = '../import'; if ($book) { $book->getPages(); } if ($book->pageList) { $last_page = end($book->pageList); $last_page = $last_page['sort_order'];
<?php // ! Setup require_once 'panl.init.php'; require_once 'lib/htmLawed.php'; $link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $view = new GrlxView(); $message = new GrlxAlert(); $fileops = new GrlxFileOps(); $comic_image = new GrlxComicImage(); $sl = new GrlxSelectList(); $view->yah = 1; $var_list = array('page_id', 'new_page_name', 'blog_headline', 'book_id', 'beginning_end', 'into_marker_id'); if ($var_list) { foreach ($var_list as $key => $val) { ${$val} = register_variable($val); } } if (!$book_id) { $book = new GrlxComicBook(); $book_id = $book->bookID; } else { $book = new GrlxComicBook($book_id); } $book->getMarkers(); // register_variable strips needed whitespace from text blocks $transcript = $_POST['transcript']; $transcript ? $transcript : ($transcript = $_GET['transcript']); $transcript ? $transcript : ($transcript = $_SESSION['transcript']); $blog_post = $_POST['blog_post']; $blog_post ? $blog_post : ($blog_post = $_GET['blog_post']);
<?php /***** * ! Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; $fileops = new GrlxFileOps(); $message = new GrlxAlert(); $image = new GrlxImage(); $link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $edit_link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $delete_link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $view = new GrlxView(); $list = new GrlxList(); $list->draggable(false); $view->yah = 10; // Default value $page_title = 'Ad browser'; // URL to PW’s XML feed. ID not included at this point. $wonderful_file_path = 'http://projectwonderful.com/xmlpublisherdata.php?publisher='; // Folder in which we store ad pics. $image_path = $milieu_list['directory']['value'] . '/assets/images/ads'; // Get and sanitize every variable sent by _get, _post and _session. $var_list = array('ad_id', 'delete_ad_id', 'current_group', 'wonderful_id'); if ($var_list) { foreach ($var_list as $key => $val) { ${$val} = register_variable($val); } } // Does the ad image repository exist? If not, try to make it. // $alert_output = $fileops->check_or_make_dir('..'.$image_path);
<?php /* Artists use this script to create and edit text pages. */ /***** * Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; require_once 'lib/htmLawed.php'; $link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $view = new GrlxView(); $message = new GrlxAlert(); $fileops = new GrlxFileOps(); $view->yah = 5; // Offer these to the artist. $page_type_list[1] = array('layout_type' => 'ht', 'label' => 'About the artist', 'image' => '../' . DIR_PATTERNS . 'ht.default.svg', 'description' => 'Your bio, artist’s statement, or just who you want people to know you as.', 'url' => '/about-artist'); $page_type_list[2] = array('layout_type' => 'ht', 'function' => 'about-comic', 'label' => 'About the comic', 'image' => '../' . DIR_PATTERNS . 'ht.default.svg', 'description' => 'What you want new readers to know about your comic.', 'url' => '/about-comic'); $page_type_list[3] = array('layout_type' => 'hit', 'function' => 'cast', 'label' => 'Cast', 'image' => '../' . DIR_PATTERNS . 'hit.default.svg', 'description' => 'Name, quick bio and picture of each character.', 'url' => '/comic-characters'); $page_type_list[4] = array('layout_type' => 'hl', 'function' => 'links', 'label' => 'Links', 'image' => '../' . DIR_PATTERNS . 'hl.default.svg', 'description' => 'Simple title, optional descriptive text and URL.', 'url' => '/favorite-links'); $page_type_list[5] = array('layout_type' => 'ht', 'function' => 'faq', 'label' => 'FAQ', 'image' => '../' . DIR_PATTERNS . 'ht.default.svg', 'description' => 'Answers to questions you get asked often it’s worth a page.', 'url' => '/frequently-asked-questions'); $page_type_list[6] = array('layout_type' => 'free', 'function' => 'freeform', 'label' => 'Freeform', 'image' => '../' . DIR_PATTERNS . 'free.svg', 'description' => 'Add your own HTML. Anything goes.', 'url' => '/new-page'); $page_type_list[7] = array('layout_type' => 'ht', 'function' => 'welcome', 'label' => 'Welcome new readers', 'image' => '../' . DIR_PATTERNS . 'ht.default.svg', 'description' => 'Introduction to your comic.', 'url' => '/new-readers-begin-here'); $page_type_list[8] = array('layout_type' => 'hilt', 'function' => 'store', 'label' => 'Store', 'image' => '../' . DIR_PATTERNS . 'hit.default.svg', 'description' => 'Quick product teasers that you link to your ecommerce package.', 'url' => '/store'); /***** * Updates */ if ($_GET['id']) { $id = $_GET['id']; $layout_type_id = $page_type_list[$id]['layout_type']; $xml_source = '../' . DIR_PATTERNS . '' . $layout_type_id . '.xml'; if (is_file($xml_source)) {
<?php /***** * Setup */ include 'panl.init.php'; $link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $view = new GrlxView(); $message = new GrlxAlert(); $form = new GrlxForm(); $fileops = new GrlxFileOps(); $fileops->db = $db; $book = new GrlxComicBook(); $marker = new GrlxMarker(); $comic_image = new GrlxComicImage(); $message = new GrlxAlert(); $sl = new GrlxSelectList(); $view->yah = 2; $book_id = $book->bookID; /***** * Updates */ if ($_FILES && $book_id) { if (is_writable('../' . DIR_COMICS_IMG)) { $which = 'file'; $fileops->up_set_destination_folder('../' . DIR_COMICS_IMG); $files_uploaded = $fileops->up_process($which); $new_order = $_POST['new_order']; $new_order ? $new_order : ($new_order = 1); if ($files_uploaded) { $i = -1;
<?php /***** * Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; $view = new GrlxView(); //$modal = new GrlxForm_Modal; $message = new GrlxAlert(); $link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $list = new GrlxList(); $form = new GrlxForm(); $fileops = new GrlxFileOps(); $fileops->db = $db; $comic_image = new GrlxComicImage(); $sl = new GrlxSelectList(); $form->send_to($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); $var_list = array('marker_id', 'book_id', 'new_order'); if ($var_list) { foreach ($var_list as $key => $val) { ${$val} = register_variable($val); } } if (!$marker_id) { header('location:book.view.php'); die; } $marker = new GrlxMarker($marker_id); $new_order ? $new_order : ($new_order = 1); /***** * Updates
$variable_list = array('page_id', 'new_title', 'new_description', 'old_title', 'xml_format', 'function', 'raw_content', 'msg', 'pattern_id', 'url', 'layout_id'); if ($variable_list) { foreach ($variable_list as $val) { ${$val} = register_variable($val); } } // Hold it — no ID, no entrance. if (!$page_id) { header('location:sttc.page-list.php'); die; } $view = new GrlxView(); $link = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $message = new GrlxAlert(); $form = new GrlxForm(); $fileops = new GrlxFileOps(); $sl = new GrlxSelectList(); // Make sure the image folder exists and is accessible. $alert_output .= $fileops->check_or_make_dir('../' . DIR_STATIC_IMG); /***** * ! Updates */ // This comes from sttc.xml-new.php. if ($msg == 'created') { $link1 = new GrlxLinkStyle(); $link1->url('sttc.xml-new.php'); $link1->tap('Create another new page'); $link->url('site.nav.php'); $link->tap('Add this page to the site’s menu'); $alert_output .= $message->success_dialog('Page created. <ul><li>Make changes below</li><li>' . $link->paint() . '</li><li>' . $link1->paint() . '</li>'); }