Example #1
function shDoAntiFloodCheck($ip)
    $sefConfig = Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();
    if (!$sefConfig->shSecActivateAntiFlood || empty($sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodPeriod) || $sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodOnlyOnPOST && empty($_POST) || empty($sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodCount) || empty($ip)) {
    // disable for requests coming from same site, including ajax calls
    // coming from jomsocial
    // activate if using JomSocial on your site, removing the /* and */ marks surrounding the next few lines
    $referrer =  empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? '' : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
      if (!empty($referrer) && strpos( $referrer, Sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo()->getDefaultLiveSite()) === 0) {
      if (!empty($_POST['option']) && $_POST['option'] == 'community'
      && !empty( $_POST['task']) && $_POST['task'] == 'azrul_ajax') {
    // end of Jomsocial specific code
    $nextId = 1;
    $cTime = time();
    $count = 0;
    $floodData = shReadFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_AntiFlood_Data.dat');
    if (!empty($floodData)) {
        // find next id
        $lastRec = $floodData[count($floodData) - 1];
        $lastRecId = explode(',', $lastRec);
        if (!empty($lastRecId)) {
            $nextId = intval($lastRecId[0]) + 1;
        // trim flood data : remove lines older than set time limit
        foreach ($floodData as $data) {
            $rec = explode(', ', $data);
            if (empty($rec[2]) || $cTime - intVal($rec[2]) > $sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodPeriod) {
        $floodData = array_filter($floodData);
    // we have only requests made in the last $sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodPeriod seconds left in $floodArray
    $count = 0;
    if (!empty($floodData)) {
        foreach ($floodData as $data) {
            $rec = explode(',', $data);
            if (!empty($rec[1]) && JString::trim($rec[1]) == $ip) {
    // log current request
    $floodData[] = $nextId . ', ' . $ip . ', ' . $cTime;
    // write to file;
    $saveData = implode("\n", $floodData);
    shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_AntiFlood_Data.dat', $saveData);
    if ($count >= $sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodCount) {
        shDoRestrictedAccess('Flooding', $count . ' requests in less than ' . $sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodPeriod . ' seconds (max = ' . $sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodCount . ')');
Example #2
function shDoAntiFloodCheck($ip)
    $sefConfig = shRouter::shGetConfig();
    if (!$sefConfig->shSecActivateAntiFlood || empty($sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodPeriod) || $sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodOnlyOnPOST && empty($_POST) || empty($sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodCount) || empty($ip)) {
    $nextId = 1;
    $cTime = time();
    $count = 0;
    $floodData = shReadFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_AntiFlood_Data.dat');
    if (!empty($floodData)) {
        // find next id
        $lastRec = $floodData[count($floodData) - 1];
        $lastRecId = explode(',', $lastRec);
        if (!empty($lastRecId)) {
            $nextId = intval($lastRecId[0]) + 1;
        // trim flood data : remove lines older than set time limit
        foreach ($floodData as $data) {
            $rec = explode(', ', $data);
            if (empty($rec[2]) || $cTime - intVal($rec[2]) > $sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodPeriod) {
        $floodData = array_filter($floodData);
    // we have only requests made in the last $sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodPeriod seconds left in $floodArray
    $count = 0;
    if (!empty($floodData)) {
        foreach ($floodData as $data) {
            $rec = explode(',', $data);
            if (!empty($rec[1]) && JString::trim($rec[1]) == $ip) {
    // log current request
    $floodData[] = $nextId . ', ' . $ip . ', ' . $cTime;
    // write to file;
    $saveData = implode("\n", $floodData);
    shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_AntiFlood_Data.dat', $saveData);
    if ($count >= $sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodCount) {
        shDoRestrictedAccess('Flooding', $count . ' requests in less than ' . $sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodPeriod . ' seconds (max = ' . $sefConfig->shSecAntiFloodCount . ')');
 function saveConfig($return_data = 0)
     $sef_config_file = sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'config/config.sef.php';
     $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $quoteGPC = get_magic_quotes_gpc();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $userName = empty($user) ? '-' : $user->username;
     $userId = empty($user) ? '-' : $user->id;
     //build the data file
     $config_data = '<?php' . "\n" . '// config.sef.php : configuration file for sh404SEF for Joomla 1.5.x' . "\n" . '// ' . $this->version . "\n" . '// saved at: ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n" . '// by: ' . $userName . ' (id: ' . $userId . ' )' . "\n" . '// domain: ' . sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo()->getDefaultFrontLiveSite() . "\n\n" . 'if (!defined(\'_JEXEC\')) die(\'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.\');' . "\n\n";
     foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
         if ($key != "0" && $key != 'ipWhiteList' && $key != 'ipBlackList' && $key != 'uAgentWhiteList' && $key != 'uAgentBlackList' && $key != 'defaultParamList') {
             $config_data .= "\${$key} = ";
             if ($key == 'shLangTranslateList' || $key == 'shLangInsertCodeList' || $key == 'defaultComponentStringList' || $key == 'pageTexts' || $key == 'liveSites') {
                 $datastring = '';
                 foreach ($value as $key2 => $data) {
                     $datastring .= '"' . $key2 . '"=>' . '"' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $quoteGPC ? stripslashes($data) : $data) . '",';
                 $datastring = JString::substr($datastring, 0, -1);
                 $config_data .= "array({$datastring})";
             } else {
                 switch (gettype($value)) {
                     case "boolean":
                         $config_data .= $value ? "true" : "false";
                     case "string":
                         $datastring = str_replace("'", "\\'", $quoteGPC ? stripslashes($value) : $value);
                         $config_data .= "'" . $datastring . "'";
                     case "integer":
                     case "double":
                         $config_data .= strval($value);
                     case "array":
                         $datastring = '';
                         foreach ($value as $key2 => $data) {
                             $datastring .= '"' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $quoteGPC ? stripslashes($data) : $data) . '",';
                         $datastring = JString::substr($datastring, 0, -1);
                         $config_data .= "array({$datastring})";
                         $config_data .= "null";
             $config_data .= ";\n";
     $config_data .= '?' . '>';
     if ($return_data == 1) {
         return $config_data;
     } else {
         // write to disk
         $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
         $trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl);
         $config_data = strtr($config_data, $trans_tbl);
         $ret = JFile::write($sef_config_file, $config_data);
         // save lists
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_IP_white_list.dat', $this->ipWhiteList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_IP_black_list.dat', $this->ipBlackList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_uAgent_white_list.dat', $this->uAgentWhiteList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_uAgent_black_list.dat', $this->uAgentBlackList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'custom.sef.php', $quoteGPC ? stripslashes($this->defaultParamList) : $this->defaultParamList);
         // V 1.2.4.q : save copy of config file to other location for automatic recovering of config when upgrading
         $fileName = sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404sef/sh404_upgrade_conf_' . str_replace('/', '_', str_replace('http://', '', sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo()->getDefaultFrontLiveSite())) . '.php';
         JFile::write($fileName, $config_data);
         // save lists to backup location
         if (!is_writable(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404sef/sh404_upgrade_conf_security')) {
             JFolder::create(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404sef/sh404_upgrade_conf_security');
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404sef/sh404_upgrade_conf_security/sh404SEF_IP_white_list.dat', $this->ipWhiteList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404sef/sh404_upgrade_conf_security/sh404SEF_IP_black_list.dat', $this->ipBlackList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404sef/sh404_upgrade_conf_security/sh404SEF_uAgent_white_list.dat', $this->uAgentWhiteList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404sef/sh404_upgrade_conf_security/sh404SEF_uAgent_black_list.dat', $this->uAgentBlackList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404sef/sh404_upgrade_conf_' . str_replace('/', '_', str_replace('http://', '', sh404sefFactory::getPageInfo()->getDefaultFrontLiveSite())) . '.custom.php', $quoteGPC ? stripslashes($this->defaultParamList) : $this->defaultParamList);
         // v 3.0+ : as we are now using J! router, we need to update the global configuration object with the rewrite mode setting
         // as otherwise users would have to manually change it
         return $ret;
 function saveConfig($return_data = 0)
     global $sef_config_file;
     $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $quoteGPC = get_magic_quotes_gpc();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $userName = empty($user) ? '-' : $user->username;
     $userId = empty($user) ? '-' : $user->id;
     //build the data file
     $config_data = '<?php' . "\n" . '// config.sef.php : configuration file for sh404SEF for Joomla 1.5.x' . "\n" . '// ' . $this->version . "\n" . '// saved at: ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n" . '// by: ' . $userName . ' (id: ' . $userId . ' )' . "\n" . '// domain: ' . $GLOBALS['shConfigFrontLiveSite'] . "\n\n" . 'if (!defined(\'_JEXEC\')) die(\'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.\');' . "\n\n";
     foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
         if ($key != "0" && $key != 'ipWhiteList' && $key != 'ipBlackList' && $key != 'uAgentWhiteList' && $key != 'uAgentBlackList' && $key != 'defaultParamList') {
             $config_data .= "\${$key} = ";
             if ($key == 'shLangTranslateList' || $key == 'shLangInsertCodeList' || $key == 'defaultComponentStringList' || $key == 'pageTexts') {
                 $datastring = '';
                 foreach ($value as $key2 => $data) {
                     $datastring .= '"' . $key2 . '"=>' . '"' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $quoteGPC ? stripslashes($data) : $data) . '",';
                 $datastring = substr($datastring, 0, -1);
                 $config_data .= "array({$datastring})";
             } else {
                 switch (gettype($value)) {
                     case "boolean":
                         $config_data .= $value ? "true" : "false";
                     case "string":
                         $config_data .= "\"" . str_replace('"', '\\"', $quoteGPC ? stripslashes($value) : $value) . "\"";
                     case "integer":
                     case "double":
                         $config_data .= strval($value);
                     case "array":
                         $datastring = '';
                         foreach ($value as $key2 => $data) {
                             $datastring .= '"' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $quoteGPC ? stripslashes($data) : $data) . '",';
                         $datastring = substr($datastring, 0, -1);
                         $config_data .= "array({$datastring})";
                         $config_data .= "null";
             $config_data .= ";\n";
     $config_data .= '?' . '>';
     if ($return_data == 1) {
         return $config_data;
     } else {
         // write to disk
         //if (is_writable($sef_config_file)) {
         $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
         $trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl);
         $config_data = strtr($config_data, $trans_tbl);
         $fd = fopen($sef_config_file, "wb");
         if (fwrite($fd, $config_data, strlen($config_data)) === FALSE) {
             $ret = 0;
         } else {
             $ret = 1;
         // save lists
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_IP_white_list.txt', $this->ipWhiteList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_IP_black_list.txt', $this->ipBlackList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_uAgent_white_list.txt', $this->uAgentWhiteList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'security/sh404SEF_uAgent_black_list.txt', $this->uAgentBlackList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH . 'custom.sef.php', $quoteGPC ? stripslashes($this->defaultParamList) : $this->defaultParamList);
         // V 1.2.4.q : save copy of config file to other location for automatic recovering of config when upgrading
         $fd = fopen(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404_upgrade_conf_' . str_replace('/', '_', str_replace('http://', '', $GLOBALS['shConfigFrontLiveSite'])) . '.php', "w");
         fwrite($fd, $config_data, strlen($config_data));
         // save lists to backup location
         if (!is_writable(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404_upgrade_conf_security')) {
             @mkdir(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404_upgrade_conf_security');
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404_upgrade_conf_security/sh404SEF_IP_white_list.txt', $this->ipWhiteList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404_upgrade_conf_security/sh404SEF_IP_black_list.txt', $this->ipBlackList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404_upgrade_conf_security/sh404SEF_uAgent_white_list.txt', $this->uAgentWhiteList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404_upgrade_conf_security/sh404SEF_uAgent_black_list.txt', $this->uAgentBlackList);
         shSaveFile(sh404SEF_ABS_PATH . 'media/sh404_upgrade_conf_' . str_replace('/', '_', str_replace('http://', '', $GLOBALS['shConfigFrontLiveSite'])) . '.custom.php', $quoteGPC ? stripslashes($this->defaultParamList) : $this->defaultParamList);
         return $ret;