Example #1
  * Run module - this function should be called by Resto.php
  * @param array $segments : route segments
  * @param array $data : POST or PUT parameters
  * @return string : result from run process in the $context->outputFormat
 public function run($segments, $data = array())
     if (!$this->context) {
         RestoLogUtil::httpError(500, 'Invalid Context');
      * Set POST data from resto
     $this->data = $data;
      * Authentication issuer is identified as the first $elements
     $issuerId = isset($segments[0]) ? RestoUtil::sanitize($segments[0]) : null;
      * Get provider
     $provider = $this->getProvider($issuerId);
      * Authenticate from input protocol
     switch ($provider['protocol']) {
         case 'oauth2':
             return $this->oauth2($issuerId, $provider);
             RestoLogUtil::httpError(400, 'Unknown sso protocol for issuer "' . $issuerId . '"');
Example #2
  * Generate a unique cache fileName from input array
  * @param array $arr
 private function getCacheFileName($arr)
     if (!isset($arr) || !is_array($arr) || count($arr) === 0) {
         return null;
     return RestoUtil::encrypt(serialize($arr)) . '.cache';
Example #3
  * Process HTTP PUT request
  * @param array $segments
 public function route($segments)
      * Input data is mandatory for PUT request
     $data = RestoUtil::readInputData($this->context->uploadDirectory);
     if (!is_array($data) || count($data) === 0) {
     switch ($segments[0]) {
         case 'collections':
             return $this->PUT_collections($segments, $data);
         case 'user':
             return $this->PUT_user($segments, $data);
             return $this->processModuleRoute($segments, $data);
 public function test()
     $this->assertEquals(false, RestoUtil::UUIDv5('toto', 'toto'));
     $this->assertEquals('tototototiti', RestoUtil::superImplode('toto', array('toto', 'titi', null)));
     $this->assertEquals('http://localhost/titi/toto/tata.format?huhu=tty.json', RestoUtil::updateUrlFormat('http://localhost/titi/toto/tata?huhu=tty.json', 'format'));
     $this->assertEquals('http://localhost/tata.format?huhu=tty.json', RestoUtil::updateUrlFormat('http://localhost/tata.json?huhu=tty.json', 'format'));
     $this->assertEquals('1977-01-01T00:00:00Z', RestoUtil::toISO8601('1977'));
     $this->assertEquals('1977-02-01T00:00:00Z', RestoUtil::toISO8601('1977-02'));
     $this->assertEquals('1977-02-10T00:00:00Z', RestoUtil::toISO8601('1977-02-10'));
     $this->assertEquals('1977-02-10T12:11:30Z', RestoUtil::toISO8601('1977-02-10T12:11:30Z'));
     $this->assertEquals(array('toto', 'titi', 'tata', 'tet', ' tifi ', 'cdd'), RestoUtil::splitString('toto"titi"tata tet" tifi "cdd'));
     $this->assertEquals(false, RestoUtil::isUrl(null));
     $this->assertEquals(false, RestoUtil::isUrl('tokijhfomqzcdna'));
     $this->assertEquals(true, RestoUtil::isUrl('http://tititit.com/foiherfoh'));
     $this->assertEquals(null, RestoUtil::sanitize(null));
     $this->assertEquals(array('tototot', 'tydsnc'), RestoUtil::sanitize(array('tototot', 'tydsnc')));
     $this->assertEquals('ogfdrhefvdjsncosd', RestoUtil::sanitize('ogfdrhefvdjsncosd'));
     $this->assertEquals('', RestoUtil::kvpsToQueryString('ogfdrhefvdjsncosd'));
     $this->assertEquals('?&toto=ttiti&frfr=trtr', RestoUtil::kvpsToQueryString(array('toto' => 'ttiti', 'frfr' => 'trtr')));
     $this->assertEquals('?&toto=ttiti&frfr=trtr&arr[]=titi&arr[]=toto', RestoUtil::kvpsToQueryString(array('toto' => 'ttiti', 'frfr' => 'trtr', 'arr' => array('toto', 'titi'))));
     $this->assertEquals(array('totot_tiiti_titi' => ''), RestoUtil::queryStringToKvps('totot tiiti titi'));
Example #5
  * Output collections descriptions as a JSON stream
  * @param boolean $pretty : true to return pretty print
 public function toJSON($pretty)
     $collections = array('synthesis' => array('name' => '*', 'osDescription' => isset($this->context->osDescription[$this->context->dictionary->language]) ? $this->context->osDescription[$this->context->dictionary->language] : $this->context->osDescription['en'], 'statistics' => $this->context->dbDriver->get(RestoDatabaseDriver::STATISTICS, array('collectionName' => null, 'facetFields' => $this->model->getFacetFields()))), 'collections' => array());
     foreach (array_keys($this->collections) as $key) {
         $collections['collections'][] = $this->collections[$key]->toArray(true);
     return RestoUtil::json_format($collections, $pretty);
Example #6
  * Send reset password link to user email adress
 public function sendResetPasswordLink()
      * Only existing local user can change there password
     if (!$this->context->dbDriver->check(RestoDatabaseDriver::USER, array('email' => $this->profile['email'])) || $this->context->dbDriver->get(RestoDatabaseDriver::USER_PASSWORD, array('email' => $this->profile['email'])) === str_repeat('*', 40)) {
      * Send email with reset link
     $shared = $this->context->dbDriver->get(RestoDatabaseDriver::SHARED_LINK, array('email' => $this->profile['email'], 'resourceUrl' => $this->context->resetPasswordUrl . '/' . base64_encode($this->profile['email']), 'duration' => isset($this->context->sharedLinkDuration) ? $this->context->sharedLinkDuration : null));
     $fallbackLanguage = isset($this->context->mail['resetPassword'][$this->context->dictionary->language]) ? $this->context->dictionary->language : 'en';
     if (!RestoUtil::sendMail(array('to' => $this->profile['email'], 'senderName' => $this->context->mail['senderName'], 'senderEmail' => $this->context->mail['senderEmail'], 'subject' => $this->context->dictionary->translate($this->context->mail['resetPassword'][$fallbackLanguage]['subject'], $this->context->title), 'message' => $this->context->dictionary->translate($this->context->mail['resetPassword'][$fallbackLanguage]['message'], $this->context->title, $shared['resourceUrl'] . '?_tk=' . $shared['token'])))) {
     return RestoLogUtil::success('Reset link sent to ' . $this->profile['email']);
Example #7
  * Prepare SQL query for keywords- i.e. searchTerms
  *      Searches are done on the array 'hashes' column
  * @param RestoModel $model
  * @param string $filterName
  * @param array $requestParams
  * @param boolean $exclusion
  * @return type
 private function prepareFilterQuery_keywords($model, $filterName, $requestParams, $exclusion)
     $terms = array();
     $splitted = RestoUtil::splitString($requestParams[$filterName]);
     $filters = array('with' => array(), 'without' => array());
      * Process each searchTerms
      * Note: replace geohash: by hash: (see rocket)
     for ($i = 0, $l = count($splitted); $i < $l; $i++) {
         $terms = array_merge($this->processSearchTerms(str_replace('geohash:', 'hash:', $splitted[$i]), $filters, $model, $filterName, $exclusion));
     return join(' AND ', array_merge($terms, $this->mergeHashesFilters($model->getDbKey($model->searchFilters[$filterName]['key']), $filters)));
Example #8
  * Encode input $array to JSON
  * @param array $array
  * @throws Exception
 private function toJSON($array)
      * JSON-P case
     $pretty = isset($this->context->query['_pretty']) ? filter_var($this->context->query['_pretty'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) : false;
     if (isset($this->context->query['callback'])) {
         return $this->context->query['callback'] . '(' . json_encode($array, $pretty) . ')';
     return RestoUtil::json_format($array, $pretty);
Example #9
  * Sanitize input parameter to avoid code injection
  *   - remove html tags
  * @param {String or Array} $strOrArray
 public static function sanitize($strOrArray)
     if (!isset($strOrArray)) {
         return null;
     if (is_array($strOrArray)) {
         $result = array();
         foreach ($strOrArray as $key => $value) {
             $result[$key] = RestoUtil::sanitizeString($value);
         return $result;
     return RestoUtil::sanitizeString($strOrArray);
Example #10
  * Set dictionary from input language - default is english
 private function setDictionary()
     $lang = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'lang', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     if (!isset($lang) || !in_array($lang, $this->languages) || !class_exists('RestoDictionary_' . $lang)) {
         $lang = 'en';
     $this->dictionary = RestoUtil::instantiate('RestoDictionary_' . $lang, array($this->dbDriver));
  * Extend search params with gazetteer results
  * @param RestoContext $context
  * @param RestoUser $user
  * @param array $params
 private function extendParamsWithGazetteer($params)
     if (!isset($params['searchTerms']) && !isset($params['geo:lon']) && !isset($params['geo:geometry']) && !isset($params['geo:box'])) {
         if (isset($this->context->modules['GazetteerPro'])) {
             $gazetteer = RestoUtil::instantiate($this->context->modules['GazetteerPro']['className'], array($this->context, $this->user));
         } else {
             if (isset($this->context->modules['Gazetteer'])) {
                 $gazetteer = RestoUtil::instantiate($this->context->modules['Gazetteer']['className'], array($this->context, $this->user));
         if ($gazetteer) {
             $location = $gazetteer->search(array('q' => $params['geo:name'], 'wkt' => true));
             if (count($location['results']) > 0) {
                 if (isset($location['results'][0]['hash'])) {
                     $params['searchTerms'] = 'geohash:' . $location['results'][0]['hash'];
                 } else {
                     if (isset($location['results'][0]['geo:geometry'])) {
                         $params['geo:geometry'] = $location['results'][0]['geo:geometry'];
                     } else {
                         if (isset($location['results'][0]['geo:lon'])) {
                             $params['geo:lon'] = $location['results'][0]['geo:lon'];
                             $params['geo:lat'] = $location['results'][0]['geo:lat'];
     return $params;
Example #12
  * Update user profile to database
  * @param array $profile
  * @return integer (userid)
  * @throws exception
 public function updateUserProfile($profile)
     if (!is_array($profile) || !isset($profile['email'])) {
         RestoLogUtil::httpError(500, 'Cannot update user profile - invalid user identifier');
      * The following parameters cannot be updated :
      *   - email
      *   - userid 
      *   - activationcode
      *   - registrationdate
     $values = array();
     foreach (array_values(array('username', 'givenname', 'lastname', 'groups', 'country', 'organization', 'topics', 'organizationcountry', 'flags')) as $field) {
         if (isset($profile[$field])) {
             switch ($field) {
                 case 'password':
                     $values[] = 'password=\'' . RestoUtil::encrypt($profile['password']) . '\'';
                 case 'activated':
                     $values[] = 'activated=' . $profile['activated'];
                     $values[] = $field . '=\'' . pg_escape_string($profile[$field]) . '\'';
     $results = array();
     if (count($values) > 0) {
         $results = $this->dbDriver->fetch($this->dbDriver->query('UPDATE usermanagement.users SET ' . join(',', $values) . ' WHERE email=\'' . pg_escape_string(trim(strtolower($profile['email']))) . '\' RETURNING userid'));
     return count($results) === 1 ? $results[0]['userid'] : null;
Example #13
  * Explode query into normalized array of words
  * In order :
  *   - replace "," and ";" characters by space
  *   - transliterate query string afterward (i.e. all words in lowercase without accent)
  *   - split remaining query - split each terms with (" " character)
  *   - add a space between numeric value and '%' character
  * @param string $query
  * @return array
 private function queryToWords($query)
     $rawWords = RestoUtil::splitString($this->escapeMultiwords($this->context->dbDriver->normalize($this->removePrefixes(str_replace(array(',', ';'), ' ', $query)))));
     $words = array();
     for ($i = 0, $ii = count($rawWords); $i < $ii; $i++) {
         $term = trim($rawWords[$i]);
         if ($term === '') {
         $splitted = explode('%', $term);
         if (count($splitted) === 2 && is_numeric($splitted[0])) {
             $words[] = $splitted[0];
             $words[] = '%';
         } else {
             $words[] = $rawWords[$i];
     return $words;
Example #14
  * Proxify WMS URL depending on user rights
  * @param $properties
  * @param $user
  * @param $baseUrl
  * @return string relative path in the form of YYYYMMdd/thumbnail_filename with YYYYMMdd is the formated startDate parameter
 private function proxifyWMSUrl($properties, $user, $baseUrl)
     if (!isset($properties['wms'])) {
         return null;
     $wmsUrl = RestoUtil::restoUrl($baseUrl, '/collections/' . $properties['collection'] . '/' . $properties['identifier'] . '/wms') . '?';
     if (isset($user->token)) {
         $wmsUrl .= '_bearer=' . $user->token . '&';
     $wmsUrl .= substr($properties['wms'], strpos($properties['wms'], '?') + 1);
      * If the feature has a license check authentication
     if (isset($properties['license']) && $properties['license'] != null) {
          * User is not authenticated
          * Returns wms url only if license has a 'public' view service
         if ($user->profile['userid'] === -1) {
             return $properties['license']['viewService'] === 'public' ? $wmsUrl : null;
     return $wmsUrl;
Example #15
  * Return Low Resolution WMS URL from the Full resolution URL
  * !! IMPORTANT !!
  * It is supposed that WMS server provides a low resolution version
  * of the input layers.
  * The low resolution layer should be named with the following convention
  *      <fullResolutionName>_lowres
  * Example:
  *    LAYERS=mylayer for full resolution implies that low resolution
  *    layer is named LAYERS=mylayer_lowres
  * @param String $wms
 private function getLowResolutionUrl($wms)
      * Convert full resolution WMS layer to KVP
     list($url, $kvpString) = explode('?', $wms, 2);
     $kvps = RestoUtil::queryStringToKvps($kvpString, true);
     if ($kvps['LAYERS']) {
         $kvps['LAYERS'] = $kvps['LAYERS'] . '_lowres';
     return $url . RestoUtil::kvpsToQueryString($kvps);
Example #16
  * Set model 
  * @param string $name
 private function setModel($name)
      * Check that input file is for the current collection
     if (isset($this->model)) {
         if ($this->model->name !== $name) {
             RestoLogUtil::httpError(500, 'Property "model" and collection name differ');
     } else {
         $this->model = RestoUtil::instantiate($name, array($this->context, $this->user));
Example #17
  * Store feature within {collection}.features table following the class model
  * @param array $data : array (MUST BE GeoJSON in abstract Model)
  * @param RestoCollection $collection
 public function storeFeature($data, $collection)
      * Assume input file or stream is a JSON Feature
     if (!RestoGeometryUtil::isValidGeoJSONFeature($data)) {
         RestoLogUtil::httpError(500, 'Invalid feature description');
      * Remap properties between RESTo model and input
      * GeoJSON Feature file 
     $properties = $this->mapInputProperties($data);
      * Add collection to $properties to initialize facet counts on collection
     $properties['collection'] = isset($properties['collection']) ? $properties['collection'] : $collection->name;
      * Compute unique identifier
     if (!isset($data['id']) || !RestoUtil::isValidUUID($data['id'])) {
         $featureIdentifier = $collection->toFeatureId(isset($properties['productIdentifier']) ? $properties['productIdentifier'] : md5(microtime() . rand()));
     } else {
         $featureIdentifier = $data['id'];
      * First check if feature is already in database
      * (do this before getKeywords to avoid iTag process)
     if ($collection->context->dbDriver->check(RestoDatabaseDriver::FEATURE, array('featureIdentifier' => $featureIdentifier))) {
         RestoLogUtil::httpError(500, 'Feature ' . $featureIdentifier . ' already in database');
      * Tag module
     $keywords = array();
     if (isset($collection->context->modules['Tag'])) {
         $tagger = RestoUtil::instantiate($collection->context->modules['Tag']['className'], array($collection->context, $collection->user));
         $keywords = $tagger->getKeywords($properties, $data['geometry']);
      * Store feature
     $collection->context->dbDriver->store(RestoDatabaseDriver::FEATURE, array('collection' => $collection, 'featureArray' => array('type' => 'Feature', 'id' => $featureIdentifier, 'geometry' => $data['geometry'], 'properties' => array_merge($properties, array('keywords' => $keywords)))));
     return new RestoFeature($collection->context, $collection->user, array('featureIdentifier' => $featureIdentifier));
Example #18
  * Return year, month or day from date
  * @param integer $position
 private function getYearMonthDay($position)
     $word = $this->queryManager->words[$position]['word'];
     if (preg_match('/^\\d{4}$/i', $word)) {
         return array('year' => $word);
     $month = $this->queryManager->dictionary->get(RestoDictionary::MONTH, $word);
     if (isset($month)) {
         return array('month' => $month);
     $number = $this->queryManager->dictionary->getNumber($word);
     if (is_numeric($number)) {
         $day = intval($number);
         if ($day > 0 && $day < 31) {
             return array('day' => $day < 10 ? '0' . $day : $day);
      * ISO8601 date
     if (RestoUtil::isISO8601($word)) {
         return $this->iso8601ToDate($word);
     return null;
Example #19
  * Generate items informations
  * Get an array containing two lists :
  *  -> items : Downloadable items with url
  *  -> errors : Not downloadable items with explanations
  * @return array
 private function generateItemsInformations()
      * Features with errors
     $errors = array();
      * Features without errors
     $items = array();
      * Loop over items
     foreach ($this->order['items'] as $item) {
          * Check if item get an id
         if (!isset($item['id'])) {
             array_push($errors, array('type' => 'Feature', 'ErrorMessage' => 'Wrong item', 'ErrorCode' => 404, 'properties' => isset($item['properties']) ? $item['properties'] : null));
          * Create RestoFeature
         $feature = new RestoFeature($this->context, $this->user, array('featureIdentifier' => $item['id']));
          * Check if User is fullfilling license requirements
         if (!$feature->getLicense()->isApplicableToUser($this->user)) {
             array_push($errors, array('type' => 'Feature', 'id' => $feature->identifier, 'ErrorMessage' => 'User does not fulfill license requirements', 'ErrorCode' => 403, 'properties' => isset($item['properties']) ? $item['properties'] : null));
          * Check if user has to sign license
         if ($feature->getLicense()->hasToBeSignedByUser($this->user)) {
             array_push($errors, array('type' => 'Feature', 'id' => $feature->identifier, 'ErrorMessage' => 'User has to sign license', 'ErrorCode' => 3002, 'license' => $feature->getLicense()->toArray(), 'properties' => isset($item['properties']) ? $item['properties'] : null));
          * Check if item is valid
         if (!isset($item['properties']) || !isset($item['properties']['services']) || !isset($item['properties']['services']['download'])) {
             array_push($errors, array('type' => 'Feature', 'id' => $feature->identifier, 'ErrorMessage' => 'Invalid item', 'ErrorCode' => 404, 'properties' => isset($item['properties']) ? $item['properties'] : null));
          * Check is item is downloadable
         if (!isset($item['properties']['services']['download']['url']) || !RestoUtil::isUrl($item['properties']['services']['download']['url'])) {
             array_push($errors, array('type' => 'Feature', 'id' => $feature->identifier, 'ErrorMessage' => 'Item not downloadable', 'ErrorCode' => 404, 'properties' => isset($item['properties']) ? $item['properties'] : null));
          * Check user rights
         if (!$this->user->hasRightsTo(RestoUser::DOWNLOAD, array('collectionName' => $item['properties']['collection'], 'featureIdentifier' => $feature->identifier))) {
             array_push($errors, array('type' => 'Feature', 'id' => $feature->identifier, 'ErrorMessage' => "User hasn't enough rights. Please contact an administrator", 'ErrorCode' => 403, 'properties' => isset($item['properties']) ? $item['properties'] : null));
          * Update local download url with a shared link
         $exploded = explode('?', $item['properties']['services']['download']['url']);
         if ($exploded[0] === $this->context->baseUrl . join('/', array('/collections', $item['properties']['collection'], $feature->identifier, 'download'))) {
             $item['properties']['services']['download']['url'] = $this->getSharedLink($item['properties']['services']['download']['url']);
          * Add item to downloadable items list
         array_push($items, array('type' => 'Feature', 'id' => $feature->identifier, 'properties' => isset($item['properties']) ? $item['properties'] : null));
      * Return array containing errors and downloadable items
     return array('errors' => $errors, 'items' => $items);
Example #20
  * Reset user password
  * @param string $email
  * @param string $password
  * @param string $url
  * @return type
 private function resetUserPassword($email, $password, $url)
      * Explod data['url'] into resourceUrl and queryString
     $pair = explode('?', $url);
     if (!isset($pair[1])) {
      * Only initiator of reset password can change its email
     $splittedUrl = explode('/', $pair[0]);
     if (strtolower(base64_decode($splittedUrl[count($splittedUrl) - 1])) !== $email) {
     $query = RestoUtil::queryStringToKvps($pair[1]);
     if (!isset($query['_tk']) || !$this->context->dbDriver->check(RestoDatabaseDriver::SHARED_LINK, array('resourceUrl' => $pair[0], 'token' => $query['_tk']))) {
     if ($this->context->dbDriver->get(RestoDatabaseDriver::USER_PASSWORD, array('email' => $email)) === str_repeat('*', 40)) {
     if ($this->context->dbDriver->update(RestoDatabaseDriver::USER_PROFILE, array('profile' => array('email' => $email, 'password' => $password)))) {
         return RestoLogUtil::success('Password updated');
     } else {
Example #21
  * Return template url for format
  * @param string $format
  * @return string
 private function getUrlTemplate($format)
      * HTML output is based on htmlEndpoint
     $url = ($format === 'html' ? $this->context->htmlSearchUrl : RestoUtil::restoUrl($this->context->baseUrl, '/api/collections' . (isset($this->collection) ? '/' . $this->collection->name : '') . '/search', $format)) . '?' . $this->clientId;
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($this->model->searchFilters as $filterName => $filter) {
         if (isset($filter)) {
             if ($format === 'html' && (!isset($filter['htmlFilter']) || $filter['htmlFilter'] === false)) {
             $optional = isset($filter['minimum']) && $filter['minimum'] === 1 ? '' : '?';
             $url .= ($count > 0 ? '&' : '') . $filter['osKey'] . '={' . $filterName . $optional . '}';
     return $url;
Example #22
  * Get keywords from iTag 'population' property
  * @param array $populationProperty
 private function getPopulationKeywords($populationProperty)
     return array('id' => RestoUtil::getHash('other:population'), 'name' => 'Population', 'type' => 'other', 'count' => $populationProperty['count'], 'densityPerSquareKm' => $populationProperty['densityPerSquareKm']);
Example #23
  * Set ATOM feed links element for FeatureCollection
  * @param array $properties
 private function setCollectionLinks($properties)
     if (is_array($properties['links'])) {
         for ($i = 0, $l = count($properties['links']); $i < $l; $i++) {
             $this->writeAttributes(array('rel' => $properties['links'][$i]['rel'], 'title' => $properties['links'][$i]['title']));
             if ($properties['links'][$i]['type'] === 'application/opensearchdescription+xml') {
                 $this->writeAttributes(array('type' => $properties['links'][$i]['type'], 'href' => $properties['links'][$i]['href']));
             } else {
                 $this->writeAttributes(array('type' => RestoUtil::$contentTypes['atom'], 'href' => RestoUtil::updateUrlFormat($properties['links'][$i]['href'], 'atom')));
             // link
Example #24
  * Create a shared resource and return it
  * @param string $identifier
  * @param string $resourceUrl
  * @param integer $duration
  * @return array
 public function createSharedLink($identifier, $resourceUrl, $duration = 86400)
     if (!isset($resourceUrl) || !RestoUtil::isUrl($resourceUrl)) {
         return null;
     if (!is_int($duration)) {
         $duration = 86400;
     $results = $this->dbDriver->fetch($this->dbDriver->query('INSERT INTO usermanagement.sharedlinks (url, token, email, validity) VALUES (\'' . pg_escape_string($resourceUrl) . '\',\'' . RestoUtil::encrypt(mt_rand() . microtime()) . '\',\'' . pg_escape_string($identifier) . '\',now() + ' . $duration . ' * \'1 second\'::interval) RETURNING token', 500, 'Cannot share link'));
     if (count($results) === 1) {
         return array('resourceUrl' => $resourceUrl, 'token' => $results[0]['token']);
     return null;
Example #25
  * Output product description as a GeoJSON Feature
  * @param boolean $pretty : true to return pretty print
 public function toJSON($pretty = false)
     return RestoUtil::json_format($this->toArray(true), $pretty);
Example #26
  * Place order for user from cart - empty cart afterward
  * @param string $identifier
  * @param array $items
  * @return array
  * @throws exception
 private function storeOrder($identifier, $items)
      * Do not create empty orders
     if (!isset($items) || count($items) === 0) {
         return -1;
     try {
         $orderId = RestoUtil::encrypt($identifier . microtime());
         $values = array('\'' . pg_escape_string($orderId) . '\'', '\'' . pg_escape_string($identifier) . '\'', '\'' . pg_escape_string(json_encode($items)) . '\'', 'now()');
         $this->dbDriver->query('INSERT INTO usermanagement.orders (orderid, email, items, querytime) VALUES (' . join(',', $values) . ')');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         RestoLogUtil::httpError($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
     return $orderId;
Example #27
  * Launch module run() function if exist otherwise returns 404 Not Found
  * @param array $segments - path (i.e. a/b/c/d) exploded as an array (i.e. array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
  * @param array $data - data (POST or PUT)
 protected function processModuleRoute($segments, $data = array())
     $module = null;
     foreach (array_keys($this->context->modules) as $moduleName) {
         if (isset($this->context->modules[$moduleName]['route'])) {
             $moduleSegments = explode('/', $this->context->modules[$moduleName]['route']);
             $routeIsTheSame = true;
             $count = 0;
             for ($i = 0, $l = count($moduleSegments); $i < $l; $i++) {
                 if (!isset($segments[$i]) || $moduleSegments[$i] !== $segments[$i]) {
                     $routeIsTheSame = false;
             if ($routeIsTheSame) {
                 $module = RestoUtil::instantiate($moduleName, array($this->context, $this->user));
                 for ($i = $count; $i--;) {
                 return $module->run($segments, $data);
     if (!isset($module)) {
Example #28
  * Return the cart as a JSON file
  * @param boolean $pretty
 public function toJSON($pretty)
     return RestoUtil::json_format($this->getItems(), $pretty);