
$relPath = "./../../pinc/";
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'dpsql.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'page_tally.inc';
include_once 'common.inc';
$valid_tally_names = array_keys($page_tally_names);
$tally_name = get_enumerated_param($_GET, 'tally_name', null, $valid_tally_names);
// Initialize the graph before anything else.
// This makes use of the jpgraph cache if enabled.
// Argument to init_pages_graph is the cache timeout in minutes.
$graph = init_pages_graph(60);
//Total pages by month since beginning of stats
$result = mysql_query(select_from_site_past_tallies_and_goals($tally_name, "SELECT {year_month}, SUM(tally_delta), SUM(goal)", "", "GROUP BY 1", "ORDER BY 1", ""));
list($datax, $datay1, $datay2) = dpsql_fetch_columns($result);
draw_pages_graph($graph, $datax, $datay1, $datay2, null, null, 'monthly', 'increments', _('Pages Done Each Month Since the Beginning of Statistics Collection'));
// vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab
function show_months_with_most_days_over($n)
    global $tally_name, $curr_year_month;
    $sub_title = sprintf(_('Months with most days over %s pages'), number_format($n));
    echo "<h3>{$sub_title}</h3>\n";
    dpsql_dump_themed_query(select_from_site_past_tallies_and_goals($tally_name, "SELECT\n                {year_month} as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Month")) . "',\n                count(*) as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("Number of Days")) . "',\n                IF({year_month} = '{$curr_year_month}', '******',' ') as '" . mysql_real_escape_string(_("This Month?")) . "'", "WHERE tally_delta >= {$n}", "GROUP BY 1", "ORDER BY 2 DESC", "LIMIT 10"), 1, DPSQL_SHOW_RANK);
    echo "<br>\n";
        die("bad 'timeframe' value: '{$title_timeframe}'");
switch ($c_or_i) {
    case 'increments':
        $main_title = _('Pages Done Per Day');
    case 'cumulative':
        $main_title = _('Cumulative Pages Done');
        die("bad 'cori' value: '{$c_or_i}'");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$result = dpsql_query(select_from_site_past_tallies_and_goals($tally_name, "SELECT {date}, tally_delta, goal", $where_clause, "", "ORDER BY timestamp", ""));
list($datax, $datay1, $datay2) = dpsql_fetch_columns($result);
if ($c_or_i == 'cumulative') {
    $datay1 = array_accumulate($datay1);
    $datay2 = array_accumulate($datay2);
    // The accumulated 'actual' for today and subsequent days is bogus,
    // so delete it.
    $date_today = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $now_timestamp);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($datax); $i++) {
        if ($datax[$i] >= $date_today) {
if (empty($datay1)) {
    $datay1[0] = 0;