Example #1
             echo '<span class="error">', I18N::translate('Error: converting GEDCOM files from %s encoding to UTF-8 encoding not currently supported.', $charset), '</span>';
             $controller->addInlineJavascript('jQuery("#actions' . $gedcom_id . '").removeClass("hidden");');
     $first_time = false;
     // Re-fetch the data, now that we have performed character set conversion.
     $data = Database::prepare("SELECT gedcom_chunk_id, REPLACE(chunk_data, '\r', '\n') AS chunk_data" . " FROM `##gedcom_chunk`" . " WHERE gedcom_chunk_id=?")->execute(array($data->gedcom_chunk_id))->fetchOneRow();
 if (!$data) {
 try {
     // Import all the records in this chunk of data
     foreach (preg_split('/\\n+(?=0)/', $data->chunk_data) as $rec) {
         FunctionsImport::importRecord($rec, $tree, false);
     // Mark the chunk as imported
     Database::prepare("UPDATE `##gedcom_chunk` SET imported=TRUE WHERE gedcom_chunk_id=?")->execute(array($data->gedcom_chunk_id));
 } catch (PDOException $ex) {
     if ($ex->getCode() === '40001') {
         // "SQLSTATE[40001]: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction"
         // The documentation says that if you get this error, wait and try again.....
         $controller->addInlineJavascript('jQuery("#import' . $gedcom_id . '").load("import.php?gedcom_id=' . $gedcom_id . '&u=' . uniqid() . '");');
     } else {
         // A fatal error.  Nothing we can do?
         echo '<span class="error">', $ex->getMessage(), '</span>';
         $controller->addInlineJavascript('jQuery("#actions' . $gedcom_id . '").removeClass("hidden");');
Example #2
                         // Level 2-3 links
                         $source->updateFact($fact->getFactId(), preg_replace(array('/\\n2 OBJE @' . $target . '@(\\n[3-9].*)*/', '/\\n3 OBJE @' . $target . '@(\\n[4-9].*)*/'), '', $fact->getGedcom()), true);
     } else {
 case 'reject-changes':
     // Reject all the pending changes for a record
     $record = GedcomRecord::getInstance(Filter::post('xref', WT_REGEX_XREF), $WT_TREE);
     if ($record && $record->canEdit() && Auth::isModerator($record->getTree())) {
         FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('The changes to “%s” have been rejected.', $record->getFullName()));
     } else {
 case 'theme':
     // Change the current theme
     $theme = Filter::post('theme');
     if (Site::getPreference('ALLOW_USER_THEMES') && array_key_exists($theme, Theme::themeNames())) {
         Session::put('theme_id', $theme);
         // Remember our selection
         Auth::user()->setPreference('theme', $theme);
     } else {
         // Request for a non-existant theme.
Example #3
     // Insert the 1 FILE xxx record into the arrays used by function FunctionsEdit::handle_updatesges()
     $glevels = array_merge(array('1'), $glevels);
     $tag = array_merge(array('FILE'), $tag);
     $islink = array_merge(array(0), $islink);
     $text = array_merge(array($newFilename), $text);
     $record = GedcomRecord::getInstance($pid, $WT_TREE);
     $newrec = "0 @{$pid}@ OBJE\n";
     $newrec = FunctionsEdit::handleUpdates($newrec);
     $record->updateRecord($newrec, $update_CHAN);
     if ($move_file) {
         // We've moved a file. Therefore we must approve the change, as rejecting
         // the change will create broken references.
         FunctionsImport::acceptAllChanges($record->getXref(), $record->getTree()->getTreeId());
     if ($pid && $linktoid) {
         $record = GedcomRecord::getInstance($linktoid, $WT_TREE);
         $record->createFact('1 OBJE @' . $pid . '@', true);
         Log::addEditLog('Media ID ' . $pid . " successfully added to {$linktoid}.");
     if ($messages) {
         echo '<button onclick="closePopupAndReloadParent();">', I18N::translate('close'), '</button>';
     } else {
 case 'showmediaform':
     $controller->setPageTitle(I18N::translate('Create a new media object'));
Example #4
  * Create a new record from GEDCOM data.
  * @param string $gedcom
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return GedcomRecord
 public function createRecord($gedcom)
     if (preg_match('/^0 @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@ (' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $gedcom, $match)) {
         $xref = $match[1];
         $type = $match[2];
     } else {
         throw new \Exception('Invalid argument to GedcomRecord::createRecord(' . $gedcom . ')');
     if (strpos("\r", $gedcom) !== false) {
         // MSDOS line endings will break things in horrible ways
         throw new \Exception('Evil line endings found in GedcomRecord::createRecord(' . $gedcom . ')');
     // webtrees creates XREFs containing digits.  Anything else (e.g. “new”) is just a placeholder.
     if (!preg_match('/\\d/', $xref)) {
         $xref = $this->getNewXref($type);
         $gedcom = preg_replace('/^0 @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@/', '0 @' . $xref . '@', $gedcom);
     // Create a change record, if not already present
     if (!preg_match('/\\n1 CHAN/', $gedcom)) {
         $gedcom .= "\n1 CHAN\n2 DATE " . date('d M Y') . "\n3 TIME " . date('H:i:s') . "\n2 _WT_USER " . Auth::user()->getUserName();
     // Create a pending change
     Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##change` (gedcom_id, xref, old_gedcom, new_gedcom, user_id) VALUES (?, ?, '', ?, ?)")->execute(array($this->tree_id, $xref, $gedcom, Auth::id()));
     Log::addEditLog('Create: ' . $type . ' ' . $xref);
     // Accept this pending change
     if (Auth::user()->getPreference('auto_accept')) {
         FunctionsImport::acceptAllChanges($xref, $this->tree_id);
     // Return the newly created record.  Note that since GedcomRecord
     // has a cache of pending changes, we cannot use it to create a
     // record with a newly created pending change.
     return GedcomRecord::getInstance($xref, $this, $gedcom);
Example #5
            Database::prepare("UPDATE `##change` SET status='accepted' WHERE change_id=?")->execute(array($change->change_id));
            Log::addEditLog("Accepted change {$change->change_id} for {$change->xref} / {$change->gedcom_name} into database");
    case 'undoall':
        Database::prepare("UPDATE `##change`" . " SET status='rejected'" . " WHERE status='pending' AND gedcom_id=?")->execute(array($WT_TREE->getTreeId()));
    case 'acceptall':
        $changes = Database::prepare("SELECT change_id, gedcom_id, gedcom_name, xref, old_gedcom, new_gedcom" . " FROM `##change` c" . " JOIN `##gedcom` g USING (gedcom_id)" . " WHERE c.status='pending' AND gedcom_id=?" . " ORDER BY change_id")->execute(array($WT_TREE->getTreeId()))->fetchAll();
        foreach ($changes as $change) {
            if (empty($change->new_gedcom)) {
                // delete
                FunctionsImport::updateRecord($change->old_gedcom, $change->gedcom_id, true);
            } else {
                // add/update
                FunctionsImport::updateRecord($change->new_gedcom, $change->gedcom_id, false);
            Database::prepare("UPDATE `##change` SET status='accepted' WHERE change_id=?")->execute(array($change->change_id));
            Log::addEditLog("Accepted change {$change->change_id} for {$change->xref} / {$change->gedcom_name} into database");
$changed_gedcoms = Database::prepare("SELECT g.gedcom_name" . " FROM `##change` c" . " JOIN `##gedcom` g USING (gedcom_id)" . " WHERE c.status='pending'" . " GROUP BY g.gedcom_name")->fetchOneColumn();
if ($changed_gedcoms) {
    $changes = Database::prepare("SELECT c.*, u.user_name, u.real_name, g.gedcom_name, new_gedcom, old_gedcom" . " FROM `##change` c" . " JOIN `##user`   u USING (user_id)" . " JOIN `##gedcom` g USING (gedcom_id)" . " WHERE c.status='pending'" . " ORDER BY gedcom_id, c.xref, c.change_id")->fetchAll();
    $output = '<br><br><table class="list_table">';
    $prev_xref = null;
    $prev_gedcom_id = null;
    foreach ($changes as $change) {
        $tree = Tree::findById($change->gedcom_id);
        preg_match('/^0 @' . WT_REGEX_XREF . '@ (' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ')/', $change->old_gedcom . $change->new_gedcom, $match);
Example #6
  * Delete this record
 public function deleteRecord()
     // Create a pending change
     if (!$this->isPendingDeletion()) {
         Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##change` (gedcom_id, xref, old_gedcom, new_gedcom, user_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, '', ?)")->execute(array($this->tree->getTreeId(), $this->xref, $this->getGedcom(), Auth::id()));
     // Auto-accept this pending change
     if (Auth::user()->getPreference('auto_accept')) {
         FunctionsImport::acceptAllChanges($this->xref, $this->tree->getTreeId());
     // Clear the cache
     self::$gedcom_record_cache = null;
     self::$pending_record_cache = null;
     Log::addEditLog('Delete: ' . static::RECORD_TYPE . ' ' . $this->xref);