Example #1
        // End db_num > 0
    // End !empty
    $content .= "<br /><br />";
    $content .= display_systemstatic("seatmap");
} elseif ($_GET['action'] == "takeseat") {
    $seatX = $_GET['seatX'];
    $seatY = $_GET['seatY'];
    $ticketID = $_GET['ticketID'];
    $eventID = $sessioninfo->eventID;
    $password = $_POST['password'];
    $newlog['ticketID'] = $ticketID;
    $newlog['seatX'] = $seatX;
    $newlog['seatY'] = $seatY;
    $newlog['password'] = $password;
    if (seating_rights($seatX, $seatY, $ticketID, $eventID, $password)) {
        // We have rights to seat that ticket. Update DB
        $qTicketInfo = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_tickets WHERE ticketID = '" . db_escape($ticketID) . "'");
        $rTicketInfo = db_fetch($qTicketInfo);
        // Check if that ticket is already used
        $qCheckUsedTicket = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "_seatReg_seatings WHERE ticketID = '" . db_escape($ticketID) . "'");
        if (db_num($qCheckUsedTicket) == 0) {
            // Ticket has never been used. Insert it
            db_query("INSERT INTO " . $sql_prefix . "_seatReg_seatings SET\n\t\t\t    eventID = '" . db_escape($eventID) . "',\n\t\t\t    ticketID = '" . db_escape($ticketID) . "',\n\t\t    seatX = '" . db_escape($seatX) . "',\n\t\t    seatY = '" . db_escape($seatY) . "'");
            db_query("UPDATE " . $sql_prefix . "_tickets SET status = 'used'\n\t\t    WHERE ticketID = '" . db_escape($ticketID) . "'");
        } else {
            db_query("UPDATE " . $sql_prefix . "_seatReg_seatings SET\n\t\t    seatX = '" . db_escape($seatX) . "',\n\t\t    seatY = '" . db_escape($seatY) . "'\n\t\t    WHERE ticketID = '" . db_escape($ticketID) . "'");
        // End else
        log_add("seating", "takeseat", serialize($newlog));
    } else {
Example #2
                $content .= lang("This seat is password-protected. If you know the password, you can take it", "seatmap_table");
                $content .= "<form method=POST action=?module=seating&amp;action=takeseat&amp&ticketID={$ticketID}&amp;seatX={$place_seatX}&amp;seatY={$place_seatY}{$suffixSeatingUrl}>";
                $content .= "<input type=text name=password><input type=submit value='" . lang("Take seat", "seatmap_table") . "'>\n";
                $content .= "</form>";
            case "g":
                if (seating_rights($place_seatX, $place_seatY, $ticketID, $sessioninfo->eventID, $password)) {
                    $content .= lang("This seat is protected by group. You are a member of a group with access.", "seatmap_table");
                    $content .= "<br /><a href=\"?module=seating&amp;action=takeseat&amp;ticketID={$ticketID}&amp;seatX={$place_seatX}&amp;seatY={$place_seatY}{$suffixSeatingUrl}\">";
                    $content .= lang("Take seat", "seatmap_table");
                    $content .= "</a>";
                } else {
                    $content .= lang("This seat is protected by group. You are not member of a group with access. Too bad!", "seatmap_table");
                // End else
            case "r":
                if (seating_rights($place_seatX, $place_seatY, $ticketID, $sessioninfo->eventID, $password)) {
                    $content .= _("This seat is protected by a special right. You are a member of a group with access");
                    $content .= "<br /><a href=\"?module=seating&amp;action=takeseat&amp;ticketID={$ticketID}&amp;seatX={$place_seatX}&amp;seatY={$place_seatY}{$suffixSeatingUrl}\">";
                    $content .= _("Take seat");
                    $content .= "</a>";
                } else {
                    $content .= _("This seat is protected by a special right. You are not member of a group with access. Too bad!");
        // End switch
    // End if db_num() == 0