function substr_text_only($string, $limit, $end = '...') { $with_html_count = strlen($string); $without_html_count = strlen(strip_tags($string)); $html_tags_length = $with_html_count - $without_html_count; return str_limit($string, $limit + $html_tags_length, $end); }
/** * Processes displaying the data to the grid * * @return DataGrid * @throws \Stevebauman\LogReader\Exceptions\UnableToRetrieveLogFilesException */ public function grid() { $columns = ['id', 'level', 'date', 'header']; $settings = ['sort' => 'date', 'direction' => 'desc', 'pdf_view' => 'pdf']; $transformer = function ($element) { $element['level'] = $this->levelToLabel($element['level']); $element['show_url'] = route('', array($element['id'])); $element['header'] = str_limit($element['header']); return $element; }; $reader = $this->reader; $filters = request()->input('filters'); if (is_array($filters)) { /* * If an include_read filter is toggled, make sure * we toggle it on the log reader */ foreach ($filters as $filter) { if (array_key_exists('include_read', $filter)) { $reader->includeRead(); } } } return datagrid($reader->get(), $columns, $settings, $transformer); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { //handel the request $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), ['title' => 'required|unique:posts|max:67', 'image' => 'required|image|mimes:jpeg,png|max:5000']); if ($validator->fails()) { return redirect('seodashboard/posts/create')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } $post = new Post(); $post->title = $request->input('title'); $post->content = $request->input('content'); $post->published = $request->input('status'); $post->excrypt = str_limit($request->input('excrypt'), 155); $tags = $request->input('tags'); $categories = $request->input('categories'); $tags = $this->ConvertTagsToList($tags); //save image path in database if ($request->hasFile('image')) { $destinationPath = 'images'; $file = $request->file('image'); $fileName = $file->getClientOriginalName(); $file->move($destinationPath, $fileName); $post->image = $fileName; } $post->save(); $post->tags()->attach($tags); $post->categories()->attach($categories); return redirect('seodashboard/posts'); }
public function updateDescription() { if ($this->content == null) { return; } $this->description = str_limit(strip_tags($this->content), 200); }
public function getIncidents() { $incidents = ITP::select(['ID', 'Title', 'ReportingOrg', 'ImpactDescription', 'BriefDescription', 'IncidentLevel', 'Date', 'Section', 'IncidentOwner', 'Engineer', 'IncidentStatus']); $datatables = Datatables::of($incidents)->editColumn('BriefDescription', function ($incident) { return ' <div class="text-semibold"><a href="./incident/' . $incident->ID . '/edit">' . str_limit($incident->Title, 40) . '</a></div> <div class="text-muted">' . str_limit($incident->BriefDescription, 80) . '</div> '; })->removeColumn('Title'); if ($months = $datatables->request->get('months')) { $datatables->where(function ($query) use($months) { foreach ($months as $month) { $query->orWhereRaw('MONTH(Date) = ' . $month); } }); } if ($quarters = $datatables->request->get('quarters')) { $datatables->where(function ($query) use($quarters) { foreach ($quarters as $quarter) { $query->orWhereRaw('MONTH(Date) = ' . $quarter); } }); } if ($years = $datatables->request->get('years')) { $datatables->where(function ($query) use($years) { foreach ($years as $year) { $query->orWhereRaw('YEAR(Date) = ' . $year); } }); } return $datatables->make(true); }
/** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $weixin = $request->session()->get('wechat.oauth_user'); // 不接受无信用的凭证 if (empty($weixin['id']) || strlen($weixin['id']) !== 28) { return abort(405); } // 生成一个随机的userKEY用于会话验证 // 将该session的过期时间设置为比access_token // 的refresh时长多10s,一旦access_token刷新, // userKEY的值会重新计算并存储 $token = $weixin['token']; $refresh = $token['refresh_token']; $expires = $token['expires_in']; // 假设用户数据已经存在于数据库中 $user = Weixin_User::getFullyUserInfoWithOpenID($token['openid']); if (empty($user)) { $user = Weixin_User::storeNewUserInfo(new Weixin_User(), $weixin->toArray()); } $user_id = $user->user_id; $key = 'jk_session:' . $user_id . ':userKEY'; // 存储当前会话消息 $request->session()->put('jukebox_user', $user_id); // 计算并存储userKEY if (!\PRedis::command('get', [$key])) { \PRedis::command('setex', [$key, intval($expires) + 10, str_limit($refresh, 5) . str_random(1)]); } return $next($request); }
public function store($data, $type = null) { $this->user_id = Auth::id(); $this->question_id = $data['question']; $this->slug = Tools::slug($data['title']); $this->title = $data['title']; $this->type = $data['post_type']; $this->selected_option = $data['option']; switch ($type) { case 'text': $this->content = Purifier::clean($data['content']); $description = $data['content']; break; case 'link': case 'video': case 'vine': $this->content = Purifier::clean($data['link'], 'noHtml'); $description = $data['description']; break; case 'audio': case 'photo': $file = Input::file('post_file'); $this->post_file_ext = $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); $this->post_file = $this->savePostFile($file, $type, Auth::id()); $description = $data['content']; break; } $this->description = str_limit(Purifier::clean($description, 'noHtml'), 255, ''); $this->save(); return ['id' => $this->id, 'slug' => $this->slug]; }
function __construct() { View::share('latestActivePosts', (new LatestActivePosts())->get()); $this->meta = new Meta(); $this->meta->set(['title' => 'Wordpress Killed Me - Your place to rant about Wordpress', 'description' => 'Trouble with Wordpress? Here you are at the right place to scream it out to the world.', 'keywords' => ['wordpress', 'cms', 'only for blogs', 'hate', 'rant', 'fail'], 'image' => '', 'og' => ['site_name' => 'Wordpress Killed Me', 'title' => 'Wordpress Killed Me - Your place to rant about Wordpress', 'description' => 'Trouble with Wordpress? Here you are at the right place to scream it out to the world.', 'keywords' => ['wordpress', 'cms', 'only for blogs', 'hate', 'rant', 'fail'], 'image' => ''], 'twitter' => ['card' => 'summary', 'site' => '@wpkilledme', 'title' => 'Wordpress Killed Me - Your place to rant about Wordpress', 'description' => str_limit('Trouble with Wordpress? Here you are at the right place to scream it out to the world.', 180), 'image' => '']]); View::share('meta', $this->meta); }
function description_trim($description, $limit = 500, $end = '...') { $description = strip_tags(str_limit($description, $limit, $end)); $description = str_replace(" ", "", $description); $description = str_replace("\n", "", $description); return $description; }
public function onSaving(Topic $topic) { $topic->title = Purifier::clean($topic->title, 'title'); $topic->body_original = Purifier::clean(trim($topic->body), 'body'); $topic->body = app('markdown')->text($topic->body_original); $topic->excerpt = str_limit(trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', strip_tags($topic->body))), 200); }
public function buildFileName($invoice = false) { $key = $invoice ? 'invoice' : 'paper'; if ($this->files[$key . '_name']) { #if already build return $this->files[$key . '_name']; } if (!request()->file($this->files[$key])) { return ''; } $ext = request()->file($this->files[$key])->getClientOriginalExtension(); $name = request()->file($this->files[$key])->getClientOriginalName(); $name = str_replace('.' . $ext, '', $name); #check if name is bigger then 90 chars and cut + remove ... from string $name = str_limit($name, 90); if (substr($name, -1) == '.') { $name = substr($name, 0, -3); } $userName = explode(' ', auth()->user()->name); $name .= '_' . $userName[0][0] . $userName[1][0]; #get user letters if ($invoice) { $name .= 'I'; #add i before number } $name .= rand(1, 999); $name .= '.' . $ext; #add extension if (File::exists(self::$path . $name)) { $name = $this->buildFileName($invoice); } $this->files[$key . '_name'] = $name; return $name; }
public function postUpdate(Requests\Admin\ArticleRequest $request, $type, $act, $id = 0) { $article = new Article(); if ($act == 'edit') { $article = Article::find($id); } $article->user_id = \Auth::id(); $article->node_id = $request->input('node'); $article->title = $request->input('title'); $article->seo_title = $request->input('seo_title'); $article->description = $request->input('description'); $article->keywords = $request->input('keywords'); $article->type = $request->input('type'); $article->image = $request->input('get_image'); $article->outline = $request->input('outline') ?: str_limit(strip_tags($request->input('content'))); $article->content = $request->input('content'); $article->order = $request->input('order'); $article->views = $request->input('views'); $article->hot = $request->input('hot') ? 1 : 0; $article->status = $request->input('status') ? 1 : 0; $article->recommend = $request->input('recommend') ? 1 : 0; $article->show_index = $request->input('show_index') ? 1 : 0; if ($article->save()) { $info = ['from' => 'update', 'status' => 'success']; j4flash($info); return redirect('admin/article/index/' . $type); } else { return redirect()->back()->withErrors(['err' => lang('submit failed')])->withInput(); } }
public function createPost(Requests\Bins\CreateBin $request) { $description = $request->has('description') && trim($request->input('description')) != '' ? $request->input('description') : null; $bin = Bin::create(['user_id' => auth()->user()->getAuthIdentifier(), 'title' => $request->input('title'), 'description' => $description, 'visibility' => $request->input('visibility')]); if ($bin->isPublic()) { $status = 'Bin: #laravel ' . $bin->url() . ' ' . $bin->title; Twitter::postTweet(['status' => str_limit($status, 135), 'format' => 'json']); $bin->tweeted = true; $bin->save(); } $bin->versions()->sync($request->input('versions')); $files = []; foreach ($request->input('name') as $key => $value) { $files[$key]['name'] = $value; } foreach ($request->input('language') as $key => $value) { $files[$key]['language'] = $value; } foreach ($request->input('code') as $key => $value) { $files[$key]['code'] = $value; } foreach ($files as $item) { $type = Type::where('css_class', $item['language'])->first(); $bin->snippets()->create(['type_id' => $type->id, 'name' => $item['name'], 'code' => $item['code']]); } session()->flash('success', 'Bin created successfully!'); return redirect()->route('bin.code', $bin->getRouteKey()); }
/** * @param string $title * @param string $tinyIcon * @param string $largeIcon * @param string $locationName */ public function __construct($title, $tinyIcon, $largeIcon, $locationName) { $this->title = $title; $this->tinyIcon = $tinyIcon; $this->largeIcon = $largeIcon; $this->locationName = str_limit($locationName, 256); }
public function getSummaryAttribute() { if (empty($this->summary)) { return str_limit(strip_tags($this->content), 1200); } return; }
public function index($id) { $post = $this->postRepository->findById($id); if (!$post or !$post->present()->canView()) { if (\Request::ajax()) { return ''; } return $this->theme->section('error-page'); } $this->theme->share('site_description', $post->text ? \Str::limit($post->text, 100) : \Config::get('site_description')); $this->theme->share('ogUrl', \URL::route('post-page', ['id' => $post->id])); if ($post->text) { $this->theme->share('ogTitle', \Str::limit($post->text, 100)); } if ($post->present()->hasValidImage()) { foreach ($post->present()->images() as $image) { $this->theme->share('ogImage', \Image::url($image, 600)); } } $ad = empty($post->text) ? trans('') : str_limit($post->text, 60); $design = []; if ($post->page_id) { $design = $post->page->present()->readDesign(); } elseif ($post->community_id) { $design = $post->community->present()->readDesign(); } else { $design = $post->user->present()->readDesign(); } return $this->render('', ['post' => $post], ['title' => $this->setTitle($ad), 'design' => $design]); }
/** * The pages short content * * @return mixed null|string */ public function getExcerptAttribute() { if (array_has($this->attributes, 'body')) { return str_limit(strip_tags($this->attributes['body']), 200); } return null; }
/** * Update podcast items * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $uniquePodcasts = DB::table('podcasts')->select('id', 'feed_url', 'machine_name')->groupBy('machine_name')->get(); foreach ($uniquePodcasts as $podcast) { $usersSubscribedToThisPodcast = DB::table('podcasts')->select('user_id', 'id as podcast_id')->where('machine_name', '=', $podcast->machine_name)->get(); $items = Feeds::make($podcast->feed_url)->get_items(); // Calculate 48 hours ago $yesterday = time() - 24 * 2 * 60 * 60; foreach ($items as $item) { $itemPubDate = $item->get_date(); if ($item->get_date('U') > $yesterday) { // new items foreach ($usersSubscribedToThisPodcast as $subscriber) { $podcastItemsCount = DB::table('items')->select('user_id', 'title', 'podcast_id')->where('title', '=', strip_tags($item->get_title()))->where('user_id', '=', $subscriber->user_id)->where('podcast_id', '=', $subscriber->podcast_id)->count(); // if this item is not already in the DB if ($podcastItemsCount == 0) { Item::create(['user_id' => $subscriber->user_id, 'title' => strip_tags($item->get_title()), 'description' => strip_tags(str_limit($item->get_description(), 100)), 'published_at' => $item->get_date('Y-m-d'), 'url' => $item->get_permalink(), 'audio_url' => $item->get_enclosure()->get_link(), 'podcast_id' => $subscriber->podcast_id]); } } } else { break; } } } }
public function publishDraftCreate($article_id) { $input = Input::all(); $validator = Validator::make($input, DraftArticle::$rules, DraftArticle::$validatorMessages); if ($validator->passes()) { $model = DraftArticle::where('id', '=', $article_id)->first(); $model->title = Input::get('title'); $model->digest = str_limit(strip_tags(Input::get('content')), 30, '...'); $pictures = $model->pictures; if (!$pictures->isEmpty()) { $model->cover = $pictures->first()->path; } else { $model->cover = "/static/img/nopic.png"; } $model->status = '002'; $model->content = Input::get('content'); if ($model->save()) { $response['success'] = true; } else { $response['success'] = false; $response['message'] = '发布失败。'; } } else { $response['success'] = false; $response['message'] = $validator->messages()->first(); } return Response::json($response); }
/** * Return an array with character information. * This includes the key info as well as the * extended information such as type/expiry etc. * * @return array */ public function all_with_info() { $response = []; foreach (EveApiKeyModel::all() as $key) { $response[$key->key_id] = ['enabled' => $key->enabled, 'user_id' => $key->user_id, 'key_id' => $key->key_id, 'v_code' => str_limit($key->v_code, 15), 'access_mask' => $key->info ? $key->info->accessMask : null, 'type' => $key->info ? $key->info->type : null, 'expires' => $key->info ? $key->info->expires : null, 'last_error' => $key->last_error, 'characters' => count($key->characters) > 0 ? implode(', ', $key->characters->lists('characterName')->all()) : null]; } return $response; }
/** * @param string $path * * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException * * @return View|Response */ public function pageAction(string $path) { $slug = str_limit($path, 63, ''); if ($this->staticViewExists($slug)) { return $this->makeStaticView($slug); } throw new NotFoundHttpException(); }
/** * @param $rawFileName * @return string */ private static function renameFile($rawFileName, $extensionPart) { $randomStr = str_random(6); $namePart = strstr($rawFileName, $extensionPart, true); // Concat file name $fileName = str_slug($namePart) . '-' . $randomStr . '.' . $extensionPart; return str_limit($fileName, 254, ''); }
public function body() { $body = Purifier::clean($this->body); $body1 = str_replace('<p>', '', $body); $body2 = str_replace('</p>', '', $body1); return str_limit($body2, 300, '...'); return $body2; }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param $post * @return Response */ public function show($post = null) { if (!$post) { abort(404); } $this->meta->set(['title' => $post->title . ' | Wordpress Killed Me', 'description' => $post->text, 'og' => ['title' => $post->title . ' | Wordpress Killed Me', 'description' => $post->text], 'twitter' => ['title' => $post->title . ' | Wordpress Killed Me', 'description' => str_limit($post->text, 180)]]); return view('', ['post' => $post]); }
/** * Returns a new work request grid. * * @return \Cartalyst\DataGrid\DataGrid */ public function grid() { $columns = ['id', 'subject', 'best_time', 'created_at']; $settings = ['sort' => 'created_at', 'direction' => 'desc', 'threshold' => 10, 'throttle' => 11]; $transformer = function (WorkRequest $workRequest) { return ['id' => $workRequest->id, 'subject' => str_limit($workRequest->subject), 'best_time' => $workRequest->best_time, 'created_at' => $workRequest->created_at, 'view_url' => route('', [$workRequest->id])]; }; return $this->workRequest->grid($columns, $settings, $transformer); }
public function getStrRolesAttribute() { $roles = $this->roles()->lists('acronym'); $trim_roles = []; foreach ($roles as $role) { $trim_roles[] = str_limit($role, 3, ''); } return implode(',', $trim_roles); }
public function tweetBin(Bin $bin) { $status = 'Bin: #laravel ' . $bin->url() . ' ' . $bin->title; Twitter::postTweet(['status' => str_limit($status, 135), 'format' => 'json']); $bin->tweeted = true; $bin->save(); session()->flash('success', 'Bin has successfully been tweeted!'); return redirect()->back(); }
/** * Returns a new work order grid. * * @return \Cartalyst\DataGrid\DataGrid */ public function grid() { $columns = ['id', 'priority_id', 'status_id', 'created_at', 'user_id', 'subject']; $settings = ['sort' => 'created_at', 'direction' => 'desc', 'threshold' => 10, 'throttle' => 11]; $transformer = function (WorkOrder $workOrder) { return ['id' => $workOrder->id, 'created_at' => $workOrder->created_at, 'subject' => str_limit($workOrder->subject), 'view_url' => route('', [$workOrder->id]), 'created_by' => $workOrder->user->full_name, 'status' => $workOrder->viewer()->lblStatus(), 'priority' => $workOrder->viewer()->lblPriority()]; }; return $this->workOrder->grid($columns, $settings, $transformer); }
public function index(Request $request) { $users = $this->userRepository->listaUser($request); return Datatables::of($users)->addColumn('img', function (User $user) { return $user->imagenes->map(function ($imagenes) { return str_limit($imagenes->img, 30, '...'); })->implode('<br>'); })->make(true); }
/** * Handle the command. * * @param StoreNewSnippetCommand $command * @return void */ public function handle(StoreNewSnippetCommand $command) { if (empty($command->title)) { $command->title = str_limit($command->body, 10); } $snippet = Snippet::create(['user_id' => $command->user_id, 'title' => $command->title, 'body' => $command->body, 'mode' => $command->mode, 'password' => $command->password]); SnippetSlug::create(['snippet_id' => $snippet->id, 'slug' => $snippet]); return $snippet; }