Example #1
        $user = $viewusers[$i];
        user_load_variables($user, "temp");
        echo "<th class=\"row\" style=\"width:{$tdw}%;\">{$tempfullname}</th>";
        for ($date = $wkstart, $h = 0; date("Ymd", $date) <= date("Ymd", $wkend); $date += 24 * 3600, $h++) {
            $wday = strftime("%w", $date);
            if ($wday == 0 || $wday == 6) {
                echo "<td class=\"weekend\" style=\"width:{$tdw}%;\">";
            } else {
                echo "<td style=\"width:{$tdw}%;\">";
            $events = $e_save[$i];
            $repeated_events = $re_save[$i];
            if (empty($add_link_in_views) || $add_link_in_views != "N") {
                echo html_for_add_icon(date("Ymd", $date), "", "", $user);
            print_date_entries(date("Ymd", $date), $user, true);
            echo "</td>";
        echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n<br /><br />\n";
$user = "";
// reset
if (!empty($eventinfo)) {
    echo $eventinfo;
echo "<a title=\"" . translate("Generate printer-friendly version") . "\" class=\"printer\" href=\"view_v.php?id={$id}&amp;date=" . "{$thisdate}&amp;friendly=1\" " . "target=\"cal_printer_friendly\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" . translate("Generate printer-friendly version") . "'\">[" . translate("Printer Friendly") . "]</a>\n";
Example #2
 $todayYmd = date('Ymd', $today);
 for ($i = 0; $i < $viewusercnt; $i++) {
     $events = $e_save[$i];
     $repeated_events = $re_save[$i];
     $user = $viewusers[$i];
     user_load_variables($user, 'temp');
     $body .= '
     <th class="row" style="width:' . $tdw . '%;">' . $tempfullname . '</th>';
     for ($date = $wkstart; $date < $wkend; $date += 86400) {
         $is_weekend = is_weekend($date);
         if ($is_weekend && $DISPLAY_WEEKENDS == 'N') {
         $dateYmd = date('Ymd', $date);
         $entryStr = print_date_entries($dateYmd, $user, true);
         $class = ($dateYmd == $todayYmd ? ' class="today"' : (!empty($entryStr) && $entryStr != '&nbsp;' ? ' class="hasevents"' : ($is_weekend ? ' class="weekend"' : ''))) . ' style="width:' . $tdw . '%;">';
         // .
         // Build header row.
         if ($i == 0) {
             $header .= '
     <th' . $class . weekday_name(date('w', $date), $DISPLAY_LONG_DAYS) . ' ' . date('d', $date) . '</th>';
         $body .= '
     <td' . $class . (empty($ADD_LINK_IN_VIEWS) || $ADD_LINK_IN_VIEWS != 'N' ? html_for_add_icon($dateYmd, '', '', $user) . "\n" : '') . $entryStr . '
     $body .= '
 // .
Example #3
        if (date("Ymd", $date) >= date("Ymd", $monthstart) && date("Ymd", $date) <= date("Ymd", $monthend)) {
            $thiswday = date("w", $date);
            $is_weekend = $thiswday == 0 || $thiswday == 6;
            if (empty($WEEKENDBG)) {
                $is_weekend = false;
            print "<td";
            if ($date == date("Ymd", $today)) {
                echo " class=\"today\">";
            } elseif ($is_weekend) {
                echo " class=\"weekend\">";
            } else {
                echo ">";
            //echo date ( "D, m-d-Y H:i:s", $date ) . "<br />";
            print_date_entries(date("Ymd", $date), !empty($user) ? $user : $login, false, implode(',', $viewusers));
            print "</td>\n";
        } else {
            print "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
    print "</tr>\n";
</table><br />

echo $eventinfo;
display_unapproved_events($is_assistant || $is_nonuser_admin ? $user : $login);
Example #4
            $class = "";
            if (date("Ymd", $date) == date("Ymd", $today)) {
                $class = "today";
            if ($is_weekend) {
                if (strlen($class)) {
                    $class .= " ";
                $class .= "weekend";
            if (strlen($class)) {
                echo " class=\"{$class}\"";
            echo ">";
            //echo date ( "D, m-d-Y H:i:s", $date ) . "<br />";
            print_date_entries(date("Ymd", $date), !empty($user) ? $user : $login, false);
            print "</td>\n";
        } else {
            print "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
    print "</tr>\n";
<br />
if (!empty($eventinfo)) {
    echo $eventinfo;
display_unapproved_events($is_assistant || $is_nonuser_admin ? $user : $login);
Example #5
$startdate = date('Ymd', $wkstart);
$enddate = date('Ymd', $wkend);
/* Pre-Load the repeated events for quckier access */
$repeated_events = read_repeated_events($login, $startdate, $enddate, '');
/* Pre-load the non-repeating events for quicker access */
$events = read_events($login, $startdate, $enddate);
$first_hour = $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR;
$last_hour = $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR;
$untimed_found = false;
$tmpOut1 = $tmpOut2 = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
    $days[$i] = $wkstart + 86400 * $i;
    $date = date('Ymd', $days[$i]);
    $tmpOut1 .= '
              <th style="width: 13%; background: ' . (date('Ymd', $days[$i]) == date('Ymd', $today) ? $TODAYCELLBG : $THBG) . ';">' . weekday_name(($i + $WEEK_START) % 7, $DISPLAY_LONG_DAYS) . '<br />' . month_name(date('m', $days[$i]) - 1, 'M') . ' ' . date('d', $days[$i]) . '</th>';
    $tmpOut2 .= '
              <td style="vertical-align: top; width: 75px; height: 75px; ' . 'background: ' . ($date == date('Ymd') ? $TODAYCELLBG : $CELLBG) . print_date_entries($date, $login, true, true) . '&nbsp;</td>';
echo '
    <table width="100%">
        <td style="background: ' . $TABLEBG . ';">
          <table style="border: 0; width: 100%;" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
            <tr>' . $tmpOut1 . '
            <tr>' . $tmpOut2 . '
Example #6
            } else {
                $color = $CELLBG;
            $class = "tableheader";
        echo "<TR><TH CLASS=\"{$class}\" WIDTH=\"10%\" BGCOLOR=\"{$color}\" VALIGN=\"top\">" . "<FONT SIZE=\"-1\" CLASS=\"{$class}\">" . $weekday . " " . round(date("d", $date)) . "</FONT></TH>\n";
        for ($i = $j, $k = 0; $i < count($viewusers) && $k < $USERS_PER_TABLE; $i++, $k++) {
            $user = $viewusers[$i];
            $events = $e_save[$i];
            $repeated_events = $re_save[$i];
            echo "<TD WIDTH=\"{$tdw}%\" BGCOLOR=\"{$color}\">";
            //echo date ( "D, m-d-Y H:i:s", $date ) . "<BR>";
            if (empty($add_link_in_views) || $add_link_in_views != "N") {
                echo html_for_add_icon(date("Ymd", $date), "", "", $user);
            print_date_entries(date("Ymd", $date), $user, $friendly, true);
            echo "</TD>";
        echo "</TR>\n";
    if (empty($friendly) || !$friendly) {
        echo "</TD></TR></TABLE>\n</TABLE>\n<P>\n";
    } else {
        echo "</TABLE>\n<P>\n";
$user = "";
// reset
if (empty($friendly)) {
    echo $eventinfo;
function display_month($thismonth, $thisyear, $demo = false)
    $ret = '
    <table class="main" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="month_main">
      <tr>' . ($DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER == 'Y' ? '
        <th class="empty"></th>' : '');
    for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
        $thday = ($i + $WEEK_START) % 7;
        $ret .= '
        <th' . (is_weekend($thday) ? ' class="weekend"' : '') . '>' . weekday_name($thday, $DISPLAY_LONG_DAYS) . '</th>';
    $ret .= '
    $charset = translate('charset');
    $weekStr = translate('Week');
    $WKStr = translate('WK');
    $wkstart = get_weekday_before($thisyear, $thismonth);
    // Generate values for first day and last day of month.
    $monthstart = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $thismonth, 1, $thisyear));
    $monthend = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, 0, $thisyear));
    $monthend2 = date('Ymd His', mktime(0, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, 0, $thisyear));
    $todayYmd = date('Ymd', $today);
    for ($i = $wkstart; date('Ymd', $i + 43200) <= $monthend; $i += 604800) {
        $ret .= '
        if ($DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER == 'Y') {
            $tmp = date('W', $i + 86400);
            $ret .= '
        <td class="weekcell"><a title="' . $weekStr . ' ' . $tmp . '" href="' . ($demo ? '' : 'week.php?date=' . date('Ymd', $i + 86400)) . (!empty($user) && $user != $login ? '&amp;user='******'') . (empty($cat_id) ? '' : '&amp;cat_id=' . $cat_id) . '"' . '>';
            $wkStr = $WKStr . $tmp;
            $wkStr2 = '';
            if ($charset == 'UTF-8') {
                $wkStr2 = $wkStr;
            } else {
                for ($w = 0, $cnt = strlen($wkStr); $w < $cnt; $w++) {
                    $wkStr2 .= substr($wkStr, $w, 1) . '<br />';
            $ret .= $wkStr2 . '</a></td>';
        for ($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++) {
            $date = $i + ($j * 86400 + 43200);
            $dateYmd = date('Ymd', $date);
            $dateD = date('d', $date);
            $thiswday = date('w', $date);
            $is_weekend = is_weekend($date) && !empty($WEEKENDBG);
            $ret .= '
            $currMonth = $dateYmd >= $monthstart && $dateYmd <= $monthend;
            if ($currMonth || !empty($DISPLAY_ALL_DAYS_IN_MONTH) && $DISPLAY_ALL_DAYS_IN_MONTH == 'Y') {
                $class = $currMonth ? !$demo && $dateYmd == $todayYmd ? 'today' : ($is_weekend ? 'weekend' : '') : 'othermonth';
                // Get events for this day.
                $ret_events = '';
                if (!$demo) {
                    $ret_events = print_date_entries($dateYmd, empty($user) ? $login : $user, false);
                } else {
                    // Since we base this calendar on the current month,
                    // the placement of the days always change so
                    // set 3rd Thursday as "today" for the demo...
                    if ($dateD > 15 && $dateD < 23 && $thiswday == 4) {
                        $class = 'today';
                        $ret_events = translate('Today');
                    // ... and set 2nd Saturday and 2nd Tuesday as the demo event days.
                    if ($dateD > 7 && $dateD < 16 && ($thiswday == 2 || $thiswday == 6)) {
                        $class .= ' entry hasevents';
                        $ret_events = translate('My event text');
                $class = trim($class);
                $class .= !empty($ret_events) && strstr($ret_events, 'class="entry"') ? ' hasevents' : '';
                $ret .= (strlen($class) ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : '') . '>' . $ret_events . '</td>';
            } else {
                $ret .= ($is_weekend ? ' class="weekend"' : '') . '>&nbsp;</td>';
        $ret .= '
    return $ret . '
Example #8
        $color = $TODAYCELLBG;
    } else {
        $color = $THBG;
    echo "<th style=\"width:13%; background-color:{$color};\">{$header[$d]}</th>";

$first_hour = $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR - $TZ_OFFSET;
$last_hour = $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR + $TZ_OFFSET;
$untimed_found = false;
for ($d = 0; $d < 7; $d++) {
    $date = date("Ymd", $days[$d]);
    print "<td style=\"vertical-align:top; width:75px; height:75px;";
    if ($date == date("Ymd")) {
        echo " background-color:{$TODAYCELLBG};\">";
    } else {
        echo " background-color:{$CELLBG};\">";
    print_date_entries($date, $login, true, true);
    echo "&nbsp;";
    echo "</td>\n";