function build_runtime() { // 加载常量定义文件 require THINK_PATH . '/Common/defines.php'; // 加载路径定义文件 require defined('PATH_DEFINE_FILE') ? PATH_DEFINE_FILE : THINK_PATH . '/Common/paths.php'; // 定义核心编译的文件 $runtime[] = THINK_PATH . '/Common/functions.php'; // 系统函数 if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '<')) { // 加载兼容函数 $runtime[] = THINK_PATH . '/Common/compat.php'; } // 核心基类必须加载 $runtime[] = THINK_PATH . '/Lib/Think/Core/Think.class.php'; // 读取核心编译文件列表 if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'core.php')) { // 加载项目自定义的核心编译文件列表 $list = (include CONFIG_PATH . 'core.php'); } else { if (defined('THINK_MODE')) { // 根据设置的运行模式加载不同的核心编译文件 $list = (include THINK_PATH . '/Mode/' . strtolower(THINK_MODE) . '.php'); } else { // 默认核心 $list = (include THINK_PATH . '/Common/core.php'); } } $runtime = array_merge($runtime, $list); // 加载核心编译文件列表 foreach ($runtime as $key => $file) { if (is_file($file)) { require $file; } } // 检查项目目录结构 如果不存在则自动创建 if (!is_dir(RUNTIME_PATH)) { // 创建项目目录结构 build_app_dir(); } else { // 检查缓存目录 check_runtime(); } // 生成核心编译缓存 去掉文件空白以减少大小 if (!defined('NO_CACHE_RUNTIME')) { echo "gggggg"; $compile = defined('RUNTIME_ALLINONE'); $content = compile(THINK_PATH . '/Common/defines.php', $compile); $content .= compile(defined('PATH_DEFINE_FILE') ? PATH_DEFINE_FILE : THINK_PATH . '/Common/paths.php', $compile); foreach ($runtime as $file) { $content .= compile($file, $compile); } if (defined('STRIP_RUNTIME_SPACE') && STRIP_RUNTIME_SPACE == false) { file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . '~runtime.php', '<?php' . $content); } else { file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . '~runtime.php', strip_whitespace('<?php' . $content)); } unset($content); } }
/** * 应用程序初始化 */ public static function start() { // 注册AUTOLOAD方法 spl_autoload_register('Think\\Think::autoLoad'); // 设定错误和异常处理 register_shutdown_function('Think\\Think::fatalError'); set_error_handler('Think\\Think::appError'); set_exception_handler('Think\\Think::appException'); // 初始化文件存储方式 Storage::connect(STORAGE_TYPE); $runtimeFile = RUNTIME_PATH . APP_MODE . '~runtime.php'; if (!APP_DEBUG && Storage::has($runtimeFile)) { Storage::load($runtimeFile); } else { $content = ''; // 读取应用模式 $mode = (include is_file(CONF_PATH . 'core.php') ? CONF_PATH . 'core.php' : MODE_PATH . APP_MODE . '.php'); // 加载核心文件 foreach ($mode['core'] as $file) { if (is_file($file)) { include $file; if (!APP_DEBUG) { $content .= compile($file); } } } // 加载应用模式配置文件 foreach ($mode['config'] as $key => $file) { is_numeric($key) ? C(load_config($file)) : C($key, load_config($file)); } } }
function build_runtime() { // 加载常量定义文件 require CORE_PATH . '/sociax/defines.php'; // 加载路径定义文件 require CORE_PATH . '/sociax/paths.php'; // 定义核心编译的文件 $runtime[] = CORE_PATH . '/sociax/functions.php'; // 系统函数 $runtime[] = CORE_PATH . '/sociax/extend.php'; // 扩展函数库 if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '<')) { // 加载兼容函数 $runtime[] = THINK_PATH . '/Common/compat.php'; } // 核心基类必须加载 $runtime[] = THINK_PATH . '/Core/Think.class.php'; // 读取核心编译文件列表 if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'core.php')) { // 加载项目自定义的核心编译文件列表 $list = (include CONFIG_PATH . 'core.php'); } else { // 加载核心编译文件 $list = (include CORE_PATH . '/sociax/core.php'); } $runtime = array_merge($runtime, $list); // 加载核心编译文件列表 foreach ($runtime as $key => $file) { if (is_file($file)) { require $file; } } // 检查项目目录结构 如果不存在则自动创建 if (!is_dir(RUNTIME_PATH)) { // 创建项目目录结构 build_app_dir(); } else { // 检查缓存目录 check_runtime(); } // 生成核心编译缓存 去掉文件空白以减少大小 // ALL_IN_ONE模式时, NO_CACHE_RUNTIME无效 if (!defined('NO_CACHE_RUNTIME')) { define('NO_CACHE_RUNTIME', false); } if (RUNTIME_ALLINONE || !NO_CACHE_RUNTIME) { $compile = RUNTIME_ALLINONE; $content = compile(CORE_PATH . '/sociax/defines.php', $compile); $content .= compile(CORE_PATH . '/sociax/paths.php', $compile); foreach ($runtime as $file) { $content .= compile($file, $compile); } if (defined('STRIP_RUNTIME_SPACE') && STRIP_RUNTIME_SPACE == false) { file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . '/~runtime.php', '<?php' . $content); } else { file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . '/~runtime.php', strip_whitespace('<?php' . $content)); } unset($content); } }
/** * 压缩框架文件 * */ function build() { $args = func_get_args(); extract($args[0]); $compile = ''; $list = array(BASE_PATH . '/framework/core/runtime.php', BASE_PATH . '/framework/core/base.php', BASE_PATH . '/framework/core/model.php', BASE_PATH . '/framework/cache/cache.php', BASE_PATH . '/framework/cache/cache.file.php', BASE_PATH . '/framework/db/' . strtolower($dbdriver) . '.php', BASE_PATH . '/framework/function/goods.php', BASE_PATH . '/framework/libraries/email.php', BASE_PATH . '/framework/libraries/language.php', BASE_PATH . '/framework/libraries/log.php', BASE_PATH . '/framework/libraries/page.php', BASE_PATH . '/framework/libraries/security.php', BASE_PATH . '/framework/libraries/validate.php', BASE_PATH . '/framework/libraries/upload.php', BASE_PATH . '/framework/function/core.php', BASE_PATH . '/framework/tpl/nc.php', BASE_PATH . '/control/control.php', BASE_PATH . '/language/' . $lang_type . '/core_lang_index.php', BASE_PATH . '/classes/process.class.php'); if (!empty($cache_type) && strtolower($cache_type) != 'file') { $list[] = BASE_PATH . '/framework/cache/cache.' . strtolower($cache_type) . '.php'; } foreach ($list as $file) { if (file_exists($file)) { $compile .= compile($file); } else { exit(str_replace(BASE_PATH, '', $file) . " isn't exists!"); } } //加载核心语言包 // $lang_file = BASE_PATH.'/language/'.$lang_type.'/core_lang_index.php'; // if (!file_exists($lang_file)){ // exit(str_replace(BASE_PATH,'',$lang_file)." isn't exists!"); // } $compile .= compile($lang_file); $compile .= "\nLanguage::appendLanguage(\$lang);"; $compile .= "\nBase::run();"; file_put_contents(RUNCOREPATH, compress_code("<?php defined('InShopNC') or exit('Access Invalid!');" . $compile)); }
public function run(&$params) { if (!defined('BUILD_LITE_FILE')) { return; } $litefile = C('RUNTIME_LITE_FILE', null, RUNTIME_PATH . 'lite.php'); if (is_file($litefile)) { return; } $defs = get_defined_constants(true); $content = 'namespace {$GLOBALS[\'_beginTime\'] = microtime(TRUE);'; if (MEMORY_LIMIT_ON) { $content .= '$GLOBALS[\'_startUseMems\'] = memory_get_usage();'; } // 生成数组定义 unset($defs['user']['BUILD_LITE_FILE']); $content .= $this->buildArrayDefine($defs['user']) . '}'; // 读取编译列表文件 $filelist = is_file(CONF_PATH . 'lite.php') ? include CONF_PATH . 'lite.php' : array(THINK_PATH . 'Common/functions.php', COMMON_PATH . 'Common/function.php', CORE_PATH . 'Think' . EXT, CORE_PATH . 'Hook' . EXT, CORE_PATH . 'App' . EXT, CORE_PATH . 'Dispatcher' . EXT, CORE_PATH . 'Log' . EXT, CORE_PATH . 'Log/Driver/File' . EXT, CORE_PATH . 'Route' . EXT, CORE_PATH . 'Controller' . EXT, CORE_PATH . 'View' . EXT, CORE_PATH . 'Storage' . EXT, CORE_PATH . 'Storage/Driver/File' . EXT, CORE_PATH . 'Exception' . EXT, BEHAVIOR_PATH . 'ParseTemplateBehavior' . EXT, BEHAVIOR_PATH . 'ContentReplaceBehavior' . EXT); // 编译文件 foreach ($filelist as $file) { if (is_file($file)) { $content .= compile($file); } } // 处理Think类的start方法 $content = preg_replace('/\\$runtimefile = RUNTIME_PATH(.+?)(if\\(APP_STATUS)/', '\\2', $content, 1); $content .= "\nnamespace { Think\\Think::addMap(" . var_export(\Think\Think::getMap(), true) . ");"; $content .= "\nL(" . var_export(L(), true) . ");\nC(" . var_export(C(), true) . ');Think\\Hook::import(' . var_export(\Think\Hook::get(), true) . ');Think\\Think::start();}'; // 生成运行Lite文件 file_put_contents($litefile, strip_whitespace('<?php ' . $content)); }
/** * показ топа по пвп очкам * * @return void * @author NetSoul **/ function index() { $world = get_world(); $this->data['title'] = 'Топ голосов за смс'; include APPPATH . "config/mmotop.php"; $all_data = file_get_contents($config['logfile']); $rows = explode("\n", $all_data); $chars = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $cols = explode("\t", $row); if (isset($cols[3]) && $cols[3] !== '') { if ($cols[4] == 2) { $chars[] = iconv('UTF-8', 'CP1251', $cols[3]); } } } $top = array_count_values($chars); arsort($top); $i = 1; $this->table->set_heading('#', 'Имя персонажа'); foreach ($top as $key => $value) { $this->table->add_row($i, $key); $i++; if ($i > 100) { break; } } $this->data['content'] = $this->table->generate(); compile('', false); }
function compileAll($compressedFiles, $app, $nameInclude, $compile, $delete) { if ($nameInclude == "ALL") { foreach ($compressedFiles->files as $key => $fileNameInclude) { compile($compressedFiles, $app, $key, $compile, $delete); } } else { compile($compressedFiles, $app, $nameInclude, $compile, $delete); } }
function less_compiler($theme, $override = array()) { global $CFG; $swatch = $theme->settings->subtheme; $responsive = $theme->settings->responsive; $awesome = $theme->settings->awesome; // TODO: add setting for padding between breadcrumb and fixed navbar. $extra_padding = 0; $padding = 0; $icon_color = 'inherit'; $icon_opacity = 1; if ($swatch == 'random') { $colors = array('inherit', 'red', 'yellow', 'pink', 'purple', 'orange', 'blue', 'green'); $color_key = array_rand($colors); $icon_color = $colors[$color_key]; $opacities = array(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1); $opacity_key = array_rand($opacities); $icon_opacity = $colors[$opacity_key]; $swatches = array('amelia', 'cerulean', 'cosmo', 'cyborg', 'journal', 'readable', 'simplex', 'slate', 'spacelab', 'spruce', 'superhero', 'united'); $swatch = $swatches[array_rand($swatches)]; $responsive = rand(0, 1); $awesome = rand(0, 1); $extra_padding = rand(0, 1); if ($extra_padding == 1) { $padding = 20; } } $cache_name = md5(serialize(array($swatch, $responsive, $awesome, $extra_padding, $icon_color, $icon_opacity))); $current_theme = current_theme(); $cachedir = "{$CFG->cachedir}/theme/{$current_theme}"; $cachefile = "{$cachedir}/{$cache_name}.css"; $themedir = $theme->dir; $themewww = $current_theme; if (isset($CFG->themewww)) { $themewww = "{$CFG->themewww}/{$current_theme}"; } $less_variables = array('swatch' => "'{$swatch}'", 'navbarMargin' => $padding, 'php_fontAwesomePath' => "'{$themewww}/pix/font'", 'iconColor' => $icon_color, 'iconOpacity' => $icon_opacity, 'php_iconSpritePath' => "'{$themewww}/pix/glyphicons-halflings.png'", 'php_iconWhiteSpritePath' => "'{$themewww}/pix/glyphicons-halflings-white.png'", 'php_horizontalComponentOffset' => '200px'); if ($awesome) { $import_dirs[] = "{$themedir}/style/font-awesome"; } else { $import_dirs[] = "{$themedir}/style/glyphicons"; } $import_dirs[] = "{$themedir}/style"; $less_input = less_input($swatch, $responsive); $output = compile($less_input, $less_variables, $import_dirs); $search[] = 'fonts/'; $replace[] = $less_variables['php_fontAwesomePath'] . '/'; $output = str_replace($search, $replace, $output); return $output; }
public function run(&$content) { if (!APP_DEBUG && C('BUILD_LITE_RUNTIME')) { $litefile = RUNTIME_PATH . APP_MODE . '~lite.php'; $runtimefile = RUNTIME_PATH . APP_MODE . '~runtime.php'; if (!Storage::has($litefile)) { $defs = get_defined_constants(TRUE); $content = Storage::read($runtimefile); // $content .= 'namespace { $GLOBALS[\'_beginTime\'] = microtime(TRUE);'; $content .= compile(CORE_PATH . 'Think' . EXT); $content .= 'namespace {' . $this->array_define($defs['user']) . 'Think\\Think::start();}'; Storage::put($litefile, $content); } } }
function mcp_process($fifo) { $todo=trim(fgets($fifo)); $todo=explode(" ", $todo); switch($todo[0]) { case "restart": call_hooks("mcp_restart"); break; case "compile": compile($todo[1]); break; default: print "didn't understand ".implode(" ", $todo)."\n"; } return 1; }
/** * * * Framework ºËÐÄ¿ò¼Ü * * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2013 ShopNC Inc. ( * @license * @link * @since File available since Release v1.1 */ function build() { $args = func_get_args(); extract($args[0]); $compile = ""; $list = array(BasePath . "/framework/core/runtime.php", BasePath . "/framework/core/base.php", BasePath . "/framework/core/db.php", BasePath . "/framework/core/model.php", BasePath . "/framework/cache/cache.php", BasePath . "/framework/cache/cache.file.php", BasePath . "/framework/db/" . strtolower($dbdriver) . ".php", BasePath . "/framework/function/goods.php", BasePath . "/framework/function/seccode.php", BasePath . "/framework/libraries/email.php", BasePath . "/framework/libraries/language.php", BasePath . "/framework/libraries/log.php", BasePath . "/framework/libraries/page.php", BasePath . "/framework/libraries/security.php", BasePath . "/framework/libraries/validate.php", BasePath . "/framework/libraries/upload.php", BasePath . "/framework/function/core.php", BasePath . "/framework/tpl/nc.php", BasePath . "/control/control.php", BasePath . "/language/" . $lang_type . "/core_lang_index.php"); if (!empty($cache_type) || strtolower($cache_type) != "file") { $list[] = BasePath . "/framework/cache/cache." . strtolower($cache_type) . ".php"; } foreach ($list as $file) { if (file_exists($file)) { $compile .= compile($file); } else { exit(str_replace(BasePath, "", $file) . " isn't exists!"); } } $compile .= compile($lang_file); $compile .= "\nLanguage::appendLanguage(\$lang);"; $compile .= "\nBase::run();"; file_put_contents(RUNCOREPATH, compress_code("<?php defined('InShopNC') or exit('Access Invalid!');" . $compile)); }
* {@link XDaRk} * * @author JasWSInc * @package XDaRk\Core * @since 120318 * * @note This compiler requires that you have SASS installed. * e.g. `brew install sass` * * @note This compiler requires that you have the YUI Compressor installed also. * e.g. `brew install yuicompressor` */ namespace xd_dev_utilities; require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/.dev-utilities/core.php'; compile(!empty($GLOBALS['argv'][1]) && $GLOBALS['argv'][1] === 'all'); #compile('all'); // To recompile all; or pass `all` via CLI. /* * Compile */ function compile($all = FALSE) { $core = core(); // Core. $core->©env->prep_for_cli_dev_procedure(); if ($all) { compile_font_awesome(); } if ($all) { compile_bootstrap_themes(); }
private static function build() { C(include THINK_PATH . '/Common/convention.php'); if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'config.php')) { C(include CONFIG_PATH . 'config.php'); } $runtime = defined('RUNTIME_ALLINONE'); $common = ''; $debug = C('APP_DEBUG') && !$runtime; if (is_file(COMMON_PATH . 'common.php')) { include COMMON_PATH . 'common.php'; if (!$debug) { $common .= compile(COMMON_PATH . 'common.php', $runtime); } } if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'app.php')) { $list = (include CONFIG_PATH . 'app.php'); foreach ($list as $file) { require $file; if (!$debug) { $common .= compile($file, $runtime); } } } $list = C('APP_CONFIG_LIST'); foreach ($list as $val) { if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . $val . '.php')) { C('_' . $val . '_', array_change_key_case(include CONFIG_PATH . $val . '.php')); } } if ($debug) { C(include THINK_PATH . '/Common/debug.php'); if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'debug.php')) { C(include CONFIG_PATH . 'debug.php'); } } else { if (defined('RUNTIME_ALLINONE')) { $defs = get_defined_constants(TRUE); $content = array_define($defs['user']); $content .= substr(file_get_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . '~runtime.php'), 5); $content .= $common . "\nreturn " . var_export(C(), true) . ';'; file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . '~allinone.php', strip_whitespace('<?php ' . $content)); } else { $content = "<?php " . $common . "\nreturn " . var_export(C(), true) . ";\n?>"; file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . '~app.php', strip_whitespace($content)); } } return; }
/** +---------------------------------------------------------- * 读取配置信息 编译项目 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @access private +---------------------------------------------------------- * @return string +---------------------------------------------------------- */ private static function build() { // 加载惯例配置文件 if (file_exists(THINK_PATH . '/Common/convention.php')) { C(include THINK_PATH . '/Common/convention.php'); } // 加载项目配置文件 if (file_exists(SITE_PATH . '/')) { C(include SITE_PATH . '/'); } // 加载项目配置文件 if (file_exists(CONFIG_PATH . 'config.php')) { C(include CONFIG_PATH . 'config.php'); } $runtime = defined('RUNTIME_ALLINONE'); $common = ''; //是否调试模式 ALL_IN_ONE模式下面调试模式无效 $debug = C('APP_DEBUG') && !$runtime; // 加载项目公共文件 if (file_exists(COMMON_PATH . 'common.php')) { include COMMON_PATH . 'common.php'; if (!$debug) { // 编译文件 $common .= compile(COMMON_PATH . 'common.php', $runtime); } } // 加载项目编译文件列表 if (file_exists(CONFIG_PATH . 'app.php')) { $list = (include CONFIG_PATH . 'app.php'); foreach ($list as $file) { // 加载并编译文件 require $file; if (!$debug) { $common .= compile($file, $runtime); } } } // 读取扩展配置文件 $list = C('APP_CONFIG_LIST'); foreach ($list as $val) { if (file_exists(CONFIG_PATH . $val . '.php')) { C('_' . $val . '_', array_change_key_case(include CONFIG_PATH . $val . '.php')); } } // 如果是调试模式加载调试模式配置文件 if ($debug) { // 加载系统默认的开发模式配置文件 C(include THINK_PATH . '/Common/debug.php'); if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'debug.php')) { // 允许项目增加开发模式配置定义 C(include CONFIG_PATH . 'debug.php'); } } else { // 部署模式下面生成编译文件 // 下次直接加载项目编译文件 if (defined('RUNTIME_ALLINONE')) { // 获取用户自定义变量 $defs = get_defined_constants(TRUE); unset($defs['user']['SITE_PATH']); unset($defs['user']['CORE_PATH']); unset($defs['user']['APPS_PATH']); unset($defs['user']['ADDONS_PATH']); unset($defs['user']['HAS_ONE']); unset($defs['user']['BELONGS_TO']); unset($defs['user']['HAS_MANY']); unset($defs['user']['MANY_TO_MANY']); unset($defs['user']['CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS']); $content = array_define($defs['user']); $content .= substr(file_get_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . '~runtime.php'), 5); $content .= $common . "\nreturn " . var_export(C(), true) . ";\n?>"; file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . '~allinone.php', strip_whitespace('<?php ' . $content)); } else { $content = "<?php " . $common . "\nreturn " . var_export(C(), true) . ";\n?>"; file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . '~app.php', strip_whitespace($content)); } } return; }
/** +---------------------------------------------------------- * 读取配置信息 编译项目 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @access private +---------------------------------------------------------- * @return string +---------------------------------------------------------- */ private static function build() { // 加载惯例配置文件 C(include THINK_PATH . '/Common/convention.php'); // 加载项目配置文件 if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'config.php')) { C(include CONFIG_PATH . 'config.php'); } $runtime = defined('RUNTIME_ALLINONE'); $common = ''; //是否调试模式 ALL_IN_ONE模式下面调试模式无效 $debug = C('APP_DEBUG') && !$runtime; // 加载项目公共文件 if (is_file(COMMON_PATH . 'common.php')) { include COMMON_PATH . 'common.php'; // 编译文件 if (!$debug) { $common .= compile(COMMON_PATH . 'common.php', $runtime); } } // 加载项目编译文件列表 if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'app.php')) { $list = (include CONFIG_PATH . 'app.php'); foreach ($list as $file) { // 加载并编译文件 require $file; if (!$debug) { $common .= compile($file, $runtime); } } } // 读取扩展配置文件 $list = C('APP_CONFIG_LIST'); foreach ($list as $val) { if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . $val . '.php')) { C('_' . $val . '_', array_change_key_case(include CONFIG_PATH . $val . '.php')); } } // 如果是调试模式加载调试模式配置文件 if ($debug) { // 加载系统默认的开发模式配置文件 C(include THINK_PATH . '/Common/debug.php'); if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'debug.php')) { // 允许项目增加开发模式配置定义 C(include CONFIG_PATH . 'debug.php'); } } else { // 部署模式下面生成编译文件 // 下次直接加载项目编译文件 if ($runtime) { // 获取用户自定义变量 $defs = get_defined_constants(TRUE); $content = array_define($defs['user']); $runtimefile = defined('THINK_MODE') ? '~' . strtolower(THINK_MODE) . '_runtime.php' : '~runtime.php'; $content .= substr(file_get_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . $runtimefile), 5); $content .= $common . "\nreturn " . var_export(C(), true) . ';'; file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . '~allinone.php', strip_whitespace('<?php ' . $content)); } else { $content = "<?php " . $common . "\nreturn " . var_export(C(), true) . ";\n?>"; file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . '~' . APP_CACHE_NAME . '.php', strip_whitespace($content)); } } return; }
function smskey() { if (!is_logged()) { redirect(base_url()); } $this->config->load('rf_sms', FALSE, TRUE); $this->data['title'] = lang('off_votesms'); $s_pair = office_secure(trim($this->input->post('s_pair'))); # $link = config('link') . '?s_pair=' . $s_pair . '&votes_charname=&votes_server=' . config('vote_server'); $html_page = file_get_contents($link); $html_page = iconv('UTF-8', 'CP1251', $html_page); $pos = strpos($html_page, 'Ваш голос учтен'); if ($pos == TRUE) { bonus_add(Get_AccountSerial(), config('pay')); $this->data['content'] = icon('32x32/accept.png') . lang('off_votesms_ok'); log_in_history('Получены бонусы за SMS голосование'); } else { log_in_history('Неудачная попытка получения бонуса за SMS'); $this->data['content'] = icon('32x32/delete.png') . lang('off_votesms_err') . go_back(); } compile(); }
/** +---------------------------------------------------------- * 读取配置信息 编译项目 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @access private +---------------------------------------------------------- * @return string +---------------------------------------------------------- */ private static function buildApp() { // 加载底层惯例配置文件 C(include THINK_PATH . 'Conf/convention.php'); // 读取运行模式 if (defined('MODE_NAME')) { // 模式的设置并入核心模式 $mode = (include MODE_PATH . strtolower(MODE_NAME) . '.php'); } else { $mode = array(); } // 加载模式配置文件 if (isset($mode['config'])) { C(is_array($mode['config']) ? $mode['config'] : (include $mode['config'])); } // 加载项目配置文件 if (is_file(CONF_PATH . 'config.php')) { C(include CONF_PATH . 'config.php'); } // 加载框架底层语言包 L(include THINK_PATH . 'Lang/' . strtolower(C('DEFAULT_LANG')) . '.php'); // 加载模式系统行为定义 if (C('APP_TAGS_ON')) { if (isset($mode['extends'])) { C('extends', is_array($mode['extends']) ? $mode['extends'] : (include $mode['extends'])); } else { // 默认加载系统行为扩展定义 C('extends', include THINK_PATH . 'Conf/tags.php'); } } // 加载应用行为定义 if (isset($mode['tags'])) { C('tags', is_array($mode['tags']) ? $mode['tags'] : (include $mode['tags'])); } elseif (is_file(CONF_PATH . 'tags.php')) { // 默认加载项目配置目录的tags文件定义 C('tags', include CONF_PATH . 'tags.php'); } $compile = ''; // 读取核心编译文件列表 if (isset($mode['core'])) { $list = $mode['core']; } else { $list = array(THINK_PATH . 'Common/functions.php', CORE_PATH . 'Core/Log.class.php', CORE_PATH . 'Core/Dispatcher.class.php', CORE_PATH . 'Core/App.class.php', CORE_PATH . 'Core/Action.class.php', CORE_PATH . 'Core/View.class.php'); } // 项目追加核心编译列表文件 if (is_file(CONF_PATH . 'core.php')) { $list = array_merge($list, include CONF_PATH . 'core.php'); } foreach ($list as $file) { if (is_file($file)) { require_cache($file); if (!APP_DEBUG) { $compile .= compile($file); } } } // 加载项目公共文件 if (is_file(COMMON_PATH . 'common.php')) { include COMMON_PATH . 'common.php'; // 编译文件 if (!APP_DEBUG) { $compile .= compile(COMMON_PATH . 'common.php'); } } // 加载模式别名定义 if (isset($mode['alias'])) { $alias = is_array($mode['alias']) ? $mode['alias'] : (include $mode['alias']); alias_import($alias); if (!APP_DEBUG) { $compile .= 'alias_import(' . var_export($alias, true) . ');'; } } // 加载项目别名定义 if (is_file(CONF_PATH . 'alias.php')) { $alias = (include CONF_PATH . 'alias.php'); alias_import($alias); if (!APP_DEBUG) { $compile .= 'alias_import(' . var_export($alias, true) . ');'; } } if (APP_DEBUG) { // 调试模式加载系统默认的配置文件 C(include THINK_PATH . 'Conf/debug.php'); // 读取调试模式的应用状态 $status = C('APP_STATUS'); // 加载对应的项目配置文件 if (is_file(CONF_PATH . $status . '.php')) { // 允许项目增加开发模式配置定义 C(include CONF_PATH . $status . '.php'); } } else { // 部署模式下面生成编译文件 build_runtime_cache($compile); } return; }
/** * Dumps a CSS/JS file * * @param $name * @param $mimetype */ function dump($name, $mimetype, $cachekey) { global $cachedirdrupal; global $nocache; global $config; $starttime = microtime(true); $excludes = array(); $dependencies = array(); $patterns = array(); $filetype = substr(strrchr($name, '.'), 1); $output = ''; $minify = isset($_REQUEST['min']); $debugjavascript = $filetype === 'js' && isset($_REQUEST['debug']); if ($debugjavascript) { $output .= '// load js files in a synchronous way' . PHP_EOL; } // check whether the file is in drupal cache if (!is_dir($cachedirdrupal)) { mkdir($cachedirdrupal, 0755); } $cachefile = $cachedirdrupal . '/terrific-' . $cachekey . '-' . $name; if ($nocache || !is_file($cachefile)) { // collect excluded pattern & (less/scss) dependencies & patterns foreach ($config->assets->{$name} as $pattern) { $firstchar = substr($pattern, 0, 1); if ($firstchar === '!') { $excludes[] = substr($pattern, 1); } else { if ($firstchar === '+') { $dependencies[] = substr($pattern, 1); } else { $patterns[] = $pattern; } } } $dependencies = get_files($dependencies); $excludes = array_merge($dependencies, $excludes); $files = get_files($patterns, $excludes); foreach ($files as $entry) { if (!$debugjavascript) { $format = substr(strrchr($entry, '.'), 1); $output .= compile(BASE . $entry, $format, $dependencies); } else { $output .= "document.write('<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$entry}\"><\\/script>');" . PHP_EOL; } } if ($minify) { switch ($filetype) { case 'css': require BASE . 'app/library/cssmin/cssmin.php'; $output = CssMin::minify($output); break; case 'js': require BASE . 'app/library/jshrink/Minifier.php'; $output = \JShrink\Minifier::minify($output); break; } } $time_taken = microtime(TRUE) - $starttime; $output = get_asset_banner($name, $filetype, $minify, $time_taken) . $output; file_put_contents($cachefile, $output); } else { $output = file_get_contents($cachefile); } ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); header('Content-Type: ' . $mimetype); echo $output; ob_end_flush(); }
/* DO WORK */ $options = getopt('f:o:h'); /* Handle -h switch, for help */ if (array_key_exists('h', $options) || $argc == 1) { ?> Usage: <?php echo $program; ?> -f<file> [-ho<file>] -f<file> TextMate theme to convert -o<file> Name of the output file -h Display this message <?php exit(0); } /* Handle -f switch, for input file */ if (!array_key_exists('f', $options)) { error('No input file provided, specify with -f switch'); } $infile = $options['f']; if (!file_exists($infile)) { error("Could not find `{$infile}'"); } /* Handle -o switch, for output file */ $outfile = array_key_exists('o', $options) ? $options['o'] : 'php://stdout'; /* Build and output the TextAdept theme partial */ $intermediate = compile($infile); $result = build($intermediate, $outfile); if (!$result) { exit(1); }
/** +---------------------------------------------------------- * 读取配置信息 编译项目 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @access private +---------------------------------------------------------- * @return string +---------------------------------------------------------- */ private static function build() { // 加载惯例配置文件 C(include THINK_PATH . '/Common/convention.php'); // 加载项目配置文件 if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'config.php')) { C(include CONFIG_PATH . 'config.php'); } $common = ''; // 加载项目公共文件 if (is_file(COMMON_PATH . 'common.php')) { include COMMON_PATH . 'common.php'; // 编译文件 if (!C('APP_DEBUG')) { $common .= compile(COMMON_PATH . 'common.php'); } } // 加载项目编译文件列表 if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'app.php')) { $list = (include CONFIG_PATH . 'app.php'); foreach ($list as $file) { // 加载并编译文件 require_cache($file); if (!$debug) { $common .= compile($file, $runtime); } } } // 加载动态配置文件 $configs = C('APP_CONFIG_LIST'); if (is_string($configs)) { $configs = explode(',', $configs); } foreach ($configs as $config) { $file = CONFIG_PATH . $config . '.php'; if (is_file($file)) { C($config, array_change_key_case(include $file)); } } C('APP_CONFIG_LIST', ''); // 清除配置参数 if (C('APP_DEBUG')) { // 调试模式加载系统默认的开发模式配置文件 C(include THINK_PATH . '/Common/debug.php'); if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'debug.php')) { // 允许项目增加开发模式配置定义 C(include CONFIG_PATH . 'debug.php'); } } else { // 部署模式下面生成编译文件 build_runtime_cache($common); } return; }
<?php //Import the SDK require_once __DIR__ . '\\..\\sdk\\index.php'; //Setting up the Hackerearth API $hackerearth = array('client_secret' => '**********', 'time_limit' => '5', 'memory_limit' => '262144'); //Feeding Data Into Hackerearth API $config = array(); $config['time'] = '5'; //(OPTIONAL) Your time limit in integer and in unit seconds $config['memory'] = '262144'; //(OPTIONAL) Your memory limit in integer and in unit kb $config['source'] = ''; //(REQUIRED) Your properly formatted source code for which you want to use hackerEarth api $config['input'] = ''; //(OPTIONAL) Properly Formatted Input against which you have to test your source code, leave this empty if you are using file $config['language'] = 'PYTHON'; //(REQUIRED) Choose any one of the below // C, CPP, CPP11, CLOJURE, CSHARP, JAVA, JAVASCRIPT, HASKELL, PERL, PHP, PYTHON, RUBY //Sending request to the API to compile and run and record JSON responses $response = compile($hackerearth, $config); // Use this $response the way you want , it consists data in PHP Array //Printing the response echo "<pre>" . print_r($response, 1) . "</pre>";
function import($file) { if (file_exists($file)) { $GLOBALS['_FileCount']++; compile($file); require_once $file; return true; } return false; }
function compile_macro($expr, &$oob) { list($_, $name, $fn) = $expr; $m = array(); $e = compile($fn, $m); eval($m[0]); $e = explode("\"", $e); array_pop($e); $nam = array_pop($e); array_shift($fn); $args = array_shift($fn); $fn = array(array(), $args, $nam); $oob["macros"][symbol_str($name)] = $fn; }
} $GLOBALS["MYPID"] = getmypid(); if ($argv[1] == "--ufdbcheck") { CoherenceRepertoiresUfdb(); die; } if ($argv[1] == "--mysqlcheck") { CoherenceBase(); die; } if ($argv[1] == "--localcheck") { CoherenceOffiels(); die; } if ($argv[1] == "--compile") { compile(); die; } if ($argv[1] == "--status") { BuildDatabaseStatus(); die; } if ($argv[1] == "--refresh-index") { GET_MD5S_REMOTE(); die; } Execute(); function build_progress($text, $pourc) { ufdbevents("{$pourc}% {$text}"); $GLOBALS["CACHEFILE"] = "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/toulouse-unversity.progress";
/** +---------------------------------------------------------- * 读取配置信息 编译项目 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @access private +---------------------------------------------------------- * @return string +---------------------------------------------------------- */ private static function build() { // 加载惯例配置文件 C(include THINK_PATH . '/Common/convention.php'); // 加载项目配置文件 if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'config.php')) { C(include CONFIG_PATH . 'config.php'); } $common = ''; $debug = C('APP_DEBUG'); // 是否调试模式 // 加载项目公共文件 if (is_file(COMMON_PATH . 'common.php')) { include COMMON_PATH . 'common.php'; if (!$debug) { // 编译文件 $common .= compile(COMMON_PATH . 'common.php'); } } // 加载项目编译文件列表 if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'app.php')) { $list = (include CONFIG_PATH . 'app.php'); foreach ($list as $key => $file) { // 加载并编译文件 require $file; if (!$debug) { $common .= compile($file); } } } // 如果是调试模式加载调试模式配置文件 if ($debug) { // 加载系统默认的开发模式配置文件 C(include THINK_PATH . '/Common/debug.php'); if (is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'debug.php')) { // 允许项目增加开发模式配置定义 C(include CONFIG_PATH . 'debug.php'); } } else { // 部署模式下面生成编译文件 // 下次直接加载项目编译文件 if (defined('RUNTIME_ALLINONE')) { // 获取用户自定义变量 $defs = get_defined_constants(TRUE); $content = array_define($defs['user']); $content .= substr(file_get_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . '~runtime.php'), 5); $content .= $common . "\nreturn " . var_export(C(), true) . ';'; file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . '~allinone.php', strip_whitespace('<?php ' . $content)); } else { $content = "<?php " . $common . "\nreturn " . var_export(C(), true) . ";\n?>"; file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . '~app.php', strip_whitespace($content)); } } return; }
$tpl = compile("templates/" . $cfgrow['template'] . "/image_" . $language_abr . "_template.html"); } if ($cfgrow['display_sort_by'] == 'headline') { $cfgrow['display_sort_by'] = 'alt_headline'; } if ($cfgrow['display_sort_by'] == 'body') { $cfgrow['display_sort_by'] = 'alt_body'; } } if (isset($_GET['popup']) && $_GET['popup'] == "comment") { // additional language file for comment template if (file_exists("templates/" . $cfgrow['template'] . "/comment_" . $language_abr . "_template.html")) { $tpl = compile("templates/" . $cfgrow['template'] . "/comment_" . $language_abr . "_template.html"); } else { // if not existing or no additional language chosen, default template file is called without error $tpl = compile("templates/" . $cfgrow['template'] . "/comment_template.html"); } } // if showimage=badstuff or email, hijack! if (isset($_GET['showimage']) && !is_numeric($_GET['showimage'])) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); header("Status: 404 File Not Found!"); echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\"><HTML><HEAD>\n<TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE>\n</HEAD><BODY>\n<H1>Not Found</H1>\nDon't do that! go back to index.php! \n</BODY></HTML>"; exit; } // Added ability to use header and footers for templates. They are not needed but used if included in the template if (isset($header)) { $tpl = $header . $tpl; } if (isset($footer)) { $tpl = $tpl . $footer;
function build_tags_cache() { $tags = C('extends'); $content = ''; foreach ($tags as $tag => $item) { foreach ($item as $key => $name) { $content .= is_int($key) ? compile(CORE_PATH . 'Behavior/' . $name . 'Behavior.class.php') : compile($name); } } return $content; }
/** * Handle request, compile and execute junit test * * @return array result */ function compile_execute() { global $memory_xmx, $memory_limit_output, $timeoutreal; // create unique directory $temp_folder = DATAROOT . 'javaunittest_tmp_' . intval($_POST['attemptid']); if (file_exists($temp_folder)) { delTree($temp_folder); } mkdir_recursive($temp_folder); try { // write testfile $testclassname = $_POST['testclassname']; if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/', $testclassname)) { throw new Exception('testclassname contains not allowed characters'); } $testfile = $temp_folder . '/' . $testclassname . '.java'; $fd_testfile = fopen($testfile, 'w'); if ($fd_testfile === false) { throw new Exception('could not create testfile'); } fwrite($fd_testfile, $_POST['junitcode']); fclose($fd_testfile); // try to get the name of the student's class $studentscode = $_POST['studentscode']; $matches = array(); preg_match('/^(?:\\s*public)?\\s*class\\s+(\\w[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/m', $studentscode, $matches); $studentsclassname = !empty($matches[1]) && $matches[1] != $testclassname ? $matches[1] : 'Xy'; // write student's file $studentsfile = $temp_folder . '/' . $studentsclassname . '.java'; $fd_studentsfile = fopen($studentsfile, 'w'); if ($fd_studentsfile === false) { throw new Exception('could not create studentsfile'); } fwrite($fd_studentsfile, $studentscode); fclose($fd_studentsfile); // compile student's response $compiler = compile($studentsfile); $compiletime = $compiler['time']; // compiler error if (!empty($compiler['compileroutput'])) { $compileroutput = str_replace($temp_folder, '', $compiler['compileroutput']); //#TODO BM delTree($temp_folder); write_log('[questionattemptid ' . intval($_POST['attemptid']) . '] compile student error'); return array('error' => true, 'errortype' => 'COMPILE_STUDENT_ERROR', 'compileroutput' => $compileroutput); } // compile testfile $compiler = compile($testfile); $compiletime += $compiler['time']; // compiler error if (!empty($compiler['compileroutput'])) { delTree($temp_folder); write_log('[questionattemptid ' . intval($_POST['attemptid']) . '] compile testfile error'); return array('error' => true, 'errortype' => 'COMPILE_TESTFILE_ERROR'); } // run test $command = PATH_TO_JAVA . ' -Xmx' . $memory_xmx . 'm' . PATH_TO_POLICY . ' -cp ' . PATH_TO_JUNIT . ':' . PATH_TO_HAMCREST . ':' . $temp_folder . ' org.junit.runner.JUnitCore ' . $testclassname; $output = ''; $testruntime = 0; $ret_proc = open_process(PRECOMMAND . '; exec ' . escapeshellcmd($command), $timeoutreal, $memory_limit_output * 1024, $output, $testruntime); if (!DEBUG_NOCLEANUP) { delTree($temp_folder); } if ($ret_proc == OPEN_PROCESS_TIMEOUT || $ret_proc == OPEN_PROCESS_UNCAUGHT_SIGNAL) { write_log('[questionattemptid ' . intval($_POST['attemptid']) . '] uncaught signal (timeout)'); return array('error' => true, 'errortype' => 'TIMEOUT_RUNNING'); } return array('junitoutput' => $output, 'error' => false, 'compiletime' => $compiletime, 'testruntime' => $testruntime); } catch (Exception $e) { if (!DEBUG_NOCLEANUP) { delTree($temp_folder); } header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error"); write_log('[questionattemptid ' . intval($_POST['attemptid']) . '] Exception occured: ' . $e->getMessage()); die('Internal Server Error: ' . $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * 应用程序初始化 * @access public * @return void */ public static function start() { // 注册AUTOLOAD方法 spl_autoload_register('Think\\Think::autoload'); // 设定错误和异常处理 register_shutdown_function('Think\\Think::fatalError'); set_error_handler('Think\\Think::appError'); set_exception_handler('Think\\Think::appException'); // 初始化文件存储方式 Storage::connect(STORAGE_TYPE); $runtimefile = RUNTIME_PATH . APP_MODE . '~runtime.php'; if (!APP_DEBUG && Storage::has($runtimefile)) { Storage::load($runtimefile); } else { if (Storage::has($runtimefile)) { Storage::unlink($runtimefile); } $content = ''; // 读取应用模式 $mode = (include is_file(CONF_PATH . 'core.php') ? CONF_PATH . 'core.php' : MODE_PATH . APP_MODE . '.php'); // 加载核心文件 foreach ($mode['core'] as $file) { if (is_file($file)) { include $file; if (!APP_DEBUG) { $content .= compile($file); } } } // 加载应用模式配置文件 foreach ($mode['config'] as $key => $file) { is_numeric($key) ? C(include $file) : C($key, include $file); } // 读取当前应用模式对应的配置文件 if ('common' != APP_MODE && is_file(CONF_PATH . 'config_' . APP_MODE . '.php')) { C(include CONF_PATH . 'config_' . APP_MODE . '.php'); } // 加载模式别名定义 if (isset($mode['alias'])) { self::addMap(is_array($mode['alias']) ? $mode['alias'] : (include $mode['alias'])); } // 加载应用别名定义文件 if (is_file(CONF_PATH . 'alias.php')) { self::addMap(include CONF_PATH . 'alias.php'); } // 加载模式行为定义 if (isset($mode['tags'])) { Hook::import(is_array($mode['tags']) ? $mode['tags'] : (include $mode['tags'])); } // 加载应用行为定义 if (is_file(CONF_PATH . 'tags.php')) { // 允许应用增加开发模式配置定义 Hook::import(include CONF_PATH . 'tags.php'); } // 加载框架底层语言包 L(include THINK_PATH . 'Lang/' . strtolower(C('DEFAULT_LANG')) . '.php'); if (!APP_DEBUG) { $content .= "\nnamespace { Think\\Think::addMap(" . var_export(self::$_map, true) . ");"; $content .= "\nL(" . var_export(L(), true) . ");\nC(" . var_export(C(), true) . ');Think\\Hook::import(' . var_export(Hook::get(), true) . ');}'; Storage::put($runtimefile, strip_whitespace('<?php ' . $content)); } else { // 调试模式加载系统默认的配置文件 C(include THINK_PATH . 'Conf/debug.php'); // 读取应用调试配置文件 if (is_file(CONF_PATH . 'debug.php')) { C(include CONF_PATH . 'debug.php'); } } } // 读取当前应用状态对应的配置文件 if (APP_STATUS && is_file(CONF_PATH . APP_STATUS . '.php')) { C(include CONF_PATH . APP_STATUS . '.php'); } // 设置系统时区 date_default_timezone_set(C('DEFAULT_TIMEZONE')); // 检查应用目录结构 如果不存在则自动创建 if (C('CHECK_APP_DIR') && !is_dir(LOG_PATH)) { // 创建应用目录结构 require THINK_PATH . 'Common/build.php'; } // 记录加载文件时间 G('loadTime'); // 运行应用 App::run(); }
/** * Read configuration information Compile the project * @access private * @return string */ private static function buildApp() { // Read operating mode if (defined('MODE_NAME')) { // Read mode setting $mode = (include MODE_PATH . strtolower(MODE_NAME) . '.php'); } else { $mode = array(); } // Core Conventions configuration file to load C(include SEN_PATH . 'Conf/convention.php'); if (isset($mode['config'])) { // Load mode profile C(is_array($mode['config']) ? $mode['config'] : (include $mode['config'])); } // Load project configuration file if (is_file(CONF_PATH . 'config.php')) { C(include CONF_PATH . 'config.php'); } // Loading framework underlying language pack L(include SEN_PATH . 'Lang/' . strtolower(C('DEFAULT_LANG')) . '.php'); // Load model system behavior definition if (C('APP_TAGS_ON')) { if (isset($mode['extends'])) { C('extends', is_array($mode['extends']) ? $mode['extends'] : (include $mode['extends'])); } else { // Addonsed definition of default load behavior of the system C('extends', include SEN_PATH . 'Conf/tags.php'); } } // Load application behavior definition if (isset($mode['tags'])) { C('tags', is_array($mode['tags']) ? $mode['tags'] : (include $mode['tags'])); } elseif (is_file(CONF_PATH . 'tags.php')) { // Default load the project file defines the configuration directory tags C('tags', include CONF_PATH . 'tags.php'); } $compile = ''; // Core reading list compiled file if (isset($mode['core'])) { $list = $mode['core']; } else { $list = array(SEN_PATH . 'Common/functions.php', CORE_PATH . 'Core/Log.class.php', CORE_PATH . 'Core/Dispatcher.class.php', CORE_PATH . 'Core/App.class.php', CORE_PATH . 'Core/Action.class.php', CORE_PATH . 'Core/View.class.php'); } // Compile a list of additional core project documents if (is_file(CONF_PATH . 'core.php')) { $list = array_merge($list, include CONF_PATH . 'core.php'); } foreach ($list as $file) { if (is_file($file)) { require_cache($file); if (!APP_DEBUG) { $compile .= compile($file); } } } // Load the project public documents if (is_file(COMMON_PATH . 'common.php')) { include COMMON_PATH . 'common.php'; // Compiled file if (!APP_DEBUG) { $compile .= compile(COMMON_PATH . 'common.php'); } } // Loading mode alias definitions if (isset($mode['alias'])) { $alias = is_array($mode['alias']) ? $mode['alias'] : (include $mode['alias']); alias_import($alias); if (!APP_DEBUG) { $compile .= 'alias_import(' . var_export($alias, true) . ');'; } } // Loading a project alias definitions if (is_file(CONF_PATH . 'alias.php')) { $alias = (include CONF_PATH . 'alias.php'); alias_import($alias); if (!APP_DEBUG) { $compile .= 'alias_import(' . var_export($alias, true) . ');'; } } if (APP_DEBUG) { // Debug mode to load the system default configuration file C(include SEN_PATH . 'Conf/debug.php'); // Read the debug mode application status $status = C('APP_STATUS'); // Project configuration file to load the corresponding if (is_file(CONF_PATH . $status . '.php')) { // Allow the project to increase the development mode configuration definition C(include CONF_PATH . $status . '.php'); } } else { // Deployment model generates compiled files below build_runtime_cache($compile); } return; }