Example #1

include_once "pgettext.php";
$domain = 'messages';
$directory = dirname(__FILE__);
$locale = "sv_SE.utf8";
setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $locale);
bindtextdomain($domain, $directory);
bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, 'UTF-8');
foreach (array(1, 2) as $nbr) {
    printf(npgettext("body", "One heart\n", "%d hearts\n", $nbr), $nbr);
    printf(npgettext("place", "One heart\n", "%d hearts\n", $nbr), $nbr);
printf(pgettext("door", "Open\n"));
printf(pgettext("book", "Open\n"));
function T_npgettext($context, $singular, $plural, $number)
    if (_check_locale_and_function('npgettext')) {
        return npgettext($context, $singular, $plural, $number);
    } else {
        return _npgettext($context, $singular, $plural, $number);
 * Translates the string with respect to the given context and plural forms, also replaces placeholders with supplied arguments.
 * If no translation is found, the original string will be used. Unlimited number of parameters supplied.
 * Parameter placeholders must be defined as %1$s, %2$s etc.
 * Example: _xn('%1$s message for arg1 "%2$s"', '%1$s messages for arg1 "%2$s"', 3, 'context', 'arg1Value');
 * returns: '3 messages for arg1 "arg1Value"'
 * @param string $message			string to translate
 * @param string $messagePlural		string to translate for plural form
 * @param int    $num				number to determine usage of plural form, also is used as first replace argument
 * @param string $context			context of the string
 * @param string $param				parameter to be replace the first placeholder
 * @param string $param,...			unlimited number of optional parameters
 * @return string
function _xn($message, $messagePlural, $num, $context)
    $arguments = array_slice(func_get_args(), 4);
    array_unshift($arguments, $num);
    return $context == '' ? _params(ngettext($message, $messagePlural, $num), $arguments) : _params(npgettext($context, $message, $messagePlural, $num), $arguments);
 * Translates the string with respect to the given context and plural forms, also replaces placeholders with supplied arguments.
 * If no translation is found, the original string will be used. Unlimited number of parameters supplied.
 * Example: _xn('%1$s message for arg1 "%2$s"', '%1$s messages for arg1 "%2$s"', 3, 'context', 'arg1Value');
 * returns: '3 messagges for arg1 "arg1Value"'
 * @param string $message          string to translate
 * @param string $message_plural   string to translate for plural form
 * @param int    $num              number to determine usage of plural form, also is used as first replace argument
 * @param string $context          context of the string
 * @return string
function _xn($message, $message_plural, $num, $context)
    $arguments = array_slice(func_get_args(), 4);
    array_unshift($arguments, $num);
    if ($context == '') {
        return vsprintf(ngettext($message, $message_plural, $num), $arguments);
    } else {
        return vsprintf(npgettext($context, $message, $message_plural, $num), $arguments);
 public function testNpgettext()
     if (self::$functionExists['npgettext']) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Function npgettext already defined');
     $translation = npgettext('firstContext', 'singular with context', '%d plurals with context', 1);
     $this->assertEquals('singular with context', $translation);
     $translation = npgettext('firstContext', 'singular with context', '%d plurals with context', 2);
     $this->assertEquals('%d plurals with context', $translation);
     $translation = npgettext('firstContext', 'singular with context', '%d plurals with context', 1);
     $this->assertEquals('jednotné číslo s kontextem', $translation);
     $translation = npgettext('firstContext', 'singular with context', '%d plurals with context', 2);
     $this->assertEquals('%d množná čísla s kontextem', $translation);
     $translation = npgettext('firstContext', 'singular with context', '%d plurals with context', 5);
     $this->assertEquals('%d množných čísel s kontextem', $translation);
 * Smarty block function, provides gettext support for smarty.
 * The block content is the text that should be translated.
 * Any parameter that is sent to the function will be represented as %n in the translation text,
 * where n is 1 for the first parameter. The following parameters are reserved:
 *   - escape - sets escape mode:
 *       - 'html' for HTML escaping, this is the default.
 *       - 'js' for javascript escaping.
 *       - 'url' for url escaping.
 *       - 'no'/'off'/0 - turns off escaping
 *   - plural - The plural version of the text (2nd parameter of ngettext())
 *   - count - The item count for plural mode (3rd parameter of ngettext())
 *   - domain - Textdomain to be used, default if skipped (dgettext() instead of gettext())
 *   - context - gettext context. reserved for future use.
 * @param array $params
 * @param string $text
 * @link http://www.smarty.net/docs/en/plugins.block.functions.tpl
 * @return string
function smarty_block_t($params, $text)
    if (!isset($text)) {
        return $text;
    // set escape mode, default html escape
    if (isset($params['escape'])) {
        $escape = $params['escape'];
    } else {
        $escape = 'html';
    // set plural parameters 'plural' and 'count'.
    if (isset($params['plural'])) {
        $plural = $params['plural'];
        // set count
        if (isset($params['count'])) {
            $count = $params['count'];
    // get domain param
    if (isset($params['domain'])) {
        $domain = $params['domain'];
    } else {
        $domain = null;
    // get context param
    if (isset($params['context'])) {
        $context = $params['context'];
    } else {
        $context = null;
    // use plural if required parameters are set
    if (isset($count) && isset($plural)) {
        // use specified textdomain if available
        if (isset($domain) && isset($context)) {
            $text = dnpgettext($domain, $context, $text, $plural, $count);
        } elseif (isset($domain)) {
            $text = dngettext($domain, $text, $plural, $count);
        } elseif (isset($context)) {
            $text = npgettext($context, $text, $plural, $count);
        } else {
            $text = ngettext($text, $plural, $count);
    } else {
        // use specified textdomain if available
        if (isset($domain) && isset($context)) {
            $text = dpgettext($domain, $context, $text);
        } elseif (isset($domain)) {
            $text = dgettext($domain, $text);
        } elseif (isset($context)) {
            $text = pgettext($context, $text);
        } else {
            $text = gettext($text);
    // run strarg if there are parameters
    if (count($params)) {
        $text = smarty_gettext_strarg($text, $params);
    switch ($escape) {
        case 'html':
            $text = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($text));
        case 'javascript':
        case 'js':
            // javascript escape
            $text = strtr($text, array('\\' => '\\\\', "'" => "\\'", '"' => '\\"', "\r" => '\\r', "\n" => '\\n', '</' => '<\\/'));
        case 'url':
            // url escape
            $text = urlencode($text);
    return $text;

echo _('Welcome to first domain');
echo _('And second domain');
echo pgettext('yearn', 'miss');
echo pgettext('mishit', 'miss');
echo npgettext('device', 'mouse', 'mouses', 1);
echo npgettext('animal', 'mouse', 'mice', 1);