function makeArticleEasy($article) { log_info($article); $conn = getDB(); $words = explode(" ", $article); $outp = ""; $array = array(); foreach ($words as $word) { $word = str_replace('"', "", $word); $word = str_replace("'", "", $word); $word = str_replace(" ", "", $word); $word = str_replace(".", "", $word); $word = str_replace(",", "", $word); $word = str_replace(":", "", $word); $word = str_replace("\\", "", $word); if (empty($word) || strlen($word) < 3) { continue; } $meaning = ''; $gender = ''; $partOfSpeech = ''; //check if the meaning exist in DB $result = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM words WHERE word = '" . $word . "'"); if (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0) { // row not found, get from online dicts $link = "" . utf8_encode($word); $meaning = getMeaningFromOnlinDict($link); if (!empty($meaning)) { insertWord($conn, $word, $meaning, null, null, 0); } else { continue; } } else { //take db value $row = mysqli_fetch_row($result); //var_dump($row); $meaning = $row[2]; $partOfSpeech = $row[3]; $gender = $row[4]; } if (empty($meaning)) { continue; } //now return as json object // if ($outp != "") {$outp .= ",";} $a = new Article(); $a->word = $word; $a->meaning = $meaning; array_push($array, $a); // $outp .= '{"word":"' . $word . '",'; //$outp .= '"meaning":"' . $meaning . '",'; // $outp .= '"meaning":"' . $meaning. '"}'; // $outp .= '"partOfSpeech":"' . $partOfSpeech . '",'; // $outp .= '"gender":"' . $gender . '"}'; } //forloop //$outp ='{"words":['.$outp.']}'; echo json_encode($array); $conn->close(); }
public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event) { global $config, $database; if (!is_numeric($config->get_string("db_version"))) { $config->set_int("db_version", 2); } if ($config->get_int("db_version") < 6) { // cry :S } if ($config->get_int("db_version") < 7) { if ($database->engine->name == "mysql") { $tables = $database->db->MetaTables(); foreach ($tables as $table) { log_info("upgrade", "converting {$table} to innodb"); $database->execute("ALTER TABLE {$table} TYPE=INNODB"); } } $config->set_int("db_version", 7); log_info("upgrade", "Database at version 7"); } if ($config->get_int("db_version") < 8) { // if this fails, don't try again $config->set_int("db_version", 8); $database->execute($database->engine->scoreql_to_sql("ALTER TABLE images ADD COLUMN locked SCORE_BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT SCORE_BOOL_N")); log_info("upgrade", "Database at version 8"); } }
/** * search product modal. * * @param Application $app * @param Request $request * @param int $page_no * * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response */ public function searchProduct(Application $app, Request $request, $page_no = null) { if (!$request->isXmlHttpRequest()) { return null; } $pageCount = $app['config']['default_page_count']; $session = $app['session']; if ('POST' === $request->getMethod()) { log_info('get search data with parameters ', array('id' => $request->get('id'), 'category_id' => $request->get('category_id'))); $page_no = 1; $searchData = array('id' => $request->get('id')); if ($categoryId = $request->get('category_id')) { $Category = $app['eccube.repository.category']->find($categoryId); $searchData['category_id'] = $Category; } $session->set('', $searchData); $session->set('', $page_no); } else { $searchData = (array) $session->get(''); if (is_null($page_no)) { $page_no = intval($session->get('')); } else { $session->set('', $page_no); } } $qb = $app['eccube.repository.product']->getQueryBuilderBySearchDataForAdmin($searchData); /** @var \Knp\Component\Pager\Pagination\SlidingPagination $pagination */ $pagination = $app['paginator']()->paginate($qb, $page_no, $pageCount, array('wrap-queries' => true)); $paths = array(); $paths[] = $app['config']['template_admin_realdir']; $app['twig.loader']->addLoader(new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem($paths)); return $app->render('RelatedProduct/Resource/template/admin/modal_result.twig', array('pagination' => $pagination)); }
/** * Runs when registration form is submitted */ function register_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $SESSION; $result = registration_send_data(); $data = json_decode($result->data); if ($data->status != 1) { log_info($result); $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('registrationfailedtrylater', 'admin', $result->info['http_code'])); } else { set_config('registration_lastsent', time()); set_config('registration_sendweeklyupdates', $values['sendweeklyupdates']); if (get_config('new_registration_policy')) { set_config('new_registration_policy', false); } $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('registrationsuccessfulthanksforregistering', 'admin')); $info = ' <h4>' . get_string('datathathavebeensent', 'admin') . '</h4> <table class="table table-striped table-bordered" id="register-table"> <thead> <tr> <th> ' . get_string('Field', 'admin') . '</th> <th> ' . get_string('Value', 'admin') . '</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> '; $datasent = registration_data(); foreach ($datasent as $key => $val) { $info .= '<tr><th>' . hsc($key) . '</th><td>' . hsc($val) . "</td></tr>\n"; } $info .= '</tbody></table>'; $SESSION->add_ok_msg($info, false); } redirect('/admin/'); }
/** * 会員情報編集画面. * * @param Application $app * @param Request $request * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response */ public function index(Application $app, Request $request) { $Customer = $app->user(); $LoginCustomer = clone $Customer; $app['orm.em']->detach($LoginCustomer); $previous_password = $Customer->getPassword(); $Customer->setPassword($app['config']['default_password']); /* @var $builder \Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface */ $builder = $app['form.factory']->createBuilder('entry', $Customer); $event = new EventArgs(array('builder' => $builder, 'Customer' => $Customer), $request); $app['eccube.event.dispatcher']->dispatch(EccubeEvents::FRONT_MYPAGE_CHANGE_INDEX_INITIALIZE, $event); /* @var $form \Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface */ $form = $builder->getForm(); $form->handleRequest($request); if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) { log_info('会員編集開始'); if ($Customer->getPassword() === $app['config']['default_password']) { $Customer->setPassword($previous_password); } else { if ($Customer->getSalt() === null) { $Customer->setSalt($app['eccube.repository.customer']->createSalt(5)); } $Customer->setPassword($app['eccube.repository.customer']->encryptPassword($app, $Customer)); } $app['orm.em']->flush(); log_info('会員編集完了'); $event = new EventArgs(array('form' => $form, 'Customer' => $Customer), $request); $app['eccube.event.dispatcher']->dispatch(EccubeEvents::FRONT_MYPAGE_CHANGE_INDEX_COMPLETE, $event); return $app->redirect($app->url('mypage_change_complete')); } $app['security']->getToken()->setUser($LoginCustomer); return $app->render('Mypage/change.twig', array('form' => $form->createView())); }
/** * Initialize instance * * @param Charcoal_Config $config configuration data */ public function configure($config) { parent::configure($config); $this->task_manager = us($config->getString('task_manager', '')); $this->forward_target = us($config->getString('forward_target', '')); $this->modules = uv($config->getArray('modules', array())); $this->events = uv($config->getArray('events', array())); $this->debug_mode = ub($config->getBoolean('debug_mode', FALSE)); $this->log_enabled = ub($config->getBoolean('log_enabled')); $this->log_level = us($config->getString('log_level')); $this->log_loggers = uv($config->getArray('log_loggers')); // eventsに記載しているイベントのモジュールも読み込む if (is_array($this->events)) { foreach ($this->events as $event) { $pos = strpos($event, "@"); if ($pos !== FALSE) { $this->modules[] = substr($event, $pos); } } } if ($this->getSandbox()->isDebug()) { log_info("system, debug, config", "task_manager:" . $this->task_manager, self::TAG); log_info("system, debug, config", "forward_target:" . $this->forward_target, self::TAG); log_info("system, debug, config", "modules:" . print_r($this->modules, true), self::TAG); log_info("system, debug, config", "events:" . print_r($this->events, true), self::TAG); log_info("system, debug, config", "debug_mode" . $this->debug_mode, self::TAG); log_info("system, debug, config", "log_enabled" . $this->log_enabled, self::TAG); log_info("system, debug, config", "log_level" . $this->log_level, self::TAG); log_info("system, debug, config", "log_loggers" . print_r($this->log_loggers, true), self::TAG); } }
function generate_main() { global $categories, $forums; global $filter_forum, $filter_topic; global $db_prefix; global $forum_name, $forum_description; //Categories $res = mysql_query('SELECT cat_id, cat_title FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'categories order by cat_order'); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $cid = $row['cat_id']; $categories[$row['cat_id']] = array('title' => $row['cat_title'], 'forums' => array()); } //Forums $res = mysql_query('SELECT forum_id, cat_id, forum_name, forum_posts, forum_topics FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'forums ORDER BY forum_order'); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $fid = $row['forum_id']; if (in_array($fid, $filter_forum)) { continue; } $forums[$fid] = array('cid' => $row['cat_id'], 'title' => $row['forum_name'], 'nposts' => $row['forum_posts'], 'ntopics' => $row['forum_topics'], 'topics' => array()); $categories[$row['cat_id']]['forums'][] = $fid; } // Content $var = array('categories' => $categories, 'forums' => $forums, 'forum_name' => $forum_name, 'forum_description' => $forum_description); $content = template_get($var, 'main.tpl.php'); write_content('index.html', $content); log_info("Index: index.html\n"); }
/** * 推广连接 *站长ID/游戏ID/cpa、cps、。。。/子ID/?ref=url * */ public function tg() { $master_id = $_GET[2]; //站长ID $game_id = $_GET[3]; //游戏ID $type = $_GET[4]; //推广类型 cpa/cps $sub_code = $_GET[5]; //子站长ID $ref = $_GET['ref']; setcookie(WEBMASTER, $master_id, 0, '/', DOMAIN); setcookie(AD_GAME_ID, $game_id, 0, '/', DOMAIN); setcookie(SPREAD_TYPE, $type, 0, '/', DOMAIN); //CPS 为2 CPA:1 其它:0 setcookie(SUB_CODE, $sub_code, 0, '/', DOMAIN); $ip = getClientIP(); //记点击日志 //站长ID,游戏ID,子站长ID,访问IP $content = $master_id . ',' . $game_id . ',\'' . $sub_code . '\' ' . $ip; @log_info($content, $file = "tg_click_"); if ($ref) { $this->gotourl($ref); } else { $this->gotourl('/member/register'); } exit; }
public function log($level, &$message) { switch ($level) { case LogHelper::LEVEL_DEBUG: log_debug($message); break; case LogHelper::LEVEL_INFO: log_info($message); break; case LogHelper::LEVEL_NOTICE: log_notice($message); break; case LogHelper::LEVEL_WARNING: log_warn($message); break; case LogHelper::LEVEL_ERROR: log_error($message); break; case LogHelper::LEVEL_CRITICAL: log_critical($message); break; case LogHelper::LEVEL_ALERT: log_alert($message); break; case LogHelper::LEVEL_EMERGENCY: log_emergency($message); break; } }
function qwp_tmpl_security_check() { global $MODULE_URI, $PAGE, $OP; if (qwp_is_passport_module()) { return true; } $acls = C('acls', null); if (!$acls) { qwp_tmpl_init_security($acls); } if (!isset($acls['modules'][$MODULE_URI])) { return false; } if ($OP) { $path = $MODULE_URI; if ($PAGE) { $path .= '#' . $PAGE; } return isset($acls['ops'][$path]) && isset($acls['ops'][$path][$OP]); } if ($PAGE) { return isset($acls['pages'][$MODULE_URI]) && isset($acls['pages'][$MODULE_URI][$PAGE]); } log_info('security check is passed: ' . $MODULE_URI); }
public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) { global $config, $page, $user; if ($event->page_matches("featured_image")) { if ($event->get_arg(0) == "set" && $user->check_auth_token()) { if ($user->can("edit_feature") && isset($_POST['image_id'])) { $id = int_escape($_POST['image_id']); if ($id > 0) { $config->set_int("featured_id", $id); log_info("featured", "Featured image set to {$id}", "Featured image set"); $page->set_mode("redirect"); $page->set_redirect(make_link("post/view/{$id}")); } } } if ($event->get_arg(0) == "download") { $image = Image::by_id($config->get_int("featured_id")); if (!is_null($image)) { $page->set_mode("data"); $page->set_type($image->get_mime_type()); $page->set_data(file_get_contents($image->get_image_filename())); } } if ($event->get_arg(0) == "view") { $image = Image::by_id($config->get_int("featured_id")); if (!is_null($image)) { send_event(new DisplayingImageEvent($image, $page)); } } } }
/** * 退会画面. * * @param Application $app * @param Request $request * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response */ public function index(Application $app, Request $request) { $builder = $app->form(); $event = new EventArgs(array('builder' => $builder), $request); $app['eccube.event.dispatcher']->dispatch(EccubeEvents::FRONT_MYPAGE_WITHDRAW_INDEX_INITIALIZE, $event); $form = $builder->getForm(); $form->handleRequest($request); if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) { switch ($request->get('mode')) { case 'confirm': log_info('退会確認画面表示'); return $app->render('Mypage/withdraw_confirm.twig', array('form' => $form->createView())); case 'complete': log_info('退会処理開始'); /* @var $Customer \Eccube\Entity\Customer */ $Customer = $app->user(); // 会員削除 $email = $Customer->getEmail(); // メールアドレスにダミーをセット $Customer->setEmail(Str::random(60) . '@dummy.dummy'); $Customer->setDelFlg(Constant::ENABLED); $app['orm.em']->flush(); log_info('退会処理完了'); $event = new EventArgs(array('form' => $form, 'Customer' => $Customer), $request); $app['eccube.event.dispatcher']->dispatch(EccubeEvents::FRONT_MYPAGE_WITHDRAW_INDEX_COMPLETE, $event); // メール送信 $app['eccube.service.mail']->sendCustomerWithdrawMail($Customer, $email); // ログアウト $this->getSecurity($app)->setToken(null); log_info('ログアウト完了'); return $app->redirect($app->url('mypage_withdraw_complete')); } } return $app->render('Mypage/withdraw.twig', array('form' => $form->createView())); }
public function receive_event(Event $event) { global $config, $database, $page, $user; if (is_null($this->theme)) { $this->theme = get_theme_object($this); } if ($event instanceof PageRequestEvent && $event->page_matches("admin")) { if (!$user->is_admin()) { $this->theme->display_permission_denied($page); } else { send_event(new AdminBuildingEvent($page)); } } if ($event instanceof PageRequestEvent && $event->page_matches("admin_utils")) { if ($user->is_admin() && $user->check_auth_token()) { log_info("admin", "Util: {$_POST['action']}"); set_time_limit(0); $redirect = false; switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'delete by query': $this->delete_by_query($_POST['query']); $redirect = true; break; case 'lowercase all tags': $this->lowercase_all_tags(); $redirect = true; break; case 'recount tag use': $this->recount_tag_use(); $redirect = true; break; case 'purge unused tags': $this->purge_unused_tags(); $redirect = true; break; case 'convert to innodb': $this->convert_to_innodb(); $redirect = true; break; case 'database dump': $this->dbdump($page); break; } if ($redirect) { $page->set_mode("redirect"); $page->set_redirect(make_link("admin")); } } } if ($event instanceof AdminBuildingEvent) { $this->theme->display_page($page); $this->theme->display_form($page); } if ($event instanceof UserBlockBuildingEvent) { if ($user->is_admin()) { $event->add_link("Board Admin", make_link("admin")); } } }
public function onDataUpload(DataUploadEvent $event) { global $database; $row = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM image_bans WHERE hash = :hash", array("hash" => $event->hash)); if ($row) { log_info("image_hash_ban", "Blocked image ({$event->hash})"); throw new UploadException("Image " . html_escape($row["hash"]) . " has been banned, reason: " . format_text($row["reason"])); } }
/** * Class constructor * * @return void */ public function __construct() { log_info("info", "security opened"); $this->securitytoken_time = time() + 60 * 1; $this->securitytoken = "token" . randstring(10); // 1min $this->urltoken(); $this->verifyUrl(); }
public function onInitExt($event) { global $config, $database; if ($config->get_int("ext_tips_version") < 1) { $database->create_table("tips", "\n\t\t\t\t\tid SCORE_AIPK,\n\t\t\t\t\tenable SCORE_BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT SCORE_BOOL_N,\n\t\t\t\t\timage TEXT NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\ttext TEXT NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\tINDEX (id)\n\t\t\t\t\t"); $database->execute("\n\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO tips (enable, image, text)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (?, ?, ?)", array("Y", "coins.png", "Do you like this extension? Please support us for developing new ones. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Donate through paypal</a>.")); $config->set_int("ext_tips_version", 1); log_info("tips", "extension installed"); } }
public function index(Application $app, Request $request, $id = null) { $app['orm.em']->getFilters()->enable('incomplete_order_status_hidden'); // 編集 if ($id) { $Customer = $app['orm.em']->getRepository('Eccube\\Entity\\Customer')->find($id); if (is_null($Customer)) { throw new NotFoundHttpException(); } // 編集用にデフォルトパスワードをセット $previous_password = $Customer->getPassword(); $Customer->setPassword($app['config']['default_password']); // 新規登録 } else { $Customer = $app['eccube.repository.customer']->newCustomer(); $CustomerAddress = new \Eccube\Entity\CustomerAddress(); $Customer->setBuyTimes(0); $Customer->setBuyTotal(0); } // 会員登録フォーム $builder = $app['form.factory']->createBuilder('admin_customer', $Customer); $event = new EventArgs(array('builder' => $builder, 'Customer' => $Customer), $request); $app['eccube.event.dispatcher']->dispatch(EccubeEvents::ADMIN_CUSTOMER_EDIT_INDEX_INITIALIZE, $event); $form = $builder->getForm(); if ('POST' === $request->getMethod()) { $form->handleRequest($request); if ($form->isValid()) { log_info('会員登録開始', array($Customer->getId())); if ($Customer->getId() === null) { $Customer->setSalt($app['eccube.repository.customer']->createSalt(5)); $Customer->setSecretKey($app['eccube.repository.customer']->getUniqueSecretKey($app)); $CustomerAddress->setName01($Customer->getName01())->setName02($Customer->getName02())->setKana01($Customer->getKana01())->setKana02($Customer->getKana02())->setCompanyName($Customer->getCompanyName())->setZip01($Customer->getZip01())->setZip02($Customer->getZip02())->setZipcode($Customer->getZip01() . $Customer->getZip02())->setPref($Customer->getPref())->setAddr01($Customer->getAddr01())->setAddr02($Customer->getAddr02())->setTel01($Customer->getTel01())->setTel02($Customer->getTel02())->setTel03($Customer->getTel03())->setFax01($Customer->getFax01())->setFax02($Customer->getFax02())->setFax03($Customer->getFax03())->setDelFlg(Constant::DISABLED)->setCustomer($Customer); $app['orm.em']->persist($CustomerAddress); } if ($Customer->getPassword() === $app['config']['default_password']) { $Customer->setPassword($previous_password); } else { if ($Customer->getSalt() === null) { $Customer->setSalt($app['eccube.repository.customer']->createSalt(5)); } $Customer->setPassword($app['eccube.repository.customer']->encryptPassword($app, $Customer)); } $app['orm.em']->persist($Customer); $app['orm.em']->flush(); log_info('会員登録完了', array($Customer->getId())); $event = new EventArgs(array('form' => $form, 'Customer' => $Customer), $request); $app['eccube.event.dispatcher']->dispatch(EccubeEvents::ADMIN_CUSTOMER_EDIT_INDEX_COMPLETE, $event); $app->addSuccess('', 'admin'); return $app->redirect($app->url('admin_customer_edit', array('id' => $Customer->getId()))); } else { $app->addError('', 'admin'); } } return $app->render('Customer/edit.twig', array('form' => $form->createView(), 'Customer' => $Customer)); }
public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event) { global $config, $database; // Create the database tables if ($config->get_int("ext_relationships_version") < 1) { $database->Execute("ALTER TABLE images ADD parent_id INT NULL, ADD INDEX (parent_id);"); $database->Execute("ALTER TABLE images ADD has_children BOOL DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL;"); $config->set_int("ext_relationships_version", 1); log_info("relationships", "extension installed"); } }
/** * 受注マスター表示、検索ボタンクリック時のEvent Fork. * 下記の項目を追加する. * ・検索結果一覧のコンボボックスに「帳票出力」を追加 * ・検索結果一覧の上部に「一括帳票出力を追加. * * @param FilterResponseEvent $event */ public function onRenderAdminOrderPdfBefore(FilterResponseEvent $event) { log_info('EventLegacy: The Order pdf hook into the order search start'); if (!$this->app->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) { log_info('EventLegacy: You need permission manager to be able to use this function.'); return; } $response = $event->getResponse(); $response->setContent($this->getHtml($response)); $event->setResponse($response); log_info('EventLegacy: The Order pdf hook into the order search end'); }
public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event) { global $config, $database; // Create the database tables if ($config->get_int("ext_relationships_version") < 1) { $database->execute("ALTER TABLE images ADD parent_id INT"); $database->execute($database->scoreql_to_sql("ALTER TABLE images ADD has_children SCORE_BOOL DEFAULT SCORE_BOOL_N NOT NULL")); $database->execute("CREATE INDEX images__parent_id ON images(parent_id)"); $config->set_int("ext_relationships_version", 1); log_info("relationships", "extension installed"); } }
function search($dbpath, $querystring, $offset = 0, $pagesize = 10) { // offset - defines starting point within result set // pagesize - defines number of records to retrieve // Open the database we're going to search. $db = new XapianDatabase($dbpath); ### Start of example code. // Set up a QueryParser with a stemmer and suitable prefixes $queryparser = new XapianQueryParser(); $queryparser->set_stemmer(new XapianStem("en")); $queryparser->set_stemming_strategy(XapianQueryParser::STEM_SOME); $queryparser->add_prefix("title", "S"); $queryparser->add_prefix("description", "XD"); $queryparser->add_boolean_prefix("material", "XM"); // And parse the query $query = $queryparser->parse_query($querystring); ### End of example code. // Use an Enquire object on the database to run the query $enquire = new XapianEnquire($db); $enquire->set_query($query); // Set up a spy to inspect the MAKER value at slot 1 $spy = new XapianValueCountMatchSpy(1); $enquire->add_matchspy($spy); // Retrieve the matches and compute start and end points $matches = $enquire->get_mset($offset, $pagesize); $start = $matches->begin(); $end = $matches->end(); // Use an array to record the DocIds of each match $docids = array(); while (!$start->equals($end)) { // retrieve the document and its data $doc = $start->get_document(); $fields = json_decode($doc->get_data()); $position = $start->get_rank() + 1; // record the docid $docid = $start->get_docid(); $docids[] = $docid; // display the results printf("%d: #%03d %s\n", $position, $docid, $fields->TITLE); // increment MSet iterator and our counter $start->next(); } // Parse and display the spy values $spy_start = $spy->values_begin(); $spy_end = $spy->values_end(); while (!$spy_start->equals($spy_end)) { print sprintf("Facet: %s; count: %d\n", $spy_start->get_term(), $spy_start->get_termfreq()); $spy_start->next(); } // Finally, make sure we log the query and displayed results log_info(sprintf("'%s'[%d:%d] = %s", $querystring, $offset, $offset + $pagesize, implode(" ", $docids))); }
/** * execute exception handlers * * @param Exception $e exception to handle * * @return boolean TRUE means the exception is handled, otherwise FALSE */ public function handleException($e) { // Charcoal_ParamTrait::validateException( 1, $e ); $this->init(); foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { log_info("system, debug", "calling exception handler[{$handler}].", "exception"); $ret = $handler->handleException($e); if (b($ret)->isTrue()) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * Initialize instance * * @param Charcoal_Config $config configuration data */ public function configure($config) { parent::configure($config); $this->use_session = $config->getBoolean('use_session', TRUE); $this->sequence = $config->getString('sequence', ''); $layout_manager = $config->getString('layout_manager'); $this->setLayoutManager($layout_manager); if ($this->getSandbox()->isDebug()) { log_info("system,config", "procedure", "use_session:" . $this->use_session); log_info("system,config", "procedure", "sequence:" . $this->sequence); log_info("system,config", "procedure", "layout_manager:" . $this->layout_manager); } }
/** * Initialize instance * * @param Charcoal_Config $config configuration data */ public function configure($config) { parent::configure($config); $this->_host = $config->getString('host', 'localhost'); $this->_port = $config->getInteger('port', 11211); $this->_weight = $config->getInteger('weight', 100); $this->_default_duration = $config->getInteger('default_duration', 0); log_debug("system, debug, cache", "cache", "host=[{$this->_host}]"); log_debug("system, debug, cache", "cache", "port=[{$this->_port}]"); log_debug("system, debug, cache", "cache", "weight=[{$this->_weight}]"); log_debug("system, debug, cache", "cache", "default_duration=[{$this->_default_duration}]"); $this->_memcache->addServer(us($this->_host), ui($this->_port), TRUE, ui($this->_weight)); log_info("system, debug, cache", "cache", "server added."); }
/** * Initialize instance * * @param Charcoal_Config $config configuration data */ public function configure($config) { parent::configure($config); $rules_section = $config->getSection('routing rules'); $patterns = $rules_section->getKeys(); foreach ($patterns as $pattern) { $proc_path = $rules_section->getString($pattern); if ($proc_path === NULL) { _throw(new Charcoal_RoutingRuleConfigException($pattern, 'can not be NULL')); } $this->proc_paths[$pattern] = us($proc_path); } log_info('system,debug,router', "proc_paths:" . print_r($this->proc_paths, true), self::TAG); }
/** * Runs when registration form is submitted */ function register_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $SESSION; $result = registration_send_data(); if ($result->data != '1') { log_info($result); $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('registrationfailedtrylater', 'admin', $result->info['http_code'])); } else { set_config('registration_lastsent', time()); set_config('registration_sendweeklyupdates', $values['sendweeklyupdates']); $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('registrationsuccessfulthanksforregistering', 'admin')); } redirect('/admin/'); }
/** * execute exception handlers * * @param Exception $e exception to handle * * @return boolean TRUE means the exception is handled, otherwise FALSE */ public function handleException($e) { Charcoal_ParamTrait::validateException(1, $e); log_info("system, debug", "exception", "handled a framework exception!"); try { /** @var Charcoal_IDebugtraceRenderer $renderer */ $renderer = $this->getSandbox()->createObject('console', 'debugtrace_renderer', array(), 'Charcoal_IDebugtraceRenderer'); // Render exception $renderer->render($e); return TRUE; } catch (Exception $e) { _catch($e); log_info("system, debug", "exception", "debugtrace_renderer creation failed."); } return FALSE; }
protected function __construct($domain) { $settime = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 10; //时间修正 session_name(self::sess_name); $k = array_keys($_REQUEST[0]); log_info(getClientIP() . "\t : " . $_COOKIE[session_name()] . "\t " . $k[0] . "\t" . $_COOKIE[SDK] . "\t" . $_COOKIE[SDU] . "\t" . $_COOKIE[SDP]); $this->sess_id = isset($_GET['sdsid']) ? trim($_GET['sdsid']) : $_COOKIE[session_name()]; $this->domain = $domain; // $this->sess_id = isset($_GET['sdsid']) ? trim($_GET['sdsid']) : (empty($_COOKIE[session_name()]) ? $this->gen_sid() : $_COOKIE[session_name()]); // session_id($this->sess_id); // //@setcookie(session_name(),session_id(),time()+$this->sess_time+$settime,'/',$domain); // @setcookie(session_name(),session_id(),time()+900,'/',$domain); // @register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'close')); return; }
/** * Event for new hook point. * * @param TemplateEvent $event */ public function onAdminOrderIndexRender(TemplateEvent $event) { log_info('Event: Order pdf hook into the order search render start.'); /** * @var \Twig_Environment $twig */ $twig = $this->app['twig']; $twigAppend = $twig->getLoader()->getSource('OrderPdf/Resource/template/admin/order_pdf_menu.twig'); /** * @var string twig template */ $twigSource = $event->getSource(); $twigSource = $this->renderPosition($twigSource, $twigAppend); $event->setSource($twigSource); log_info('Event: Order pdf hook into the order search render end.'); }
public function view($url = [], $data = []) { global $config; $urltoken = $this->urltoken(); if (isset($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { ${$key} = $value; } } foreach ($url as $value) { if (file_exists($config['view'] . "/" . $value . ".php")) { include_once $config['view'] . "/" . $value . ".php"; } else { log_info("error", "{$value} not found"); } } }