public function rewrite($link) { $seo = new SEO($this->registry); if ($this->config->get('config_seo_url')) { $url_data = parse_url(str_replace('&', '&', $link)); $url = ''; $data = array(); if (isset($url_data['query'])) { parse_str($url_data['query'], $data); } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (isset($data['route'])) { $url .= $seo->rewrite($data['route']); if ($data['route'] == 'product/product' && $key == 'product_id' || ($data['route'] == 'product/manufacturer/product' || $data['route'] == 'product/product') && $key == 'manufacturer_id' || $data['route'] == 'information/information' && $key == 'information_id') { $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "url_alias WHERE `query` = '" . $this->db->escape($key . '=' . (int) $value) . "'"); if ($query->num_rows) { $url .= '/' . $query->row['keyword']; unset($data[$key]); } } elseif ($key == 'path') { $categories = explode('_', $value); foreach ($categories as $category) { $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "url_alias WHERE `query` = 'category_id=" . (int) $category . "'"); if ($query->num_rows) { $url .= '/' . $query->row['keyword']; } } unset($data[$key]); } } } if ($url) { unset($data['route']); $query = ''; if ($data) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $query .= '&' . $key . '=' . $value; } if ($query) { $query = '?' . trim($query, '&'); } } $this->log->write('url = ' . $url_data['path'] . ' ' . $url . ' ' . $query . ' | '); return strtolower($url_data['scheme'] . '://' . $url_data['host'] . (isset($url_data['port']) ? ':' . $url_data['port'] : '') . str_replace('/index.php', '', $url_data['path']) . $url . $query); } else { // rewrite URL base rule return $seo->rewrite_base_rule($link); // end } } else { // rewrite URL base rule return $seo->rewrite_base_rule($link); // end } }
private static function form($m_id = false) { if (!empty($m_id)) { CRUD::dataFetch('member', array('id' => $m_id)); list($row) = CRUD::$data; foreach ($row as $field => $var) { switch ($field) { case "gender": $field = $field . '_CK' . $var; $var = 'selected'; break; } $output['VALUE_' . strtoupper($field)] = $var; } } $output['VALUE_SUBJECT_OPTION'] = self::subjectOption($row['subject']); VIEW::assignGlobal($output); CRUD::args_output(true, true); SEO::load('contact'); if (empty(SEO::$data["h1"])) { SEO::$data["h1"] = CORE::$lang["contact"]; } SEO::output(); CRUMBS::fetch('contact'); }
function __construct() { list($args) = CORE::$args; self::$m_id = SESS::get('m_id'); self::$temp = CORE::$temp_main; CRUMBS::fetch('feedback'); SEO::load('feedback'); if (empty(SEO::$data["h1"])) { SEO::$data["h1"] = CORE::$lang['feedback']; } SEO::output(); switch ($args) { case "thankyou": new RESPONSE('feedback', CORE::$lang['feedbackThanks']); break; case "list": # 顯示反饋 self::$temp["MAIN"] = 'ogs-feedback-list-tpl.html'; self::row(); break; case "add": # 執行增加反饋 self::$temp["MAIN"] = CORE::$temp_option["MSG"]; self::add(); break; default: self::$temp["MAIN"] = 'ogs-feedback-tpl.html'; break; } CORE::common_resource(); new VIEW(CORE::$temp_option["HULL"], self::$temp, false, false); }
public static function notFound() { CORE::common_resource(); SEO::load('nofound'); SEO::output(); VIEW::assignGlobal('SEO_H1', empty(SEO::$data['h1']) ? '404 not found' : SEO::$data['h1']); $temp = CORE::$temp_main; $temp["MAIN"] = 'ogs-fn-404-tpl.html'; new VIEW(CORE::$temp_option["HULL"], $temp, false, false); }
private static function intro() { self::$rsnum[] = $rsnum = CRUD::dataFetch('intro', array('langtag' => CORE::$langtag, 'status' => '1', 'custom' => "(subject like '%" . self::$kw . "%' or content like '%" . self::$kw . "%')")); if (!empty($rsnum)) { $dataRow = CRUD::$data; foreach ($dataRow as $key => $row) { VIEW::newBlock("TAG_SEARCH_LIST"); VIEW::assign(array("VALUE_SUBJECT" => $row["subject"], "VALUE_CONTENT" => mb_substr(strip_tags($row["content"]), 0, 50, 'UTF-8'), "VALUE_LINK" => CORE::$root . 'intro/' . SEO::link($row) . '/')); } } }
private static function nav() { VIEW::assignGlobal("NAV_CATE_TITLE", 'ABOUT'); $rsnum = CRUD::dataFetch('intro', array('status' => '1', 'langtag' => CORE::$langtag), false, array('sort' => CORE::$cfg["sort"])); if (!empty($rsnum)) { $dataRow = CRUD::$data; foreach ($dataRow as $key => $row) { VIEW::newBlock("TAG_NAV_LIST"); VIEW::assign(array("VALUE_NAV_SUBJECT" => $row["subject"], "VALUE_NAV_LINK" => CORE::$root . 'intro/' . SEO::link($row) . '/', "VALUE_NAV_CURRENT" => empty(self::$id) && ++$i == 1 || self::$id == $row["id"] ? 'active' : '')); } } }
public static function modify(array $args) { if (!empty($args["filename"])) { $args["filename"] = self::filename_check($args["id"], $args["filename"]); } CRUD::dataUpdate('seo', $args); if (!empty(DB::$error)) { self::$error = DB::$error; return false; } else { return true; } }
public static function nav() { list($cate) = CORE::$args; VIEW::assignGlobal("NAV_CATE_TITLE", 'PRODUCTS CATE'); $rsnum = CRUD::dataFetch('products_cate', array('status' => '1', 'parent' => 'null', 'langtag' => CORE::$langtag), false, array('sort' => CORE::$cfg["sort"])); if (!empty($rsnum)) { $dataRow = CRUD::$data; foreach ($dataRow as $key => $row) { VIEW::newBlock("TAG_NAV_LIST"); VIEW::assign(array("VALUE_NAV_SUBJECT" => $row["subject"], "VALUE_NAV_LINK" => CORE::$root . 'products/' . SEO::link($row) . '/', "VALUE_NAV_CURRENT" => $cate == $row["id"] ? 'current' : '')); } } }
public static function dataLink($parent, $data = false) { $rsnum = CRUD::dataFetch('news_cate', array('id' => $parent)); if (!empty($rsnum)) { list($cate) = CRUD::$data; $parentLink = SEO::link($cate); } if (!$data) { return CORE::$root . "news/{$parentLink}/"; } else { $link = SEO::link($data); return CORE::$root . "news/{$parentLink}/{$link}/"; } }
public function __construct(Request $request) { parent::__construct($request); $this->params = $this->request->param(); //$this->params = $_GET; $this->params = array_filter($this->params, 'strlen'); $this->all_brand_pinyin = SEO::getBrandPinyin(); $this->all_series_pinyin = SEO::getSeriesPinyin(); if (!empty($this->params['brand_pinyin'])) { $all_brand_pinyin = array_flip($this->all_brand_pinyin); if (isset($all_brand_pinyin[$this->params['brand_pinyin']])) { $this->params['brand_id'] = $all_brand_pinyin[$this->params['brand_pinyin']]; } } if (!empty($this->params['series_pinyin'])) { $all_series_pinyin = array_flip($this->all_series_pinyin); if (isset($all_series_pinyin[$this->params['series_pinyin']])) { $this->params['series_id'] = $all_series_pinyin[$this->params['series_pinyin']]; } } $allowed = array('city_pinyin', 'brand_id', 'series_id', 'brand_pinyin', 'series_pinyin', 'price_f', 'price_t', 'mile', 'mile_f', 'mile_t', 'year_f', 'year_t', 'sort_f', 'sort_d', 'format'); $this->_filter_array = array_intersect_key($this->params, array_flip($allowed)); }
<?php SEO::setTitle('Be right back'); ?> @extends('layouts.errors') @section('content') <h1>Be right back</h1> @endsection
public static function getBodyMetaTags() { if (empty(self::$loaded)) { self::$loaded = self::getContentData(); } if (empty(self::$loaded) || isset(self::$loaded["data"]) == false || isset(self::$loaded["type"]) == false || (self::$loaded["type"] == "software" || self::$loaded["type"] == "vappliance") === false) { return ""; } $data = SEO::$loaded["data"]; $meta = SEO::$loaded["meta"]; $link = SEO::$loaded["link"]; $res = '<noscript>'; $res .= '<style>.noscript.softwareentry {display: block;width: 1000px;}.noscript.softwareentry .field {display: block;padding-bottom: 0.5em;padding-left: 10em;width: auto;text-align:left;}'; $res .= '.noscript.softwareentry .field .fieldtype {color: #444444;display: inline-block;font-weight: bold;min-width: 90px;vertical-align: top;width: 90px;}'; $res .= '.noscript.softwareentry .field .fieldvalue {display: inline-block;max-width: 780px;text-align:left;}.noscript.softwareentry .field.image {height: 100px;left: -110px;position: absolute;top: 0;width: 100px;.height: 100px;border:none;}'; $res .= '</style>'; $res .= '<div class="noscript softwareentry" itemscope itemtype="">'; $res .= '<div class="field name"><span class="fieldtype">Name:</span><span class="fieldvalue" itemprop="name">' . htmlentities($data->name, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</span></div>'; $res .= '<div class="field description"><span class="fieldtype">Description:</span><span class="fieldvalue" itemprop="description">' . $meta["description"] . '</span></div>'; $res .= '<div class="field abstract"><span class="fieldtype">Abstract:</span><span class="fieldvalue" itemprop="text">' . htmlentities($data->abstract, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</span></div>'; $res .= '<img class="field image" alt="' . htmlentities($data->name, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . ' logo" src="https://' . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . '/apps/getlogo?id=' . $data->id . '" width="100px" itemprop="image thumbnailUrl" />'; $res .= '<div class="field canonical"><span class="fieldtype">Url:</span><span class="fieldvalue"><a href="' . $link["canonical"] . '" itemprop="url" >' . $link["canonical"] . '</a></span></div>'; if ($data->dateAdded) { $res .= '<div class="field datecreated"><span class="fieldtype">Created:</span><span class="fieldvalue" itemprop="dateCreated">' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data->dateAdded)) . '</span></div>'; } if ($data->lastUpdated) { $res .= '<div class="field lastupdated"><span class="fieldtype">Last updated:</span><span class="fieldvalue" itemprop="dateModified">' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data->lastUpdated)) . '</span></div>'; } if ($data->rating) { $res .= '<div itemscope itemprop="aggregateRating" itemtype="">'; $res .= '<meta itemprop="bestRating" content="5">'; $res .= '<meta itemprop="worstRating" content="0">'; $res .= '<div class="field ratingvotes">'; $res .= '<span class="fieldtype">Rating votes:</span>'; $res .= '<span class="fieldvalue"><span itemprop="ratingCount">' . $data->getRatingcount() . '</span></span>'; $res .= '</div>'; $res .= '<div class="field rating">'; $res .= '<span class="fieldtype">Rating score:</span>'; $res .= '<span class="fieldvalue"><span itemprop="ratingValue">' . $data->getRating() . '</span><span> / 5 </span></span>'; $res .= '</div></div>'; } $res .= '</div>'; $res .= '</noscript>'; return $res; }
<?php include '../../config.php'; include ROOT . 'model/SEO.php'; $SEO = new SEO(); $SEO->setTitle('Telefones Úteis em Mogi das Cruzes'); include ROOT . 'view/pagina/telefones-uteis.php';
/** * Test setting and returning the pagination object */ public function testPagination() { SEO::init(); $obj = SEO::setPagination(100); $this->assertInstanceOf('SEOPagination', $obj); }
//Initialize sessions $GLOBALS['session'] = Session::getInstance(); //Initialize Smarty $GLOBALS['smarty'] = new Smarty(); $GLOBALS['smarty']->muteExpectedErrors(); $GLOBALS['smarty']->error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING; $GLOBALS['smarty']->compile_dir = CC_SKIN_CACHE_DIR; $GLOBALS['smarty']->config_dir = CC_SKIN_CACHE_DIR; $GLOBALS['smarty']->cache_dir = CC_SKIN_CACHE_DIR; $GLOBALS['smarty']->debugging = false; //Initialize language $GLOBALS['language'] = Language::getInstance(); //Initialize hooks $GLOBALS['hooks'] = HookLoader::getInstance(); //Initialize SEO $GLOBALS['seo'] = SEO::getInstance(); if (isset($_GET['seo_path']) && !empty($_GET['seo_path'])) { $_GET['seo_path'] = preg_replace('/(\\/\\~[a-z0-9]{1,}\\/)/', '', $_GET['seo_path']); // Remove /~username/ from seo_path $GLOBALS['seo']->getItem($_GET['seo_path']); } //Initialize SSL $GLOBALS['ssl'] = SSL::getInstance(); //Initialize GUI $GLOBALS['gui'] = GUI::getInstance(); //Initialize Taxes $GLOBALS['tax'] = Tax::getInstance(); //Initialize catalogue $GLOBALS['catalogue'] = Catalogue::getInstance(); //Initialize cubecart $GLOBALS['cubecart'] = Cubecart::getInstance();
private static function cate_detail($id) { $rsnum = CRUD::dataFetch('faq_cate', array('id' => $id)); if (!empty($rsnum)) { list($row) = CRUD::$data; foreach ($row as $field => $var) { switch ($field) { case "status": VIEW::assignGlobal("VALUE_" . strtoupper($field) . "_CK" . $var, 'selected'); break; default: VIEW::assignGlobal("VALUE_" . strtoupper($field), $var); break; } } $last_page = SESS::get("PAGE"); if (!empty($last_page)) { VIEW::assignGlobal("VALUE_BACK_LINK", CORE::$manage . "faq/cate/page-{$last_page}/"); } else { VIEW::assignGlobal("VALUE_BACK_LINK", CORE::$manage . "faq/cate/"); } SEO::load($row["seo_id"]); SEO::output(); parent::$langID = $row['lang_id']; } else { self::$temp["MAIN"] = self::$temp_option["MSG"]; CORE::msg(self::$lang["no_args"], CORE::$manage . 'faq/cate/'); } }
private static function detail($id) { $rsnum = CRUD::dataFetch('ad', array('id' => $id)); if (!empty($rsnum)) { list($row) = CRUD::$data; foreach ($row as $field => $var) { switch ($field) { case "cateID": VIEW::assignGlobal("VALUE_" . strtoupper($field) . "_OPTION", AD::cateSelect($var)); break; case "status": VIEW::assignGlobal("VALUE_" . strtoupper($field) . "_CK" . $var, 'selected'); break; default: VIEW::assignGlobal("VALUE_" . strtoupper($field), $var); break; } } IMAGES::output('ad', $row["id"]); SEO::load($row["seo_id"]); SEO::output(); $last_page = SESS::get("PAGE"); if (!empty($last_page)) { VIEW::assignGlobal("VALUE_BACK_LINK", CORE::$manage . "ad/page-{$last_page}/"); } else { VIEW::assignGlobal("VALUE_BACK_LINK", CORE::$manage . "ad/"); } } else { self::$temp["MAIN"] = self::$temp_option["MSG"]; CORE::msg(self::$lang["no_args"], CORE::$manage . 'ad/'); } }
namespace DF56; ?> <footer class="footer row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-4"> <div><strong><span class="brand-name">Depan'Fermetures 56</span></strong></div> <div><a href="/contact">Nous contacter</a></div> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-4"> <div>Du lundi au vendredi</div> <div>8h30 - 12h00</div> <div>13h30 - 18h00</div> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-4"> <div><span class="icon icon-home"></span>Penhoët 56440 LANGUIDIC</div> <div><a href="tel:+33684873816"><span class="icon2 icon2-mobile"></span>06 84 87 38 16</a></div> <div><a href="tel:+33966838564"><span class="icon icon-phone"></span>09 66 83 85 64</a></div> <div><a href=""><span class="icon icon-envelope"></span></a></div> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-12 text-right"> <a href="/mentions-legales">Mentions légales</a> </div> </div> <?php SEO::draw_footer_links_html(); ?> </div> </footer><?php
private static function detail($id) { $rsnum = CRUD::dataFetch('gallery', array('id' => $id)); if (!empty($rsnum)) { list($row) = CRUD::$data; foreach ($row as $field => $var) { switch ($field) { case "related": GALLERY::related($var); break; case "parent": $field = $field . '_OPTION'; $var = self::cate_select($var); break; case "status": $field = $field . '_ck' . $var; $var = 'selected'; break; } $output["VALUE_" . strtoupper($field)] = $var; } VIEW::assignGlobal($output); IMAGES::output('gallery', $row["id"]); foreach (IMAGES::$data as $images) { VIEW::newBlock('TAG_IMAGES_LIST'); foreach ($images as $field => $var) { $images['IMAGES_' . strtoupper($field)] = $var; } VIEW::assign($images); } SEO::load($row["seo_id"]); SEO::output(); $last_page = SESS::get("PAGE"); if (!empty($last_page)) { VIEW::assignGlobal("VALUE_BACK_LINK", CORE::$manage . "gallery/page-{$last_page}/"); } else { VIEW::assignGlobal("VALUE_BACK_LINK", CORE::$manage . "gallery/"); } parent::$langID = $row['lang_id']; } else { self::$temp["MAIN"] = self::$temp_option["MSG"]; CORE::msg(self::$lang["no_args"], CORE::$manage . 'gallery/'); } }
/** * Sanitize SEO allowed path (Depreciated since 6.0.7) * Use static function SEO::sanitizeSEOPath instead * * @return string */ function sanitizeSEOPath($url) { if (method_exists('SEO', 'sanitizeSEOPath')) { return SEO::sanitizeSEOPath($seo_path['path']); } $url = preg_replace("/\\.\\w{2,4}\$/", '', $url); ## Remove extention $url = trim($url); $url = str_replace(' ', '-', html_entity_decode($url, ENT_QUOTES)); $url = preg_replace('#[^\\w\\-_/]#iuU', '-', str_replace('/', '/', $url)); return preg_replace(array('#/{2,}#iu', '#-{2,}#'), array('/', '-'), $url); }
private static function detail($id) { $rsnum = CRUD::dataFetch('products', array('id' => $id)); if (!empty($rsnum)) { list($row) = CRUD::$data; foreach ($row as $field => $var) { switch ($field) { case "related": PRODUCTS::related($var); break; case "parent": VIEW::assignGlobal("VALUE_" . strtoupper($field) . "_OPTION", self::cate_select($var)); break; case "status": VIEW::assignGlobal("VALUE_" . strtoupper($field) . "_CK" . $var, 'selected'); break; default: VIEW::assignGlobal("VALUE_" . strtoupper($field), $var); break; } } IMAGES::output('products', $row["id"]); SEO::load($row["seo_id"]); SEO::output(); $page_args = SESS::get("PAGE"); $sk_args = SESS::get('SK'); if (!empty($page_args)) { $page = "page-{$page_args}/"; } if (!empty($sk_args)) { $sk = "{$sk_args}/"; } VIEW::assignGlobal("VALUE_BACK_LINK", CORE::$manage . "products/{$sk}{$page}"); parent::$langID = $row['lang_id']; } else { self::$temp["MAIN"] = self::$temp_option["MSG"]; CORE::msg(self::$lang["no_args"], CORE::$manage . 'products/'); } }
public function generateAll() { $seo = new SEO($this->registry); $seo->generateSEOURL(); }
} $product_record['cat_id'] = $primary_category; } if (is_array($images)) { $primary = 1; foreach ($images as $file_id) { $image_record = array('product_id' => $product_id, 'file_id' => $file_id, 'main_img' => $primary); $GLOBALS['db']->insert('CubeCart_image_index', $image_record); $primary = 0; } } // Insert SEO custom URL if (empty($product_record['seo_path'])) { $product_record['seo_path'] = $GLOBALS['seo']->generatePath($product_id, 'prod'); } $GLOBALS['db']->insert('CubeCart_seo_urls', array('path' => SEO::sanitizeSEOPath($product_record['seo_path']), 'item_id' => $product_id, 'type' => 'prod')); } unset($product_record, $category_record, $image_record, $image, $images); } fclose($fp); } unlink($this_import); } $next_cycle = $cycle + 1; if (file_exists(sprintf($import_source, $next_cycle))) { $data = array('next_cycle' => $next_cycle, 'total' => $has_header ? $GLOBALS['session']->get('columns', 'import') - 1 : $GLOBALS['session']->get('columns', 'import'), 'imported' => $cycle * $splitSize); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('DATA', $data); $page_content = $GLOBALS['smarty']->fetch('templates/products.importing.php'); } else { $GLOBALS['main']->setACPNotify($lang['catalogue']['notify_import_complete']); $GLOBALS['session']->delete('', 'import');
/** * Get the current page url * * @param array $excluded * @param array $included * @param bool $remove_excluded * @return string */ function currentPage($excluded = null, $included = null, $remove_excluded = true) { static $base = null; if (is_null($base)) { $php_self = htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // fixes XSS if (isset($GLOBALS['storeURL'], $GLOBALS['rootRel'])) { $base = $GLOBALS['storeURL'] . str_replace($GLOBALS['rootRel'], '/', $php_self); } else { $base = null; } } $currentPage = $base; // If there are GET variables, strip redir and rebuild query string if (!empty($_GET)) { $array = is_array($included) && !empty($included) ? array_merge($_GET, $included) : $_GET; $one_time = array('added', 'completed', 'deleted', 'edited', 'failed', 'removed', 'subscribed', 'submitted', 'unsubscribed', 'updated', session_name()); if ($excluded === true) { // Drop *all* $_GET vars, except $protected $protected = array('_a'); $excluded = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $val) { if (!in_array($key, $protected)) { $excluded[] = $key; } } } else { $excluded = is_array($excluded) && !empty($excluded) ? $excluded : array(); } // Delete unwanted keys if (!empty($array)) { foreach ($excluded as $key) { if (isset($array[$key])) { unset($array[$key]); if (!CC_IN_ADMIN && $remove_excluded) { unset($_GET[$key]); // fix for other areas that want exclusion } } } array_walk_recursive($array, 'custom_urlencode', $one_time); if (isset($array) && is_array($array)) { $currentPage .= '?' . http_build_query($array, '', '&'); } } } if (!isset($GLOBALS['seo']) || !is_object($GLOBALS['seo'])) { return $currentPage; } // $_GET['seo_path'] should never be set... but if it is this will fix it if (isset($_GET['seo_path']) && !empty($_GET['seo_path'])) { $currentPage = SEO::getInstance()->getItem($_GET['seo_path'], true); } return SEO::getInstance()->SEOable($currentPage); }
/** * Set a DB path * * @param string $type * @param int $item_id * @param string $path * @param bool $bool * @param bool $show_error * @return bool/string */ public function setdbPath($type, $item_id, $path, $bool = true, $show_error = true) { if (in_array($type, array_merge($this->_dynamic_sections, $this->_static_sections))) { $custom = 1; // if path is empty or already taken generate one if (empty($path) || $GLOBALS['db']->count('CubeCart_seo_urls', 'id', "`path` = '{$path}' AND `type` = '{$type}' AND `item_id` <> {$item_id}") > 0) { // send warning if in use if (!empty($path)) { if ($show_error) { $GLOBALS['gui']->setError($GLOBALS['language']->settings['seo_path_taken'], true); } } // try to generate $path = $this->generatePath($item_id, $type); $custom = 0; } $path = SEO::_safeUrl($path); if (empty($path)) { return $bool ? false : ''; } if (($existing = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_seo_urls', 'id', array('type' => $type, 'item_id' => $item_id))) !== false) { $GLOBALS['db']->update('CubeCart_seo_urls', array('type' => $type, 'item_id' => $item_id, 'path' => $path, 'custom' => $custom), array('id' => $existing[0]['id'])); } else { //Check for dup path if (!$GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_seo_urls', false, array('path' => $path))) { $GLOBALS['db']->insert('CubeCart_seo_urls', array('type' => $type, 'item_id' => $item_id, 'path' => $path, 'custom' => $custom)); } else { // Force unique path is it's already taken $unique_id = substr($type, 0, 1) . $item_id; $GLOBALS['db']->insert('CubeCart_seo_urls', array('type' => $type, 'item_id' => $item_id, 'path' => $path . '-' . $unique_id, 'custom' => $custom)); $GLOBALS['gui']->setError($GLOBALS['language']->settings['seo_path_taken'], true); } } return $bool ? true : $path; } else { trigger_error('Invalid SEO path type ' . $type . '.', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } }
public static function dataUpdate($tb_name, array $args, $seo = false, $images = false, $primary = false) { $new_args = self::match_field($tb_name, $args); CHECK::is_array_exist($new_args); if (CHECK::is_pass()) { $new_args = array_reverse($new_args); DB::update(CORE::$prefix . "_" . $tb_name, self::content_handle($new_args), $primary); # 自動排序 if ($new_args["sort"]) { SORT::auto($tb_name, CORE::$langtag, $new_args["id"], $new_args["sort"]); } # 圖片處理 if (is_array($args["images"]) && $images) { IMAGES::modify($args["images"], $tb_name, $new_args["id"]); } if ($seo) { $args["id"] = $args["seo_id"]; SEO::modify($args); } } else { return false; } }
} elseif (isset($_POST['price'])) { $GLOBALS['main']->setACPWarning($lang['common']['error_no_change']); } $GLOBALS['main']->addTabControl($lang['catalogue']['title_product_list'], null, currentPage(array('node'))); $GLOBALS['main']->addTabControl($lang['catalogue']['product_add'], null, currentPage(array('node'), array('action' => 'add'))); $GLOBALS['main']->addTabControl($lang['catalogue']['title_category_assign_to'], 'assign'); $GLOBALS['main']->addTabControl($lang['catalogue']['title_option_set_assign'], null, currentPage(null, array('node' => 'optionsets'))); $GLOBALS['gui']->addBreadcrumb($lang['catalogue']['title_category_assigned'], currentPage()); ## Product list if (($products = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_inventory', array('product_id', 'name', 'product_code'), false, array('name' => 'ASC'))) !== false) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('PRODUCTS', $products); } ## Category list if (($category_array = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_category', array('cat_name', 'cat_parent_id', 'cat_id'))) !== false) { $cat_list[] = '/'; $seo = SEO::getInstance(); foreach ($category_array as $category) { if ($category['cat_id'] == $category['cat_parent_id']) { continue; } $cat_list[$category['cat_id']] = '/' . $seo->getDirectory($category['cat_id'], false, '/', false, false); } natcasesort($cat_list); foreach ($cat_list as $cat_id => $cat_name) { if (empty($cat_name)) { continue; } $data = array('id' => $cat_id, 'name' => $cat_name, 'selected' => isset($cats_selected) && in_array($cat_id, $cats_selected) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); $smarty_data['categories'][] = $data; } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('CATEGORIES', $smarty_data['categories']);
$comobj = new Common(); } //echo $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;exit; if (!isset($_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_LANG']) || $_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_LANG'] == "") { $_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_LANG'] = $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; } //define here lang for mysql quieres define("LANG", $_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_LANG']); //include language file includeLang($_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_LANG']); //print_r($_SESSION['SESS_'.PRJ_CONST_PREFIX.'_LANG']);exit; //include seo file $SEOID = ""; $PageType = ""; require_once SITE_CLASS_GEN . "class.seo.php"; $seoobj = new SEO($prefix, $scr, $SEOID, $PageType); $seoArr = $seoobj->getmetaarray(); //assign the file names which won't include the total index page // pr($_GET); exit; $notincludeindex = array("m-changepass", "or-aj_organizationlist", "u-aj_organizationuserlist", "u-aj_grouplist", "or-aj_getSellerOrgAsso", "or-aj_associationlist", "or-aj_verifyorganizationlist", "or-aj_verifyassociationlist", "u-aj_getOrganizationUserStatus", "u-aj_verifyorganizationuserlist", "u-aj_verifygrouplist", "or-aj_verifyorgpreflist", "m-aj_loginlist", "m-aj_inbox", "or-aj_orgoverview", "or-aj_orgprfoverview", "or-aj_assocoverview", "u-aj_groupoverview", "u-aj_useroverview", "u-aj_invoicelist", "u-aj_invacptlist", "u-aj_polist", "u-aj_poacptlist", "or-orgprefviewhistory", "or-orgviewhistory", "or-asocviewhistory", "u-orguserviewhistory", "u-groupviewhistory", "u-urightsviewhistory", "u-poviewhistory", "u-invoiceviewhistory", "u-changesecans", "u-aj_getInvPoItem", "m-aj_getCombo", "u-aj_verifyrights", "u-aj_listrights", "m-aj_chkpage", "c-closepage", "or-aj_b2bprdtassoclist", "or-aj_b2bprdtascprv", "or-b2bprdthistory", "or-aj_b2bprdtassoclist_a", "or-aj_b2bprdtassovlist", "or-aj_b2sprdtassoclist", "or-b2sprdthistory", "or-aj_b2sprdtassoclist_a", "or-aj_b2sprdtassocvlist", "or-aj_b2buyerasoclist", "or-aj_b2buyerasocvlist", "or-b2buyerhistory", "or-aj_b2supplierasoclist", "or-aj_b2supplierasocvlist", "or-b2supplierhistory", "or-aj_b2bprdtbassoclist", "or-aj_b2bprdtbassovlist", "or-b2bprdtbhistory", "or-aj_b2sprdtsassoclist", "or-aj_b2sprdtsassovlist", "or-b2sprdtshistory", "or-aj_getb2bpdtlsfa", "u-aj_rfq2list", "u-aj_rfq2vlist", "u-aj_rfq2rlist", "u-rfq2viewhistory", "u-aj_b2rfq2list", "u-aj_getrfq2details", "u-viewrfq2bidhistory", "u-aj_b2rfq2bidlist", "u-aj_b2rfq2bidvlist", "u-aj_b2rfq2bidrlist", "u-aj_rfq2bidlist", "u-aj_addwatchlist", "u-aj_b2rfq2watchlist", "u-aj_removewatchlist", "u-aj_rfq2awardlist", "u-aj_b2rfq2awardlist", "u-viewrfq2awardhistory", "u-viewb2rfq2awardhistory", "m-inetreports"); if (isset($_GET['msg']) && $_GET['msg'] == 'pop') { $notincludeindex = array_merge($notincludeindex, array($_GET['file'])); } //,"or-createorganization","sm-smdashboard","m-inbox" //prints($notincludeindex); exit; //echo $file; $notUserLeft = array("c-home", "c-aboutus", "c-contactus", "c-privacypolicy", 'c-404error', 'c-closepage'); $notUserTop = array("c-home", "c-aboutus", "c-contactus", "c-privacypolicy", 'c-404error', 'c-closepage'); $bodyarr = array(); // if(!in_array($scr, $notincludeindex)) { include_once SPATH_ROOT . "/section/content/common.php";
<?php include '../../config.php'; include ROOT . 'model/Usuario.php'; include ROOT . 'model/SEO.php'; $usuario_cdg = isset($_GET['u']) ? $_GET['u'] : -1; $usuario_cdg = $usuario_cdg == -1 ? $_SESSION['USUARIO_CDG'] : $usuario_cdg; $Usuario = new Usuario($usuario_cdg); $SEO = new SEO(); $SEO->setTitle('Perfil - ' . $Usuario->getNome()); include ROOT . 'view/cadastro/perfil.php';
<?php include '../../config.php'; include ROOT . 'model/SEO.php'; $SEO = new SEO(); $SEO->setTitle('Cadastre-se - Diretório Mogi '); $status = isset($_GET['s']) ? $_GET['s'] : -1; include ROOT . 'view/login/login.php';