function user_gender($string)
    $return_string = "\n    <input type=\"radio\" name=\"gender\" value=\"m\" " . is_checked_option("m", $string) . "> " . translate("male") . " &nbsp; &nbsp;\n    <input type=\"radio\" name=\"gender\" value=\"f\" " . is_checked_option("f", $string) . "> " . translate("female") . " &nbsp; &nbsp;\n    ";
    return $return_string;
function enum_values_to_options($table, $field, $select_name, $posted, $rowed, $add_null, $o_type, $add_onchange_submit = false)
    $query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . DBT_PREFIX . str_replace("`", "", $table) . "` LIKE '" . $field . "'";
    sql_select($query, $results);
    settype($options, "string");
    while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
        $open = strpos($line['Type'], '(');
        $close = strrpos($line['Type'], ')');
        // check if there are a string with () and if it conttains "enum" string at first
        if (!$open || !$close || !preg_match("#^enum#", $line['Type'])) {
            return FALSE;
        $options_array = substr($line['Type'], $open + 2, $close - $open - 3);
        $options_array = explode("','", $options_array);
        $available_value = available_posted_rowed($posted, $rowed);
        if (count($options_array) > 1) {
            if ($add_null == 1) {
                $options = "\n<option value=\"\">" . ucfirst(translate("select")) . "</option>";
                $selected_value = $available_value;
            } else {
                $selected_value = $available_value ? $available_value : $line['Default'];
            switch ($o_type) {
                /////// YES - NO
                case 'yn':
                    foreach ($options_array as $key => $val) {
                        $options .= "\n<option value=\"" . $val . "\" " . is_selected_option($val, $selected_value);
                        if ($val == 0) {
                            $options .= " style=\"background-color:#CC0000; font-weight: bold; color:#FFFFFF; \">" . translate("no");
                        } else {
                            $options .= " style=\"background-color:#399D2F; font-weight: bold; color:#FFFFFF; \">" . translate("yes");
                        $options .= "</option>";
                    //end foreach
                    return "\n<select name=\"" . $select_name . "\">" . $options . "\n</select>";
                    /////// ONLINE STATUS
                /////// ONLINE STATUS
                case 'o_status':
                    foreach ($options_array as $key => $val) {
                        $options .= "\n<option value=\"" . $val . "\" " . is_selected_option($val, $selected_value);
                        if ($val == 0) {
                            $options .= " style=\"background-color:#CC0000; font-weight: bold; color:#FFFFFF; \">" . translate("offline");
                        } else {
                            $options .= " style=\"background-color:#399D2F; font-weight: bold; color:#FFFFFF; \">" . translate("online");
                        $options .= "</option>";
                    //end foreach
                    return "\n<select name=\"" . $select_name . "\">" . $options . "\n</select>";
                    /////// RADIO
                /////// RADIO
                case 'radio':
                    foreach ($options_array as $key => $val) {
                        $options .= "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"" . $select_name . "\" value=\"" . $val . "\" " . is_checked_option($val, $selected_value) . "><" . ($selected_value == $val ? "strong class=\"red\"" : "span") . "> " . (!is_numeric($val) ? translate($val) : $val) . " </" . ($selected_value == $val ? "strong" : "span") . "><br>";
                    //end foreach
                    return "\n" . $options;
                    /////// SELECT
                /////// SELECT
                    foreach ($options_array as $key => $val) {
                        $options .= "\n<option value=\"" . $val . "\" " . is_selected_option($val, $selected_value);
                        if (!is_numeric($val)) {
                            $options .= " >" . translate($val);
                        } else {
                            $options .= " >" . $val;
                        $options .= "</option>";
                    //end foreach
                    return "\n<select name=\"" . $select_name . "\" " . ($add_onchange_submit === true ? "onChange=\"submit();\"" : "") . ">" . $options . "\n</select>";
            $options = "";
        //end if($count)
    //end while