function ss_gallery_slideshow() { ?> <?php require_once 'enqueue.php'; $ss = 'slideshow_gallery'; $repeat_slider_img = 'repeat_slider_img_gallery'; $slider_img_img = 'slider_img_gallery'; $options = false; $testimonial_text = get_sub_field('testimonial_text'); ?> <section class="portrait_slideshow"> <div class="slider_img cycle-slideshow" data-cycle-fx="fadeout" data-cycle-swipe=true data-cycle-swipe-fx=scrollHorz data-cycle-timeout="3000" data-cycle-delay="-300" data-index=3 data-cycle-pager-template="<span class = 'icon pager-icon'></span>" data-cycle-center-horz=true data-cycle-center-vert=true data-cycle-slides="> .slide" > <div class="cycle-pager"></div> <div class="cycle-prev"></div> <div class="cycle-next"></div> <?php if (have_rows($repeat_slider_img, $options)) { while (have_rows($repeat_slider_img, $options)) { the_row(); ?> <div class = "slide"> <?php gisf($slider_img_img, 'ml_gallery_slider'); ?> </div><!--slide--> <?php } } ?> </div> </section> <?php }
function acf_gallery() { //this is the gallery slideshow on trisled and single hpv page, grayjohnson inspired gallery //call the funtion with this //acf_gallery(); //this function is not an add component as its to specific and wp already has a gallery ?> <?php enqueue_jquery_cycle2_js_css(); ?> <section class = "gallery"> <article class="content"> <div class = "container"> <?php $gal = 'acf_gallery'; if (have_rows($gal)) { ?> <div id = "slideshow" class = "pics"> <?php while (have_rows($gal)) { the_row(); ?> <?php gisf('gallery_img', 'ml_gallery_hero', false); ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } else { // no rows found } if (have_rows($gal)) { ?> <ul class = "slideshow_nav" id = "nav"> <?php while (have_rows($gal)) { the_row(); ?> <li> <a href = "#"> <?php gisf('gallery_img', 'ml_thumb_size', false); ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } else { // no rows found } ?> </div> </article> </section> <?php }
function acf_content_blocks($options = '') { $aside_textarea = get_sub_field('aside_textarea_cb'); $has_sidebar = get_sub_field('has_sidebar_cb'); //equal to true false $unique_class = get_sub_field('style_choice'); echo '<section class ='; if ($has_sidebar) { echo '"grid with_sidebar ' . $unique_class . '"'; } else { echo '"grid ' . $unique_class . '"'; } echo '>'; //close section; if (have_rows("acf_content_block")) { ?> <article class="content"> <?php while (have_rows("acf_content_block")) { the_row(); //MUST SET VARIABLES INSIDE LOOP FOR SCOOPING //USE GET_SUB_FIELD TO STORE AS VARIABLE $link_to_post = get_sub_field('link_to_full_post'); //qual to string $block_content = get_sub_field('block_content'); //qual to string $block_title = get_sub_field('block_title'); //qual to string $link_lable = get_sub_field('link_to_full_post_label'); //qual to string switch ($link_to_post) { case true: if ($unique_class == 'staggered') { //DISPLAY TITLE OUTSIDE OF CELL echo '<h2><a href="' . $link_to_post . '">' . $block_title . '</a></h2><div class = "cell">'; } else { //DISPLAY TITLE IN THE CELL echo '<div class = "cell"><h2><a href="' . $link_to_post . '">' . $block_title . '</a></h2>'; } //not staggered //SET THE IMAGE SIZE BASED ON COL AMOUNT if ($unique_class == 'c3') { gisf('block_image', '3_col_thumb'); } elseif ($unique_class == 'c2') { gisf('block_image', '2_col_thumb'); } elseif ($unique_class == 'c4') { gisf('block_image', '4_col_thumb'); } elseif ($unique_class == 'staggered') { gisf('block_image', 'staggered'); } elseif ($unique_class == 'before_after') { gisf('block_image', 'before_after'); } echo $block_content; ?> <span> <a class = "cta" href=" <?php echo $link_to_post; ?> "><!--a--> <?php echo $link_lable; ?> <span class = "icon more_icon"></span> </a> </span> </div> <!--cell end with link--> <?php break; case false: if ($unique_class == 'staggered') { //DISPLAY TITLE OUTSIDE OF CELL FOR STAGGERED echo '<h2>' . $block_title . '</h2>' . '<div class = "cell">'; } else { //display title in the cell echo '<div class = "cell"><h2>' . $block_title . '</h2>'; } //SET THE IMAGE SIZE BASED ON COL AMOUNT if ($unique_class == 'c3') { gisf('block_image', '3_col_thumb'); } elseif ($unique_class == 'c2') { gisf('block_image', '2_col_thumb'); } elseif ($unique_class == 'c4') { gisf('block_image', '4_col_thumb'); } elseif ($unique_class == 'staggered') { gisf('block_image', 'staggered'); } elseif ($unique_class == 'before_after') { gisf('block_image', 'before_after'); } echo $block_content; ?> </div> <!--cell end without link--> <?php break; } } ?> </article> <!--content--> <!--blog post sidebar--> <?php if ($has_sidebar) { ?> <aside> <?php echo $aside_textarea; ?> </aside> <?php } ?> </section> <?php } ?> <?php }