/** * 是否需要想論壇推送 * * @param int $albumid */ function syncpost_check($mname, $items) { global $_SGLOBAL; $query = DB::query("SELECT itemid, shopid FROM " . DB::table($mname . 'items') . " WHERE itemid IN ({$items})"); while ($result = DB::fetch($query)) { getpanelinfo($result['shopid']); if (!empty($_SGLOBAL['panelinfo']['syncfid'])) { require_once B_ROOT . './api/bbs_syncpost.php'; syncpost($result['itemid'], $mname); } } return false; }
} //取得信息 $query = DB::query('SELECT * FROM ' . tname($mname . 'items') . ' i ' . ($mname == 'album' ? '' : 'INNER JOIN ' . tname($mname . 'message') . ' m ON i.itemid=m.itemid') . ' WHERE ' . $wheresql . ' ORDER BY i.itemid DESC LIMIT 1'); $editvalue = DB::fetch($query); if (empty($editvalue)) { cpmsg('no_item', 'admin.php?action=list&m=' . $mname); } if ($mname == 'good' || $mname == 'groupbuy') { $relatedarr = array(); $relatedarr = getrelatedinfo($mname, $editvalue['itemid'], $editvalue['shopid']); } $editvalue['dateline'] = sgmdate($editvalue['dateline']); //管理員查看基本信息&& $mname=='shop' if ($_GET['op'] == 'adminview') { if (empty($_SGLOBAL['panelinfo'])) { getpanelinfo($_GET['itemid']); } if ($_GET['updatepass'] == 1) { $updateser = DB::fetch(DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . tname("itemupdates") . " WHERE itemid='{$_GET['itemid']}' and type = '{$mname}'")); $update = unserialize($updateser['update']); $update = sstripslashes($update); $update['groupid'] = $_SGLOBAL['panelinfo']['group']['title']; $categorylist = getmodelcategory($mname); $update['attr_catid'] = $update['catid']; $update['catid'] = $categorylist[$update['catid']]['name']; $categorylist = getmodelcategory('region'); $update['region'] = $categorylist[$update['region']]['name']; if (!empty($update['subjectimage'])) { $update['subjectimage'] = B_URL . '/' . getattachurl($update['subjectimage']); } if (!empty($update['banner'])) {
} echo "\n\t\t\t</albums>\n\t\t\t<categories><category id=\"1\">cat</category></categories>\n\t\t</parameter>"; } elseif ($_GET['op'] == 'upload' && $_POST['Upload'] == 'Submit Query') { $_POST['uid'] = intval($_POST['uid']); $_POST['albumid'] = intval($_POST['albumid']); $albumimg = ''; $swfhash = md5(swfhash() . $_POST['uid']); if (!$_FILES['Filedata']['error'] && $_POST['hash'] == $swfhash) { $_G['uid'] = intval($_POST['uid']); $query = DB::query('SELECT * FROM ' . tname('members') . ' WHERE uid=\'' . $_G['uid'] . '\' LIMIT 1'); $_G['member'] = DB::fetch($query); $_G['username'] = $_G['member']['username']; $_G['myshopid'] = $_G['member']['myshopid']; $shop_info = DB::fetch_first("select grade from " . tname('shopitems') . " where itemid=" . $_G['myshopid']); if (pkperm('isadmin') || $shop_info['grade'] == 3) { getpanelinfo(); //現有相冊 if (pkperm('isadmin')) { $albumid = $_POST['albumid']; if (empty($albumid)) { //編輯器上傳默認相冊 $shopid = intval($_POST['shopid']); } else { $sql = 'SELECT shopid, subjectimage FROM ' . tname('albumitems') . " WHERE itemid='{$albumid}' LIMIT 1"; //非默認相冊 $query = DB::fetch_first($sql); $shopid = $query['shopid']; $albumimg = $query['subjectimage']; } } else { $shopid = $_G['myshopid'];
* This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * $Id: add.inc.php 4473 2010-09-15 04:04:13Z fanshengshuai $ */ if (!defined('IN_ADMIN')) { exit('Acess Denied'); } if ($mname != 'shop') { if (!empty($_GET['shopid'])) { ssetcookie('shopid', $_GET['shopid'], 3600 * 10); getpanelinfo($_GET['shopid']); if (!empty($_G['cookie']['i_referer'])) { header('Location: ' . $_G['cookie']['i_referer']); } } elseif (!empty($_G['cookie']['shopid'])) { getpanelinfo(intval($_G['cookie']['shopid'])); } if (!empty($_SGLOBAL['panelinfo'])) { echo '<script type="text/javascript" charset="' . $_G['charset'] . '">var leftmenu = $(window.parent.document).find("#leftmenu");leftmenu.find("ul").css("display", "none");$(window.parent.document).find("#menu_paneladd").css("display", "");</script>'; if ($_SGLOBAL['panelinfo']['enable' . $mname] < 1) { cpmsg('noaccess'); } if (in_array($mname, array('good', 'notice', 'consume', 'album', 'brandlinks'))) { if (!empty($_SGLOBAL['panelinfo']['group']['maxnum' . $mname]) && $_SGLOBAL['panelinfo']['itemnum_' . $mname] >= $_SGLOBAL['panelinfo']['group']['maxnum' . $mname]) { if ($mname != 'album' || !empty($_POST['valuesubmit'])) { cpmsg('toomuchitem'); } } } } }
function syncpost($itemid, $mname) { if (!in_array($mname, array('album', 'good', 'notice', 'consume', 'groupbuy'))) { if ($mname == 'album') { syncalbum($itmeid); return false; } } global $_G, $_SC, $_SGLOBAL; $bbs_dbpre = $_SC['bbs_dbpre']; $db = new db_mysql(array(1 => array('tablepre' => $_SC['bbs_dbpre'], 'dbcharset' => $_SC['bbs_dbcharset'], 'dbhost' => $_SC['bbs_dbhost'], 'dbuser' => $_SC['bbs_dbuser'], 'dbpw' => $_SC['bbs_dbpw'], 'dbname' => $_SC['bbs_dbname'], 'silent' => true))); $db->connect(); $item = DB::fetch_first("SELECT i.*, m.* FROM " . DB::table($mname . "items") . " i LEFT JOIN " . DB::table($mname . "message") . " m ON i.itemid = m.itemid WHERE i.itemid = '{$itemid}' AND i.grade = 3"); if (empty($item)) { $db->close(); unset($db); return false; } getpanelinfo($item['shopid']); $fid = $_SGLOBAL['panelinfo']['syncfid']; if (!checkbbsfid($fid)) { $db->close(); unset($db); return false; } //插入主題信息 $author = $_SGLOBAL['panelinfo']['username']; $authorid = $_SGLOBAL['panelinfo']['uid']; $subject = "[" . b_lang($mname) . "]" . $item['subject']; $message = postformat($mname, $item); $posttable_info = $db->result_first("SELECT svalue FROM {$bbs_dbpre}common_setting WHERE skey = 'posttable_info'"); $posttableid = 0; if (!empty($posttable_info)) { $posttable_info = unserialize($posttable_info); if (is_array($posttable_info)) { foreach ($posttable_info as $key => $info) { if ($info['type'] == 'primary') { $posttableid = $key; } } } } if (!$posttableid) { $tablename = 'forum_post'; } else { $tablename = "forum_post_{$posttableid}"; } if (empty($item['bbstid'])) { $db->query("INSERT INTO {$bbs_dbpre}forum_thread (fid, posttableid, author, authorid, subject, dateline, lastpost, lastposter)\n VALUES ('{$fid}', '{$posttableid}', '{$author}', '{$authorid}', '{$subject}', '{$_G['timestamp']}', '{$_G['timestamp']}', '{$author}')"); $tid = $db->insert_id(); $db->query("UPDATE {$bbs_dbpre}common_member_field_home SET recentnote = '{$subject}' WHERE uid = '{$authorid}'"); $db->query("INSERT INTO {$bbs_dbpre}forum_post_tableid (pid) values (null)"); $pid = $db->insert_id(); if ($pid % 1024 == 0) { $db->query("DELETE FROM {$bbs_dbpre}forum_post_tableid WHERE pid<{$pid}"); } $db->query("REPLACE INTO {$bbs_dbpre}common_syscache (cname, ctype, dateline, data) VALUES ('max_post_id', '0', '{$_G['timestamp']}', '{$pid}')"); if (!$posttableid) { $tablename = 'forum_post'; } else { $tablename = "forum_post_{$posttableid}"; } $db->query("INSERT INTO {$bbs_dbpre}{$tablename} SET `fid`='{$fid}',`tid`='{$tid}',`first`='1',`author`='{$author}',`authorid`='{$authorid}',`subject`='{$subject}',`dateline`='{$_G['timestamp']}',`message`='{$message} ',`useip`='unknown',`invisible`='0',`anonymous`='0',`usesig`='1',`htmlon`='0',`bbcodeoff`='0',`smileyoff`='-1',`parseurloff`='',`attachment`='0',`tags`='',`pid`='{$pid}'"); $db->query("UPDATE {$bbs_dbpre}forum_forum SET lastpost='{$tid} {$subject} {$_G[timestamp]} {$author}', threads=threads+1, posts=posts+1, todayposts=todayposts+1 WHERE fid='{$fid}'"); $db->query("UPDATE {$bbs_dbpre}common_stat SET `thread`=`thread`+1 WHERE daytime='" . date("Ymd", $_G[timestamp]) . "'"); updatetable($mname . 'items', array('bbstid' => $tid), array('itemid' => $item['itemid'])); } else { $tid = $item['bbstid']; $db->query("UPDATE {$bbs_dbpre}forum_thread SET subject='" . $subject . "' WHERE tid='{$tid}'"); $pid = $db->result_first("SELECT pid FROM {$bbs_dbpre}{$tablename} WHERE tid = '{$tid}' AND first = 1"); $db->query("UPDATE {$bbs_dbpre}{$tablename} SET message='{$message}' WHERE pid='{$pid}' AND tid = '{$tid}' AND first = 1"); } }
* This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * $Id: import.inc.php 4473 2010-09-15 04:04:13Z fanshengshuai $ */ if (!defined('IN_ADMIN')) { exit('Acess Denied'); } foreach (array('tid', 'page', 'maxpage', 'count', 'firstonly', 'step', 'albumid', 'minsize', 'authorid') as $value) { ${$value} = intval(!empty($_POST[$value]) ? $_POST[$value] : (!empty($_GET[$value]) ? $_GET[$value] : (!empty($_G['cookie']['i_' . $value]) ? $_G['cookie']['i_' . $value] : 0))); } $_GET['tid'] = intval($_GET['tid']); $norepeat = intval($_G['cookie']['i_norepeat']); $authorid = intval($_G['cookie']['i_t_authorid']); $author = $_G['cookie']['i_t_author']; $shopid = intval($_G['cookie']['shopid']); getpanelinfo($_G['cookie']['shopid']); $mycats = mymodelcategory('album'); $page = $page > 0 ? $page : 1; $step = $step > 0 ? $step : 1; $perpage = 24; $sqlaids = ''; $mname = 'album'; if (empty($maxpage) && $step > 2) { cpmsg('import_cookie_error'); } shownav('infomanage', 'photo_import'); showsubmenu('menu_album', array(array('menu_album_add', 'add&m=album', '0'), array('menu_photo_import', 'import&m=album', '1'))); showtips('photo_import_tips'); if ($step == 1) { //默認填寫基本信息頁面 clearimportcookie();
function album_movecat($itemarr = array()) { global $_G, $_SGLOBAL, $cookie_referer; require_once B_ROOT . './batch.attribute.php'; $num_ok = $num_error = 0; //驗證catid $catid = $_POST['catid'] = DB::result_first('SELECT catid FROM ' . tname('categories') . " WHERE catid='{$_POST['catid']}' AND `type`='album'"); if ($catid && $itemarr) { foreach ($itemarr as $itemid) { $itemid = intval($itemid); $shopid = DB::result_first('SELECT shopid FROM ' . tname('albumitems') . " WHERE itemid='{$itemid}'"); getpanelinfo($shopid); if ($_SGLOBAL['panelinfo']['group']['album_field'] != 'all' && !in_array($catid, explode(",", $_SGLOBAL['panelinfo']['group']['album_field']))) { $num_error++; continue; } else { DB::query('UPDATE ' . tname('albumitems') . " SET catid='{$catid}' WHERE itemid='{$itemid}'"); DB::query('DELETE FROM ' . tname('itemattribute') . " WHERE itemid='{$itemid}'"); setattributesettings($_POST['catid'], $itemid, $_POST['attr_ids']); $num_ok++; } } cpmsg(lang('mod_album_success1') . $num_ok . lang('mod_album_success2') . $num_error . lang('mod_album_success3'), $cookie_referer); } cpmsg('no_operation'); }