/** * Renders the widget. */ public function run() { $this->registerClientScript(); $button = Html::button(FontAwesome::icon('picture-o') . ' ' . $this->buttonLabel, $this->buttonOptions); if ($this->iframe) { $button .= Modal::widget(['id' => $this->getIFrameModalId(), 'header' => Html::tag('h4', $this->modalTitle, ['class' => 'modal-title']), 'size' => Modal::SIZE_LARGE, 'options' => ['class' => 'kcfinder-modal']]); } $thumbs = ''; if ($this->hasModel() && is_array($this->model->{$this->attribute})) { $images = $this->model->{$this->attribute}; foreach ($images as $path) { $thumbs .= strtr($this->thumbTemplate, ['{thumbSrc}' => $this->getThumbSrc($path), '{inputName}' => $this->getInputName(), '{inputValue}' => $path]); } } $thumbs = Html::tag('ul', $thumbs, ['id' => $this->getThumbsId(), 'class' => 'kcf-thumbs']); echo Html::tag('div', strtr($this->template, ['{button}' => $button, '{thumbs}' => $thumbs]), ['class' => 'kcf-input-group']); }
/** * Renders the widget. */ public function run() { $this->registerClientScript(); $button = Html::button(FontAwesome::icon('picture-o') . ' ' . $this->buttonLabel, $this->buttonOptions); $thumbs = '<ul class="kcf-thumbs" id="' . $this->getThumbsId() . '"></ul>'; echo Html::tag('div', strtr($this->template, ['{button}' => $button, '{thumbs}' => $thumbs]), ['class' => 'kcf-input-group']); }
/** * Renders the widget. */ public function run() { // icon support foreach ($this->items as &$item) { if (isset($item['icon'])) { $icon = FA::icon($item['icon']); $item['label'] = trim($icon . ' ' . ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'label', '')); $item['encode'] = false; unset($item['icon']); } } return parent::run(); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function run() { foreach ($this->items as &$item) { // icon ? if (isset($item['icon'])) { $icon = FA::icon($item['icon'] . ' fw'); $item['label'] = trim($icon . ' ' . ArrayHelper::getValue($item, 'label', '')); $item['encode'] = false; unset($item['icon']); } // active ? if (isset($item['active'])) { $active = $item['active']; if ($active instanceof \Closure) { $active = call_user_func($active, $this->getView()->getContext()); } if ($active) { Html::addCssClass($item['options'], 'active'); } unset($item['active']); } } return parent::run(); }
/** * Renders the widget. */ public function run() { if (!$this->visible) { return ''; } if ($this->url !== null) { $this->options['href'] = Url::to($this->url); $this->tagName = 'a'; } if ($this->disabled) { $this->options['disabled'] = 'disabled'; $this->tagName = 'button'; $this->items = null; unset($this->options['href'], $this->options['target']); } if (!empty($this->type)) { if ($this->type == 'submit') { $this->options['type'] = $this->type; Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'btn-primary'); } else { if ($this->type == 'button') { $this->options['type'] = $this->type; Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'btn-default'); } else { Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'btn-' . $this->type); } } } if (!empty($this->size)) { Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'btn-' . $this->size); } if (!empty($this->tooltip)) { $this->options['title'] = $this->tooltip; $this->options['data']['toggle'] = 'tooltip'; $this->options['data']['container'] = 'body'; } if (!empty($this->icon)) { $this->label = FA::icon($this->icon) . ' ' . $this->label; $this->encodeLabel = false; } if (is_array($this->items)) { return $this->renderDropdown(); } return parent::run(); }