/** * Set the theme * @param Mixed $css String or array */ function use_plop_theme($class = '', $theme = null) { if (!$theme) { $theme = sfPlop::get('sf_plop_theme'); } if (preg_match('/\\s/', $theme) !== false) { $subthemes = explode(' ', $theme); $theme = array_shift($subthemes); $class .= ' ' . implode(' ', $subthemes); } $themes = sfPlop::get('sf_plop_loaded_themes'); if ($theme != false && is_string($theme) && isset($themes[$theme])) { if (isset($themes[$theme]['css'])) { use_plop_stylesheet($themes[$theme]['css']); } if (isset($themes[$theme]['js'])) { use_plop_javascript($themes[$theme]['js']); } } else { $theme = ''; } if (has_slot('sf_plop_theme') && $theme == sfPlop::get('sf_plop_theme')) { slot('sf_plop_theme', get_slot('sf_plop_theme') . $theme . ' ' . $class); } else { slot('sf_plop_theme', $theme . ' ' . $class); } }
/** * Set a slot and returns the HTML for a uiSelectPager. * * The slot allows to re-print the pager at the top and bottom of a table by * running the pager template only once. * * Examples: * * echo ui_select_pager($pager) * => Set and print the pager slot with the default slot name * echo ui_select_pager() * => Print the HTML for previously set slot * echo ui_select_pager($pager, 'pager2') * => Print and set a pager with a custom slot name * (allows different pagers on one template) * echo ui_select_pager(false, 'pager2') * => Print previously set pager with custom slot name * * @param mixed $pager uiSelectPager object or false * @param string $slot Slot name, leave out to use the default * * @return string HTML representation */ function ui_select_pager($pager = false, $slot = 'widgets.ui.pager') { if ($pager !== false) { slot($slot); $view = new coreView(coreContext::getInstance()); $view->getParameterHolder()->add(array('pager' => $pager)); $view->setTemplate(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/ui_select_pager.php'); echo $view->render(); end_slot(); } return get_slot($slot); }
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <?php include_http_metas(); ?> <?php include_metas(); ?> <?php if (has_slot('title')) { ?> <title><?php echo get_slot('title'); ?> | DonateNashville.org</title> <?php } else { ?> <?php include_title(); ?> <?php } ?> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> google.load('jquery','1.4'); google.load('jqueryui', '1.8');
} if (count($items) > 0) { ?> <ul <?php echo isset($class) ? "class='{$class}'" : ''; ?> <?php echo isset($id) ? "id='{$id}'" : ''; ?> > <?php foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item->isAuthenticated()) { ?> <?php if ($item->isActive(get_slot('active-navigation'))) { ?> <li class="active"><a href="#"><?php echo $item->getName(); ?> </a> <?php } elseif ($item->isActiveBranch()) { ?> <li class="active-parent"><?php echo link_to($item->getName(), $item->getRoute()); ?> </a> <?php } elseif ($item->getRoute()) { ?>
<tr> <th><?php echo __('Description'); ?> </th><td><?php echo $albumImage->getDescription(); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php end_slot(); ?> <?php echo op_include_box('albumImageDetailBox', get_slot('_album_detail_table'), array('title' => __('View this photo'))); ?> <div class="dparts albumImageLikeList"><div class="parts"> <div class="block likeUnlikeLine"> <?php if ($albumImageLike = $albumImage->isLiked($sf_user->getMemberId())) { echo link_to(__('Unlike'), 'album_image_like_delete', $albumImageLike); } else { echo link_to(__('Like'), 'album_image_like_create', $albumImage); } ?> </div> <div class="block likeListDetail"> <?php include_component('albumImageLike', 'list', array('albumImage' => $albumImage));
<div id="content"> <div id="left"> <?php echo $sf_content; ?> </div> <?php $menu = get_sympal_menu('primary'); ?> <div id="sidebar"> <?php if (has_slot('sympal_right_sidebar')) { ?> <?php echo get_slot('sympal_right_sidebar'); ?> <?php } ?> <h2><?php echo __('Navigation'); ?> </h2> <?php if ($menu) { ?> <?php echo $menu;
", "<?php echo url_for('member/updateActivity'); ?> "); </script> <?php } ?> <div class="box_list"> <ol id="<?php echo $id; ?> _timeline" class="activities"> <?php foreach ($activities as $activity) { include_partial('default/activityRecord', array('activity' => $activity)); } ?> </ol> </div> <?php end_slot(); ?> <?php $params = array('title' => isset($title) ? $title : __('%activity% of %my_friend%', array('%activity%' => $op_term['activity']->titleize(), '%my_friend%' => $op_term['my_friend']->titleize()->pluralize())), 'class' => 'activityBox homeRecentList'); if (isset($gadget)) { $params['moreInfo'] = array(link_to(__('More'), isset($moreUrl) ? $moreUrl : 'friend/showActivity')); } op_include_box($id, get_slot('activities'), $params);
<?php slot('header_text', 'Tags'); slot('header_link', 'tag/list'); ?> <?php slot('pointer'); ?> Users can use tags to organically attach keywords to entities, relationships, or images. If you're unfamiliar with tags, read more about them on <?php echo link_to('Wikipedia', 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_(metadata)'); ?> . <?php end_slot(); ?> <?php include_partial('global/pointer', array('text' => get_slot('pointer'))); ?> <?php include_partial('global/section', array('title' => 'Tags', 'pager' => $tag_pager)); ?> <?php include_partial('global/table', array('columns' => array('Name', 'Count', 'Latest Addition'), 'pager' => $tag_pager, 'row_partial' => 'tag/listrow'));
} echo $form->renderFormTag(url_for('@confirmation_decision?id=' . $item['id'] . '&category=' . $category)); echo $form->renderHiddenFields(); ?> <input type="submit" name="accept" value="<?php echo __('Accept'); ?> " class="input_submit" /> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo __('Reject'); ?> " class="input_submit" /> </form> <?php end_slot(); $list_html[] = get_slot('_list_html'); } op_include_list('confirmList', $list_html, array('border' => true)); ?> <?php } else { echo __('You don\'t have any pending requests', array('title' => __($config[$category]))); } ?> <hr color="<?php echo $op_color['core_color_11']; ?> ">
<?php echo !isset($keyword) ? __('There are no diaries.') : __('Your search "%1%" did not match any diaries.', array('%1%' => $keyword)); ?> <?php } ?> <?php slot('diarySearchForm'); ?> <form action="<?php echo url_for('@diary_search'); ?> "> <input type="text" name="keyword" value="<?php if (isset($keyword)) { echo $keyword; } ?> "> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo __('Search'); ?> "> </form> <?php end_slot(); $options = array('title' => __('Diary Search')); op_include_box('diarySearchForm', get_slot('diarySearchForm'), $options);
<div id="module_wrapper"> <div id="module"> <div class="isprite module_header"> <fb:profile-pic uid="<?php echo $friendID; ?> "></fb:profile-pic> <h3><?php echo get_slot("fbUsername"); ?> </h3> <ul id="module_breadcrumb"> <li><a class="isprite prog1 one active" href="#"></a></li> <li><a class="isprite prog2 two" href="#"></a></li> <li><a class="isprite prog3 three" href="#"></a></li> <li><a class="isprite prog4 four" href="#"></a></li> <li><a class="isprite prog5 five" href="#"></a></li> </ul> </div><!-- END #module_header --> <form id="frmQuestions" name="frmQuestions" method="post" action="<?php echo url_for("@canvas_dorate"); ?> "> <?php echo $form->renderHiddenFields(); ?> <div id="slider-pane"> <div id="slider">
use_helper('LsNumber'); ?> <span class="text_big"> <?php slot('share_text'); echo entity_link($relationship['Entity1']); ?> <?php echo $current === NULL ? "is/was" : ($current == '1' ? "is" : "was"); ?> a member of <?php echo entity_link($relationship['Entity2']); end_slot(); echo get_slot('share_text'); slot('share_text', RelationshipTable::formatSentenceForShare(get_slot('share_text'))); ?> </span> <br /> <br /> <?php $data = array('Title' => $relationship['description1'], 'Start date' => Dateable::convertForDisplay($relationship['start_date']), 'End date' => Dateable::convertForDisplay($relationship['end_date']), 'Is current' => LsLogic::nullOrBoolean($relationship['is_current']), 'Dues' => readable_number($relationship['dues'], '$'), 'Notes' => $relationship['notes'] ? nl2br($relationship['notes']) : null); ?> <?php include_partial('global/section', array('title' => 'Details')); ?> <div class="padded">
<meta name="description" content="<?php if (!include_slot('description', peanutConfig::get('meta_description'))) { get_slot('description'); } ?> "> <meta name="keywords" content="<?php if (!include_slot('keywords', peanutConfig::get('meta_keywords'))) { get_slot('keywords'); } ?> "> <meta name="robots" content="<?php if (!include_slot('robots', peanutConfig::get('meta_robots'))) { get_slot('robots'); } ?> "> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touch-icon.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="/apple-touch-icon-72x72.png" /> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="114x114" href="/apple-touch-icon-114x114.png" /> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="http://html5shim.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script> <![endif]--> <?php
"> <span id="count"> <span id="count_num">140</span> <span id="count_plus" title="もう少し入力できます"></span> </span> <?php echo $form->renderHiddenFields(); echo $form['body']; ?> <input type="submit" id="submit" value="送信" /> <?php echo $form['twitter'] . $form['twitter']->renderLabel(); ?> </form> <ol id="timeline" class="activities"> <?php foreach ($activities as $activity) { include_partial('default/activityRecord', array('activity' => $activity)); } ?> </ol> </div> <?php end_slot(); ?> <?php op_include_box('twitter_' . $gadget->id, get_slot('body'), array('title' => 'Twtter風ガジェット'));
"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php echo image_path('/images/favicon.ico'); ?> "/> <?php include_http_metas(); ?> <?php include_metas(); ?> <title><?php echo get_slot('title', 'Uberлов — Узнай, где ловить рыбу!'); ?> </title> <!-- --><?php //include_stylesheets() ?> <?php include_combined_stylesheets(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> baseUrl = "<?php echo substr(url_for('@homepage'), 0, strlen(url_for('@homepage')) - 1); ?> "; baseUrlFull = "<?php echo substr(url_for('@homepage', true), 0, strlen(url_for('@homepage', true)) - 1);
?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php slot('form_global_error'); foreach ($forms as $form) { if ($form->hasGlobalErrors()) { echo $form->renderGlobalErrors(); } } end_slot(); if (get_slot('form_global_error')) { op_include_parts('alertBox', 'FormGlobalError', array('body' => get_slot('form_global_error'))); } ?> <?php $hasRequiredField = false; ?> <?php slot('form_table'); ?> <table> <?php include_customizes($id, 'firstRow'); echo $options->getRaw('firstRow'); ?>
/** * Evaluates and echoes a slot. * * <b>Example:</b> * <code> * include_slot('navigation'); * </code> * * @param string $name slot name * * @see has_slot, get_slot */ function include_slot($name) { return ($v = get_slot($name)) ? print $v : false; }
echo count($queue); ?> </strong> 件</p> </div> <ol> <?php foreach ($queue as $job) { ?> <li> <?php echo $job->File->original_filename; ?> (アップロード: <?php echo op_format_date($job->File->created_at, 'f'); ?> ) </li> <?php } ?> </ol> <?php end_slot(); ?> <?php op_include_box('import_queue', get_slot('queue'), array('title' => 'インポート待ちのファイル')); ?>
</div> <div id="whoami"> <p><strong><?php echo __('You are login to %1% as:', array('%1%' => $op_config['sns_name'])); ?> </strong></p> <p class="photo"> <?php $imgParam = array('size' => '76x76', 'alt' => $sf_user->getMember()->getName()); if ($sf_user->getMember()) { echo op_image_tag_sf_image($sf_user->getMember()->getImageFileName(), $imgParam); } else { echo op_image_tag('no_image.gif', $imgParam); } ?> </p> <p class="text"><?php echo $sf_user->getMember()->getNameAndCount(); ?> </p> </div> <?php end_slot(); ?> <?php $sf_data->getRaw('options')->body = get_slot('_head') . $options->getRaw('body'); ?> <?php include_partial('global/partsYesNo', array('options' => $options));
<li><input id="close_button" type="button" value="<?php echo __('Close'); ?> " onclick="submit(false); false;" /></li> </ul> </div> </div> <?php } else { echo __('You don\'t have any %friend%.', array('%friend%' => $op_term['friend']->pluralize())); } end_slot(); ?> <?php op_include_box('inviteListBox', get_slot('invite_list_body'), array('title' => __('The invitation to this app is sent'))); javascript_tag(); ?> var member_ids = []; var changePage = function (page) { new Ajax.Request("<?php echo url_for('@application_invite_list?id=' . $memberApplication->getId()); ?> ?page=" + page, { method: 'get', onCreate: function() { $('member_list').innerHTML = '<tr><td colspan="2"><?php echo __('Loading'); ?> </td></tr>'; },
<?php # # Layout wrapper for lists # if (get_slot('browsefirstitem') != true) { slot('browsefirstitem', true); $html = 'browsefirstitem'; } else { $html = ''; } ?> <div class="browse <?php echo $html; ?> " id="ctbrowse<?php echo strtolower($title); ?> "> <div class="label"> <?php switch (strtolower($title)) { case 'artists': echo __('Browse Artists'); break; case 'albums': echo __('Browse Albums'); break; } ?> </div>
echo url_for($route); ?> "><p><?php echo $page['title']; ?> </p></a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php $slot = get_slot('currentPage'); ?> <?php if ($sf_user->getGuardUser()->isEnableStatics()) { $route_stats = 'profile_p_stats'; ?> <div id=to> <?php $stats_submenu = array('profile_p_stats_size', 'profile_p_stats_quality', 'profile_p_stats_visit', 'profile_p_stats_interpreter'); ?> <?php if ($slot === $route_stats || in_array($slot, $stats_submenu)) { ?> <p class="stat_act">Статистика</p> <?php } else {
<?php slot('firstRow'); ?> <tr><th><?php echo __('Photo'); ?> </th><td><?php echo op_link_to_member($member->getId(), '@obj_member_profile', array('link_target' => image_tag_sf_image($member->getImageFileName(), array('size' => '76x76')))); ?> </td></tr> <tr><th><?php echo __('%nickname%', array('%nickname%' => $op_term['nickname']->titleize())); ?> </th><td><?php echo op_link_to_member($member->getId()); ?> </td></tr> <?php end_slot(); op_include_form('communityAdminRequest', $form, array('title' => __('Take over the administrator of "%1%"', array('%1%' => $community->getName())), 'firstRow' => get_slot('firstRow')));
<?php slot('_register_success_box'); ?> <p><?php echo __('Sent you an invitation for %1%.', array('%1%' => $op_config['sns_name'])); ?> </p> <p><?php echo __('Begin your registration from a URL in the mail.'); ?> </p> <?php end_slot(); op_include_box('requestSuccess', get_slot('_register_success_box'), array('title' => __('Register')));
<div id=right> <a class=reg href="<?php echo url_for($registerRoute); ?> ">Регистрация >></a> <div id="in"> <?php include_component('auth', 'loginForm'); ?> <?php if (get_slot('currentPage') != 'contact') { ?> <a href="<?php echo url_for('contact'); ?> " class=contacts><< Контакты</a> <?php } ?> </div> </div>
/** * Evaluates and echoes a slot. * * <b>Example:</b> * <code> * include_slot('navigation'); * </code> * * @param string $name slot name * @param string $default default content to return if slot is unexistent * * @see has_slot, get_slot */ function include_slot($name, $default = '') { return ($v = get_slot($name, $default)) ? print $v : false; }
echo javascript_tag(' function changeAdvancedFormByFormType() { if (document.getElementById("advanced")) { Element.remove("advanced"); } var form_type = $F("profile_form_type"); if (form_type == "input" || form_type == "textarea") { Insertion.After("common", "' . str_replace(array('"', "\n"), array('\\"', ''), get_slot('advanced_settings_text')) . '"); } else if (form_type == "date") { Insertion.After("common", "' . str_replace(array('"', "\n"), array('\\"', ''), get_slot('advanced_settings_date')) . '"); } } function changeOriginalAndPreset() { var originalPreset = document.getElementById("original_preset"); var selectedOption = originalPreset.options[originalPreset.selectedIndex]; var selectedName = selectedOption.getAttribute("name"); if (selectedName == "presetting") { Element.show(document.getElementById("preset")); Element.hide(document.getElementById("original")); }
<?php slot('block', '<p>' . __('No geocode found.') . '</p><div id="map"></div>'); include_partial('global/partsSimpleBox', array('id' => 'membersMap', 'title' => __('%member%\'s map', array('%member%' => $member->getName())), 'block' => get_slot('block'), 'options' => array('border' => false)));
foreach ($memberApplications as $memberApplication) { op_include_application_information_box('item_' . $memberApplication->getId(), $memberApplication->getApplication(), $memberApplication->getId(), $isOwner); } ?> </div> <?php } else { slot('no_app_alert'); echo __("You haven't the app."); if ($isOwner) { ?> <?php echo __("The Apps can be added from %0%.", array('%0%' => link_to(__('App Gallery'), '@application_gallery'))); } end_slot(); op_include_box('NoApp', get_slot('no_app_alert')); } ?> <?php if ($isOwner) { echo sortable_element('order', array('url' => '@application_sort', 'tag' => 'div', 'only' => 'sortable', 'with' => 'Sortable.serialize("order")+"&' . urlencode($form->getCSRFFieldName()) . '=' . urlencode($form->getCSRFToken()) . '"')); ?> <div class="moreInfo"> <ul class="moreInfo"> <li> <?php echo link_to(__('App Gallery'), '@application_gallery'); if ($isOwner) { if ($isInstallApp) { ?>
} } $t->diag('get_partial()'); sfConfig::set('mod_module_partial_view_class', 'MyTest'); $t->is(get_partial('module/dummy'), '==RENDERED==', 'get_partial() uses the class specified in partial_view_class for the given module'); $t->is(get_partial('MODULE/dummy'), '==RENDERED==', 'get_partial() accepts a case-insensitive module name'); // slots tests sfContext::getInstance()->inject('response', 'sfWebResponse'); $t->diag('get_slot()'); $t->is(get_slot('foo', 'baz'), 'baz', 'get_slot() retrieves default slot content'); slot('foo', 'bar'); $t->is(get_slot('foo', 'baz'), 'bar', 'get_slot() retrieves slot content'); $t->diag('has_slot()'); $t->ok(has_slot('foo'), 'has_slot() checks if a slot exists'); $t->ok(!has_slot('doo'), 'has_slot() checks if a slot does not exist'); $t->diag('include_slot()'); ob_start(); include_slot('foo'); $t->is(ob_get_clean(), 'bar', 'include_slot() prints out the content of an existing slot'); ob_start(); include_slot('doo'); $t->is(ob_get_clean(), '', 'include_slot() does not print out the content of an unexisting slot'); ob_start();