  * @param AB_Notification $notification
 public function processNotification(AB_Notification $notification)
     /** @var $wpdb wpdb */
     global $wpdb;
     $date = new DateTime();
     switch ($notification->get('type')) {
         case 'staff_agenda':
             if ($date->format('H') >= 18) {
                 $rows = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT
                         `c`.`name`       AS `customer_name`,
                         `s`.`title`      AS `service_title`,
                         `st`.`email`     AS `staff_email`,
                         `st`.`phone`     AS `staff_phone`,
                         `st`.`full_name` AS `staff_name`
                     FROM `' . AB_CustomerAppointment::getTableName() . '` `ca`
                     LEFT JOIN `' . AB_Appointment::getTableName() . '` `a`   ON `a`.`id` = `ca`.`appointment_id`
                     LEFT JOIN `' . AB_Customer::getTableName() . '` `c`      ON `c`.`id` = `ca`.`customer_id`
                     LEFT JOIN `' . AB_Service::getTableName() . '` `s`       ON `s`.`id` = `a`.`service_id`
                     LEFT JOIN `' . AB_Staff::getTableName() . '` `st`        ON `st`.`id` = `a`.`staff_id`
                     LEFT JOIN `' . AB_StaffService::getTableName() . '` `ss` ON `ss`.`staff_id` = `a`.`staff_id` AND `ss`.`service_id` = `a`.`service_id`
                     WHERE DATE(DATE_ADD("' . $this->mysql_now . '", INTERVAL 1 DAY)) = DATE(`a`.`start_date`) AND NOT EXISTS (
                         SELECT * FROM `' . AB_SentNotification::getTableName() . '` `sn` WHERE
                             DATE(`sn`.`created`) = DATE("' . $this->mysql_now . '") AND
                             `sn`.`gateway`       = "' . $notification->get('gateway') . '" AND
                             `sn`.`type`          = "staff_agenda" AND
                             `sn`.`staff_id`      = `a`.`staff_id`
                 if ($rows) {
                     $appointments = array();
                     foreach ($rows as $row) {
                         $appointments[$row->staff_id][] = $row;
                     foreach ($appointments as $staff_id => $collection) {
                         $sent = false;
                         $staff_email = null;
                         $staff_phone = null;
                         $table = $notification->get('gateway') == 'email' ? '<table>%s</table>' : '%s';
                         $tr = $notification->get('gateway') == 'email' ? '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' : "%s %s %s\n";
                         $agenda = '';
                         foreach ($collection as $appointment) {
                             $startDate = new DateTime($appointment->start_date);
                             $endDate = new DateTime($appointment->end_date);
                             $agenda .= sprintf($tr, $startDate->format('H:i') . '-' . $endDate->format('H:i'), $appointment->service_title, $appointment->customer_name);
                             $staff_email = $appointment->staff_email;
                             $staff_phone = $appointment->staff_phone;
                         $agenda = sprintf($table, $agenda);
                         if ($staff_email || $staff_phone) {
                             $replacement = new AB_NotificationCodes();
                             $replacement->set('next_day_agenda', $agenda);
                             $replacement->set('appointment_datetime', $appointment->start_date);
                             $replacement->set('staff_name', $appointment->staff_name);
                             if ($notification->get('gateway') == 'email' && $staff_email) {
                                 $message = $replacement->replace($notification->get('message'));
                                 $subject = $replacement->replace($notification->get('subject'));
                                 // Send email.
                                 $sent = wp_mail($staff_email, $subject, wpautop($message), AB_Utils::getEmailHeaders());
                             } else {
                                 if ($notification->get('gateway') == 'sms' && $staff_phone) {
                                     $message = $replacement->replace($notification->get('message'), $notification->get('gateway'));
                                     // Send sms.
                                     $sent = $this->sms->sendSms($staff_phone, $message);
                         if ($sent) {
                             $sent_notification = new AB_SentNotification();
                             $sent_notification->set('staff_id', $staff_id);
                             $sent_notification->set('gateway', $notification->get('gateway'));
                             $sent_notification->set('type', 'staff_agenda');
                             $sent_notification->set('created', $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
         case 'client_follow_up':
             if ($date->format('H') >= 21) {
                 $rows = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT
                     FROM `' . AB_CustomerAppointment::getTableName() . '` `ca`
                     LEFT JOIN `' . AB_Appointment::getTableName() . '` `a` ON `a`.`id` = `ca`.`appointment_id`
                     WHERE DATE("' . $this->mysql_now . '") = DATE(`a`.`start_date`) AND NOT EXISTS (
                         SELECT * FROM `' . AB_SentNotification::getTableName() . '` `sn` WHERE
                             DATE(`sn`.`created`)           = DATE("' . $this->mysql_now . '") AND
                             `sn`.`gateway`                 = "' . $notification->get('gateway') . '" AND
                             `sn`.`type`                    = "client_follow_up" AND
                             `sn`.`customer_appointment_id` = `ca`.`id`
                     )', ARRAY_A);
                 if ($rows) {
                     foreach ($rows as $row) {
                         $customer_appointment = new AB_CustomerAppointment();
                         if (AB_NotificationSender::sendFromCron(AB_NotificationSender::CRON_FOLLOW_UP_EMAIL, $notification, $customer_appointment)) {
                             $sent_notification = new AB_SentNotification();
                             $sent_notification->set('customer_appointment_id', $customer_appointment->get('id'));
                             $sent_notification->set('gateway', $notification->get('gateway'));
                             $sent_notification->set('type', 'client_follow_up');
                             $sent_notification->set('created', $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
         case 'client_reminder':
             if ($date->format('H') >= 18) {
                 $rows = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT
                     FROM `' . AB_CustomerAppointment::getTableName() . '` `ca`
                     LEFT JOIN `' . AB_Appointment::getTableName() . '` `a` ON `a`.`id` = `ca`.`appointment_id`
                     WHERE DATE(DATE_ADD("' . $this->mysql_now . '", INTERVAL 1 DAY)) = DATE(`a`.`start_date`) AND NOT EXISTS (
                         SELECT * FROM `' . AB_SentNotification::getTableName() . '` `sn` WHERE
                             DATE(`sn`.`created`)           = DATE("' . $this->mysql_now . '") AND
                             `sn`.`gateway`                 = "' . $notification->get('gateway') . '" AND
                             `sn`.`type`                    = "client_reminder" AND
                             `sn`.`customer_appointment_id` = `ca`.`id`
                     )', ARRAY_A);
                 if ($rows) {
                     foreach ($rows as $row) {
                         $customer_appointment = new AB_CustomerAppointment();
                         if (AB_NotificationSender::sendFromCron(AB_NotificationSender::CRON_NEXT_DAY_APPOINTMENT, $notification, $customer_appointment)) {
                             $sent_notification = new AB_SentNotification();
                             $sent_notification->set('customer_appointment_id', $customer_appointment->get('id'));
                             $sent_notification->set('gateway', $notification->get('gateway'));
                             $sent_notification->set('type', 'client_reminder');
                             $sent_notification->set('created', $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
Example #2
  * Save all data and create appointment.
  * @return AB_Appointment
 public function save()
     $user_id = get_current_user_id();
     $customer = new AB_Customer();
     if ($user_id) {
         // Try to find customer by WP user ID.
         $customer->loadBy(array('wp_user_id' => $user_id));
     if (!$customer->isLoaded()) {
         // If customer with such name & e-mail exists, append new booking to him, otherwise - create new customer
         $customer->loadBy(array('name' => $this->get('name'), 'email' => $this->get('email')));
     $customer->set('name', $this->get('name'));
     $customer->set('email', $this->get('email'));
     $customer->set('phone', $this->get('phone'));
     if (get_option('ab_settings_create_account', 0) && !$customer->get('wp_user_id')) {
         // Create WP user and link it to customer.
         $customer->setWPUser($user_id ?: null);
     $this->customer_id = $customer->get('id');
     $service = $this->getService();
      * Get appointment, with same params.
      * If it is -> create connection to this appointment,
      * otherwise create appointment and connect customer to new appointment
     $appointment = new AB_Appointment();
     $appointment->loadBy(array('staff_id' => $this->getStaffId(), 'service_id' => $this->get('service_id'), 'start_date' => $this->get('appointment_datetime')));
     if ($appointment->isLoaded() == false) {
         $appointment->set('staff_id', $this->getStaffId());
         $appointment->set('service_id', $this->get('service_id'));
         $appointment->set('start_date', $this->get('appointment_datetime'));
         $endDate = new DateTime($this->get('appointment_datetime'));
         $di = "+ {$service->get('duration')} sec";
         $appointment->set('end_date', $endDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     $customer_appointment = new AB_CustomerAppointment();
     $customer_appointment->loadBy(array('customer_id' => $customer->get('id'), 'appointment_id' => $appointment->get('id')));
     if ($customer_appointment->isLoaded()) {
         // Add number of persons to existing booking.
         $customer_appointment->set('number_of_persons', $customer_appointment->get('number_of_persons') + $this->get('number_of_persons'));
     } else {
         $customer_appointment->set('customer_id', $customer->get('id'));
         $customer_appointment->set('appointment_id', $appointment->get('id'));
         $customer_appointment->set('number_of_persons', $this->get('number_of_persons'));
     $customer_appointment->set('custom_fields', $this->get('custom_fields'));
     $customer_appointment->set('time_zone_offset', $this->get('time_zone_offset'));
     $coupon = $this->getCoupon();
     if ($coupon) {
         $customer_appointment->set('coupon_code', $coupon->get('code'));
         $customer_appointment->set('coupon_discount', $coupon->get('discount'));
         $customer_appointment->set('coupon_deduction', $coupon->get('deduction'));
     // Create fake payment record for 100% discount coupons.
     if ($coupon && $coupon->get('discount') == '100') {
         $payment = new AB_Payment();
         $payment->set('total', '0.00');
         $payment->set('type', 'coupon');
         $payment->set('created', current_time('mysql'));
         $payment->set('customer_appointment_id', $customer_appointment->get('id'));
     // Google Calendar.
     // Send email notifications.
     AB_NotificationSender::send(AB_NotificationSender::INSTANT_NEW_APPOINTMENT, $customer_appointment);
     return $appointment;
  * Cancel Appointment using token.
 public function executeCancelAppointment()
     $customer_appointment = new AB_CustomerAppointment();
     if ($customer_appointment->loadBy(array('token' => $this->getParameter('token')))) {
         // Send email.
         AB_NotificationSender::send(AB_NotificationSender::INSTANT_CANCELLED_APPOINTMENT, $customer_appointment);
         $appointment = new AB_Appointment();
         // Delete appointment, if there aren't customers.
         $count = AB_CustomerAppointment::query('ca')->where('ca.appointment_id', $customer_appointment->get('appointment_id'))->count();
         if (!$count) {
         } else {
         if ($this->url = get_option('ab_settings_cancel_page_url')) {
     $this->url = home_url();
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
         if (parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], PHP_URL_HOST) == parse_url($this->url, PHP_URL_HOST)) {
             // Redirect back if user came from our site.
             $this->url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
  * Send email to $mail_to.
  * @param AB_Notification $notification
  * @param AB_NotificationCodes $codes
  * @param string $mail_to
  * @param string $phone
  * @return bool
 private static function _send(AB_Notification $notification, AB_NotificationCodes $codes, $mail_to, $phone = '')
     $result = false;
     if ($notification->get('gateway') == 'email') {
         $message = $codes->replace($notification->get('message'));
         // Send email to recipient.
         $subject = $codes->replace($notification->get('subject'));
         $result = wp_mail($mail_to, $subject, wpautop($message), AB_Utils::getEmailHeaders());
         // Send copy to administrators.
         if ($notification->get('copy')) {
             $admin_emails = AB_Utils::getAdminEmails();
             if (!empty($admin_emails)) {
                 wp_mail($admin_emails, $subject, wpautop($message), AB_Utils::getEmailHeaders());
     } elseif ($notification->get('gateway') == 'sms') {
         $message = $codes->replace($notification->get('message'), 'sms');
         if (self::$sms_authorized === null) {
             self::$sms = new AB_SMS();
             self::$sms_authorized = self::$sms->loadProfile();
         if (self::$sms_authorized) {
             if ($phone != '') {
                 $result = self::$sms->sendSms($phone, $message);
             if ($notification->get('copy')) {
                 if ($administrator_phone = get_option('ab_sms_administrator_phone', '') != '') {
                     self::$sms->sendSms($administrator_phone, $message);
     return $result;
  * Save appointment form (for both create and edit).
 public function executeSaveAppointmentForm()
     $response = array('success' => false);
     $start_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($this->getParameter('start_date')));
     $end_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($this->getParameter('end_date')));
     $staff_id = $this->getParameter('staff_id');
     $service_id = $this->getParameter('service_id');
     $appointment_id = $this->getParameter('id', 0);
     $customers = json_decode($this->getParameter('customers', '[]'), true);
     $staff_service = new AB_StaffService();
     $staff_service->loadBy(array('staff_id' => $staff_id, 'service_id' => $service_id));
     // Check for errors.
     if (!$service_id) {
         $response['errors']['service_required'] = true;
     if (empty($customers)) {
         $response['errors']['customers_required'] = true;
     if (!$this->dateIntervalIsAvailableForAppointment($start_date, $end_date, $staff_id, $appointment_id)) {
         $response['errors']['date_interval_not_available'] = true;
     $number_of_persons = 0;
     foreach ($customers as $customer) {
         $number_of_persons += $customer['number_of_persons'];
     if ($number_of_persons > $staff_service->get('capacity')) {
         $response['errors']['overflow_capacity'] = __('The number of customers should be not more than ', 'bookly') . $staff_service->get('capacity');
     if (!$this->getParameter('start_date')) {
         $response['errors']['time_interval'] = __('Start time must not be empty', 'bookly');
     } elseif (!$this->getParameter('end_date')) {
         $response['errors']['time_interval'] = __('End time must not be empty', 'bookly');
     } elseif ($start_date == $end_date) {
         $response['errors']['time_interval'] = __('End time must not be equal to start time', 'bookly');
     // If no errors then try to save the appointment.
     if (!isset($response['errors'])) {
         $appointment = new AB_Appointment();
         if ($appointment_id) {
             // Edit.
         $appointment->set('start_date', $start_date);
         $appointment->set('end_date', $end_date);
         $appointment->set('staff_id', $staff_id);
         $appointment->set('service_id', $service_id);
         if ($appointment->save() !== false) {
             // Save customers.
             // Google Calendar.
             if ($this->getParameter('email_notification') === 'true') {
                 foreach ($appointment->getCustomerAppointments() as $ca) {
                     AB_NotificationSender::send(AB_NotificationSender::INSTANT_NEW_APPOINTMENT, $ca);
             $startDate = new DateTime($appointment->get('start_date'));
             $endDate = new DateTime($appointment->get('end_date'));
             $desc = array();
             if ($staff_service->get('capacity') == 1) {
                 $customer_appointments = $appointment->getCustomerAppointments();
                 if (!empty($customer_appointments)) {
                     $ca = $customer_appointments[0]->customer;
                     foreach (array('name', 'phone', 'email') as $data_entry) {
                         $entry_value = $ca->get($data_entry);
                         if ($entry_value) {
                             $desc[] = '<div class="fc-employee">' . esc_html($entry_value) . '</div>';
                     foreach ($customer_appointments[0]->getCustomFields() as $custom_field) {
                         $desc[] = '<div class="fc-notes">' . wp_strip_all_tags($custom_field['label']) . ': ' . esc_html($custom_field['value']) . '</div>';
             } else {
                 $signed_up = 0;
                 foreach ($appointment->getCustomerAppointments() as $ca) {
                     $signed_up += $ca->get('number_of_persons');
                 $desc[] = '<div class="fc-notes">' . __('Signed up', 'bookly') . ' ' . $signed_up . '</div>';
                 $desc[] = '<div class="fc-notes">' . __('Capacity', 'bookly') . ' ' . $staff_service->get('capacity') . '</div>';
             $service = new AB_Service();
             $response['success'] = true;
             $response['data'] = array('id' => (int) $appointment->get('id'), 'start' => $startDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'end' => $endDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'desc' => implode('', $desc), 'title' => $service->get('title') ? $service->get('title') : __('Untitled', 'bookly'), 'color' => $service->get('color'), 'staffId' => $appointment->get('staff_id'));
         } else {
             $response['errors'] = array('db' => __('Could not save appointment in database.', 'bookly'));
Example #6
  * Create new WP user and send email notification.
  * @return bool|int
 private function _createWPUser()
     // Generate unique username.
     $i = 1;
     $base = $this->get('name') != '' ? sanitize_user($this->get('name')) : 'client';
     $username = $base;
     while (username_exists($username)) {
         $username = $base . $i;
     // Generate password.
     $password = wp_generate_password(6, true);
     // Create user.
     $user_id = wp_create_user($username, $password, $this->get('email'));
     if (!$user_id instanceof WP_Error) {
         // Set the role
         $user = new WP_User($user_id);
         // Send email notification.
         AB_NotificationSender::sendEmailForNewUser($this, $username, $password);
         return $user_id;
     return false;