function olc_cache_manufacturers_box($auto_expire = false, $refresh = false) { if ($refresh == true || !read_cache($cache_output, 'manufacturers_box-' . SESSION_LANGUAGE . '.cache' . $_GET['manufacturers_id'], $auto_expire)) { ob_start(); include box_code_script_path('manufacturers.php'); $cache_output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); write_cache($cache_output, 'manufacturers_box-' . SESSION_LANGUAGE . '.cache' . $_GET['manufacturers_id']); } return $cache_output; }
function olc_cache_categories_box($auto_expire = false, $refresh = false) { global $cPath, $foo, $id, $categories_string; if ($refresh == true || !read_cache($cache_output, 'categories_box-' . SESSION_LANGUAGE . '.cache' . $cPath, $auto_expire)) { ob_start(); include box_code_script_path('categories.php'); $cache_output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); write_cache($cache_output, 'categories_box-' . SESSION_LANGUAGE . '.cache' . $cPath); } return $cache_output; }
if ($use_standard_menue) { $s = 'OPEN_ALL_MENUE_LEVELS'; if (!defined($s)) { define($s, FALSE_STRING_S); } $open_all_menues = OPEN_ALL_MENUE_LEVELS == TRUE_STRING_S; //Open all submenues always. if (!$build_menu) { $build_menu = !$open_all_menues; } if ($build_menu) { $html_blank = array(HTML_NBSP, strtoupper(HTML_NBSP)); $html_break = array(HTML_BR, strtoupper(HTML_BR), "<p>", "<P>"); ${$text_break} = "\n "; // include needed functions require_once box_code_script_path('inc/'); require_once DIR_FS_INC . ''; require_once DIR_FS_INC . ''; olc_smarty_init($box_smarty, $cacheid); $box_content = EMPTY_STRING; $all_categories_string = EMPTY_STRING; if (DO_GROUP_CHECK) { $group_check = " and c." . SQL_GROUP_CONDITION; } //W. Kaiser $not_open_all_menues = !$open_all_menues; $prev_id = 'prev_id'; $categories_id = 'categories_id'; $categories_name = 'categories_name'; $categories_heading_title = 'categories_heading_title'; $next_id_text = 'next_id';
based on: (c) 2000-2001 The Exchange Project (earlier name of osCommerce) (c) 2002-2003 osCommerce(categories.php,v 1.23 2002/11/12); (c) 2003 nextcommerce (categories.php,v 1.10 2003/08/17); (c) 2004 XT - Commerce; Released under the GNU General Public License ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ define('COMMON_TEMPLATE', ''); define('FULL_COMMON_TEMPLATE', TEMPLATE_PATH . COMMON_TEMPLATE); define('BOXES_DIR', SLASH . 'boxes' . SLASH); $source = 'source'; define('DIR_WS_BOXES', FULL_CURRENT_TEMPLATE . $source . BOXES_DIR); define('DIR_WS_BOXES_INC', 'inc' . SLASH); $s = box_code_script_path('boxes.php'); define('BOXES', str_replace(BOXES_DIR, SLASH, $s)); function box_code_script_path($box) { //Assume to use the 'common' script-path $standard_box_path = DIR_WS_BOXES . $box; if (CHECK_UNIFIED_BOXES) { //Unified boxes //$index=str_replace(SLASH,UNDERSCORE,$box); //$index=$box; $stored_box_code_script_path = $_SESSION[$box]; if ($stored_box_code_script_path) { $box_code_script_path = $stored_box_code_script_path; } else { //Check if box is available in the individual templates' directory //If not, use box the from the common template directory
function getCategoriesArray($basecss, $active_tab) { global $is_ajax_mode, $tab_id_text, $current_template_text, $tab_ajax; # read cats form database if (DO_GROUP_CHECK) { $group_check = " and c." . SQL_GROUP_CONDITION; } $categories_query = SELECT . "\n\tc.categories_id,\n\tcd.categories_name,\n\tc.parent_id from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c, " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " cd\n\twhere c.categories_status='1'\n\tand c.parent_id='0'\n\t" . $group_check . "\n\tand c.categories_id=cd.categories_id\n\tand cd.language_id='" . SESSION_LANGUAGE_ID . "'\n\torder by sort_order, cd.categories_name"; $categories_query = olc_db_query($categories_query); $subcat_query0 = TABLE_PREFIX_COMMON . "categories"; $subcat_query0 = SELECT . "\n\tc.categories_id,\n\tcd.categories_name,\n\tc.parent_id\n\tfrom " . $subcat_query0 . " c, " . $subcat_query0 . "_description cd\n\twhere\n\tc.categories_status='1' and\n\tc.parent_id='#' and\n\tc.categories_id=cd.categories_id and\n\tcd.language_id='" . SESSION_LANGUAGE_ID . "'\n\torder by sort_order,cd.categories_name"; $tab_id = AMP . $tab_id_text . EQUAL; if ($is_ajax_mode) { $tab_id = AMP . SID . AMP . $current_template_text . EQUAL . CURRENT_TEMPLATE . AMP . $tab_ajax . EQUAL . TRUE_STRING_S . $tab_id; $path = box_code_script_path('tab_navigation.php'); } else { $path = 'index.php'; } $path .= QUESTION . "cPath" . EQUAL; $categories_id_text = 'categories_id'; $categories_name_text = 'categories_name'; $parent_id_text = 'parent_id'; $name_text = 'NAME'; $url_text = 'URL'; $css_text = 'CSS'; $main_text = 'main'; $sub_text = 'sub'; $key = 0; while ($categories = olc_db_fetch_array(&$categories_query, true)) { $categories_id = $categories[$categories_id_text]; # crate main cats $css = $key == $active_tab ? $basecss . $key : $basecss; $cat_array[$main_text][] = array($name_text => $categories[$categories_name_text], $url_text => $path . $categories_id . $tab_id . $key, $css_text => $css); $subcat_query = str_replace(HASH, $categories_id, $subcat_query0); $subcat_query = olc_db_query($subcat_query); $category_check = olc_db_num_rows(&$subcat_query, true); # create sub cats if ($category_check > 0) { while ($row = olc_db_fetch_array(&$subcat_query, true)) { $cat_array[$sub_text][$key][] = array($name_text => $row[$categories_name_text], $url_text => $path . $row[$parent_id_text] . UNDERSCORE . $row[$categories_id_text] . $tab_id . $key); } } $key++; } return $cat_array; }
if ($include_reviews) { include $box_reviews; } } } if (SHOW_LAST_VIEWED) { require $box_last_viewed; } if ($include_tell_a_friend) { include $box_tell_a_friend; } if ($include_best_sellers) { include $box_best_sellers; } if (LIVE_HELP_ACTIVE === true) { include box_code_script_path('livehelp.php'); } if (strpos(CURRENT_SCRIPT, 'checkout_') !== false) { if (OL_COMMERCE && CUSTOMER_ID == 0) { $current_script = FILENAME_LOGIN; } else { $current_script = CURRENT_SCRIPT; } //$step_start_text='step_start'; $step_start_text = 'class_start'; olc_smarty_init($box_smarty, $cacheid); require_once $inc_path . ''; $normal = 'normal'; $classes = array($normal, $normal, $normal, $normal, $normal); $order_step_text_finished = EMPTY_STRING; switch ($current_script) {