Example #1
  * Gets the current configuration setting of magic_quotes_gpc.
  * And gets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime
 function c_get_magic_quotes()
     if (c_version_compare("5.4.0")) {
         return (bool) (get_magic_quotes_gpc() || get_magic_quotes_runtime() ? true : false);
     } else {
         return false;
Example #2
File: index.php Project: abachi/MVC
 * @def (resource) BASE_PATH - get a base path.
define('BASE_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . DS, true);
if (!function_exists('c_version_compare')) {
     * Check if PHP version number or ++
     * @param (string) $version - PHP version number.
    function c_version_compare($version)
        return (bool) (version_compare(phpversion(), $version, "<") ? false : true);
if (!c_version_compare("5.2.6")) {
    exit("Please upgrade to PHP 5.2.6 or >");
require_once BASE_PATH . 'cliprz_system' . DS . 'autoload.php';
// Don't include below files. (this files for framework team only)
#include (BASE_PATH."cliprzmyadmin".DS."md5.php");
#include (BASE_PATH."cliprzmyadmin".DS."hacking.php");
#include (BASE_PATH."cliprzmyadmin".DS."console.php");
// Start Lodaed Content
// Loaded content
// End Lodaed Content
if (file_exists(APP_PATH . 'config' . DS . 'sleep.php')) {
    require_once APP_PATH . 'config' . DS . 'sleep.php';
// Don't include below files. (this files for framework team only)