function cp_admin_fields($options) { global $cp_options; ?> <div id="tabs-wrap"> <?php // first generate the page tabs $counter = 0; echo '<ul class="tabs">' . "\n"; foreach ($options as $value) { if (in_array('tab', $value)) { echo '<li><a href="#' . $value['type'] . $counter . '">' . $value['tabname'] . '</a></li>' . "\n"; $counter++; } } echo '</ul>' . "\n\n"; // now loop through all the options $counter = 0; $table_width = $cp_options->table_width; foreach ($options as $value) { if (empty($value['tip'])) { $tooltip = ''; } else { $tooltip = html("img", array('class' => 'tip-icon', 'title' => __('Help', APP_TD), 'src' => appthemes_framework_image('help.png'))); $tooltip .= html("div class='tip-content'", $value['tip']); } switch ($value['type']) { case 'tab': echo '<div id="' . $value['type'] . $counter . '">' . "\n\n"; echo '<table class="widefat fixed" style="width:' . $table_width . '; margin-bottom:20px;">' . "\n\n"; break; case 'notab': echo '<table class="widefat fixed" style="width:' . $table_width . '; margin-bottom:20px;">' . "\n\n"; break; case 'title': ?> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col" width="200px"><?php echo esc_html($value['name']); ?> </th> <th class="tip"> </th> <th scope="col"><?php if (isset($value['desc'])) { echo $value['desc']; } ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <?php break; case 'text': // don't show the meta name field used by WP. This is automatically created by CP. if ($value['id'] == 'field_name') { break; } $args = array('name' => $value['id'], 'id' => $value['id'], 'type' => $value['type'], 'class' => array(), 'style' => $value['css'], 'value' => get_option($value['id']) ? get_option($value['id']) : $value['std']); if (!empty($value['req'])) { $args['class'][] = 'required'; } if (!empty($value['altclass'])) { $args['class'][] = $value['altclass']; } $args['class'] = implode(' ', $args['class']); if (!empty($value['min'])) { $args['minlength'] = $value['min']; } ?> <tr <?php if ($value['vis'] == '0') { ?> id="<?php if (!empty($value['visid'])) { echo $value['visid']; } else { echo 'field_values'; } ?> " style="display:none;"<?php } else { ?> id="<?php echo $value['id']; ?> _row"<?php } ?> > <td class="titledesc"><?php echo esc_html($value['name']); ?> :</td> <td class="tip"><?php echo $tooltip; ?> </td> <td class="forminp"><?php echo html('input', $args); ?> <br /><small><?php echo $value['desc']; ?> </small></td> </tr> <?php break; case 'select': ?> <tr id="<?php echo $value['id']; ?> _row"> <td class="titledesc"><?php echo esc_html($value['name']); ?> :</td> <td class="tip"><?php echo $tooltip; ?> </td> <td class="forminp"> <select <?php if (!empty($value['js'])) { echo $value['js']; } ?> name="<?php echo $value['id']; ?> " id="<?php echo $value['id']; ?> " style="<?php echo $value['css']; ?> "<?php if ($value['req']) { ?> class="required"<?php } ?> > <?php foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $val) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $key; ?> " <?php selected(get_option($value['id']) == $key); ?> ><?php echo $val; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <br /><small><?php echo $value['desc']; ?> </small> </td> </tr> <?php break; case 'checkbox': ?> <tr id="<?php echo $value['id']; ?> _row"> <td class="titledesc"><?php echo esc_html($value['name']); ?> :</td> <td class="tip"><?php echo $tooltip; ?> </td> <td class="forminp"> <input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $value['id']; ?> " id="<?php echo $value['id']; ?> " value="true" style="<?php echo $value['css']; ?> " <?php checked(get_option($value['id'])); ?> /> <br /><small><?php echo $value['desc']; ?> </small> </td> </tr> <?php break; case 'textarea': ?> <tr id="<?php echo $value['id']; ?> _row"<?php if ($value['id'] == 'field_values') { ?> style="display: none;" <?php } ?> > <td class="titledesc"><?php echo esc_html($value['name']); ?> :</td> <td class="tip"><?php echo $tooltip; ?> </td> <td class="forminp"> <textarea name="<?php echo $value['id']; ?> " id="<?php echo $value['id']; ?> " style="<?php echo $value['css']; ?> " <?php if ($value['req']) { ?> class="required" <?php } if ($value['min']) { ?> minlength="<?php echo $value['min']; ?> "<?php } ?> ><?php if (get_option($value['id'])) { echo stripslashes(get_option($value['id'])); } else { echo $value['std']; } ?> </textarea> <br /><small><?php echo $value['desc']; ?> </small> </td> </tr> <?php break; case 'cat_checklist': ?> <tr id="<?php echo $value['id']; ?> _row"> <td class="titledesc"><?php echo esc_html($value['name']); ?> :</td> <td class="tip"><?php echo $tooltip; ?> </td> <td class="forminp"> <div id="form-categorydiv"> <div class="tabs-panel" id="categories-all" style="<?php echo $value['css']; ?> "> <ul class="list:category categorychecklist form-no-clear" id="categorychecklist"> <?php $catcheck = cp_category_checklist(0, cp_exclude_cats()); ?> <?php if ($catcheck) { echo $catcheck; } else { wp_die('<p style="color:red;">' . __('All your categories are currently being used. You must remove at least one category from another form layout before you can continue.', APP_TD) . '</p>'); } ?> </ul> </div> <a href="#" class="checkall"><?php _e('check all', APP_TD); ?> </a> </div> <br /><small><?php echo $value['desc']; ?> </small> </td> </tr> <?php break; case 'logo': ?> <tr id="<?php echo $value['id']; ?> _row"> <td class="titledesc"><?php echo esc_html($value['name']); ?> </td> <td class="tip"> </td> <td class="forminp"> </td> </tr> <?php break; case 'tabend': echo '</table>' . "\n\n"; echo '</div> <!-- #tab' . $counter . ' -->' . "\n\n"; $counter++; break; case 'notabend': echo '</table>' . "\n\n"; break; } // end switch } // end foreach ?> </div> <!-- #tabs-wrap --> <?php }
public function table_row($field, $formdata = false) { if (empty($field['tip'])) { $tip = ''; } else { $tip = html("img", array('class' => 'tip-icon', 'title' => __('Help', APP_TD), 'src' => appthemes_framework_image('help.png'))); $tip .= html("div class='tip-content'", $field['tip']); } if (isset($field['desc'])) { $field['desc'] = html('span class="description"', $field['desc']); } return html("tr", html("th scope='row'", $field['title']), html("td class='tip'", $tip), html("td", scbForms::input($field, $this->options->get()))); }
protected function box_icon($name) { return html('img', array('class' => 'box-icon', 'src' => appthemes_framework_image($name))); }