function print_index() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $ghtml, $login; ob_start(); print_time('index'); $cgi_clientname = $ghtml->frm_clientname; Htmllib::checkForScript($cgi_clientname); $cgi_class = $ghtml->frm_class; if (!$cgi_class) { $cgi_class = getClassFromName($cgi_clientname); } $cgi_password = $ghtml->frm_password; $cgi_forgotpwd = $ghtml->frm_forgotpwd; $cgi_email = $ghtml->frm_email; $cgi_key = $ghtml->frm_login_key; if (!$cgi_password || !$cgi_clientname) { $ghtml->print_redirect("/login/?frm_emessage=login_error"); } $cgi_classname = 'client'; if ($cgi_class) { $cgi_classname = $cgi_class; } if ($cgi_clientname == "" || $cgi_password == "" && $cgi_key == "") { $cgi_forgotpwd = $ghtml->frm_forgotpwd; return; } $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (!check_login_success($cgi_classname, $cgi_clientname, $cgi_password, $cgi_key)) { return; } log_log("login_success", "Successful Login to {$cgi_clientname} from " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); /* try { $att = $gbl->g->getFromList("loginattempt", $ip); $att->delete(); } catch (Exception $e) { } */ if (check_disable_admin($cgi_clientname)) { $ghtml->print_redirect("/login/?frm_emessage=login_error"); exit; } if (get_login($cgi_classname, $cgi_clientname)) { do_login($cgi_classname, $cgi_clientname); $login->was(); check_blocked_ip(); $ghtml->print_redirect("/"); } else { $ghtml->cgiset("frm_emessage", "login_error"); } $cgi_forgotpwd = $ghtml->frm_forgotpwd; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); }
function printObjectElement($parent, $class, $classdesc, $obj, $name, $width, $descr, $colcount) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login; $rclass = $class; list($graphtype, $graphwidth) = exec_class_method($rclass, "getGraphType"); if ($name === 'syncserver') { $serverdiscr = pserver::createServerInfo(array($obj->syncserver), $class); } $__external = 0; $iconpath = get_image_path() . "/button/"; if (isset($descr[$name]) && (csa($descr[$name][0], 'q') || csa($descr[$name][0], "D"))) { // For hard quota you need priv. For soft quota, you use used. if (csa($descr[$name][0], 'h')) { $pname = $obj->priv->display($name); } else { $pname = $obj->used->display($name); } } else { if (isset($descr[$name]) && csa($descr[$name][0], 'p')) { if (cse($name, "_per_f")) { $qrname = strtil($name, "_per_f"); $pname = array($obj->priv->{$qrname}, $obj->used->{$qrname}, null); } else { $pname = $obj->perDisplay($name); } } else { $pname = $obj->display($name); $pname = Htmllib::fix_lt_gt($pname); if (csa($pname, "_lximg:")) { $pname = preg_replace("/_lximg:([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):/", "<img src=\$1 width=\$2 height=\$3>", $pname); } if (csa($pname, "_lxspan:")) { $pname = preg_replace("/_lxspan:([^:]*):([^:]*):/", "<span title='\$2'>\$1 </span> ", $pname); } if (csa($pname, "_lxurl:")) { $pname = preg_replace("/_lxurl:([^:]*):([^:]*):/", "<a class=insidelist target=_blank href=http://\$1> \$2 </a>", $pname); } if (csa($pname, "_lxinurl:")) { $url = preg_replace("/_lxinurl:([^:]*):([^:]*):/", "\$1", $pname); $url = $this->getFullUrl($url); $url = "\"{$url}\""; $pname = preg_replace("/_lxinurl:([^:]*):([^:]*):/", "<a class=insidelist href={$url}> \$2 </a>", $pname); } if ($name === 'syncserver') { $pname = "<span title='{$serverdiscr}'> {$pname} </span> "; } } } $wrapstr = $width === "100%" ? "wrap" : "nowrap"; $target = NULL; $purl = NULL; $url = null; $__full_url = false; if ($name === 'parent_name_f' && csb($class, "all_")) { $url = $this->generateParentListUrl($obj); $ac_descr = $this->getActionDetails($url, $purl, $iconpath, $path, $post, $_t_file, $_t_name, $_t_image, $__t_identity); $__full_url = true; $__full_url_t_identity = $__t_identity; } if (isset($descr[$name][3]) || csa($name, "abutton_")) { if (csa($name, "abutton_")) { $urlname = $obj->nname; $str = strfrom($name, "abutton_"); $_tv = explode("_s_", $str); if ($_tv[0] === 'list') { $url = "a=list&c={$_tv[1]}"; } else { if ($_tv[0] === 'show') { $url = "a=show&o={$_tv[1]}"; } else { $url = "a={$_tv['0']}&sa={$_tv[1]}"; } } $url = "&k[class]={$class}&k[nname]={$urlname}&{$url}"; } else { if ($this->is_special_url($descr[$name][3])) { $url = $descr[$name][3]; } else { if (csb($descr[$name][3], "__stub")) { $url = $obj->getStubUrl($descr[$name][3]); } else { if (csb($class, "all_")) { $url = $this->generateEntireUrl($obj, $login); if (!$url) { /// That means that the object is dangling and has no parent. throw new lxException("object_found_without_proper_parent"); } } else { $urlname = $obj->nname; $url = $descr[$name][3] . "&k[class]={$class}&k[nname]={$urlname}"; } } } } if ($this->is_special_url($url)) { $purl = $url->purl; $target = $url->target; $url = $url->url; $purl = $this->getFullUrl($purl); $url = str_replace("[%s]", $obj->nname, $url); if (strpos($url, "http:/") !== false) { $__external = 1; } } else { $url = $this->getFullUrl($url); } $ac_descr = $this->getActionDetails($url, $purl, $iconpath, $path, $post, $_t_file, $_t_name, $_t_image, $__t_identity); } $align = 'left'; $valign = 'middle'; $image = 0; if (csa($descr[$name][0], "e")) { $pname = strtolower($pname); $property = "{$name}_v_{$pname}"; $prop_descr = get_classvar_description($rclass, $property); if (!$prop_descr) { dprint("Property Description for {$rclass} {$property} not Found <br> \n"); } $this->fix_variable_overload($prop_descr, $classdesc[2]); $image = $this->get_image($iconpath, $class, $property, ".gif"); $help = $this->get_full_help($prop_descr['help'], $obj->getId()); $alt = lx_strip_tags($help); $help = $this->get_action_or_display_help($help, "notice"); $align = "center onmouseover=\"changeContent('help',' {$help}')\" onmouseout=\"changeContent('help','helparea')\""; if (!$sgbl->isBlackBackground()) { $pname = " <span title='{$alt}'><img src={$image} width=16 height=16 >"; } $this->save_non_existant_image($image); $image = 1; } if (!$obj->isAction($name) && char_search_a($descr[$name][0], "b")) { $pname = ""; } $bgcolorstring = null; $forecolorstring = null; if ($sgbl->isBlackBackground()) { $bgcolorstring = "bgcolor=#000"; $forecolorstring = "color=#999999"; } if ($url && $obj->isAction($name)) { $urlhelp = ""; if (!$image) { $this->fix_variable_overload($ac_descr, $classdesc[2]); // When it is showing the parent name, it is showing the resource under that parent, nad not under this object. if ($__full_url) { $help = $this->get_full_help($ac_descr[2], $__full_url_t_identity); } else { $help = $this->get_full_help($ac_descr[2], $obj->getId()); } $alt = lx_strip_tags($help); $help = $this->get_action_or_display_help($help, "action"); $urlhelp = "onmouseover=\"changeContent('help',' {$help}')\" onmouseout=\"changeContent('help','helparea')\""; if (strstr($descr[$name][0], "b") != NULL || csb($name, "abutton")) { if ($obj->isButton($name)) { if ($sgbl->isBlackBackground()) { $pname = "b"; } else { $pname = " <span title='{$alt}'><img src='{$_t_image}' height=15 width=15>"; } $align = "center"; } else { $pname = ""; } } } print "<td {$bgcolorstring} class=collist {$wrapstr} align={$align} > <span title='{$alt}'>"; $method = $__external ? "get" : $sgbl->method; ?> <form name=form<?php echo $colcount; ?> method=<?php echo $method; ?> action=<?php echo $path; ?> <?php echo $target; ?> > <?php if ($this->frm_action === 'selectshow') { $post['frm_action'] = 'selectshow'; $post['frm_selectshowbase'] = $this->frm_selectshowbase; } $this->print_input_vars($post); ?> </form> <a class=insidelist href="javascript:document.form<?php echo $colcount; ?> .submit()" <?php echo $urlhelp; ?> > <?php echo $pname; ?> </a> </span> </td> <?php } else { if (char_search_a($descr[$name][0], "p")) { print "<td {$bgcolorstring} class=collist {$wrapstr} align={$align} > "; $arr = $pname; $this->show_graph($arr[0], $arr[1], null, $graphwidth, $arr[2], $graphtype, $obj->getId(), $name); print "</td> "; } else { if (csa($descr[$name][0], "W")) { $pname = str_replace("\n", "<br>\n", $pname); $pname = str_replace("[code]", "<div style='padding: 10 10 10 10; margin: 10 10 10 10; border: 1px solid #43a1a1'>", $pname); $pname = str_replace("[quote]", "<div style='background:#eee; padding: 10 10 10 10; margin: 10 10 10 10; border: 1px solid #aaa'> [b] QUOTE [/b]", $pname); $pname = str_replace("[b]", "<font style='font-weight:bold'>", $pname); $pname = str_replace("[/b]", "</font>", $pname); $pname = str_replace("[/code]", "</div>", $pname); $pname = str_replace("[/quote]", "</div>", $pname); $pname = "<table width=100% style='background:white;padding:20 20 20 20; margin: 8 8 8 8 ;border: 1px solid grey;' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td > {$pname} </td> </tr> </table> "; } print "<td {$bgcolorstring} class=collist {$wrapstr} align={$align} > {$pname} </td> "; //print("<td class=collist $wrapstr align=$align onClick=\"javascript:getElementById('input$oname$name').type='text'; getElementById('font$oname$name').style.display='none'\"> <input \"style=width:60\" id=input$oname$name type=hidden name=hello value=$pname> <font id=font$oname$name> $pname </font> </td> "); } } }
function updateform($subaction, $param) { $vlist['made_by'] = array('M', $this->getParentName('made_by')); $vlist['subject'] = array('M', Htmllib::fix_lt_gt($this->subject)); $vlist['ddate'] = array('M', lxgettime($this->ddate)); if ($this->getParentO()->getClName() === $this->made_by) { $sent = $this->convertClCmToNameCm($this->text_sent_to_cmlist); $vlist['text_sent_to_cmlist'] = array('M', $sent); } else { $sent = $this->getParentO()->nname; } $vlist['text_description'] = array('t', null); if (!$this->isRightParent()) { $vlist['__v_button'] = array(); } return $vlist; }